12 Print image data administration _________________________________81
12.1 Logo display and printing _________________________________81
12.2 Change the logo names __________________________________82
12.3 Loading print image data from card _________________________83
12.4 Enter / change / save SMS-texts ___________________________83
12.5 Delete print image data __________________________________88
13 System settings ______________________________________________89
13.1 Setting the operating mode _______________________________89
13.2 Display, print and send system information ___________________91
13.3 Meter type ____________________________________________92
13.4 Setting the print offset for the meter imprint ___________________93
13.5 Setting low postage warning – limit _________________________94
13.6 Setting high postage – limit _______________________________95
13.7 Tone signal ___________________________________________96
13.8 Display contrast ________________________________________97
13.9 Display and reset item counter ____________________________98
13.10 Display and reset advert counter ___________________________99
13.11 Time ________________________________________________100
13.11.1 Day light saving time ___________________________________100
13.11.2 Adjusting the current time _______________________________102
13.11.3 Setting time zone ______________________________________103
13.12 Internal scale
13.12.1 Tare ________________________________________________104
13.12.2 Setting weighing mode __________________________________105
13.12.3 Switching on and off automatic type of mail endorsement _______106
13.12.4 Rate table update ______________________________________107
13.12.5 Delete all rate tables ___________________________________108
13.12.6 Change local ZIP code for rate calculation __________________108
13.13 Setting print head standby time ___________________________109
13.14 Setting letter transport run-on time ________________________110
13.15 Modem configuration – adjusting dialing parameters __________111
13.16 Generate MASTER card ________________________________ 113
13.17 Changing the origin ZIP code ____________________________113
13.18 Selecting the user interface language ______________________114
13.19 Account adminis trati on ex tens io n ______________________ __ _115
13.20 Enable / disable differential weighing feature ________________116
13.21 Enable / disable InfoPrint ________________________________117
13.22 Changing phone numbers _______________________________118