2、Announcement ----------------------------------------------------------------1
2.1 Installation Warning----------------------------------------------------------1
2.2 Usages warning ---------------------------------------------------------------1
3、Product profile-----------------------------------------------------------------2
4、Description ------------------------------------------------------------------2
4.1 Transmitter --------------------------------------------------------------------2
4.2 Receiver -----------------------------------------------------------------------3
4.3 Accessory----------------------------------------------------------------------3
5、Wiring installment------------------------------------------------------------4
5.1 Carrier connection diagram-------------------------------------------------4
5.2 Receiver connection diagram-----------------------------------------------5
6、Usages -------------------------------------------------------------------------5
6.1 Channel settings --------------------------------------------------------------5
6.2 Video record ------------------------------------------------------------------6
7、Working indicator-------------------------------------------------------------6
7.1 Transmitter indicator----------------------------------------------------------6
7.2 Receiver indicator-------------------------------------------------------------6
8、Specification parameter-------------------------------------------------------7
8.1 Video transmitter specification-----------------------------------------------7
8.2 Video receiver specification--------------------------------------------------7
9、FAQ (frequently asked question)-----------------------------------------9
Thanks f o r purchasing S1+.Please ensure thatS 1 + isusedinaccordance with local
lawsa n d regulations. Please read thisdisclaimer carefully before using. O n c e used, its h a l l be
considered a s a n endorsement a n d acceptance ofthewhole content ofthis statement. Please
strictly follow theinstallation s t e p s intheinstructions tooperate a n d usetheproduct. Fora n y
result orlosscaused byimproper use,installation, modification,etc., FOXTECH HOBBY
CO., LTD a n d its affiliated companies will notholda n y legal liability.
T h e copyright ofthis usermanual belongs toFOXTECH HOBBY CO., LTD. A l l rights
reserved. Reproduction s h a l l notbem a d e ina n y f o r m without permission.
S 1 +
isa w i r e l e s s v i d e o transmission equipment, pleasep a y m o r e attention totheannouncement to
prevent damagetoterminal equipment andpersonal s a f e t y duetoimproper operation o r usage.
1.Please usecorresponding frequency o f
complywith local r a d i o l a w s andregulations.
2.For first usage, pleasem a k e s u r e thatthetransmitter andreceiver areconnected correctly andthe
antenna isinstalled correctly.
products inaccordance with local r a d i o regulations and
1、 Installation W a r n i n g
1.Before setting upanelectric circuit, theusershould install theantenna andm a k e s u r e thatthe
interface istightened. Otherwise, itw i l l damagetothecircuit.
2.Pleasem a k e s u r e thetransmitter andreceiver supply thevoltage within theprescribed voltage r a n g e .
Otherwise, itw i l l damage tothecircuit.
3.Beabletokeep antenna o f transmitter downvertically andwithout anyobstacles toprevent
shortening communication distance because o f blocking.
4.T h e antenna o f receiver should beabletokeep away from l a r g e m e t a l p a r t s .
5.Please bes u r e tousea specified typeo f antenna toensure thatthefrequency, impedance ando t h e r
parameters match.
6.Please payattention tokeeping theproper distance between theelectronic equipment tominimize
theelectromagnetic interference.
2、 Usage warning
第 1 页
1.Please make sure that all connecting wires are fastened and connected correctly.
Video transmission and data transmission;
Transmission distance reaches 5~10Km;
Input and output by HDMI and supporting 1080p60fps and downward compatible;
Latency is low to 200ms;
The frequency is 1430MHz-1440MHz;
2.There is no entry into any foreign body (e.g. liquid,sand,etc.)
3. S1+ needs to 40 seconds to turn on, after that, can transfer video.
4.Please ensure that there is no interference in the surrounding environment with the
same frequency and high power wireless transmission equipment, otherwise the receiver
may not receive the video normally.
5.If the signal of the ground is poor, try to change the inclination of receiver’s antenna.
6.Using HDMI cable, LCD display and other accessories, select a better EMC shielding
performance of the product as far as possible.
Product profile
S1+ consists of transmitter and receiver. It can support video transmission and data transmission.
Adopted by H.265/H.264 video decode, OFDM modulation technique, S1+ provides lower latency and
smaller bit rate video. It is suitable for UAV and other applications which need to have two functions:
video transmission and data transmission.
S1+ Technological advantage:
1、Antenna interface;
2、Connection status indicator;
3、Power indicator;
4、HDMI interface(type D);
5、Power and Data(UART TTL) interface.
第 2页