Foscam FI8905E User Manual

Model: FI8905E
Outdoor PoE Network Camera
SShheennzzhheenn FFoossccaamm IInntteelllliiggeenntt TTeecchhnnoollooggyy CCoo..,, LLiimmiitteedd TTeell:: 8866 775555 22667744 55666688 FFaaxx:: 8866 775555 22667744 55116688
Table of Contents
1 Overviews ................................................................................................................................. 2
1.1 Key Features ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 POE (Power over Ethernet) ................................................................................................................................ 3
1.3 Read Before Use ................................................................................................................................................ 4
1.4 Packing Contents ................................................................................................................................................ 4
1.5 Physical Description ............................................................................................................................................ 4
2 Surveillance Software GUI ........................................................................................................ 6
2.1 Login Window ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Surveillance Window ........................................................................................................................................... 8
3 Advanced Camera Settings .................................................................................................... 13
3.1 Device Status .................................................................................................................................................... 13
3.2 Alias Settings .................................................................................................................................................... 15
3.3 Date & Time Settings ........................................................................................................................................ 15
3.4 User Settings ..................................................................................................................................................... 16
3.5 Multi-Device Settings ........................................................................................................................................ 17
3.6 Basic Network Settings ..................................................................................................................................... 23
3.7 Wireless Settings .............................................................................................................................................. 26
3.8 ADSL ................................................................................................................................................................. 26
3.9 UPnP Settings ................................................................................................................................................... 27
3.10 DDNS Service Settings ................................................................................................................................... 28
3.11 Mail Service Settings ....................................................................................................................................... 34
3.12 MSN Setting .................................................................................................................................................... 36
3.13 FTP Service Settings ...................................................................................................................................... 38
3.14 Alarm Service Settings .................................................................................................................................... 40
3.15 Upgrade Device Firmware .............................................................................................................................. 46
3.16 Backup & Restore Settings ............................................................................................................................. 48
3.17 Restore Factory Settings ................................................................................................................................ 48
3.18 Reboot Device ................................................................................................................................................ 49
3.19 Log .................................................................................................................................................................. 49
3.20 Back ................................................................................................................................................................ 49
SShheennzzhheenn FFoossccaamm IInntteelllliiggeenntt TTeecchhnnoollooggyy CCoo..,, LLiimmiitteedd TTeell:: 8866 775555 22667744 55666688 FFaaxx:: 8866 775555 22667744 55116688
4 Phone APPs ............................................................................................................................ 50
4.1 APP for Android cell phones ............................................................................................................................. 50
4.2 APP for iPhones ................................................................................................................................................ 58
5 APPENDIX .............................................................................................................................. 65
5.1 Frequently Asked Questions ............................................................................................................................. 65
5.2 Default Parameters ........................................................................................................................................... 68
5.3 Specifications .................................................................................................................................................... 69
6 OBTAINING TECHNICAL SUPPORT ..................................................................................... 70
11 OOvveerrvviieewwss
IPCAM is an integrated POE Network Camera solution. It combines a high quality digital video Camera with network connectivity and a powerful web server to bring clear to your desktop from anywhere on your local network or over the Internet.
The basic function of IPCAM is transmitting remote video on the IP network. The high quality video image can be transmitted with 30fps speed on the LAN/WAN by using MJPEG hardware compression technology.
The IPCAM is based on the TCP/IP standard. There is a WEB server inside which could support Internet Explore. Therefore the management and maintenance of your device is simplified by using the network to achieve the remote configuration, start-up and to upgrade the firmware. You can use this IPCAM to monitor special places such as your home and your office. Also controlling the IPCAM and managing image are simple by clicking the website through the network.
FOSCAM provides Phone APPs for Android and iPhone users, please search Foscam ip cam viewer and install it through APP Store, then you can view your camera directly as a computer.
SShheennzzhheenn FFoossccaamm IInntteelllliiggeenntt TTeecchhnnoollooggyy CCoo..,, LLiimmiitteedd TTeell:: 8866 775555 22667744 55666688 FFaaxx:: 8866 775555 22667744 55116688
11..11 KKeeyy FFeeaattuurrees
Powerful high-speed video protocol processor
High Definition Color CMOS Sensor
● 300K Pixels
IR night vision ( Range:30m;)
● Optimized MJPEG video compression for transmission
● Multi-level users’ management and passwords definition
● Embedded Web Server for users to visit by IE
Supports Dynamic IP (DDNS) and UPnP LAN and Internet (ADSL,Cable Modem)
Motion detection activates alarm
● Supports IR_CUT and the filter change automatically
POE compliant with POE standards IEEE 802.3af
Embedded FOSCAM DDNS(dynamic domain name) Service
Supports image snapshot
Support multiple network protocols: HTTP/TCP/IP/UDP/STMP/DDNS/SNTP/DHCP/FTP
● Supports Daylight Saving Time
● Supports MSN
● Supports Gmail as sender on mail service settings
Providing Phone APPs for Android and iPhone users
Providing Central Management Software to manage or monitor multi-cameras
11..22 PPOOEE ((PPoowweerr oovveerr EEtthheerrnneett))
The Network Camera is POE-compliant, allowing transmission of power and data via a single Ethernet cable. Such as the following picture: connect the Network Camera to a PoE-enabled router/ switch via Ethernet cable.
SShheennzzhheenn FFoossccaamm IInntteelllliiggeenntt TTeecchhnnoollooggyy CCoo..,, LLiimmiitteedd TTeell:: 8866 775555 22667744 55666688 FFaaxx:: 8866 775555 22667744 55116688
11..33 RReeaadd BBeeffoorree UUssee
Please first verify that all contents received are complete according to the Package Contents listed below. Before the Network Camera is installed, please carefully read and follow the instructions in the Quick Installation Guide to avoid damage due to faulty assembly and installation. This also ensures the product is used properly as intended.
11..44 PPaacckkiinngg CCoonntteenntts
● CD×1
● DC Power Supply×1
Quick Installation Guide×1
● Mounting bracket×1(option)
Warranty Card×1
● Network Cable×1
11..55 PPhhyyssiiccaall DDeessccrriippttiioonn
Front Panel
Figure 1.1
1 LENS: CMOS sensor with fixed focus lens 2 Infrared LED: 60 IR LEDs
SShheennzzhheenn FFoossccaamm IInntteelllliiggeenntt TTeecchhnnoollooggyy CCoo..,, LLiimmiitteedd TTeell:: 8866 775555 22667744 55666688 FFaaxx:: 8866 775555 22667744 55116688
Back View
Figure 1.2
1 LAN: RJ-45/10-100 Base T 2 RESET BUTTON: Press and hold down the RESET BUTTON for 10 seconds. Release the
power button and IP camera will be reset back to the factory default parameter.
3 Power: DC 5V/2A Power supply
Bottom View
There are up to three labels located on the body of the camera; this is an important feature of original Foscam cameras. If your camera does not have labels as shown in Figure 1.3 ,it may be a clone one. Cloned Foscam cameras can not use original firmware and are not eligible for warranty or technical services.
Figure 1.3
FOSCAM domain name
SShheennzzhheenn FFoossccaamm IInntteelllliiggeenntt TTeecchhnnoollooggyy CCoo..,, LLiimmiitteedd TTeell:: 8866 775555 22667744 55666688 FFaaxx:: 8866 775555 22667744 55116688
22 SSuurrvveeiillllaannccee SSooffttwwaarree GGUUII
Please refer to the Quick Installation Guide if you install the camera at first time. After finishing quick installation, you can take time to learn the operation of the software.
22..11 LLooggiinn WWiinnddooww
Figure 2.1
Please check the login window above, it was divided to 6 sections from no. 1 to 6.
Section1 Select Language
FOSCAM camera supports up to multi-languages, such as English, Spanish, Deutsch and so on. You can select the language you need via pull down the dropdown toolbar and click on the language to switch.
1 2 3
4 5 6
SShheennzzhheenn FFoossccaamm IInntteelllliiggeenntt TTeecchhnnoollooggyy CCoo..,, LLiimmiitteedd TTeell:: 8866 775555 22667744 55666688 FFaaxx:: 8866 775555 22667744 55116688
Section2 FOSCAM Website Link
There is an access link to Foscam website homepage, if you need tech support you can contact Foscam directly.
Section3 ActiveX Mode
If your PC is windows based OS, such as Windows XP, Windows7, Windows Vista and you are using IE-based browsers like IE6, IE7, IE8, please choose IE ActiveX Mode login mode. .
Section4 Server Push Mode
If you are using non-IE based browser, like Firefox, Safari, Google Chrome please choose Server Push Mode.
Section5 Mobile Phone
If you are using the Mobile to access the camera, here you need to select Mobile Phone login mode.
Section6 Note
Note that when you login the camera, please select the corresponding login mode.
SShheennzzhheenn FFoossccaamm IInntteelllliiggeenntt TTeecchhnnoollooggyy CCoo..,, LLiimmiitteedd TTeell:: 8866 775555 22667744 55666688 FFaaxx:: 8866 775555 22667744 55116688
2.2 Surveillance Window
Select the ActiveX mode and you will enter the surveillance window.
Figure 2.2
Section1 Device Name
Default device name is Anonymous. You can define a name for your camera as you like (Please go to chapter 3.1 and read how to set it)
Section2 Multi-Device Window
The firmware inside the camera supports up to maximum of 9 cameras being monitoring at the same time. You can add other cameras in multi-device setting (read chapter 3.5).
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6 4 7
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. Figure 2.3
Section3 Image Parameters Settings
OSD is used to add timestamp on the video. There are five text colors to choose from: Black, red, yellow, white, blue.
SShheennzzhheenn FFoossccaamm IInntteelllliiggeenntt TTeecchhnnoollooggyy CCoo..,, LLiimmiitteedd TTeell:: 8866 775555 22667744 55666688 FFaaxx:: 8866 775555 22667744 55116688
Add OSD on record
Select this option if you want to add a timestamp to recordings.
1) 320x240-------QVGA
2) 640x480-------VGA
There are two resolutions, the bigger one (VGA) is 640x480 pixels, and the smaller one (QVGA) is 320x240 pixels. The bigger the resolution, the better of the image quality is, but the lower the frame rate is. If you are accessing the camera via internet and want to get more fluent video streaming, please select resolution QVGA 320x240.
1) 50HZ ---------Indoor surveillance (Region: Europe, China)
2) 60HZ ---------Indoor surveillance (Region: USA, Canada)
3) Outdoor-------Outdoor surveillance (Region: All over the world)
There are three options within the menu of Mode: 50HZ, 60HZ and Outdoor. It depends on the frequency of the electricity and surveillance model (indoors & outdoor). Please choose outdoor mode, when the camera was installed outside.
1) Max---------- Maximum frame rate
2) 20fps, 15fps, 10fps, 5fps,4fps,3fps,2fps,1fps, 5fps, 1fps ,1/2fps,1/3fps,1/4fps,1/5fps------­customized frame rate
You can choose option within the menu of Fps to adjust the frame rate. It is often used in LAN network when you want to lower the frame rate, so that you can save more bandwidth.
Default parameter is 6, you can adjust the brightness of the image by clicking plus or minus button.
Default parameter is 4, you can adjust the contrast of the image by clicking plus or minus button.
Flip & Mirror
You can flip the image by enabling Flip button, or mirror the image by enabling Mirror button.
SShheennzzhheenn FFoossccaamm IInntteelllliiggeenntt TTeecchhnnoollooggyy CCoo..,, LLiimmiitteedd TTeell:: 8866 775555 22667744 55666688 FFaaxx:: 8866 775555 22667744 55116688
Section4 IR Lights Buttons
: Click this icon, all the IR lights will turn on.
: Click this icon to turn off IR lights.
Section5 Device Management
Device Management ------Path to Administrator Control Panel, Click it, and it will lead to Administrator Control Panel.
Section6 Record & Snapshot & Full Screen Buttons
1------Record Button Click it and it pop-up a path-setting window, you can select the storage
path and the record file name. At the same time the record icon changes to ,, Click it again and stop recording. 2------Snapshot Click it to make snapshot and it pop-up a window which picture you snapshot, right click in the window and save the picture to anywhere you want. 3------Full Screen Click it to make full-screen, or you can double click the surveillance screen
to make full-screen.
Section7 Play/Stop Buttons
1------Play Click it to play the video of the camera 2------Stop Click it to stop the video of the camera
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SShheennzzhheenn FFoossccaamm IInntteelllliiggeenntt TTeecchhnnoollooggyy CCoo..,, LLiimmiitteedd TTeell:: 8866 775555 22667744 55666688 FFaaxx:: 8866 775555 22667744 55116688
Record and multi-device function are controlled by ActiveX controller, therefore Firefox or Google Chrome, Safari browsers will not allow these functions. For Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, you should select the Server Push Mode and you can see the following screen:
Figure 2.4
SShheennzzhheenn FFoossccaamm IInntteelllliiggeenntt TTeecchhnnoollooggyy CCoo..,, LLiimmiitteedd TTeell:: 8866 775555 22667744 55666688 FFaaxx:: 8866 775555 22667744 55116688
33 AAddvvaanncceedd CCaammeerraa SSeettttiinnggss
Click the bar “Device Management”, goes to Administrator Control Panel to make advanced
camera settings.
3.1 Device Status
Figure 3.1
1------Device ID MAC ID of the camera by wired connection 2-----Device Firmware Version System Firmware version of the camera 3-----Device Web UI Version Web UI firmware version of the camera 4-----Alias Name of the camera 5-----Alarm Status The status of Alarm Service Setting 6-----DDNS Status The status of DDNS Setting 7-----UPnP Status The status of UPnP Setting 8-----MSN Status The status of MSN Setting
SShheennzzhheenn FFoossccaamm IInntteelllliiggeenntt TTeecchhnnoollooggyy CCoo..,, LLiimmiitteedd TTeell:: 8866 775555 22667744 55666688 FFaaxx:: 8866 775555 22667744 55116688
Another Way:
Double click the the icon “IP Camera.exe” , select the camera IP, right click and select the Basic Properties, you can also see the Firmware Version and MAC Address, such as the
following screen:
Figure 3.2
Figure 3.3
SShheennzzhheenn FFoossccaamm IInntteelllliiggeenntt TTeecchhnnoollooggyy CCoo..,, LLiimmiitteedd TTeell:: 8866 775555 22667744 55666688 FFaaxx:: 8866 775555 22667744 55116688
Alias Settings
Default alias is Anonymous. You can define a name for your camera here such as apple. Click Submit to save your changes. The alias name supports special characters.
Figure 3.4
Date & Time Settings
Choose the time zone of your country. You can choose Sync with NTP Server or Sync with PC Time. If your country implements the Daylight Saving Time, that option can also be
Figure 3.5
Click the option here to modify the device name
Enter the device name as you like. Use different names to identify multi-cameras
Go to Data &Time Settings
Select the time zone belong to your region
SShheennzzhheenn FFoossccaamm IInntteelllliiggeenntt TTeecchhnnoollooggyy CCoo..,, LLiimmiitteedd TTeell:: 8866 775555 22667744 55666688 FFaaxx:: 8866 775555 22667744 55116688
33..44 UUsseerr SSeettttiinnggss
Here you can create users and set permission levels, visitor, operator or administrator. Click Submit to save these settings. The camera will reboot.
Figure 3.6
Here you can also set one important file locations for the camera, the Alarm Record Path. Simply click Browse and choose the path to the required folder.
The Alarm Record Path location is used to store automatically recorded files when the camera is activated by motion. (See set motion alarm. Figure 3.35) The default path for Alarm Record
Path is C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents.
NOTE: In Windows7 or Vista, if you cannot set the paths.:
Windows7 or Vista's security level is higher than Windows XP/2000.For "set record path" function, user should add the Device IP address to the Internet Explorer's 'Trusted sites' first. The step is: IE browserToolInternet ProperSecurityTrusted sitesSitesAdd
You can set different permission levels, but at least one administrator
SShheennzzhheenn FFoossccaamm IInntteelllliiggeenntt TTeecchhnnoollooggyy CCoo..,, LLiimmiitteedd TTeell:: 8866 775555 22667744 55666688 FFaaxx:: 8866 775555 22667744 55116688
3.5 Multi-Device Settings
If you want to view multi-surveillance screens on one window, you need to login one camera, and set it as the main device, and do Multi-Device Settings, add other cameras to the first one camera. Before you do multi-cams settings, you need to assign different port such as 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88 to the cameras if there is 8 cams installed. The firmware within the camera can support a maximum of 9 devices monitoring all at the same time.
3.5.1 Add cameras in LAN
In Multi-Device Settings page, you can see all devices searched in LAN. The 1st Device is the default one. You can add more cameras in the list in LAN for monitoring. The camera’s software supports up to 9 IP Cameras online simultaneously. Click The 2nd Device and click the item in the Device List in LAN, the Alias, Host and Http Port will be filled in the boxes below automatically. Enter the correct username and password then click Add. Add more cameras in the same way. After all cameras have been added, choose Submit.
Figure 3.7a
1 Click it, alias, host and HTTP Port will be filled in the following boxes automatically
2 Enter the User name and password of the 2nd camera
3 Click Add to take effect
SShheennzzhheenn FFoossccaamm IInntteelllliiggeenntt TTeecchhnnoollooggyy CCoo..,, LLiimmiitteedd TTeell:: 8866 775555 22667744 55666688 FFaaxx:: 8866 775555 22667744 55116688
Figure 3.7b Back to Surveillance Windows, and click Four Windows option, you will see four cameras you added.
Figure 3.8
Click Submit after add all cameras
SShheennzzhheenn FFoossccaamm IInntteelllliiggeenntt TTeecchhnnoollooggyy CCoo..,, LLiimmiitteedd TTeell:: 8866 775555 22667744 55666688 FFaaxx:: 8866 775555 22667744 55116688
Figure 3.9
3.5.2 Add cameras in WAN
If you want to view all cameras via the internet(remote computer), you will need to add them using DDNS domain name. Firstly, make sure all of the cameras you added can be accessed through the internet. (Read How to configure DDNS settings in chapter 3.10) Login to the first camera using a DDNS domain name and port.
SShheennzzhheenn FFoossccaamm IInntteelllliiggeenntt TTeecchhnnoollooggyy CCoo..,, LLiimmiitteedd TTeell:: 8866 775555 22667744 55666688 FFaaxx:: 8866 775555 22667744 55116688
Figure 3.10
If you have several cameras, you can use the same DDNS domain name; you only need to set a different port number for each camera. Click Multi-Device Settings. Choose The 2nd Device. Fill in the 2nd camera’s name, DDNS domain name, port number. Enter user name and password and then choose Add. (Figure
NOTE: Here the Host must be entered as the second camera’s DDNS domain name, not its LAN IP.
Use DDNS domain name and port to login
Make sure each camera you need add could login with DDNS name and port
SShheennzzhheenn FFoossccaamm IInntteelllliiggeenntt TTeecchhnnoollooggyy CCoo..,, LLiimmiitteedd TTeell:: 8866 775555 22667744 55666688 FFaaxx:: 8866 775555 22667744 55116688
Figure 3.11
1----- The 2nd camera’s name 2----- Fill in the 2nd camera’s DDNS host not LAN IP 3 ---- Enter the 2nd camera’s user name and password 4---- Click Add button and to take effect
Add the other cameras in the same way. Click Submit to save.
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