FP Mailing Solutions ultimail Operator's Manual

Operator Manual
Metering System
The control panel – display and keyboard
Multifunction keys (Softkeys)
Numeric keys:
– Enter digits – Enter let ters, punctuation
and special characters
Display (illuminated)
C/CE key:
– Delete input – Call default setting
In the home menu, press C/CE for 3 seconds: Home menu is reset to standard
Arrow keys
Back to the home me nu Info key:
Display help
Go back to the higher window / menu level
SET UP menu: Change system settings
Start/Stop key:
Start letter transport/ metering
Metering labels
Loading postage: TELESET
Display postage reg ister
Multifunction keys (Softkeys)
Enter key:
– Confirm the input – Acknowledge error messages
1 Safety tips ___________________________________________________9 2 A short description of the ultimail _______________________________10 3 Switching the ultimail ON / OFF _________________________________12 4 ultimail Operating Basics ______________________________________14
4.1 Access control by MASTER card / USER card ________________14
4.2 The operating menu _____________________________________15
4.3 Trial run __ ___ ___ ___ __ _________________ ________________16
5 Metering ____________________________________________________18
5.1 Preparations ___________________________________________18
5.1.1 Setting up catch tray ____________________________________18
5.1.2 Adjust letter guide of the sealer
(only sealer)
____________________ 18
5.1.3 Adjust letter guide of the feeder
(only feeder)
5.1.4 Switch on / off seal function
(only sealer / feeder)
5.2 Setting the meter imprint _________________________________22
5.2.1 Postage value _________________________________________ 22
5.2.2 Logo imprint _____________ ___ ___ ________________________24
5.2.3 SMS-text _____________________________________________26
5.2.4 Type of mail endorsement ________________________________27
5.2.5 Date of meter imprint ____________________________________28
5.2.6 Using the memory ______________________________________29
5.3 Change account ________________________________________30
5.4 Positioning and metering a letter ___________________________31
5.4.1 ultimail with manual positioner _____________________________31
5.4.2 ultimail with sealer ______________________________________32
5.4.3 ultimail with feeder ______________________________________34
5.5 Metering labels
6 Rate calculation
6.1 Scale menu ___________________________________________38
6.2 Setting postal rates for rate calculation ______________________40
6.3 Weighing, determining postage, metering ____________________ 43
6.4 Saving postal rates and calling them from memory _____________44
ultimail Operator Manual
7 Special functions ______________ ___ ___ _________________ _______ 45
7.1 Postage correction _____________________ ________________45
7.2 Redate _______________________________________________46
7.3 Working with pre-select counter ___________________________ 47
7.4 Using the ultimail as incoming mail stamp ___________________ 48
7.5 Only seal letters
_________________________________ 50
7.6 Differential weighing
______________________________ 51
7.7 Using an external postage scale ___________________________ 54
7.7.1 Connecting an external postage scale ______________________ 54
7.7.2 Determining postage and metering _________________________ 55
8 Postage register _ ___ ___ ___ ________________ _________________ __57 9 Loading postage – TELESET _________________________ ___ ___ __ __58
10 Account administration _______________________________________61
10.1 Set up a new account ___________________________________ 61
10.2 Change settings for existing accounts _______________________64
10.2.1 Change standard setting for the logo and the SMS-text _________ 64
10.2.2 Release / block TELESET access __________________________ 66
10.2.3 Changing budgets and assigning credits ____________________ 67
10.2.4 Change name _________________________________________ 69
10.3 Generate / block USER card(s) for an account ________________ 70
10.4 Switch on / off “access card required?” ______________________72
10.5 Display and print account information _______________________ 73
10.6 Set account counter to zero ______________________________75
10.6.1 Set one account to zero _________________________________75
10.6.2 Set all accounts to zero __________________________________75
10.7 Delete accounts ________________________________________76
10.7.1 Delete one account _____________________________________76
10.7.2 Delete all accounts _____________________________________76
11 Short code memories _________________________________________ 77
11.1 Saving settings ________________________________________ 77
11.2 Display and print saved settings ___________________________79
11.3 Delete memories _______________________________________ 80
12 Print image data administration _________________________________81
12.1 Logo display and printing _________________________________81
12.2 Change the logo names __________________________________82
12.3 Loading print image data from card _________________________83
12.4 Enter / change / save SMS-texts ___________________________83
12.5 Delete print image data __________________________________88
13 System settings ______________________________________________89
13.1 Setting the operating mode _______________________________89
13.2 Display, print and send system information ___________________91
13.3 Meter type ____________________________________________92
13.4 Setting the print offset for the meter imprint ___________________93
13.5 Setting low postage warning – limit _________________________94
13.6 Setting high postage – limit _______________________________95
13.7 Tone signal ___________________________________________96
13.8 Display contrast ________________________________________97
13.9 Display and reset item counter ____________________________98
13.10 Display and reset advert counter ___________________________99
13.11 Time ________________________________________________100
13.11.1 Day light saving time ___________________________________100
13.11.2 Adjusting the current time _______________________________102
13.11.3 Setting time zone ______________________________________103
13.12 Internal scale
13.12.1 Tare ________________________________________________104
13.12.2 Setting weighing mode __________________________________105
13.12.3 Switching on and off automatic type of mail endorsement _______106
13.12.4 Rate table update ______________________________________107
13.12.5 Delete all rate tables ___________________________________108
13.12.6 Change local ZIP code for rate calculation __________________108
13.13 Setting print head standby time ___________________________109
13.14 Setting letter transport run-on time ________________________110
13.15 Modem configuration – adjusting dialing parameters __________111
13.16 Generate MASTER card ________________________________ 113
13.17 Changing the origin ZIP code ____________________________113
13.18 Selecting the user interface language ______________________114
13.19 Account adminis trati on ex tens io n ______________________ __ _115
13.20 Enable / disable differential weighing feature ________________116
13.21 Enable / disable InfoPrint ________________________________117
13.22 Changing phone numbers _______________________________118
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14 Maintenance and care _______________________________________ 120
14.1 Cleaning the ultimail metering system ______________________ 120
14.2 Changing the ink cartridges ______________________________ 121
14.3 Adjust the ink cartridges ________________________________ 126
14.4 Cleaning the print system _______________________________ 127
14.5 Manually cleaning the print heads _________________________128
14.6 Replacing the Ink Pad Insert _____________________________ 130
14.7 Filling the water tank
____________________________ 133
14.8 A djust moistening level
14.9 Cleaning / changing the moistening sponge
(only feeder / sealer)
____ 136
14.10 Cleaning / changing the moistening brush
(only feeder/ sealer)
_____ 140
14.11 Changing the battery ___________________________________143
15 Troubleshooting ____________________________________________ 145
15.1 Problems and remedies ________________________________ 145
15.2 Removing letter jams ___________________________________ 151
15.3 How to prevent jamming and double-feeding during batch mailing 153
15.4 Attach adjustable letter guide to feeder / sealer ______________ 155
15.5 Error codes (sample) ___________________________________ 156
15.6 Display, print and send diagnostics list _____________________161
Moving the ultimail to another location ________________________________ 163 Access rights ____________________________________________________ 172 SET UP menu (overview) ________________________ __________________ 174 Country codes ___________________________________________________ 175 Glossary _______________________________________________________ 179 Technical Data __________________________________________________ 181 Index __________________________________________________________ 187 Service ________________________________________________________ 197
About this operator manual
About this operator manual
Please read this operator manual before using the ultimail metering system. Please keep the manual near the ultimail at all times for reference.
This operator manual applies to all configurations and equipment varieties of postage meters ultimail 65 and ultimail 95. Functions which are only available with certain configurations are recognizable by a suffix, e.g.
Quick reference
The quick reference gives you an overview of the operating menu and metering with the ultimail.
The following keyw ords and safety sig ns identify the safe ty tips in this operator manual.
Warning! indicates a potential hazard which may result in injury.
Warning! indicates a potential danger of injury caused by rotating compone nts . Danger areas of the ultimail are marked with such a safety sign.
Caution! indicates a potential hazard that may result in damage to the ultimail or impair the metering process.
The following symbols and text features are used in this operator manual:
MEMORY Menu names and options from the operating menu are written
in capital letters.
“Dial …” Prompts and messages are highlighted by quotation marks.
A tip offers advice or additional suggestions for improving the operation.
Display illustrations show current settings and show what to type. The multifunction key(s) to be pressed is / are marked in black.
ultimail Operator Manual
Safety tips
1 Safety tips
The ultimail is a dig ita l metering sy stem with an ink jet p rinter for meterin g letter mail. The ultimail complies with the pertinent safety regulations for office information equipment.
Please observe the following tips for your ow n safety:
• Installation and commissioning of the metering system ultimail are only done by qualified personnel authorized by Francotyp-Postalia.
• Only operate the ultimail system on a grounded single-phase power socket.
• Use only the power and modem cables provided or approved by Francotyp­Postalia. Make sure that cables are not damaged.
• Make sure the socket for connecting the ultimail is close by and easily accessible at all times.
• Do not reach into the danger areas marked with a safety sign. Keep long hair, fingers, loose clothing pieces, shawls and jewellery away from moving machine parts.
• Do not remove any part of t he safety and protec tive equip ment. Do no t make the m inoperative. Do not remove any parts of the housing.
• Never cover the ventilation slots in the housing.
• Pull out the pow er plug in the event of danger! Call the after-sales service.
• Make sure that no liquids or foreign objects penetrate the interior of the ultimail. If this happens, pull out the power plug immediately. Have the ultimail metering system checked by Francotyp-Postalia service before starting it up again.
• Only use original ink cartridges from Francotyp-Postalia. Observe the information enclosed with every cartridge.
• Only use the batteries provided by Francotyp-Postalia. Observe the instructions enclosed with the battery for correct use and disposal.
• Only have ma intenance an d repair work do ne by qualifi ed personnel authorized b y Francotyp-Postalia. Otherwise your warranty will be voided. You will be liable for any damages.
• Observe the specific notes for mo vi ng the ultimail me teri ng sy ste m on page 163 if you wish to install the ultimail at another location.
ultimail Operator Manual
2 A short description of the ultimail
The ultimail is a digital postage meter with horizontal letter transport and ink jet technology (ink jet print with two ink cartridges arranged side by side).
In its basic ver sion, the metering system co nsists of the postage meter, manual positioner and catch tray.
The postage meter is available as model
ultimail 65 with a processing speed up to 65 letters per
ultimail 95 with a processing speed up to 90 letters per
user interface
The user interface in the lit display will lead to the desired results in a fast and safe way. Simply follow the instructions in the display, whether for setti ng the meter imp rint, modifyi ng the system settings or service functions, e.g. changing cartridges.
No illegal entries are allowed by the ultimail – you are informed by an appropriate message. A help function offers additional advice and support.
On one glance, the home menu will show you the current set­tings for the meter imprint. You simply position the letter – the ultimail will seize the letter, meter it and place it in the catch tray ready for dispatch.
You can meter – mail pieces up to a thickness of ¼" (6.35 mm) of an ink
absorbent material.
– self-adhesive labels.
Logo imprint and
text messages
ultimail prints a logo of your choice on every mail piece. Also, the ultimail has the ability to print user editable text messages (SMS-texts).
Load new postage by TELESET procedure via the built-in modem – fast, comfortably and, if necessary, 24 hours a day.
Protection against
unauthorized use
The MASTER card / USER card functionality protects the ultimail agai nst unauthorized use and fac ilitates the assignmen t of individual access rights.
A short description of the ultimail
Additional functions
You will quickly appreciate the following comfortable functions:
– Account function. Recording and accounting of postage
according to accoun ts. – 6 short codes for frequently used postage imprint settings. – Stamp of receipt. Imprint ‘Received on: …’ for stamping
incoming mail. – Printing of account data, postage register states, system
information. – Warning in case of high postage and too low amount of
postage available. – Print offset for changing the postage imprint position on the
envelope. – Telediagnost ics. You ca n transfe r importan t system dat a via
the built-in modem to the Francotyp-Postalia service.
Flexible and up to date
New logos, type of mail endorsements or rate changes of the United States Postal Service – you can easily load the latest data in your ultimail.
The following components are available for functionality extension:
Internal scale. When the equipment includes an internal
scale, the ‘rate calculation’ function is available. The ultimail
calcula tes the postage on the basis of selected mailing data
in a fast and reliable way. Postage and type of mail
endorsement are set automatically. – Label dispenser to print s elf-adhesiv e labels for l arge / thick
mail pieces. – Sealer. Automatic sealer for the ultimail 65 to moisten and
seal letters. The letters are positioned manually. – Feeder. Automatic f eeder w ith sea ler for the ult imail 95. The
letters are separated from the stack, optionally moistened
and sealed, and fed to the ultimail 95 postage meter. – Differential weighing. Weighing mode for convenient
metering of letter stacks. The ultimail determines the weight
of the complete let ter stack and sets the postage rate for each
letter when feeding – according to the change in weight. You will fi nd an ove rview of the u ltimai l syst em c ompon ents on
pages 194 to 196.
ultimail Operator Manual
3 Switching the ultimail ON / OFF
Use the power switch on the back of the postage meter to switch the ultimail and installed optional system components ON / OFF.
Switching on
• Switch the power switch on the bac k of
the postage meter to the I position.
The display light goes on and a start routine is initiated. All system compo­nents are now checked and activated by the ultimail. The self-t es t is ac com panied by signalling beeps and information on display.
The home menu appears in the display. The ultimail is ready for operation.
The example shows the complete
home menu. SCALES only appears with a system w ith
internal scale . ACCOUNT only appears if an access
card is plugged in or if access control is switched off.
Power switch (back of the machine)
Home menu (example)
Switching the ultimail ON / OFF
Switching off Caution! Always switch the ultimail off
using the power swit ch. Never simply pu ll the power cord or interrupt the power in any other way before the prin ting sy stem has moved to seal ed position. Only in that way can you preven t drying and ma intain a constant printing quality.
• Make sur e the ultimail displays the home menu. If necessary: call the home menu by pressing the key.
• Switch the power switch to the
O position.
The ultimail finishes all operations which are currently in process and moves the printing system to sealed po sition (switc h off routine “Shutting down machine”). This process may take some time.
ultimail switches off thereafter. The dis­play illumination switches off as well.
Power switch (back of the machine)
ultimail Operator Manual
4 ultimail Operating Basics
In this chapter you wil l learn about th e basi c u ltima il func tions and ho w to hand le the operating menu.
4.1 Access control by MASTER card / USER card
MASTER card and USER card, both designated as access cards, control access rights to use the ultimail.
card allows you to access all functions.
A USER card allows you to access selected functions only.
– Metering to the assigned account. – Entering and changing of SMS-texts. – Assigning a logo and SMS-text to the account.
The authorizati on for metering c an be set so that no access ca rd is necessa ry. Then metering will be possible without MASTER card or USER card to all accounts.
You will find an overview of the access rights on page 172.
How to plug the access card into the card reader
• Plug access card into the card reader in the direction of the arrow. The chip on the card should face downward.
• Push access card in as far as it goes. You will feel the card snap in.
How to remove the access card
• Simply pull acce ss ca rd o ut of the car d reader.
ultimail Operating Basics
4.2 The operating menu
In this chapter you will get to know the home menu. The total of the ultimail user interface works in a similar way. You will soon g et used to the other windows (SET UP menu, input, prompt, error message, help).
The home menu
The home menu appears after switching on and successful comp letion of th e start routine. On one glance, you will see all settings for the meterin g proc ess .
In the home menu, you can
– set the meter imprint (postage value,
type of mail endorsement, SMS-text, logo, date)
– call saved meter imprint settings
– change to rate calculation (SCALES).
This rate calculation function is only available on systems with internal scale.
How menu sequences are visualized
The ‘path’ throu gh the operat ing m enu to the different functions is represented in this way:
You will see menu names, options or functions which you should select one after the other by pressing the associated multifunction ke ys.
For fast orie ntation you wi ll find an overview of th e SET UP menu on page 174.
Postag e value
Status line
Number of
current account
Account name
Date of stam p
(advertising imprint)
Type of mail endorsement
Input field
ultimail Operator Manual
4.3 Trial run
You can check the settings for metering and the print quality by doing a trial run
with postage val ue “0.00” (z ero imprin t).
• Type the postage v alue “0” in the home menu.
The digit “0” appea rs at the bottom right of the status line.
• Confirm with the k ey for postag e value. (This is the m ultifunction key at the top right - direct ly next to the p ostage value display.)
Postage value is set to “0.00”.
• Place an empty envelope on the letter receiving tray. – side to be printed face up – the upper edge flush to the letter
guide face.
• Push the envelope in until the letter sensor recognizes the envelope and starts letter transport.
The ultimail feeds the envelope, prints, and places the printed envelope in the catch tray.
You can also start letter transport with the key.
Position, in the same way, an empty envelope for trial run at the sealer or at the feeder. For details how to handle sealer and feeder, read Chapter 5.
Letter guide face
ultimail Operating Basics
Check print quality
Make sure your ultimail prints flawless meter imprints without misalignments. United States Postal Service reserves the right to reject illegible meter imprints.
• Examine the zero imprint. It must not contain any gaps or misalignments. Pay special attention to the data mat rix code.
This illustration shows a flawless imprint.
If the imprint exhibits misalignment:
• Adjust the ink cartridges (see Chapter 14.3).
If the imprint contains gaps or blurs:
• Clean the ink cartridges (see Chapter 14.4).
ultimail Operator Manual
5 Metering
5.1 Preparations
5.1.1 Setting up catch tray
The catch tray c an be adjusted to vario us envelope format s – up to ISO B4 maximum. You work without catch tray when processing larger formats.
• Slide the two limit guides until they fit the envelope format you want to process.
5.1.2 Adjust letter guide of the sealer
(only sealer)
The letter guide ensures that letters are fed in straight run. You adjust the letter guide to the envelope fo rmat using the b ar. The format markings on th e letter receivi ng tray facilitate the adjus tment.
Caution! For adjusting the letter guide, always hold in the recessed grip at the bar. Never push or pull the ad justable letter guide. The le tter guide might break off.
• Folding the adjustable letter guide up vertically to let ter receiving tray: Si mply press down the recess gr ip on the letter guide.
Move the letter guide upward s.
• Hold the bar in the grip recess an d slide it so that the letter guide outside is directed to the suit able fo rmat markin g.
The letter gui de is adjusted correc tly if the format marking arrow points to the exterior of the letter guide.
For large deliveries:
• Adjust bar so that it is flush with the housing edge.
• Fold letter guide down to letter receiv­ing tray.
ultimail Operator Manual
5.1.3 Adjust letter guide of the feeder
(only feeder)
The letter guide ensures that letters are fed in straight run. You adjust the letter guide to the envelope format using the bar. The format marks on the letter receiving tray facilitate the adjus tment.
Caution! For adjusting the letter guide, always hold in the recessed grip at the bar. Never push or pull the ad justable letter guide. The le tter guide might break off.
• Folding the adjustable letter guide up vertically to let ter receiving tray: Si mply press down the recess gr ip on the letter guide.
Move the letter guide upwards.
• Hold the bar in the grip recess and sli de it so that the exterior of the letter guid e is directed to the suitable format marking.
The letter guide is adjusted correctl y if the format marking arrow points to the exterior of the letter guide.
For large deliveries:
• Position the extension bracket.
• Position a sample letter.
• Hold the bar in the grip recess an d slide the letter guide so that it fits the letter format. The sample letter should have enough clearanc e between letter g uide face and adjus ta ble letter guide (a bou t
0.1" / 2 to 3 mm).
5.1.4 Switch on / off seal function
(only sealer / feeder)
If the letters are to be sealed:
• Set the switch to the rear position (seal).
• Check filling level in water tank.
• Fill more water if required. Read Chapter 14.7 on page 133.
The envelopes should be suited for sealing by machinery. For details to envelope specifications, read on page 184.
No sealing:
If you do not want to seal le tters or if they are already sealed:
• Set the switch to the front position (non-seal).
Extension bracket
ultimail Operator Manual
5.2 Setting the meter imprint
The following settings determine the meter imprint:
– Postage value – Logo (advertising imprint) –SMS-text – Type of mail endorsement – Date for meter imprint (= current date of
deposit of the mail piece).
You set the m ete r im pri nt in the home m en u. After switching o n and s ucc es sf ul com­pletion of th e star t routine, the dis play al ways sho ws the ho me men u with current s et­tings for the meter imprint.
– Postage value and type of mail endorsement are default settings saved under
MEMORY 1. – The date is set to the current day. – The logo and SMS-text a re deter mined by the currently set accoun t. Each acc ount
is provided with a default setting for the logo (ACCOUNT ADMINISTRATION
menu) and SMS-text. With the key you go back to home menu from other menus.
5.2.1 Postage value
• Enter the desired postage value in cents.
The entered value appea rs at the bottom right of the status line.
• Confirm with the postage value key. (This is the m ultifunction key at the top right – directly next to the postage value display.)
Postag e value
Type of mail
High postage
The ultimail will warn you if you enter an amount that is higher tha n the preset. The ultimail thus helps to av oid overmetering and loss of postage. You can chang e the limit for the monitoring function in the SET UP menu (see page 95).
You can also enter the postage in the following way:
• Press the postage value key in t he home menu. (This is the multifunction key at the top ri ght – directl y next to the postage value display.)
The input window for postage value appears.
• Enter the desired postage value.
You will see the input value in $ in the input window.
• Confirm with the key.
The ultimail cl oses the inp ut window. Th e new postage value is set in the home menu.
ultimail Operator Manual
5.2.2 Logo imprint
When metering ma il pieces you can al so print a lo go of your choice on the e nvelope. ultimail offers you the following configurations of equipping with advertising imprints:
– ultimail can sav e up to 9 different l ogos. All saved a dvertising imprint s are available
to all users. For logo administration, read Chapter 12.
– Logos on a USER card. Yo u can order USER cards with a logo of yo ur choice from
Francotyp-Posta lia. This lo go is on ly availa ble to the holder of the U SER card and cannot be loaded into the postage meter.
Select / set logo
• Press the key next to the logo in the home menu.
The SELECTING LOGO menu offers all logos available in your ultimail.
• Press the key next to th e d esi red logo. In the example, this is the logo CEBIT 2006.
The ultimail goes back to home menu. The advertising imprint is set.
You can have a look at the advertising imprints: Press for a t le ast 3 s econd s the key next to the logo in the SELECTING LOGO menu. A simplifie d preview image appears in the display.
Using the logo from a USER card
• Insert USER card with logo.
• In the home menu, press the key next to the logo.
The logo on the USER card always appears in the last position
in the
• Press the ke y next to the las t logo in the list (ADVERT-01).
The ultimail returns to the home menu. The logo stored on the USER card is set for metering.
You can also define the logo on the USER card as the default logo for this account (see Chapter 10.2.1 on page 64). In this cas e the logo on the card is used for the meter im print im mediate ly after the USER card is plugged.
If you know the logos and the associated codes, you can directly set the advertising imprint in the home menu:
• Type the logo number.
The entered number appears at the bottom right of t he status line.
• Confirm with the key next to the logo.
Logo on USER card
ultimail Operator Manual
5.2.3 SMS-text
When metering, you can print a freely editable text message. This text appears on the very left side of the meter imprint.
Caution! If you want to print SMS- text: Use envelopes of suffi cient length. On smaller envelopes, the text message may be cut off.
• Press the key next to the SMS-text in the home menu.
The SELECTING SMS TEXT menu offers all stored SMS-texts.
• Press the key next to the desired SMS­text. In the example, this is “SPECIAL OFFER”.
The ultimail returns to the home menu. The SMS-text is set.
You can also dire ctl y s et the SMS-te xt in the home menu: The procedure is described on page 25 by the example of the advertising imprint.
Read page 83 on how to enter SMS-texts or edit available texts.
5.2.4 Type of mail endorsement
• Press the key next to the type of mail endorsement in the home menu.
The SELECTING TYPE OF MAIL ENDORSEMENT menu offers all available type of mail endorsements.
• Press the key next to the desired type of mail endorsem ent. In the example, this is “First class”.
The ultimail goes back to home menu. The type of mail endorsement is set.
You can also directly s et the ty pe of m ail endorsement in the home menu. T he procedure is desc ribed on page 25 by the example of the advertising imprint.
ultimail Operator Manual
5.2.5 Date of meter imprint
The date for the meter imprint is set automatically to the current date by the system clock. You can set the date forward by up to 30 days. The ultimail does not allow to set the date backward.
• Press the key next to the date display in the home menu.
The input window for the date appears. The date indica tion of the ultimail co nsists
of 2 digits each for the month (MM), the day (DD) and the year (YY).
• Enter new date.
You only have to type the day (DD) fo r the date. The ultimail automatically adds the month and year details.
• Confirm with the key.
The ultimail closes the input window and sets the new date in the home menu.
You can also set the date for the meter imprint directly in the home menu:
• Type new date. The entered value appears at the bottom right of the status line.
• Confirm with the key next to the date indication.
Set back to current date:
• Press the key.
• Confirm with the key next to the date display.
5.2.6 Using the memory
The ultimail has 6 s hort code memories . You can ca ll the sav ed sett ings for po stage value and endorsement in the home menu.
• In the home menu, press the key next to MEMORY.
The SELECTING THE MEMORY menu offers the selection of all occupied
short code memories. You will see the saved settings for postage value and type of mail en dorsement.
• Press the key next to the desired
The ultimail goes back to home menu and displays the number of the selected memory.
The postage value and the type of mail endorsement saved are set.
If no
type of mail en dorsement is save d in the memory, the last selected type of mail endorsement remain s set in the home menu.
For saving, changi ng or deleting of mem­ories, read Chapter 11 on page 77.
You can also directly set the short code in the home menu.
• Type the memory number in the home
• Confirm with the key next to MEMORY.
No type of mail endorsement saved
Memory no. 5:
– Postage valu e $ 2. 69 – Meterin g without
type of mail
ultimail Operator Manual
5.3 Change account
You can only change the accoun t if you work with MASTER card or if all accoun ts are released for metering (in account mode: ACCESS CARD REQUIRED: OFF).
If you work with USER card
the account for the USER card is set automatically and
cannot be changed.
For account set u p and account da ta evaluatio n, use account administration in SET UP menu (see page 61).
How you change the account:
• Press the key next to the account display in the home menu.
The ultimail opens SELECT ACCOUNT menu. The cr eated account s are listed by account numbers. If more than 8 accounts are set up, you can scroll through the acc ounts list using MORE / PREVIOUS.
• Press the key next to the desired account. In the exam ple, this is account 10789 “Service”.
The ultimail goes back to home menu. The selected account is set up.
You can also directly set the account in the home menu.
• Type the account number. The entered number appears at the bottom right of the status line.
• Confirm with the key next to the account display.
+ 168 hidden pages