Foster Refrigerator
Oldmedow Road
Kings Lynn
PE30 4JU
Tel: 01553 691122
Fax: 01553 691447
Website: www.fosterrefrigerator.co.uk
Email: sales@foster-uk.com
a Division of ‘ITW (UK) Ltd’
LC125 /SM/07/04

If not disposed of properly all refrigerators have components that can be harmful to the environment. All old
refrigerators must be disposed of by appropriately registered and licensed waste contractors, and in accordance
with UK laws and regulations.
Introduction 1
Technical Information 1
Temperature Controller 1
Controller Parameters 2
Alarms and Warnings 2
Electrical Connections 2
Wiring Diagram 3
Top loading meatwell for the storage of frozen
One piece foam shell with skin evaporator and
mount condensing system.
R 134A refrigerant
Fitted with corner bumpers to each side.
Front smash bar as an option, fitted as standard for
Burger King.
Fitted with 4 x 60mm castors.
Technical Information
Temperature Set Point -21°C
Refrigerant R134A
Refrigerant Charge 180 gms
Capillary 4.5mts x 042
Power supply 230/50/1
Temperature Controller
When the controller is switched on a single line appears on the display for 3 seconds to indicate the autotest
After this period the air temperature measured by the T1 probe is displayed.
It is strongly advised that before adjusting any Service Parameters a thorough understanding of the
following instructions should be obtained.
LDU 15 Controller
Check temperature set point.
Check set point by pressing the button
To increase set point press +
To decrease set point press +
Factory Temperature Set Point -21°C.
Exit from set up occurs after 10 seconds if no button is pressed.
Controller Set Up.
The parameters are accessed by pressing the following keys in succession + +
and keeping them pressed for 3 seconds.
Access to the parameters has been achieved with the first parameter SCL being displayed.
To pass from one parameter to the next press either the or key.
To display the value press.
To change the value press + to increase, or + to decrease.