RONDO’ gas cooker hobs
cod. 7052 142, 7052 642
Foster spa - via M.S. Ottone, 18/20 - 42041 Brescello (RE) Italy - www.fosterspa.com
tel. +39.0522.687425 - tel. Servizio Assistenza +39.0522.684450
fax +39.0522.686019 - fax Servizio Ricambi +39.0522.962166 e-mail: service@fosterspa.com

The purchaser is respons ible for install ation: the Man ufac turer does not of fer this service. A ny technica l assist ance
activities carried out by the Manufacturer relating to faulty installation are not covered by the warranty.
The built-in hobs are designed f or installation on worktops m ade of any material, provided these are between 25
mm and 40 mm thick and can withstand tem peratures of 100°C. If the hob is installed adj acent to a cab inet on any
one of the two sides , at least 150 m m must divide t he hob edge f rom the cabinet , while the dista nce between th e
rear wall and hob edge must be at least 50 m m. A partition made of insulating material (wood or sim ilar) must be
inserted in the underlying cabinet at least 20 mm from the bottom edge of the hob.
Securing the hob to the cabinet
The hob is secured to the cabinet with the aid of clamps supplied as accessories. The underside of the hob
contains pre-drilled holes through which the self-tapping plates (A) m ust be inserted; the relative screws (C) that
secure the fixing clamps (B) must then be screwed onto the plates.