Control of DALImiw30 is done by standard DALI messages. Their meaning for DALImiw30
is shown in following table:
DALI command Meaning to illuminance sensor DALImiw30
Direct arc power control, Off,
Up, Down, Step up, Step down,
Recall max level, Recall min
level, Step down and off, On and
step up
Stop of the regulation
GoToScene 0 – 15
Function is dependent on the setting Light sensor → Advanced settitng
→ Set response to scene recall
Automatic – Start of the regulation
OFF – stop of the regulation, regulated lights are switched off
Actual-auto – Start of the regulation. Current illuminance level is set
as desired level.
MASK – no function (stop of the regulation)
STORE DTR AS MIN LEVEL Set of the desired illuminance level
QUERY MIN LEVEL Read of the desired illuminance level
QUERY ACTUAL LEVEL Actual illuminance level
Illuminance range is 0-1000lx.
Data format is stated in the following table.
Illuminance data format
Data - 1byte (binary notation) Illuminance level [lx]
0000xxxx 0 – 15lx (step 1lx)
0001xxxx 16 – 46lx (step 2lx)
0010xxxx 48 – 108lx (step 4lx)
0011xxxx 112 – 232lx (step 8lx)
0100xxxx 240 – 480lx (step 16lx)
0101xxxx 496 – 976lx (step 32lx)
0110xxxx 1008 – 1968lx (step 64lx)
Illuminance level is set and read as an 8bit number in format
0 E E E M M M M
And its value is given according to the relation