pressure to the regulator should not exceed 4 in. w.c. for use with natural gas, and 11
in. w.c. for use with LP gas.
Inlet pressure in excess of 14 in. w.c. can damage the appliance pressure regulator, or
other gas component in this appliance and can result in a gas leak.
a) A gas cut-off valve should be put in an accessible location in the supply line
ahead of the cooktop, for turning on and turning off gas supply. If cooktop is to
be connected to house piping with exible or semi-rigid metal connectors for gas
appliances, connectors nuts must not be connected directly to pipe threads. The
connectors must be installed with adapters provided with the connector.
b) The house piping and/or cooktop connector used to connect the cooktop to the
main gas supply must be clean, a free of metal shavings, rust, dirt and liquids
(oil or water). Dirt in the supply lines can work its way into the cooktop manifold
and in turn cause failure of the gas valves or controls and clog burners and/or
pilot orices.
c) Turn off all pilots and main gas valve of other gas appliances.
d) Turn off main gas valve at meter.
e) Before connecting cooktop apply pipe thread compound approved for LPG to all
f) After installing a gas shut-off valve in an
easily accessible location under the unit
(see g. 3), install the pressure regulator
(supplied) to manifold pipe using Teon®
tape on threads of manifold pipe. To prevent possible damage to the gas pressure
regulator, install it after the rough-in box
is in its permanent position.
CAUTION: do not attempt any adjustment
of the pressure regulator, except conversion to propane. Connect the gas supply
line to the unit pressure regulator using a
1/2” ex gas line connector between wall
shut-off valve and pressure regulator (see
complete procedure in g. 3).
g) After installing the pressure regulator, the installer must check the manifold
pressure; this can be done by connecting a proper metering device to the 1/8
NPT thread directly on the pressure regulator.
h) For model 7216 942 - 7217 942: this cooktop has two manifold gas inlet (one
on the far right and one on the far left of the cooktop): two separate pressure regulators are supplied, and must be installed, one on each side, as per procedure
described in point f) of this paragraph.
i) See rating plate for type of gas the cooktop has been manufactured for.
j) Turn on main gas valve at meter, and relight pilots at other gas appliances.
k) Apply a non-corrosive leak detection uid to all joints and ttings in the gas
connection between the supply line shut-off valve and the cooktop. This includes gas ttings and joints in the cooktop if connections were disturbed during