Ford 2008 Escape Quick Reference Manual

againor turnthe keyin theignition todeactivate thepanic alarm.Press twicewithin 3 secondsto activatethe carfinder feature;your hornwill chirpand yourturn signallamps will flash.It isrecommended thatthis methodbe usedto locateyour vehicle,rather thanusing the panicalarm. Press twicewithin3 secondsto openthe liftgateglass. Ensurethat youkeep the IKTadhesive securitylabel ina safeplace forfuture reference.Replacements areonly available throughan authorizeddealer.
KEYLESSENTRY PAD – (ifequipped) Youcan use the Keyless Entry Keypadto lockor unlockthe
GEARSHIFT/ OVERDRIVECONTROL –(if equipped)Overdrive isthe normaldrive positionfor the
bestfuel economy.Only turn Overdrive OFF whendriving witha heavyload, towinga trailerup ordown steephills, orwhen additionalengine brakingis needed.To deactivate, press the switch locatedon theside ofthe gearshiftlever.
providesstability enhancementfeatures forcertain drivingconditions. The AdvanceTrac® button,located onthe centerstack ofthe instrumentpanel, allowsthe driverto controlcertain featuresof thesystem. Formore information,please seeyour Owner’sGuide.
MOONROOF –(if equipped)The moonroof isequipped withan automatic,one-touch, express
openingfeature. Pressand releasethe rearportion ofthe controllocated inthe overhead console.To stop motion at anytime duringthe one-touchopening, pressthe controla second time.To close, press and holdthe frontportion ofthe controluntil theglass stopsmoving. Toopen the moon roof tothe ventposition, pressand holdthe frontportion ofthe control. Toclose, press and hold therear portionof thecontrol untilthe glassstops moving.
CENTERCONSOLE STORAGE– Yourvehicle is equipped
witha configurableconsole containinga trayand an insidebin thatcan beremoved toopen upspace tofit a laptopcomputer, MP3 players, CDs or handbags.To remove,open theconsole lidand pullthe binstraight upand outfrom theconsole housing.The slidingtray andinside bincan behooked onthe sideor rearof the consolefor extrastorage.
FUSES– Ifyour electricalcomponents arenot workingproperly, a fuse may haveblown.
Formore information,please seeyour Owner’sGuide.
FUELPUMP SHUT-OFFSWITCH – This device stopsthe electricfuel pumpfrom sendingfuel to
theengine whenyour vehiclehas hada substantialjolt. Afteran accident,if youfind thatthe enginecranks, butdoes notstart, thisswitch mayhave beenactivated. Thefuel pumpshut-off switchis locatedin thefront passenger’sfootwell, behind a flip-up cover,by the kick panel accesscover.
LOCATIONOF SPARE TIRE AND TOOLS –The sparetire islocated underthe vehicle,just forward
ofthe rearbumper. The jack and tools arelocated inthe loadfloor orcargo management system(if equipped).
TIREPRESSURE – Safe operation of yourEscape requires your tires to be properlyinflated. The
recommendedinflation pressureis found on the Safety Compliance CertificationLabel or Tire Labelwhich is located on the B-Pillaror the edge of the driver’s door.At least once a month and beforelong trips, inspect each tireand check the air pressure with a tire gauge.Don’t forget the spare.Air pressure should be checkedwhen the tires are cold. WARNING:Improperly inflated tirescan affect vehicle handlingand can fail suddenly, resultingin a possible loss of vehicle control.
CHANGINGTHE TIRES– Ifyou geta flattire whiledriving, donot applythe brakeheavily.
Instead,gradually decreaseyour speed.Hold thesteering wheelfirmly andslowly move to a safeplace onthe sideof theroad. Yourvehicle is equipped with a temporaryspare tire,which issmaller thana regulartire, andis designedfor emergencyuse only.For more information, pleasesee yourOwner’s Guide.
TIREPRESSURE MONITORINGSYSTEM –Using radio-frequencypressure sensors,this system
monitorstire pressureon allroad tiresand providesthe driverwith ayellow warninglight when airneeds tobe added.Message centerequipped vehiclesprovide additionalwarning messages. TheTPMS warninglight willreset itself(turn off)after the tiresare setto specificationand the vehicleis drivenabove 20mph (32km/h) forat least2 minutes.Note: Outsidetemperature
affectstire pressure.For moreinformation, pleasesee yourOwner’s Guide.
FUELTANK CAPACITY – Vehicles equipped with 2.3Lfour-cylinder engines and3.0L six-cylinder
engineshave a16.5 gallon(62.5L) fueltank.
REARWINDOW BUFFETING– Whenone orboth ofthe rearwindows areopen, thevehicle may
demonstratea windthrob orbuffeting noise. Thisnoise iscommon amonga widerange of vehiclesandcan be eliminatedby simplyloweringa frontwindow approximatelytwoto three inches.
ROADSIDEASSISTANCE – During yourFord Escapelimited warrantyperiod, theassurance and
supportof a24-hour emergencyroadside assistanceprogram isincluded. Roadside assistance includessuch servicesas fueldelivery, tire changes, jump starts,winch outs,help whenyou’re lockedout ofyour vehicle,and towing.To receive roadside assistance inthe UnitedStates, call (800)241-3673. InCanada (800)665-2006
ThisQuick Reference Guide is not intended to replace your vehicle Owner’sGuidewhich contains more detailed information concerning thefeaturesof your
vehicle,as well as important safety warnings designed to help reduce theriskof injury to you andyourpassengers. Please read your entire Owner’sGuide
carefullyas you begin learning about your new vehicle and refer totheappropriate sections when questions arise.
Allinformation contained in this Quick Reference Guide was accurate at thetimeof duplication. We reserve the righttochange features, operation and/or
functionalityof any vehicle specification at any time. Your Ford dealer is the best sourceforthe most current information.
Fordetailed operating and safety information, please consult your Owner’s Guide.
engagefull automaticoperation. Turnto increaseor decreasethe temperatureon the driverside ofthe vehicle.The temperature settingwill bedisplayed inthe shareddisplay atthe topof thecenter panelarea. The controlalso adjuststhe passengerside temperaturewhen PASSTEMP is disengaged.
Distributesair throughthe windshielddefroster vents, demistervents, floorvents andrear seat floorvents.
C.DEFROST – Distributes outside airthrough
thewindshield defrostervents anddemister vents.It canbe usedto clearthe windshield offog andthin ice.
D.DRIVER HEATEDSEAT – (if equipped) Press
toactivate ordeactivate thedriver heated seat.The systemautomatically shutsoff after 10minutes.
E.REAR DEFROSTER– Pressto clearthe rear
windowof fogand thinice. Therear defrosterturns offautomatically after a predeterminedamount oftime orif the ignitionis turnedto theLOCK orACCESSORY position.This buttonalso controlsthe outside heatedmirrors (ifequipped).
F.A/C – Press to activate/deactivate air
conditioning.Use withrecirculated airto improvecooling performanceand efficiency. Theindicator lightmay staylit inAUTO mode.
G.MAX A/C– Distributesrecirculated air
throughthe instrumentpanel ventsto cool
thevehicle. Thisre-cooling ofthe interiorair ismore economicaland efficient.Depressing theMAX A/Cbutton againwill returnthe systemto normaloperation.
activate/deactivateair recirculationin the vehicle.Recirculated airmay reducethe amountof timeneeded tocool downthe interiorof thevehicle andmay alsohelp reduceundesired odorsfrom reachingthe interiorof thevehicle.
I.POWER ANDFAN – Press toactivate or
deactivatethe climatecontrol system.Turn to manuallyincrease ordecrease thefan speed; thefan settingwill bedisplayed inthe shared displayat thetop ofthe centerpanel area.To returnto automaticfan operation,press AUTO.When theclimate systemis off,outside airis shutout.
theairflow directionfrom instrumentpanel, to paneland floor,or to floor only.
Pressto activateor deactivatethe passenger heatedseat.
Thesystem automatically shutsoff
after10 minutes.
L.PASS TEMP – Pressto engage/disengage
separatepassenger sidetemperature control. Turnto increase / decrease thetemperature onthe passenger
sideof thevehicle. The
settingwill be displayedin theshared displayat thetop ofthe centerpanel area,if thePASS TEMP isengaged.
AUTO-DIMMINGREARVIEW MIRROR –(if equipped)The Auto-DimmingRearview Mirroris
equippedwith afeature thatwill reduceglare inthe rearviewmirror whenbright headlights aredetected. Itautomatically returnsto normal/clearwhen thevehicle isplaced in R (Reverse).
equippedwith twospecially programmedIntegrated Keyhead Transmitters(IKTs). IKTs are both aprogrammed ignitionkey anda remotekeyless entrytransmitter. Handle the IKT carefully whenstarting thecar toavoid accidentallypressing anyof theremote entrybuttons. Press onceto unlockthe driver’sdoor. The interior lamps will illuminate if thelamp isin theDOOR position.Press twiceto unlockall thedoors. Press oncetolock allthe doors.Press twice toconfirm allthe doorsand liftgateare closed.On thefirst pressof ,theparklamps will flash. Onthe secondpress within3 seconds,the hornwill chirpand theturn signallamps willflash onceif allthe doorsand theliftgate areclosed. Press to activate the panic alarm. Press
A.MEDIA –Press toaccess themedia menu
andto stepthrough themedia menutabs consistingof varioussources.
B.SOUND –Press toaccess thesound menu
andto stepthrough thesound menutabs.
C.MENU –Press toaccess thesystem menu
andto stepthrough systemmenu tabs.
D.SEEK –Press toseek tothe next/previous
availablestation ortrack.
E.MEMORY PRESETS –Press andhold apreset
buttonto savean AM/FMradio station.In CD mode,press abutton toplay thedisc inthe correspondingslot.
F.TUNE – Press to manually advance upor
downthe frequencyband orto the next/previousfolder inMP3 mode.
G.REPEAT – Press while navigationguidance
isactive torepeat thelast spokennavigation guidanceprompt.
H.NAV – Press toaccess thenavigation menu
andto step through the navigationmenu tabs.
I.DEST –Press toaccess thedestination entry
menuand toshow additionaldestination entrytechniques.
J.MAP –Press toaccess thenavigation map.
Presswhile themap display isactive to re-center themap onthe currentvehicle position.
K.LOAD –Press toload asingle CD.Press and
holdto loaddiscs inall emptyslot locations.
Formore information, please see yourNavigation Supplement.
Smudges,fingerprints or scratches on thenavigation discs couldaffect performance of the navigation system.Keep discsclean and stored in theprotective jackets when not inuse.
FordMotor Company
CustomerRelationship Center
P.O.Box 6248 Dearborn,MI 48121 1-800-392-3673(FORD)
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QuickReference Guide
Yournew Ford Escape is about toturn
youreveryday drivingexperience into
aneveryday drivingadventure.
Withits off-roadcapability and on-road
confidence,Escape canhandle whatever
roadlife laysout beforeyou. ThisQuick
ReferenceGuide wasdesigned tohelp
youquickly getto knowthe many
featuresof yournew Escape.For more
information,please seeyour
12 3 4 5 6 7 89 13121110
1.HEADLAMP ANDFOGLAMP CONTROL– Rotatethe headlamp control to the first position
toturn on the parking lamps. Rotate to the second position to turn on the headlamps. Touse the autolamp (if equipped) light sensitive on-off control for the headlamps, turn the headlampcontrol to the position. To turn the autolamps off, turn the control back to the O (Off)position. The foglamps (if equipped) can be turned on when the headlamp control is in the parkinglamp, headlamp or autolamp position and the high beams are not on. Pull the headlamp controltoward you to turn on the foglamps. The foglamp indicator light will illuminate. Push thecontrol in to deactivate. Remember, the foglamps will not operate when the high beams are on.The foglamps are also deactivated when the ignition is turned to the LOCK position.
2.MULTIFUNCTION LEVER – Themultifunction levercontrols thefront andrear wipersand
washers,high beamheadlamps andturn signals.Rotate theend ofthe controlaway fromyou toincrease thewindshield wiperspeed ortoward youto decreasethe speed.Press theend of thestalk toactivate thewasher. One extra wipe will happena fewseconds afterwashing the frontwindow toclear anywater thatis drippingdown fromthe topof thewindshield causedby thewashing. Forrear wiperoperation, rotatethe rearwiper control to the desired position. Rotatethe controlto either position to activate the rear washer.
Toactivate the high beams, pushthe levertoward theinstrument panel.Pull thelever toward youto deactivate.To use the “Flash toPass” feature,pull thelever towardsyou slightlyto activateand releaseto deactivate.For moreinformation, pleasesee yourOwner’s Guide.
3.PANEL DIMMER CONTROL –Use thedimmer controlto adjustthe brightnessof theinstrument
paneland allapplicable switchesin thevehicle whenthe headlampsand parkinglamps are on. Movethe controlto thefull uprightposition, pastthe detent,to turnon theinterior lamps.
4.SPEED CONTROL– (ifequipped) Foryour speedcontrol towork, itmust bein theON
position.Pressing andreleasing theON buttonwill engageit. Pressingand releasing theOFF buttondisengages it.To set a desired speed,press SET+.You can increase speed using thespeed controlby pressingand holdingSET+. Youcan decrease speed by pressing andholding theCST­button.Pressing theRESUME buttonwill automaticallyreturn the vehicleto the previously set speed.To disengage the speed control,press theOFF buttonor pressthe brakepedal.
.SERVICE ENGINE SOONLIGHT –TheService EngineSoon indicatorlight illuminateswhen the
ignitionis firstturned tothe RUNposition tocheck thebulb. Ifthe lightturns solidor blinksafter theengine isstarted, theOn-Board DiagnosticsSystem hasdetected
amalfunction. Drivein a
moderatefashion (avoidheavy accelerationor deceleration)
andhave yourvehicle serviced immediately.Always secure your fuel capby turningit clockwiseuntil itclicks atleast onceto avoida warningcaused bya loosecap.
6.TIRE PRESSUREMONITORING SYSTEM(TPMS) –Using radio-frequencypressure sensors,this
systemmonitors allroad tiresand illuminatesa lowtire pressurelight whenone ormore ofyour tiresis significantlyunder-inflated. Message centerequipped vehiclesprovide additionalwarning messages.The TPMSwarning lightwill reset(turn off)after the tiresare resetto specification andthe vehicleis drivenabove 20mph (30km/h) fortwo minutes.A malfunctionindicator is alsocombined withthe lowtire pressurelight. Whenthe systemdetects amalfunction, thelight willflash forapproximately oneminute andthen remaincontinuously illuminated.Please note: Outsidetemperature affectstire pressure.
7.MESSAGE CENTER– (ifequipped) Themessage center,located on your instrument cluster,
displaysimportant informationthrough constantmonitoring of vehiclesystems. Youmay select displayfeatures onthe messagecenter fora displayof statuspreceded bya briefindicator chime.The systemwill alsonotify youof potentialvehicle problemswith adisplay ofsystem warningsfollowed bya longindicator chime.
8.ABS WARNINGLIGHT – TheABS warninglight willmomentarily illuminatewhen theignition
isturned on.If thelight doesnot illuminate,stays onor flashes,have yourvehicle serviced.In an emergency,apply continuous force to thebrake pedal.Do notpump thebrakes. Anypulsation ormechanical noiseyou mayfeel orhear isnormal.
9.TILT STEERING WHEEL LEVER– Toadjust the steering wheel, pushthe adjustmentlever down
tounlock thesteering column.While thelever isin thedown position,tilt thesteering wheelto yourdesired position.Then, whileholding thesteering columnin place, pullthe leverup toits originalposition tolock thesteering column.
10.AUXILIARY POWER POINTS(12V) –The 12Vpower pointoutlets, locatedon theinstrument
paneland therear ofthe centerconsole, aredesigned foraccessory plugsonly. Do not insert anyother object;damage mayoccur andblow thefuse.
11.PASSENGER AIRBAG OFF –The passengerairbag offindicator lightwill illuminatewhen the
passenger’sfrontal airbag is off.For additional information,please seeyour Owner’sGuide.
12.REVERSE SENSINGSYSTEM –(if equipped)This systemsounds atone towarn thedriver of
obstaclesnear therear bumperwhen R(Reverse) isselected andthe vehicleis movingat speeds lessthan 3mph (5km/h). Asyou movecloser tothe obstacle,the rateof thetone increases. Whenan obstacleis lessthan 10inches (25cm) away,the tone sounds continuously. The system isnot effectiveat speeds above3 mph(5 km/h)and maynot detectcertain angularor moving objects.With theignition on,press theRSS control,located belowthe climatecontrol system, toturn theRSS off.An indicator lightwill illuminatewhen thesystem isoff.
13.AUXILIARY INPUT JACK– Theauxiliary inputjack providesa wayto connectyour
portablemusic playerto thein-vehicle audiosystem. Thisallows theaudio froma portable musicplayer tobe playedthrough thevehicle speakers.For moreinformation, pleasesee your Owner’sGuide.
A.POWER SIDEVIEW MIRRORS– Rotatethe controlclockwise toadjust theright mirror,and
counterclockwiseto adjustthe leftmirror. Then move the control inthe directionyou wishto tiltthe mirror.Return to the center position tolock themirror inplace.
B.COMPASS – (if equipped)The compassheading (N,NE, E,SE, S,SW, W or NW)is displayed
inthe centerstack display.The compass reading may beaffected when youdrive nearlarge buildings,bridges, power lines and powerful broadcast antennas. For more information, please seeyour Owner’sGuide.
C.HAZARD FLASHER– Pushthe flashercontrol, locatedon thesteering column,and allfront
andrear directionsignals willflash. Useit whenyour vehicleis disabledor iscreating asafety hazardfor other motorists. The hazard flashers will operate when the ignition is in any position orif thekey isnot inthe ignition.
FOUR-WHEELDRIVE (4WD)SYSTEM –(if equipped)Your vehicle has an intelligent 4WDsystem
thatcontinuously monitorsvehicle conditionsand automatically adjuststhe powerdistribution betweenthe frontand rearwheels. Itcombines transparentall-surface operationwith a highly capablefour-wheel drive system.The 4WDsystem isalways activeand requiresno driverinput. Itis capableof handlingall roadconditions, includingstreet andhighway driving aswell as off-roadand winter driving.
A.LOAD –Press toload asingle CD.Press and
holdto loaddiscs inall emptyslot locations.
B.ON/OFF/VOL –Press toturn ONor OFF.Turn
toincrease ordecrease thevolume.
C.DIRECT –Press toaccess adesired radio
station,track orMP3 folder.
D.SCAN –Press fora briefsampling ofradio
stationsor CD/MP3tracks.
E.SHUFFLE –Press toplay CD/MP3tracks in
randomorder whenactive (on).
F.CAT/FOLD – In category mode, use to select
fromvarious musiccategories. InMP3 mode, useto accessthe previous/nextfolder. In satelliteradio mode,press totoggle between turningthe mostrecently selectedsatellite radiocategory onand off.
G.AM/FM –Press toselect AM,FM1 orFM2
H.CD –Press toenter CD/MP3mode. Ifa disc
isalready loadedinto thesystem, CD/MP3 playwill beginwhere itended last.
I.SEEK/TRACK –Press toaccess thenext
listenablestation ortrack.
J.SAT – (if equipped) Pressto accesssatellite
radiomode. Pressrepeatedly tocycle through SAT1,SAT2 and SAT3 modes.
K.AUX –Press toaccess LINE(auxiliary audio
L.TEXT –In MP3mode, pressrepeatedly to
scrollthrough displayoptions. Insatellite radiomode, pressand releaseto displaythe artistand songtitle.
M.MENU –Press repeatedlyto accessthe
followingfeatures: SATELLITERADIO MENU (ifequipped), AUTOPRESET ON/OFF,RDS ON/OFFand COMPRESSION(only available inCD/MP3 mode).
N.SOUND –Press repeatedlyto cyclethrough
soundoptions. PressSEEK/TRACKto adjustlevels.
O.CLOCK –Press toset thetime. Thedisplay
willread SETTIME. Usethe memorypreset #s toenter in the desiredtime, hours and minutes.
P.TUNE – In radio mode, turn togo upor
downthe frequencyband.
Q.EJECT –Press toeject aCD. Selectthe
desiredCD slotby pressingthe corresponding memorypreset.
Useextreme caution when usingany device orfeature that may takeyour attention off theroad. Your primary responsibility is the safeoperation of the vehicle.Only use non­essentialfeatures and devices whenit is safe todo so.