3D FPV camera The BlackBird
User guide
Version 1.3.3 «the BlackBird»(21.03.2014)
3D FPV camera The BlackBird
User guide
1 Description and operation
1.1 Function of the product
Stereo video camera "the BlackBird" (further in the text "camera" or "product") allows to get three-
dimensional image.
By using two identical parts, the camera generates a signal in interlaced 3d format.
Video image in this format can be transmited through analog video transmitter, capable of recording
video with help of capture devices, to display through 3D video glasses, through 3D-TV set or 3Dprojector(hereinafter«thevideoreceiver»).
Camera is designed for installation on the radio-controlled models and toys. You can also use it in
the surveillance system.
1.2 Technical characteristics
Technical characteristics of a video camera, taking into account use of standard lenses 3.6мм, are
presented in table 1.
Technical characteristics Table 1
Mechanical and operational characteristics
The weight of the camera with cable
Ver 1.3.2 - 34 mm, 32 mm, 25 mm
Ver 1.3.3 - 34 mm, 34 mm, 25 mm
On the board MW-3M, on the cable MU-3F
The IR Filter on the lens
680 um (daylight lens for color camera)
Electrical characteristics
From 5 V till 12 V (recommended voltage is 5 V)
Consumed current, no more
Interlaced 3D (Field Sequential 3d)
Frequency of shots for each eye
Version 1.3.3 «the BlackBird»(21.03.2014)
Stereo base in assembled form
Stereo base with extension cord
From 60 mm to 2000 mm (it is depends from type of cable)
Adjustment of convergence
1.3 Structure of the complete set of delivery
The video camera is delivered in two options, complete and economic. The structure of sets of
delivery is specified in table 2.
Structureofthecompletesetofdelivery№1 Table 2
Board of camera (additional)
Lens М12 3.6 mm or 2.6 mm
1.4 Product structure
The product consists of the printed-circuit board with the electronic components and lenses which
are installed on it. The appearance of video camera and interface cable is presented in figure 1.
The board of the camera consists of two parts, the main 6 and additional 4. On the main part there
are the interface 9 and interboard connectors 5. On the additional part there are only interboard
connectors 5.
The board of the camera consists of two parts, the main 6 and additional 4. On the main part there
are the interface 9 and interboard connectors 5. On the additional part there are only interboard
connectors 5.
On the board video sensors are installed. They are closed with the lens holders 2. In the holders
there are lenses 1 which are installed and fixed with screws 8. Lens holders are fixed on the board with
screws 7.