Foxrox Vibe history
1989 - Started building custom vibe pedals and
rack mounts.
1992 - Introduced the “Foxrox Provibe”, large
1993 - Introduced the “Foxrox Provibe”, small
2000 - Original Captain Coconut, with Provibe
2001 - Captain Coconut 2, with Provibe section
2008 - Aquavibe
knob and the vibe sweep
The classic Vibe sweep is famous for it’s varying degrees of irregular wobble. The wobble is created by the backand-fourth sweep of the four phase shift stages. At the middle of the sweep, there is a sort of cross-over point, or
a notch. It’s a point at which the sound thins out and a magical, psychedelic swirl is heard. On each side of the
swirl point, there is a low side and a high side. If the swirl point is in the center it will sound even. If it is offset to
either side, it will sound irregular. This characteristic is dependent on the Center setting (or where the internal lamp
trimmer is set on other vibes). Since there has never been a “correct setting”, it’s a useful parameter to be able to
control. You can experiment with different sounds, or you can find your one setting and leave it there.
The Center knob can also be used as a tunable filter. Turn the WIDTH knob all the way down and slowly turn the
CENTER. You will hear it sweep through it’s range, and you will hear the swirl point at around the 11:00 - 1:00 settings. Try leaving it in different positions and play. This could be useful for recording tracks. Now, try dialing in a
very mild sweep. Sometimes the more subtle effects say the most... and Aquavibe makes them easy to dial in.
Speed Taper Trimmer
(Informational only, you should not need to
touch this setting).
This trimmer is used to set the taper of the
Speed control. Electronically, it adds some
resistance between ground and the bottom
of the Speed pot. This sets the point at
which the speed starts to increase when
you turn the knob. To adjust (if you must!):
Set the speed knob at 10:00
Turn trimmer CCW until speed just starts to
sound faster. NOTE - This adjustment must
be made in darkness so that the photocells
don’t pick up ambient light.
Input Loading Trimmer
This trimmer is used to adjust the input
impedance. This has a subtle effect on the
brightness and volume of the signal entering the vibe. Full CCW matches “vintage”
impedance, Full CW conforms more to modern input impedance standards. This is a
subtle but noticeable adjustment.
Output Volume Trimmer
Use this trimmer to match your bypassed
level. Or boost/cut it, whatever you wish.
Also, use it to compensate for settings on
the Input Loading Trimmer. Both trimmers
effect the volume.
Wobble and Center
Use these images and descriptions to envision how the
Center knob effects the sweep
The top image shows a low-biased wobble. The upper
part of the sweep is very quick. Center= 7:00 - 11:00
The middle image is an even sweep. There is an even
back-and-fourth sway to the sound. Center: 11:00 1:00.
The bottom image shows a high-biased wobble. This
setting has an almost wah-wah sound. Center:1:00 5:00
Notes on hooking it up and troubleshooting
Voltage - Aquavibe will run on voltage ranging from 7 to 18 volts
DC. Incoming voltage gets regulated down to 5 volts, so running
at higher voltages will not effect performance. It then gets converted to 24 Volts which is then further regulated.
Noise - If you notice ticking noise or pulsing hum, it means the
power supply is not delivering enough current. Make sure it’s
rated for at least 300ma. 500ma or higher is best. Also, make
sure you’re not daisy chaining, or sharing the power with other
effects. This could take away available current and cause noisy
interaction. Power adaptors that use digital switching (the small
ones) are often problematic in guitar rigs, and will probably act up
with Aquavibe. Stick to linear (standard) power adaptors.
Dirt - before or after, or both? Some people like to put dirt
(fuzz/distortion/OD) after their vibe. Others like them before. You
should experiment to find what you like. If you like to stack overdrives, try inserting Aquavibe between two of them. You’ll love the
Going into a FuzzFace - Original vibes and most clones have a
resistor network at the output of the effect that results in a very
high impedance output signal. This causes a big drop in drive
when going into a FuzzFace. Aquavibe has the same output resistor section, but the values have been changed to provide a lower
output impedance. This means an overall clearer sound and negligible tone/level loss when driving a load such as a Fuzz Face. The
sustain doesn’t die when you kick in your vibe.
Expression pedal - When using an expression pedal, the SPEED
knobs acts as a max-speed control. If you use a pedal that has a
minimum setting adjustment you can dial in any range you want.