© Copyright 2008 Fortinet Incorporated. All rights reserved.
Checking the Package Contents
Planning the Configuration
Ether net C ables :
Orang e - C rosso ver
Grey - Str aight -thro ugh
Docum entat ion
FortiAnalyzer -4000A
Copyright 2006 Forti net Incorpo rated. All rights rese rved.
Products mentioned i n this docu ment are tr ademarks.
Power Cabl e
Ethernet Connections
Serial Connection
Null- Modem Cabl e
(RS-2 32)
Qu i ck S t ar t Gu i de
12 ho t-swa ppabl e
hard disks
Power connections
Ethernet cable connects
to hub or switch
Ethernet cable connects
to hub or switch
Null modem cable connects
to serial port on management computer
Products mentioned in this document are trademarks or registered trademarks
of their respective holders.
Regulatory Compliance
FCC Class A Part 15 CSA/CUS
9 September 2008
Connector Type Speed Protocol Description
Ports 1 to 4 RJ-45 10/100/1000Base-T Ethernet Connection to the network
CONSOLE DB-9 9600 bps RS-232 serial Connection to the management computer. Provides
access to the command line interface (CLI).
Connect the FortiMail unit to a power outlet and to the network hub or switch.
Insert the hard disks included in the FortiMail package into the bays of the
FortiMail unit, starting in bay 1.
Match the label on the hard disk with the diagram on the top of the FortiMail unit.
Place the FortiMail unit on a stable surface The FortiMail-4000A requires 1.5 inches
(3.75 cm) clearance on each side to allow for cooling.
Alternatively, install the FortiMail-4000A in a 19-inch rack. The FortiMail-4000A requires
2U of vertical space.
Make sure the power is not plugged into the wall before connecting the power cable to
the FortiMail unit.
Once you connect the power cord to the FortiMail unit, plug the cord into the outlet.
Gateway mode
In Gateway mode, the FortiMail unit protects your email server by scanning the SMTP trafc
for viruses and spam messages as it passes through the FortiMail unit.
Transparent mode
In Transparent mode, the FortiMail unit protects your email server by scanning the SMTP
trafc for viruses and spam messages as it passes through the FortiMail unit.
You can congure your rewall or DNS server to ensure that incoming SMTP trafc goes
through the FortiMail unit before reaching the email server. Optionally, you can congure the
email server to use the FortiMail unit as the relay server for outgoing SMTP trafc.
The FortiMail unit integrates into your existing network with only minor changes to your
network conguration.
The FortiMail unit provides seamless integration into existing networks. You can place the
FortiMail unit in front of the existing email server without any conguration changes to the
existing network topology, for ltering email messages. This means that all of the FortiMail
interfaces are on the same IP subnet and appears to other devices as a bridge. Alternatively,
you can congure the FortiMail unit as a combination of a bridge and a router by assigning
IP addresses to some of its interfaces. In this situation, the interfaces can be on different
Server mode
In Server mode, the FortiMail unit provides basic email server functionality, supporting
WebMail, SMTP, POP3 and IMAP email protocols. In addition, the FortiMail Server provides
antivirus, antispam, email archiving, logging and reporting services.

Completing the Configuration
Configuring the FortiMail Unit
Choosing a Configuration Tool
Web-based manager
Command Line Interface (CLI)
The FortiMail web-based manager is an easy to use management tool.
Use it to congure the administrator password, the interface and default gateway addresses,
and the DNS server addresses.
An Ethernet connection between the FortiMail unit and management computer.
Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher on the management computer.
Gateway/Server mode
Port 1 IP: ____.____.____.____
Netmask: ____.____.____.____
Port 2 IP: ____.____.____.____
Netmask: ____.____.____.____
Port 3 IP: ____.____.____.____
Netmask: ____.____.____.____
Port 4 IP: ____.____.____.____
Netmask: ____.____.____.____
Transparent mode
Management IP IP: ____.____.____.____
Netmask: ____.____.____.____
The CLI is a text-based management tool. Use it to congure the administrator password,
the interface addresses, the default gateway address, and the DNS server addresses. To
congure advanced settings, see the FortiMail Administration Guide.
The DB-9 null modem connection between the FortiMail unit and management
A terminal emulation application (HyperTerminal for Windows) on the management
General settings
Administrator password:
Network Settings: Default Gateway:
Primary DNS Server: ____.____.____.____
Secondary DNS Server: ____.____.____.____
A default gateway is required for the FortiMail unit to route connections to the Internet.
Factory default settings
Gateway/Server mode Administrative account settings
Port 1 User name admin
Port 2 Password (none)
Port 3 Transparent mode
Port 4 Management IP
Web-based Manager
Connect the FortiMail Port 1 interface to a management computer Ethernet interface.
Use a cross-over Ethernet cable to connect the devices directly. Use straight-through
Ethernet cables to connect the devices through a hub or switch.
Congure the management computer to be on the same subnet as the internal interface
of the FortiMail unit. To do this, change the IP address of the management computer to and the netmask to
To access the FortiMail web-based manager, start Internet Explorer and browse to
3. (remember to include the “s” in https://).
Type admin in the Name eld and select Login.
The web-based manager has two conguration modes: Basic and Advanced. You can switch
between the basic mode and advanced mode of the web-based manager at any time with no
conguration loss. To switch between the two modes, go to either Basic >> or Advanced >>.
The following congurations are described for Basic mode (the default conguration mode).
Server mode
To switch to Server mode
Go to Management > Status.
Select Change for the Operation Mode.
Select Server. The FortiMail unit will reset to factory default settings.
To change the administrator password
Go to Settings > Cong > Admin.
Select Change Password for the admin administrator and enter a new password.
To congure interfaces
Go to Settings > Network > Interface.
Select the Modify icon for each interface to congure.
Set the addressing mode for the interface. (See the online help for information.)
To congure the Primary and Secondary DNS server IP addresses
Go to Settings > Network > DNS, enter the Primary and Secondary DNS IP addresses.
To congure a Default Gateway
Go to Settings > Network > Routing and select Edit icon for the static route.
Set Gateway to the Default Gateway IP address you recorded above and select OK.
Gateway mode
To switch to Gateway mode
Go to Management > Status.
Select Change for the Operation Mode.
Select Gateway. The FortiMail unit will reset to factory default settings.
To change the administrator password
Go to Settings > Cong > Admin.
Select Change Password for the admin administrator and enter a new password.
To congure interfaces
Go to Settings > Network > Interface.
Select the Modify icon for each interface to congure.
Set the addressing mode for the interface. (See the online help for information.)
To congure the DNS server and default gateway IP addresses
Go to Settings > Network > Network, enter the Primary and Secondary DNS, and
Default Gateway IP addresses.
Transparent mode
To switch to Transparent mode
Go to System > Status.
Select Change for the Operation Mode.
Select Transparent. The FortiMail unit will reset to factory default settings.
To change the administrator password
Go to System > Cong > Admin.
Select Change Password for the admin administrator and enter a new password.
To change the management interface
Go to System > Network > Management IP.
Enter the Management IP address and netmask.
To congure the Primary and Secondary DNS server IP addresses
Go to System > Network > DNS, enter the Primary and Secondary DNS IP addresses.
Command Line Interface
Use the RJ-45 to DB-9 serial cable to connect the FortiMail Console port to the management computer serial port.
Start a terminal emulation program (HyperTerminal) on the management computer. Use
these settings:
Baud Rate (bps) 9600, Data bits 8, Parity None, Stop bits 1, and Flow Control None.
At the Login: prompt, type admin and press Enter twice (no password required).
Conguring the FortiMail unit
The CLI commands to congure the FortiMail unit are the same for all three modes.
Congure the interface IP addresses.
set system interface <port_number> mode static ip <ip_
Congure the primary and secondary DNS server IP addresses.
set system dns primary <dns-server_ip>
set system dns secondary <dns-server_ip>
Congure the default gateway.
set system route number <route_number>gw1 <gateway_ip>
Changing Modes
To change modes
set system opmode {gateway | server | transparent}
Set the management IP for Transparent mode.
set system managementip <ip_address> netmask <netmask>
You have nished conguring the basic settings. To explore the full range of conguration
options, see the online help or the Documentation CD.
Visit these links for more information and documentation for your Fortinet product.
Technical Documentation - http://docs.forticare.com
Fortinet Knowledge Center - http://kc.forticare.com
Fortinet Technical Support - http://support.fortinet.com