1.5 Operating principle
The appliance is designed for operating only with the
door closed.
The stove is designed to run only off propane gas (type
Heat is mainly diffused by radiation through the window
an d by h ot air di ffu sion aro und t he bo dy of the
The pilot light is on constantly..
The appliance is fitted with a ‘Flame Supervision
D e v ic e ’ ( F SD ) . I f t h e b u rn e r s h ou l d b e co m e
accidentally extinguished, the FSD will automatically
cut off the gas supply.
The system is not adjustable, and should not be
rendered inoperative.
1.6 Safety advice
This appliance has a ceramic Fire-bed layout, this
conta i n s R e fr a c to r y Cerami c F i b r es w hi c h are
manmade vitreous silicate fibres. Excessive exposure
to these materials can cause irritation to eyes, skin and
respiratory organs. Hence we recommend that when
handling these materials the release of dust should be
kept to a minimum. During installation and servicing we
recommend that a HEPA filtered vacuum be used to
remove any dust and soot in and around the fire. If any
of the ceramic fire-bed components need to be replaced
we recommend that the removed parts be sealed in a
heavy duty polythene bag, and be labeled as RCF
waste. RCF is not “Hazardous waste” and can be
disposed of at a licensed tipping site for the disposal of
industrial waste.
The a pplia nce in corpo rates an Oxygen Depletion
Sensor (ODS) Monitoring system. This is located on the
front of the burner, and must not be adjusted by the
installer. This ODS system must not be put out of
operation, and if any parts require changing, only
original manufacturer parts shall be used.
The Belfort is designed to be used on either Propane
Gas (G31). However the stove may only be used on the
specific gas requested at the time of purchase, and the
stove data plate should be checked before fitting is
commenced to ensure that the correct gas is specified.
This ap p l i a n c e h a s b e e n d e s i g n ed, tested and
approved to meet standards in place for product use,
performance and safety. Installation of your stove must
comply with current building regulations. Franco Belges
ther efore recomm end that a CORGI e ngineer be
employed for this task. Taking particular notice of
“thermal inversion” The engineer will provide you with
information about the safety limits of the installation and
should fix a notice plate in a place where it can be
readily seen, eg: next to the electricity meter.
This appliance is designed as an efficient heating
device and consequently all body parts become very
hot in use. Except for the control knob and control
access door, which are designed to stay cool, all other
parts are working surfaces and should not be touched.
The glass and frame on this appliance acts as a
fireguard conforming to BS: 1945 – 1971 and satisfies
the Heating Appliance (Fireguards) regulations 1991.
No part of the window or frame should be permanently
removed. It does not give full protection for young
children or the infirm, extra protection should be
considered for these conditions conforming to BS 6539
or BS 6778.
Bearing in mind that the heat given off by this appliance
may affect articles placed close to it, curtains should not
be placed within 30cm.
The appliance is not designed as a dryer. It is not
therefore recommended that the appliance be used in
such a manner. Do not place any articles within 30cm of
this appliance as this may result in damage to the
The installation must be carried out in accordance with
the following regulations:
The Building Regulations issued by the Department of
the Environment, the Building Standards (Scotland)
(Consolidation) Regulations issued by the Scottish
Development Department.
BS 1251, BS 5440 part 1, BS 5871 part 2, BS 6461 part
1, BS 6891 and BS 8303.
In the Republic of Ireland the installation must also
conform to the relevant standards, particularly in regard
to flue sizing and ventilation. Refer to documents IS813,
ICP3, IS327 and any other rules in force.
This appliance must be installed in accordance with the
rules in force and used only in a sufficiently ventilated
4 Technical manual “1183”
Belfort GP - ref. 154 05 16 Description of the unit