Adding an administration password
By default, the admin user does not have a password. To restrict access to the FortiLog
unit management account, add a password for the admin user account.
To add the admin user account password
1. In the web-based manager, go to System > Config > Admin .
2. For the admin user, select the Change Password icon.
3. Enter a new password in the New Password box. Reenter it in the Confirm
Password box.
4. Select OK.
Congratulations! You have set up the FortiLog unit and finished configuring the basic settings.
For more information
Technical documentation
For more information about FortiLog units, see:
• FortiLog online help
• FortiLog Administration Guide.
For information about FortiGate units, see:
• FortiGate online help
• FortiGate Administration Guide
• FortiGate QuickStart Guide
• Other FortiGate user guides
Technical support
Fortinet Technical Support Web site:
Fortinet email support: For customers in the United States, Canada,
Mexico, Latin America and South America. For customers in Japan, Korea, China, Hong Kong,
Singapore, Malaysia, all other Asian countries, and
Australia. For customers in the United Kingdom, Scandinavia,
Mainland Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.
Using the web-based manager
For all the three FortiLog models, use the following procedure to connect to the
web-based manager for the first time. Configuration changes made with the web-based
manager are effective immediately without resetting the FortiLog unit or interrupting
To connect to the web-based manager, you need:
• An Ethernet connection between the FortiLog unit and management computer.
• Internet Explorer version 4.0 or higher on the management computer.
To connect to the web-based manager
1. Connect the LAN interface of the FortiLog unit to the Ethernet port of the
management computer.
Use a cross-over Ethernet cable to connect the devices directly. Use straightthrough Ethernet cables to connect the devices through a hub or switch.
2. Configure the management computer to be on the same subnet as the FortiLog
LAN interface.
To do this, change the IP address of the management computer to and
the netmask to
3. To access the FortiLog web-based manager, start Internet Explorer and browse to (remember to include the “s” in https://).
4. Type admin in the Name field and select Login.
After connecting to the Web-based manager, you can configure the FortiLog unit IP
address, DNS server IP address, and default gateway to connect the FortiLog unit to
the network.
To configure the FortiLog unit using the web-based manager
1. In the web-based manager, go to System > Config > Network.
2. Enter the IP address, netmask, primary DN S server IP address, secondary DNS
server IP address (optional), and the default gateway IP address if the FortiLog unit
connects to the Internet.
Use these procedures if you experience problems operating the FortiLog unit.
Restarting the FortiLog Unit
Should you mistakenly change a network setting and cannot connect to the unit, reboot
the unit and try again or to set the unit back to factory defaults and start over again.
To use the web-based manager procedures
1. Go to System > Status.
2. Do one of the following:
• Select Restart to reboot the unit.
• Select Restore Factory Default to restore the factory default configuration.
To use the CLI
1. Restart the unit:
execute reboot
2. Restore factory default confi guration:
execute factoryreset
The FortiLog-800 model has serial port and you can use the null modem cable to
connect it to your management computer. The FortiLog-100 and 400 models do not
support serial cable connections. But you can use SSH to access the CLI.
To connect to the FortiLog-800 unit
1. Use a null modem cable to conne ct the FortiLog-800 serial port to the management
computer serial port.
2. Start a terminal emulation program (such as HyperTerminal) on the management
computer. Use these settings: Baud Rate (bps) 9600, Data bits 8,
Parity None, Stop bits 1, Flow Control None.
3. At the login: prompt, type admin and press Enter twice.
prompt is preceded by the server IP address.)
After connecting to the CLI, you can configure the FortiLog-800 unit IP address, DNS
server IP address, and default gateway to connect the FortiLog-800 unit to the
To configure the FortiLog unit using the CLI
1. Set the IP address and netmask of the LAN interface:
set system interface port1 mode static ip <IP_address> <netmask>
2. Confirm that the address is correct:
get system interface
3. Set the primary DNS server IP address:
set system dns primary <IP_address>
4. Optionally set the secondary DNS server IP address:
set system dns secondary <IP_address>
5. Set the default gateway:
set system route number <route_no> dst gw1 <gw_ip>
Using the CLI
Use the web-based manager or the Command Line Interface (CLI) to configure the FortiLog unit
IP address, netmask, DNS server IP address, and default gateway IP address.
Remember to change the password.
Configuring the FortiLog unit
Using the CLI
Using the front panel buttons and LCD
You can use the front panel buttons to set up the FortiLog unit’s IP address, netmask,
and default gateway.