Franklin DMQ-1870 User Manual

English Dictionary
& Thesaurus
Advanced English Reference

License Agreement (U.S. only)

Limited Use License
All rights in the ELECTRONIC REFERENCE remain the property of FRANKLIN. Through your purchase, FRANKLIN grants you a personal and nonexclusive license to use this ELECTRONIC REFERENCE. You may not make any copies of the ELECTRONIC REFERENCE or of the data stored therein at the time of purchase, whether in electronic or print format. Such copying would be in violation of applicable copyright laws. Further, you may not modify, adapt, disassemble, decompile, translate, create derivative works of, or in any way reverse engineer the ELECTRONIC REFERENCE. You may not export or reexport, directly or indirectly, the ELECTRONIC REFERENCE without compliance with appropriate governmental regulations. The ELECTRONIC REFERENCE contains Franklin’s confidential and proprietary information which you agree to take adequate steps to protect from unauthorized disclosure or use. This license is effective until terminated by Franklin. This license terminates immediately without notice from FRANKLIN if you fail to comply with any provision of this license.

Table of Contents

Key Guide .................................................................4
Using the Special Features .....................................7
Replacing Batteries .................................................9
Installing Book Cards ............................................11
Selecting a Book ....................................................12
Using Function Keys in Book Cards ....................13
For Your Information .............................................14
Using the Main Menu .............................................15
Viewing a Demonstration or Tutorial....................18
Changing the Settings ...........................................19
Finding Dictionary Entries ....................................21
Hearing Words .......................................................24
Using the Thesaurus .............................................26
Using the Crossword Solver’s Dictionary ............28
Using the COBUILD Idioms Dictionary.................30
Highlighting Words ................................................32
Finding Letters in Words ......................................34
Searching Definitions ............................................36
Searching in Multiple Books ................................39
Using the Minidictionaries ....................................41
Finding Phrases and Idioms .................................42
Finding Crossword Indicators ..............................44
Finding Quotations ................................................46
Using My Vocabulary List .....................................48
Using the Learning Tools ......................................54
Using the Solvers ..................................................63
Playing The Games ...............................................68
Using the Clock .....................................................76
Using the Databank ...............................................78
Using the Calculator ..............................................82
Using the Metric Converter ...................................86
Using the Currency Converter .............................87
Transferring Words Between Books.....................89
Resetting Your Product .........................................90
Specifications ........................................................91
FCC Notice .............................................................92
Disclaimer of Warranties .......................................93
Limited Warranty (U.S. only) .................................93
Limited Warranty (EU and Switzerland)................95
Limited Warranty (outside U.S.,
EU and Switzerland)...............................................95

Key Guide

Soft Keys
Soft Key functions are represented by the labels displayed along the bottom of the screen. To perform a Soft Key function, press the unlabelled key at the top of the keyboard that corresponds to the label you want. These labels change to reflect the different functions available in the various books and exercises in this device.
For example, in the main menu, the following Soft Keys are available:
BOOKS Displays the Books menu. LEARN Displays the Learning menu. SOLVE Displays the Solvers menu. GAMES Displays the Games menu. SETUP Displays the Setup menu.
In the Organiser, the following Soft Keys are available:
Organiser Keys
CLOCK Goes to the clock. DATA Goes to the Databank menu. CALC Goes to the calculator. CONV Goes to the metric converter. CURR Goes to the currency converter.
Please refer to the specific topics in this User’s Guide to learn the function of any available Soft Keys.
Function Keys
Located on the top of the device, turns the product on or off.
Displays a help message. Goes to the main menu. Goes to the word
entry screen in any book that has one. Clears the calculator. In the metric converter and databank, goes to its main menu.
Backs up, erases a letter, or turns off the highlight at an entry.
Enters a word, selects an item, or begins a highlight in an entry.
Says a word. Goes to the Organiser: clock, databank,
calculator, metric converter and currency converter.
Goes to the main menu. Exits the book you were reading. At a word entry screen, types a ? to stand
for a letter in a word. At a menu, displays a menu item. At a dictionary entry, displays the headword. In games, reveals the word and forfeits the game.
Shifts to type capital letters. Shifts to allow prev, next, pg up, pg
down, and to type a hyphen (-). Types an underscore.
Combination Keys*
+ At a dictionary entry, pages up or down.
+ At a dictionary entry, displays the previous
or next entry.
+ At a menu, goes to the first or last menu
item. At an entry, goes to the start or end of the entry.
+ Speaks a definition. + Transfers a word between books.
+J Types a hyphen. +M Types an @.
+ Types an apostrophe. + Types a slash. + At a word entry screen, types an asterisk
to stand for a series of letters in a word. In games, gives a hint.
*Hold the first key while pressing the second.
Direction Keys
Move up ( ), down ( ), left ( ), or right ().
At menus and dictionary entries, pages down. At a word entry screen, types a space.

Using the Special Features

Your unit is equipped with several special features that many, but not all book cards use. To learn if you can use the special features with a particular book card, read its User’s Guide.
Function Keys
On/Off: Turns the unit on and off. Function Keys: Each of these keys corresponds to
the dictionary or organiser functions that appear directly above it on the screen.
Speaker: The speaker is located on the front of the unit. Headphone Jack: The headphone jack is designed for
3.5 mm, 35 ohm impedance stereo headphones. Caution: Monophonic headphones will not work with this unit.
Volume Control: The dial, located under the headphone jack, controls the volume of the speaker or headphones.
Headphone Jack
Battery Compartment
Book Card Slot
Volume Control
Serial Port
AC Adaptor Jack
Serial Port: Plug in a serial cable here to connect
your dictionary to your PC. AC Adaptor Jack: The AC/DC adaptor is in the 9 volt
range within a current range of 200 to 300 milli-amperes.
This symbol indicates that the inner core of the plug of an AC adaptor is negative and that the outer part of the plug is positive. If the symbol on your AC/DC adaptor does not match the above symbol, confirm its compatibility at its place of purchase.
Book Card Slot: The card slot is located on the back of the unit. It enables you to read electronic books purchased from and is compatible with most BOOKMAN and BMC cards.
Battery Compartment: The battery compartment is located on the back of the unit. It holds two AAA batteries.

Replacing Batteries

Your product is powered by two AAAbatteries. Follow these easy instructions to install or replace them. Please have the new batteries at hand before you remove the old ones.
1. Turn your product off and turn it over.
2. Lift the battery cover on the back of your unit by pushing up on the catch.
3. Remove the old batteries.
4. Install the batteries following the +/- markings in the battery compartment. Important: Be sure that the batteries are installed
correctly. Wrong polarity may damage the unit.
5. Replace the battery cover.
Warning: If the batteries wear-out completely or if
you take more than a few seconds while changing the batteries, any information that was entered in the built-in books may be erased. You should always keep written copies of your important information.
Battery disposal: Do not dispose of batteries with normal household waste. Please obey your local regulations when disposing of used batteries.
Battery Precautions
• Different types of batteries or new and used batteries should not be mixed.
• Non-rechargeable batteries are not to be re­charged. Never recharge batteries that come with the device.
• Rechargeable batteries are to be removed from the device before being charged.
• Rechargeable batteries are only to be charged under adult supervision.
• Only batteries of the same or equivalent type as recommended are to be used.
• The supply terminals are not to be short-circuited.
• Do not expose batteries to direct heat or try to take batteries apart. Follow the battery manufacturer’s instructions for battery use.
• Always remove a weak or dead battery from the device.
• To avoid damage caused by leakage of the battery fluid, replace the battery or batteries once every two years regardless of how much the device has been used during that time.
• Should a battery leak, the device may become damaged. Clean the battery compartment immediately, avoiding contact with your skin.
• Keep batteries out of reach of small children. If swallowed, consult a physician immediately.

Installing Book Cards

Your unit contains a built-in book. You can purchase more titles on book cards at To install a book card, follow these steps.
1. Turn your unit off and turn it over.
2. Remove the blank protector or any other book card that might be installed.
3. Align the tabs on the book card with the notches in the slot.
4. Press the book card down until it snaps into place.
Warning: Never install or remove a book card
while your unit is on. Any information that was entered in the built-in book or book card will be erased.

Selecting a Book

Once a book card is installed in the unit, you can select the book you want to use.
1. Turn your unit on.
2. Press CARD.
Icons appear for each available book. The built-in book is highlighted.
3. Press or to highlight your selection.
4. Press ENTER to select it.
5. Press CARD to return to the Card menu.
Book Card Troubleshooting
Make sure your book card is installed correctly. If your card is performing erratically, follow the reset instructions in “Resetting Your Product” on page
90. If this does not fix the problem, remove the card and then remove the white rubber strip located between the two metal pins. Clean the rubber strip with your fingers and then replace it making sure it is completely in its notch.
Using Function Keys
in Book Cards
The function keys appear at the top of the keyboard on your unit. These keys correspond in the order listed to the dictionary and organizer keys at the bottom of the screen. The dictionary function keys change with the book card. The organizer function keys are unaffected. Note: Once you access the organizer from a book card, you will exit the book card. You must press CARD and select your book card to return to it.
The function keys on your unit correspond to the function keys on your card as illustrated below.
Function keys on unit
Function keys on book card
This key may not be assigned a function when using a book card.

For Your Information

Follow the Arrows
The flashing arrows on the right of the screen show which arrow keys you can press to move around menus or view more text.
Help is Always at Hand
You can view a help message at any screen by pressing HELP. Press or to read. To exit help, press BACK.
About Screen Illustrations
Some screen illustrations in this User’s Guide may differ slightly from what you see on screen. This does not mean that your unit is malfunctioning.

Using the Main Menu

Use the main menu to quickly take you to different books, tools and exercises in your device. The main menu contains five tabs: Books, Learning, Solvers, Games and Setup. Use and to move to another tab. Use and to highlight the option you want and press ENTER to select it. You can also go directly to a tab by pressing the tab’s respective Soft Key.
Understanding the Menus
The Books tab enables you to look up definitions, thesaurus entries, and crossword solutions. You can use the Minidictionaries to find definitions by topic. You can also look up crossword puzzle clues, famous quotes, and common phrases and idioms. Search definitions for words using the Definition Search or search the Collins Desktop Plus, the Collins Concise Thesaurus, the Crossword Solver’s Dictionary, and the COBUILD Idioms Dictionary at once using the Multibook Search.
The Learning tab enables you to access My
Vocabulary List, Spelling Bee, Speaking Spelling Bee, Flashcards, Keyboard Wizard and grammar quizzes.
You can also access a variety of additional material for information about different language tools and writing tips, techniques and suggestions. You can try Spelling Bee, Speaking Spelling Bee and Flashcards using words saved to My Vocabulary List and those found in the dictionary.
The Solvers tab allows you to access Anagram Solver, Crossword Solver, and Word Builder. Use these tools to help you find words used in crossword puzzles and other word games.
The Games tab allows you to access the thirteen games included in your device: Anagram Game,
Antonym Game, Hangman, Letris, Letter Poker, Synonym Game, Word Blaster, Word Deduction, Word Train, 1 and 2 player Link Four and 1 and 2
player Noughts & Crosses. You can also adjust the game settings.
The Setup tab allows you to access a demonstration and tutorial of how this device works. You can also adjust the device settings.
Viewing a Demonstration
or Tutorial
1. Press MENU.
2. Press SETUP.
You can also press or until you reach the Setup menu.
3. Press to highlight either Tutorial or View Demo and press ENTER.
To stop the demonstration or exit from the Tutorial and return to the Setup menu, press CLEAR.

Changing the Settings

When using this device, you can activate the Learn a Word feature, adjust the screen contrast, the shutoff
time, and the type size.
1. Press MENU.
2. Press SETUP.
You can also press or until you reach the Setup menu.
3. Settings will be highlighted. Press ENTER to select it.
4. Press or to move to Learn a Word, Contrast, Shutoff, or Type Size.
Learn a Word determines whether or not you see a word every time you turn on your device.
Contrast determines how dark or light the screen is.
Shutoff determines how long your product stays on if no key is pressed.
Type Size determines how large or small the text is in this device.
5. Press or to change the setting.
Your changes are automatically saved.
6. Press ENTER when done.
Press CLEAR to return to the Setup menu.
Learn a New Word
Your dictionary comes with a Learn a Word feature to help you increase your vocabulary. Each time you turn your dictionary on, you can see a random headword.

Finding Dictionary Entries

Use the Collins Desktop Plus to look up definitions.
1. Press MENU.
2. Press BOOKS.
3. Use or to highlight Collins Desktop Plus, then press ENTER.
4. Type a word (e.g., crash).
To erase a letter, press BACK. To type a capital, hold CAP and press a letter key.
To type a hyphen, hold FN and press J. Press to hear the word you typed pronounced.
5. Press ENTER to view the definition.
Press SPACE or to scroll. Press to hear the headword pronounced.
Hold FN and press to hear the definition read.
6. Hold FN and press or to view the next or previous definition.
7. Press CLEAR when done. Press MENU to go to the main menu.
Understanding Definitions
Entries may consist of headwords, pronunciation information, parts of speech, definitions, and etymology. Other forms of the word may follow the headword. After the definition, you may see usage examples.
Misspelling Words
If you enter a misspelt word, a list of corrections appears. Highlight the word you want and then press ENTER to see its entry.
Second-level Spell Correction
Your device comes with a second-level spell correction feature. This feature allows you to generate a list of spelling corrections based on an already correctly spelt word. When second-level spell correction is available, the SPELL Soft Key label appears. The SPELL Soft Key is available in correction lists and dictionary entries. Press SPELL to see a list of other words you might be looking for.
Choosing Multiple Forms
Some words in the dictionaries have more than one form (e.g. resume, résumé). When the word you are looking up has multiple forms, the different forms appear in a list.
Simply highlight the form you want and press ENTER to see its entry. For example, select Collins Desktop Plus from the Books menu, then type resume at the word entry screen and press
ENTER. Highlight the form you want and press ENTER to see its entry. To go back to the Multiple Forms list, press BACK.
Understanding Confusables
Confusables are homonyms, homophones and spelling variants that are easy to confuse, e.g. rain, reign, rein. If the word you looked up is a confusable, the CONF Soft Key is displayed. Press CONF to view the confusables.

Hearing Words

This dictionary can pronounce the words that appear on almost any screen - in definitions, thesaurus entries, spell correction lists, My Vocabulary List, Confusables and games. When you want to hear how a word is pronounced, just highlight it and press .
To adjust the volume, turn the volume control on the side of the unit. You can plug headphones into the headphone jack which is just above the volume control. Try this example.
1. Type a word at the dictionary Word Entry screen (for example, ptarmigan).
2. Press to hear it pronounced.
3. Press ENTER to see its definition.
4. Press to hear the headword pronounced or hold FN and press to hear the definition read.
5. Press ENTER for a highlight.
6. Move the highlight to a word you want to hear.
7. Press to hear the highlighted word pronounced.
Note: If you have a word highlighted, you will not
be able to hear the definition read by holding FN and pressing .

Using the Thesaurus

Use the Collins Concise Thesaurus to find synonyms, antonyms and other information about a word.
1. Press MENU.
2. Press BOOKS.
3. Use or to highlight Collins Concise Thesaurus, then press ENTER.
4. Type a word (e.g., complete).
To erase a letter, press BACK. To type a capital, hold CAP and press a letter key.
To type a hyphen, hold FN and press J. Press to hear the word you typed pronounced.
5. Press ENTER to view the thesaurus entry.
Press SPACE or to scroll. Press to hear the headword pronounced.
Hold FN and press to hear the entry read.
6. Hold FN and press or to view the next or previous entry, if available.
7. Press CLEAR when done. Press MENU to go to the main menu.
Understanding Thesaurus Entries
A thesaurus entry is organized by part of speech and definition sense. Each sense consists of a group of synonyms. Synonyms are words that have similar meanings, e.g. complete/whole. Some senses contain usage examples to clarify the sense in which the word is used. Also, some senses include antonyms. Antonyms are words that have the opposite meaning of the word being defined, e.g. complete/partial.
Note: Some entries contain links at the bottom of their entries to tables and subject lists. Highlight the title and press ENTER to view the information.
Using the Crossword
Solver’s Dictionary
Use the Crossword Solver’s Dictionary to find solutions to crossword puzzle clues.
1. Press MENU.
2. Press BOOKS.
3. Use or to highlight Crossword Solver’s Dict., then press ENTER.
4. Type a word (e.g., friend).
To erase a letter, press BACK.
To type a capital, hold CAP and press a letter key. To type a hyphen, hold FN and press J.
Press to hear the word you typed pronounced.
5. Press ENTER to view the entry.
Press SPACE or to scroll. Press to hear the headword pronounced.
Hold FN and press to hear the entry read.
6. Hold FN and press or to view the next or previous entry, if available.
7. Press CLEAR when done. Press MENU to go to the main menu.
Understanding Crossword Dictionary
A crossword dictionary entry is a list of words organized by the length of the word. So if you are looking for a 4 letter word for “friend”, you can go immediately to that area of the entry and select from “ally”, “chum” or “mate”.
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