Purchaser’s License
PlanPlus is protected by copyright law and international copyright treaty. The enclosed computer program
(software) is licensed, not sold, to you. You may not decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, reduce or
otherwise attempt to discover any source code, underlying ideas, algorithms, file formats or programming
interfaces of the software. Except as provided in this license, you may not transfer, rent, lease, lend, copy, modify,
translate, sublicense, re-sell for profit, time-share, or electronically transmit or receive this software, media, or
You may copy this software onto a computer for personal use and you may make an archive copy for the sole
purpose of protecting your investment from loss. As an express condition of this license, you must reproduce on
each copy the copyright notice as it appears on the original software supplied by FranklinCovey.
PlanPlus has the capability to be used by more than one person on the same computer. The intent of this feature
is to provide added functionality for a small group of people (such as a family) to maintain separate databases
within one copy of the software. This does not allow members of the group to make copies of the software
(except for archive and personal purposes as described within this manual.) Copying this software to make it
available for use by more than one person is illegal and will terminate this license.
Each person using PlanPlus must purchase a separate software package unless they intend to work within the
capabilities of the multiple user feature.
Transferring the Software
You may legally transfer all of your rights to use this software to another person provided you also transfer all
copies of the software, diskettes or CD-ROM, and documentation (including this license agreement).
Remember, by transferring your right to another person, you no longer have any right to use it. The person to
whom this software is transferred may legally use it in accordance with copyright law, international treaty, and
this license agreement.
Upgrades and the original version of the software constitute a single product. The original version and upgraded
software may not be copied for use by two different people at the same time and may not be transferred
You agree that neither the software nor any direct product thereof will be transferred or re-exported, directly or
indirectly, into any country prohibited by the U.S. Export Administration Act and its regulations or will be used
for any purpose prohibited by the Act.
Limited Warranty
PlanPlus and accompanying physical media is warranted to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for
thirty days from the purchase date. If FranklinCovey receives written notification within the warranty period of
defects in materials or workmanship, FranklinCovey will replace the defective media or documentation.
If the software was purchased from a retail store, then return the Software and accompanying items to that store
within 30 days of purchase with a dated receipt for a full refund. If you purchased the Software directly from
FranklinCovey, contact FranklinCovey and return it with the same information to FranklinCovey, Attn: Returns
Department, 2580 South Decker Lake Blvd., Salt Lake City, UT 84119-2331. If FranklinCovey does not
receive notice within 30 days of purchase, it will be assumed that the program is operating in a satisfactory
manner and that you wish to keep the program and be bound by the terms and conditions of this license.
Specifically, FranklinCovey makes no representation or warranty that the software or documentation are errorfree or meet any user’s particular standards, requirements, or needs.
Other than the above mentioned guarantee and support, this program and accompanying media and
documentation are provided “as is,” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but
not limited to the implied warranties of performance, merchantability, and fitness for a particular purpose. The
entire risk as to the quality and performance of the program is assumed by you. Should the program prove
defective after the trial period, you (and not FranklinCovey) assume the entire cost of all necessary servicing,
repair, or correction. In no event will FranklinCovey be liable for any damages, including lost profits, lost
savings, or other incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use this program.
Termination of This License
This license will terminate immediately, without notice from FranklinCovey, if you fail to comply with any of
its provisions. Upon termination of this license, you must destroy all copies of the software. You may terminate
this license by doing so at any time.
FranklinCovey reserves all rights not specifically granted to the user in this statement.
All other brand and product names mentioned in this manual are trademarks of their respective companies.
Companies, names and data used in examples herein are fictitious unless otherwise noted.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Welcome to PlanPlus from FranklinCovey . . . . . . . 11
PlanPlus is a set of powerful tools that lets you use Microsoft Outlook and your Palm Powered
handheld computer or PocketPC to take advantage of the time- and life-management
principles taught in FranklinCovey training seminars.
Whether you are an individual or corporate user, PlanPlus from FranklinCovey will help you
use the productivity tools you are already very familiar with to focus your time and energy on
what matters most ... to you.
What’s Installed with PlanPlus
When you install PlanPlus, your Outlook installation is modified to give you additional
The following modules and features are installed with PlanPlus:
Welcome to PlanPlus from
■ PlanPlus Toolbar. The PlanPlus Toolbar gives you quick access to all PlanPlus modules and
■ Mission/Values. The Mission/Values module allows you to enter your Values and Mission.
A Wizard is available to step you through the process of discovering your own Values and
■ Goals. In the Goals module, you can enter “dreams with deadlines” based on your Values
and Mission. A Wizard is also available to step you through the Goals development process.
■ Weekly Planning. The Weekly Planning module gives you “the perspective of the week” in
ensuring that you schedule what matters most, first. A Weekly Planning Wizard is available
to help you better understand the Weekly Planning process.
■ Compass. The Compass helps you focus on your key roles and relationships. Use the
Wizard to help you better understand how to create a Compass.
■ “Coach Me.” You can quickly and easily access Help from within any PlanPlus module to
show you how to use the module, and why it is important.
■ PlanPlus Resources. In the online Help system, there are Resources for each of the PlanPlus
modules, including articles and other tutorials that will help you use PlanPlus to achieve
what matters most.
■ More Printing Options. PlanPlus includes the capability of printing your tasks,
appointments, and other PlanPlus information (such as Mission/Values and Goals) on plain
paper or FranklinCovey Perf-Fit forms.
Welcome to PlanPlus from FranklinCovey
How do I get around in PlanPlus?
Toolbar and Shortcuts
When you install PlanPlus, you get an additional toolbar and a list of shortcuts to make it each
to access PlanPlus features from within Outlook.
The PlanPlus Toolbar normally appears just underneath the Outlook toolbar, and lets you
access PlanPlus features with a single click.
Click an option on the PlanPlus toolbar to access the feature
Shortcut Bar
The PlanPlus Shortcut Bar appears on the left edge of the screen, and also lets you access the
PlanPlus modules.
You can also access PlanPlus features
from the Shortcut Bar
The Home Page and the Today Page
The Home and Today pages are two different ways of displaying PlanPlus information in
conjunction with your important Outlook information.
How do I get around in PlanPlus?
Home Page
The basic PlanPlus Home Page shows you your schedule, your Prioritized Tasks (both Daily
and Master Tasks), your Inbox or Daily Record, and several options for managing your
You can access the PlanPlus modules
from the PlanPlus Toolbar ...
... or from the
PlanPlus shortcut
You can view
appointments for
today or any
other day
Choose to view either your Daily
Record or your Inbox (or another
Outlook folder)
Manage your Daily and Master
Tasks from the TaskPad display
See ”PlanPlus Home” on page 79 for more information on how to use the Home page.
Today Page
The Today Page gives you a “snapshot” of your schedule and tasks for the day.
See ”PlanPlus Today” on page 75 for more information on how to use the Today page.
Welcome to PlanPlus from FranklinCovey
PlanPlus Today gives you a different kind of “snapshot” of your appointments and tasks for the
For more information about the Today Page, see
In short, if you are familiar with Outlook, you’ll be able to get around easily in PlanPlus.
What Happened to my Governing Values, Personal Mission
Statement, Long-Range Goals, and Roles?
If you’re a veteran FranklinCovey user, you should know that PlanPlus handles values, missions,
goals, and roles a little differently than what you’re accustomed to.
■ Values and Mission. Values and Mission are now entered in the Mission/Values module
rather than separate Governing Values and Personal Mission modules. We recommend you
create an item called Values in the Mission/Values module, and enter your governing values
(with clarifying statements) at that location.
■ Goals. The Long-Range Goals module of FranklinCovey Planning Software for Windows
and Outlook has been replaced by the Goals module in PlanPlus. Refer to ”How do I
identify a Goal?” on page 97 for information on how to use the new feature.
■ Roles. There is no longer a separate Roles module in PlanPlus, as there was in
FranklinCovey Planning Software for Windows and Outlook. However, you can still enter
your Roles on your Compass (see “Schedule Compass” on page 121).
For FranklinCovey Planning Software Users
Converting FranklinCovey Planning Software Information
If you are a FranklinCovey Planning Software user (formerly called FranklinPlanner Software
for Windows), you can convert your data to a format useable by PlanPlus for Outlook.
During PlanPlus installation, you are given the option to convert FranklinCovey Planning
Software data. Choose Yes when prompted, and the data is automatically converted and loaded
into Outlook.
... and if you use a Palm OS Device
If you have been synchronizing your Palm OS device with FranklinCovey Planning Software,
and if you have tasks, appointments, contacts, and notes in Outlook, you could end up with
many duplicates of your information in both Outlook and on your Palm OS device the first
time you synchronize after installing PlanPlus.
To prevent this duplication, follow the instructions in ”Special Instructions for Palm OS
Device Users” on page 26.
For FranklinPlanner for Outlook Users
For Palm OS Device Users
For FranklinPlanner for Outlook Users
For PocketPC Users
Getting More Help
You have several options for getting the help you need when using PlanPlus.
For a detailed overview of Help options, see ”Getting Help” on page 185.
“Coach Me”
Within every PlanPlus module is button labeled “Coach Me.” The Coach Me button is a link
to the online Help system which will take you to information about that specific PlanPlus
Welcome to PlanPlus from FranklinCovey
For example, if you are working in the Compass module and want to understand a little more
about the Compass, such as why it is important to use it, you can click Coach Me and a screen
will appear that looks like this:
From this main Compass Help screen, you can click buttons and links to give you more
■ Compass Wizard. This button will let you access a Wizard to help you build your Compass.
■ Back to Welcome. This button takes you to the “Welcome to PlanPlus” screen in the Help
■ Feature Buttons. You can click any of the features at the top of the screen (Home, Goals,
Compass, Weekly Planning, etc.) to jump to information about the different features of
■ Why use the Compass? Click this link to see why creating a Compass is important.
■ How to use the Compass. When you click this link, you will see instructions for how to
use the Compass feature of PlanPlus to create your own weekly Compass.
■ Compass Examples. This link takes you to several examples of the Compass to help you
build your own.
■ Frequently Asked Questions. This link gives you quick access to a list of Frequently Asked
Questions about the Compass feature.
■ Compass Resources. Click this link to see and access a list of resources to help you better
■ Compass Thoughts. You can follow this link to see several quotes and questions to help you
Use the Manual
This manual contains detailed instructions on how to use all the features of PlanPlus, how they
relate to the What Matters Most™ process, and in approximately the order you would expect
to use them.
■ “Installation.” This chapter gives step-by-step instructions on how to install and configure
■ “Getting Help.” Everybody can use a little help sometimes. This chapter gives you a variety
■ “The Basics of PlanPlus.” Later chapters address the various pieces of PlanPlus, while this
Getting More Help
understand your key roles and relationships, and why you should create a Compass to help
you focus on them.
as you think about your roles, relationships, and creating a Compass to help you strengthen
of options for answering your questions about PlanPlus.
chapter gives you an overview of how they fit together.
■ “PlanPlus Home.” The PlanPlus Home screen is your starting point in PlanPlus. From the
PlanPlus Home screen, you access standard Outlook features as well as the full set of
FranklinCovey add-on features.
■ “Mission and Values.” If you’re a FranklinCovey veteran, this is where you put both your
Values and Mission information, part of the Discover phase of the What Matters Most
■ “Goals.” The Goals feature helps you start focusing your effort on what matters most to
you, by writing down “dreams with deadlines.”
■ “Weekly Planning.” This chapter shows you how to plan your week so that you schedule
what matters most, first.
■ “Compass.” Life is about more than what you think is important ... its also about who you
think is important. The Compass helps you focus on these key roles and relationships.
■ “Using PlanPlus with your Palm OS Device.” FranklinCovey has developed a set of
applications for your Palm Powered handheld that let you manage your information on
your desktop computer, then synchronize it with your Palm Powered handheld to keep with
you at all times.
■ “Using PlanPlus with your Pocket PC.” With ActiveSync technology, most of the
information in your Outlook desktop transfers directly to your PocketPC.
Most chapters of this Manual and most sections of the online Help system (see “Coach Me” on
page 15) feature a Resources section that gives you in-depth background information about
why that feature is important in helping you discover, plan, or act according to what matters
most ... to you.
Welcome to PlanPlus from FranklinCovey
Get Started!
The next chapter tells you how to install PlanPlus, and the chapter after that tells you how to
start using PlanPlus to help you accomplish what matters most to you.
So, go ahead and get started!
Not only can you install and use PlanPlus with Outlook on your desktop computer, but you
can also install applications on your handheld computer (Palm Powered or Pocket PC) to take
the power of PlanPlus wherever you go.
This chapter gives you some important information that you should know before installing
PlanPlus, then explains how to install PlanPlus on your desktop computer and your handheld
computer (if you have one).
System Requirements
Desktop Computer
To install and use PlanPlus on your desktop computer, your desktop computer hardware and
software must meet the following minimum specifications:
■ Pentium 133MHz or higher
■ Memory.
■ 185MB (minimum) available hard disk space
■ Windows 98, 98SE, ME, NT 4.0 (w/SP6), 2000 Professional, XP
■ CD-ROM drive
■ Super VGA (800 x 600) or higher resolution monitor with 256 colors
■ Microsoft mouse, Intellimouse, or compatible pointing device
NOTE PlanPlus is not compatible with any non-Windows system.
■ Microsoft Outlook 2000 and 2002 (XP)
NOTE PlanPlus is not compatible with Outlook 97, Outlook 98, or Outlook for Mac.
Palm OS Devices
■ To install use PlanPlus for Palm OS, your Palm OS device must be running Palm OS 3.5
■ The basic applications in PlanPlus for Palm OS take about 400K of memory on your Palm
– Windows 98 or 98SE — 64 MB RAM
– Windows ME or NT — 64 MB RAM
– Windows 2000 Professional or XP — 72 MB RAM
or later.
OS device. Depending on how much information you store in the applications, this
number can certainly go up.
Pocket PC
■ To use PlanPlus for Pocket PC applications, you must have a Pocket PC running Windows
CE 2002 or higher.
Before You Begin
Handheld Computers
Whether you are using a Palm OS device or a Pocket PC, we recommend you synchronize your
handheld computer before installing PlanPlus. Failure to do this may result in irregularities
during installation of PlanPlus on your handheld computer.
Palm OS Devices
Before installing PlanPlus for Palm OS, you must already have a HotSync connection
established between your Palm OS device and your desktop computer (using PocketMirror,
Intellisync, Palm Desktop Software, FranklinCovey Planning Software, or another
connection). PlanPlus for Palm OS does not install HotSync Manager and conduits “from
scratch” but upgrades your existing conduits to communicate with PlanPlus on your desktop
Pocket PC
Before installing PlanPlus for Pocket PC applications, you must have already synchronized
your Pocket PC with your desktop computer, using ActiveSync 3.1 or higher.
For FranklinCovey Planning Software Users
■ If you are using FranklinCovey Planning Software for Windows (or Franklin Planner
Software for Windows), you will have the opportunity to convert your FranklinCovey
Planning Software data during PlanPlus installation.
■ We recommend you make a backup copy of your FranklinCovey Planning Software data
before installing PlanPlus and converting your FranklinCovey Planning Software data.
■ See ”Special Instructions for Palm OS Device Users” on page 26 for information on
avoiding duplicate records when you synchronize your Palm OS device after installing
Installing PlanPlus
Installation Overview
Installation of PlanPlus occurs in five major steps:
■ PlanPlus for Outlook Installation. When you insert the installation CD, you are given
several options for installation, and specify locations for installation of particular files and
features. You can, of course, simply accept the default values.
– During this step, you specify whether you want to install PlanPlus for Palm OS and/or
PlanPlus for PocketPC.
■ Computer Restart. Following installation for PlanPlus, you must restart your computer in
order to use PlanPlus (and in order to continue installation of PlanPlus for your handheld
computer, if you specified that option during installation).
■ PlanPlus for Palm OS Installation. Following computer restart, if you chose to install
PlanPlus for Palm OS, the installation program for PlanPlus for Palm OS is started and
installs the necessary files.
■ PlanPlus for Pocket PC Installation. Following computer restart, if you chose to install
PlanPlus for PocketPC, the installation program for PlanPlus for PocketPC is started and
installs the necessary files.
■ Handheld Synchronization. After installing PlanPlus for your handheld computer, you
must synch ronize your handheld co mpu ter with Plan Pl us on your deskto p c omputer. In the
case of Palm OS devices, you will have to synchronize twice — once to install the PlanPlus
applications on your handheld computer, and once to synchronize the information.
Installation Procedure
1. To begin installing PlanPlus, insert the installation CD into your CD-ROM drive.
2. The PlanPlus Installation Screen appears.
Installing PlanPlus
NOTE If the installation screen does not automatically appear, choose Start | Run
from your Windows taskbar, then navigate to the CD-ROM drive and choose the
Autorun file.
3. In the Installation screen, you have several options. Select an option by clicking it.
– Install PlanPlus. Click this option to install PlanPlus (the installation instructions in
this section apply to installing PlanPlus).
– Product Information. Click this option to see a brief description of PlanPlus and what
it can do for you.
– Palm Install. If you have already installed PlanPlus but did not install support for your
Palm OS device, you can use this option to install PlanPlus for Palm OS devices (you
don’t need to use this option if you are installing PlanPlus on your desktop for the first
– PocketPC Install. If you have already installed PlanPlus but did not install support for
your PocketPC, you can use this option to install PlanPlus for PocketPC (you don’t need
to use this option if you are installing PlanPlus on your desktop for the first time).
– Acrobat Reader. Click this icon to install Adobe Acrobat Reader on your system (if you
do not have it on your system already). You need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the
online documentation for PlanPlus.
4. Click Install PlanPlus. The Welcome to PlanPlus Installation screen appears.
5. The Welcome screen features two warnings, one for users of handheld devices, and a
warning for users of Outlook in Corporate or Workgroup mode.
– If you have one or more handheld devices, you must synchronize them prior to
IMPORTANT Synchronization is an important step! Besides backing up your data on
your handheld computer, synchronization confirms the link between your desktop
computer and your handheld computer, which is critical for proper installation of
PlanPlus for your handheld computer.
– If you use Outlook in Corporate or Workgroup mode you must be connected to the
Exchange server before installing PlanPlus.
6. Click Next to continue. The PlanPlus License Agreement appears.
7. Click Ye s or No to indicate whether you accept the License Agreement.
–If you click No, the installation will terminate.
Installing PlanPlus
– Click Ye s to continue installation.
8. The Customer Information screen appears.
9. You are prompted to enter the following information. Click Next when you are ready to
–User Name
–Company Name
– Serial Number
NOTE You will not be able to install PlanPlus without a valid serial number.
10. The Choose Default Location screen appears.
– To change the default folder, click Browse and navigate to the desired folder.
– To accept the folder and continue, click Next.
11. The Select Components screen appears.
12. In the Setup Type screen, you can select a combination of three options.
– PlanPlus Palm OS Device Components
– PlanPlus PocketPC Components
– PlanPlus Desktop Components
Check the options you wish to install by clicking in the appropriate boxes.
Installing PlanPlus
13. Click Next to continue. The Select Program Folder screen appears.
14. You can accept the default folder, type in a new folder name, or select from the list of
Existing Folders. Click Next to continue.
15. The Start Copying Files screen appears.
16. The Start Copying Files screen lists all the installation options you have selected.
–If you want to change any options, click Back.
– Click Next to continue
17. You will now see a screen that shows you the status of the installation, and indicates that
files are being installed.
18. When installation is complete, you are prompted to restart your computer. You can choose
to restart your computer immediately, or you can wait until later. However, you must restart
your computer before you can begin using PlanPlus.
After Restart
After you restart your computer, you will see a series of prompts that indicate that PlanPlus is
completing installation.
Palm OS or PocketPC Installation
If you selected support for Palm OS or PocketPC, the installation program(s) will start to
complete installation of PlanPlus for your handheld computer. Follow the prompts on the
screen to finish installation of PlanPlus for your handheld computer.
After installing handheld computer support, you must synchronize your handheld computer
with your desktop computer.
Special Instructions for Palm OS Device Users
In the case of Palm OS devices, before you synchronize, you need to take special care in order
to prevent duplication of records on your desktop and handheld computers.
IMPORTANT To prevent duplication of records on your Palm OS device, we
recommend the following procedure:
After Restart
1. After installing PlanPlus on your desktop, restarting your computer, and installing PlanPlus
for Palm OS, single-click the HotSync Manager icon in the Windows System Tray.
Single-click the HotSync Manager icon
2. From the pop-up menu, choose Custom.
When the pop-up menu
appear s, choose Custom
3. In the Custom screen, Select FC Daily Record by clicking it, then click Change.
Select FC Daily Record ...
... then click Change
4. In the screen that appears, select the Desktop overwrites handheld radio button, and click
Select Desktop overwrites
... then click OK
5. Depending on whether you have been using FranklinCovey Planning Software, or have
been synchronizing your Palm OS device with Palm Desktop Software or with Outlook
using PocketMirror or Intellisync (or another program), you must change different
conduits to prevent duplication of records.
■ For FranklinCovey Planning Software Users
– Make the change to Desktop overwrites handheld for the FC Daily Record, FC
Address Book and FC Datebook conduits. When you are finished, the Custom screen
should look like this (with your username, of course):
Note that only the following
conduits have been changed
to Desktop overwrites handheld:
FC Daily Record
FC Address Book
FC Datebook
■ For users of Palm Desktop, PocketMirror, Intellisync, or another Outlook-to-Palm-OS-
device synchronization solution
– Follow the instructions as shown above, but change all the FC conduits to Desktop
overwrites handheld. The resulting Custom screen will look something like this:
After Restart
Note that ALL FC conduits
have been changed to
Desktop overwrites
IMPORTANT After synchronizing twice (once to install applications, the second time to
transfer data), the conduits will automatically revert to the Synchronize option.
6. When you are finished making adjustments to the conduits, click Done.
7. Synchronize twice. The first synchronization installs the PlanPlus applications on your
Palm OS device, and the second synchronization transfers the information.
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