Franklin COL-2010 User Manual

Electronic Publishers
User’s Guide


Welcome to the world of BOOKMAN!
Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dic-
tionary, Tenth Edition
definitions, including biographical and geographical names. The list of tables contains useful information on subjects such as world moneys, chemical ele­ments, and more. You can find a word’s inflected forms at the touch of a key and
has over 500,000
also correct misspellings, save words to your User List, and play five fun, educa­tional word games.
A list of the abbreviations used in this dictionary can be found on pages 18-21.
Use your BOOKMAN to read this cartridge. See “Installing Cartridges” to learn how.
Using BOOKMAN .......................................................... 3
Using this Dictionary ..................................................... 7
Appendices ................................................................... 17

Key Guide

Function Keys
Clears to
Shows the dictionary’s word
Enter a word
list and Setup menu.
(red) Shows inflected forms.
(green) Shows the Tables list.
(yellow) Shows the Games menu.
(blue) Shows the User list menu.
Exits the selected book.
Turns BOOKMAN on or off.
Other Keys
Backs up, erases letters, or stops a highlight.
Shifts keys.
Enters a search, selects a menu item, or starts a highlight.
Shows a help message.
Types a space or pages down.
Types a ? to stand for an
unknown letter in a word; shifted, types an for a series of unknown letters.
to stand
Direction Keys
Move in indicated direction.
Page up or down.
Star Key Combinations*
Sends a word between books.
Shows the next headword. Shows the previous
+ Q... Shifts the top row of
letters to type numbers.
Hold ✩ while pressing the other key.
Understanding the Color Keys
The color keys (red, green, yellow, and blue) perform the functions listed above only for the BOOKMAN book described in this User’s Guide.
Other books have their own color key functions, which are labelled on their cartridges and listed in their User’s Guides. For more informa­tion, read “Using the Color Keys.”


Once this dictionary cartridge is in­stalled, you’re ready to start using BOOKMAN. This section shows you how to install a cartridge and how to select which book you want to use. It explains how to adjust the screen con­trast, type size, and the automatic shut­off time.
You can watch an automatic demon­stration of the main features of this dic­tionary and learn how to get help at the touch of a key.
Installing Batteries ........................................................ 4
Installing Cartridges ...................................................... 4
Selecting Books ............................................................ 5
Using the Color Keys ..................................................... 5
Changing Settings ......................................................... 6
Viewing a Demonstration .............................................. 6

Installing Cartridges

Selecting Books

Warning: Never install or remove a cartridge when BOOKMAN is on. If you do, information that you entered in its built-in book and in an installed cartridge will be erased.
1. Turn BOOKMAN off.
2. Turn BOOKMAN over.
3. Align the tabs on the book cartridge with the notches in the slot.
4. Press the cartridge until it snaps into place.
Removing Cartridges
Warning: When you remove a book cartridge to install another, information that you entered in the removed cartridge will be erased.
Once you have installed a book car­tridge in your BOOKMAN, you must select which book you want to use.
1. Turn BOOKMAN on.
2. Press
These are sample books.
3. Press or to highlight the book you want to use.
4. Press
Resuming Where You Left Off
to select it.
You can turn off BOOKMAN at any screen. When you turn BOOKMAN on again, the screen that you last viewed appears.

Using the Color Keys

Changing Settings

The red, green, yellow, and blue keys on your BOOKMAN change functions ac­cording to which book is selected.
When the built-in book is selected, the color keys function as labelled on the BOOKMAN keyboard. When a book cartridge is selected, the color keys function as labelled on that cartridge.
Remember, the color keys for BOOK­MAN books in cartridges function as labelled on their cartridges, not as on the keyboard.
You can adjust the font size, shutoff time, and screen contrast. The font size changes the number of lines of text that appear on screen. The shut­off time is how long BOOKMAN stays on if you forget to turn it off.
1. Press
2. Press
or to highlight the
Setup menu.
3. Highlight Change Font, Set Shutoff or Set Contrast.
4. Press
to select it.
5. Highlight a setting.
Or press or if you selected
Set Contrast
6. Press
to select it.
To exit without changing settings,

Viewing a Demonstration

Tips for Beginners

Before you start using this book, you can view a demonstration of its fea­tures and functionality.
Once you have installed and selected this cartridge, follow these steps:
1. Press
2. Press
or to highlight the
Setup menu.
3. Press to highlight View Demo.
4. Press
to view the
If you want to stop the demon-
stration, press
at any time.
Help is Always at Hand
You can view a help message at virtually any screen by pressing
. Use the direction keys to
read it. To exit help, press If you’d like to read an overview of
how this dictionary works and what the keys do, highlight under the Setup menu, and press
. Press
when done.
Follow the Arrows
The flashing arrows on the right of the screen show which arrow keys you can press to move around menus or view more text.

Using this Dictionary

With this electronic dictionary, you can look up words by typing them at the en­try screen, the word list, or by highlight­ing a word within a definition. You can also learn how to correct misspellings and how to find phrases or words when you only know how to spell part of it.
You can use the Inflection Guide and go to a list of the tables at the touch of a key.
You can add words to your User list and play five educational word games using your choice of settings to help build your vocabulary. If your cartridge is installed in a BOOKMAN book that can send and receive words, you can send words between this dictionary and the other book. Read on to learn how.
Looking Up Words ......................................................... 8
Searching the Word List ................................................ 9
Choosing Multiple Forms ............................................... 9
Highlighting Words ........................................................ 10
Correcting Misspellings ................................................. 10
Finding Letters in Words and Finding Phrases ............... 11
Finding Inflections ......................................................... 12
Viewing Tables .............................................................. 12
Using the User List ........................................................ 13
Changing Game Settings and Playing the Games ........... 14
Sending Words .............................................................. 16

Looking Up Words

Looking Up Words
Looking up a word in this dictionary is easy. Simply type it at the entry screen and press
1. Press
. Try this example.
2. Type a word (e.g., keen).
To erase a letter, press
3. Press
to look it up.
This is a dictionary entry.
4. Press , DN, or
to move
through the definitions.
5. Hold ✩ and press DN to view the next dictionary entry.
6. Press
when done.
Understanding Definitions
The main word at the top of the dictionary entry is called the headword. The headword is followed by the part of speech, the approximate date of its origin, and then its definition. After the definition, you may see usage examples and other forms of the word.
The asterisk () in a geographical
definition denotes that location is the capital city.
For the list of abbreviations in definitions, see “Abbreviations in This Work” on pages 18-21 in this User’s Guide.
Browsing Definitions
While in a definition, you can go to the next or previous dictionary entry by holding
or UP.
and pressing
+ 20 hidden pages