Franklin CWM-108 User Manual

User’s Guide
Limited Use License
All rights in the ELECTRONIC REFERENCE remain the property of FRANKLIN. Through your purchase, FRANKLIN grants you a personal and nonexclusive license to use this ELECTRONIC REFERENCE. You may not make any copies of the ELECTRONIC REFERENCE or of the data stored therein, whether in electronic or print format. Such copying would be in violation of applicable copyright laws. Further, you may not modify, adapt, disassemble, decom­pile, translate, create derivative works of, or in any way reverse engineer the ELECTRONIC REFERENCE. You may not export or reexport, directly or indirectly, the ELEC­TRONIC REFERENCE without compliance with appropri­ate governmental regulations. The ELECTRONIC REFER­ENCE contains Franklin’s confidential and proprietary infor­mation which you agree to take adequate steps to protect from unauthorized disclosure or use. This license is effec­tive until terminated. This license terminates immediately without notice from FRANKLIN if you fail to comply with any provision of this license.

License Agreement

With your new Crossword Puzzle Solver you can …
• find possible crossword answers when you know only a few letters
• find synonyms, antonyms and Classmates
, at the
touch of a key
• check the spelling of thousands of words
• play ten fun word games
• look up Confusables
• save words for study
• store names and numbers in the databank
• use the handy calculator and metric and currency converters
Getting Started
Turn the device over and gently pull the battery insulation sheet to remove it. Press to turn the product on. Use a paper clip to gently press the Reset button on the back of the device.
Viewing the Demo
When you first use this product you will see a demon­stration of what it can do. To stop the demo, press
CLEAR. To disable or re-enable the demo, first press SPELL, then press ✽✽D and finally press ENTER.


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Function Keys
XWORD In the spelling corrector, types a ? to
stand for one unknown letter. Use this to help solve Crossword Puzzles. Shows Confusables
for words marked with a flashing . In games, reveals the game word and ends the round.
In the spelling corrector, types a to stand
for a series of letters. In the databank, deletes an entry. In games, gives a hint.
THES Displays a thesaurus entry, a list of
alternative words with the same meaning. In a thesaurus entry, goes to the next entry, if any.
SPELL Goes to the spelling corrector mode and
displays the “ENTER a word” screen.
LIST Goes to the User List. GAMES Goes to the Games menu.
Toggles between the calculator and the databank (phone list). Press Z in the calculator to go to the converter.
CLEAR Clears to the start of the selected mode. ENTER Enters words or numbers, selects
items or scrolls text to the left.
BACK Goes back one step or erases a letter.
Turns Crossword Puzzle Solver on or off.

Key Guide

Direction Keys
Moves left or lets you edit a word. Moves right or types a space. Enters a capital or adds an accent to
a letter. Scrolls up a list or darkens the screen contrast at the “ENTER a word” screen.
Scrolls down a list or lightens the screen contrast at the “ENTER a word” screen. Enters a period in the databank.
Resuming Where You Left Off
To extend battery life, Crossword Puzzle Solver will automatically shut off within two minutes if you forget to turn it off. When you turn it on again, you return to the last screen you viewed.
Adjusting Screen Contrast
You can make the screen lighter or darker when “ENTER a word” is on the screen. Press SPELL. Use or to make the screen darker or lighter. You can do this at this screen only.
Key Guide
The Crossword Puzzle Solver uses question marks (entered via XWORD) and asterisks () to find parts of words. Each question mark stands for any single letter. Each asterisk stands for any series of letters.
You can use question marks to help solve crossword puzzles and similar word games by typing them in place of missing letters.
1. Press SPELL.
2. Type a word with ?s and s in it. For example,
type sc?o
Press XWORD to enter a ?.
3. Press ENTER.
A list of words matching the pattern you entered appears.
If Crossword Puzzle Solver cannot find words that match the pattern you entered, Sorry can’t help appears.
4. Press and to move up and down the list of matches (if any).
5. Press CLEAR when finished.

Solving Crossword Puzzles

+ 14 hidden pages