Ford 2007 Four Wheel Drive Owner's Manual

Table of Contents
Notice To Utility Vehicle and Truck Owners
Vehicle Characteristics
Driving On Roadways
Driving Off-Road
Inflating Your Tires
Tire Replacement Requirements
Loading Your Vehicle
Trailer Towing
Maintenance and Modifications
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Copyright © 2006 Ford Motor Company
2007 Four Wheel Drive (4wd) Supplement USA (fus)
Welcome to Ford Motor Company’s world of Sport Utility Vehicles (SUV) and truck driving! Your new vehicle opens up a completely different and challenging world of travel unlike what you have ever experienced with a conventional car. Most importantly, you’ll be able to travel with the safety, comfort and dependability of a Ford-built vehicle.
Your vehicle, particularly when loaded, will handle differently than an ordinary passenger car. This is because your vehicle has special design and equipment features for cargo-hauling or off-road operation.
Study this supplement and the “Owner’s Guide” for specific information about equipment features and instructions for safe driving. You must also learn and understand the capabilities and limitations of your vehicle through experience. Take it slow and easy until you get to know and understand your vehicle.
Driving at speeds safe for road conditions and the use of safety belts are the best means of avoiding the possibility of accident and serious injury. All occupants must wear the safety belts and children/infants must use appropriate restraints to minimize the risk of injury or ejection.
Ford Motor Company reserves the right at any time to change information provided herein, including specifications, design or testing procedures without incurring obligation.
2007 Four Wheel Drive (4wd) Supplement USA (fus)
Notice To Utility Vehicle and Truck Owners
Utility vehicles and trucks handle differently than passenger cars in the various driving conditions that are encountered on streets, highways and off-road. Utility vehicles and trucks are not designed for cornering at speeds as high as passenger cars any more than low-slung sports cars are designed to perform satisfactorily under off-road conditions.
Utility vehicles have a significantly higher rollover rate than other types of vehicles. To reduce the risk of serious injury or
death from a rollover or other crash you must:
Avoid sharp turns and abrupt maneuvers;
Drive at safe speeds for the conditions;
Keep tires properly inflated;
Never overload or improperly load your vehicle; and
Make sure every passenger is properly restrained.
In a rollover crash, an unbelted person is significantly more likely
to die than a person wearing a seat belt. All occupants must wear seat belts and children/infants must use appropriate restraints to minimize the risk of injury or ejection.
Study your “Owner’s Guide” and any supplements for specific information about equipment features, instructions for safe driving and additional precautions to reduce the risk of an accident or serious injury.
2007 Four Wheel Drive (4wd) Supplement USA (fus)
Vehicle Characteristics
4WD and AWD Systems
A vehicle equipped with AWD or 4WD (when you select the 4WD mode) has the ability to use all four wheels to power itself. This increases traction which may enable you to safely drive over terrain and road conditions that a conventional two-wheel drive vehicle cannot.
Power is supplied to all four wheels through a transfer case or power transfer unit. 4WD vehicles allow you to select different drive modes as necessary. Information on shifting procedures and maintenance can be found in your “Owner’s Guide.” You should become thoroughly familiar with this information before you operate your vehicle.
On some 4WD models, the initial shift from two-wheel drive to 4WD while the vehicle is moving can cause a momentary clunk and ratcheting sound. These sounds are normal as the front drivetrain comes up to speed and is not cause for concern.
Do not become overconfident in the ability of 4WD and AWD
vehicles. Although a 4WD or AWD vehicle may accelerate better than two-wheel drive vehicle in low traction situations, it won’t stop any faster than two-wheel drive vehicles. Always drive at a safe speed.
2007 Four Wheel Drive (4wd) Supplement USA (fus)
Vehicle Characteristics
How your vehicle differs from other vehicles
SUV and trucks can differ from some other vehicles in a few noticeable ways. Your vehicle may be:
Higher – to allow higher load carrying capacity and to allow it to travel over rough terrain without getting hung up or damaging underbody components.
Shorter – to give it the capability to approach inclines and drive over the crest of a hill without getting hung up or damaging underbody components. All other things held equal, a shorter wheelbase may make your vehicle quicker to respond to steering inputs than a vehicle with a longer wheelbase.
Narrower — to provide greater maneuverability in tight spaces, particularly in off-road use.
As a result of the above dimensional differences, SUV’s and trucks often will have a higher center of gravity and a greater difference in center of gravity between the loaded and unloaded condition.
These differences that make your vehicle so versatile also make it handle differently than an ordinary passenger car.
2007 Four Wheel Drive (4wd) Supplement USA (fus)
Driving On Roadways
Vehicles with a higher center of gravity such as utility vehicles
and trucks handle differently than vehicles with a lower center of gravity. Utility vehicles and trucks are not designed for cornering at speeds as high as passenger cars any more than low-slung sports cars are designed to perform satisfactorily under off-road conditions. Avoid sharp turns, excessive speed or abrupt maneuvers in these vehicles. Failure to drive cautiously could result in an increased risk of loss of vehicle control, vehicle rollover, personal injury and death.
Basic operating principles
Drive slower in strong crosswinds which can affect the normal steering characteristics of your vehicle.
Be extremely careful when driving on pavement made slippery by loose sand, water, gravel, snow or ice.
Do not use 4WD on dry, hard surfaced roads (except models equipped with Auto 4WD or AWD). This may damage the drivelines and axles.
If your vehicle goes off the edge of the pavement
If your vehicle goes off the edge of the pavement, slow down and avoid severe brake application or aggressive steering. Ease the vehicle back onto the pavement only after reducing your speed. Do not turn the steering wheel too sharply while returning to the road surface.
If you have the space, it may be safer to stay on the apron or shoulder of the road and slow down gradually before returning to the pavement. You may lose control if you do not slow down or if you turn the steering wheel too sharply or abruptly.
It often may be less risky to strike small inanimate objects, (such as highway reflectors), and incur minor damage to your vehicle rather than attempt a sudden return to the pavement which could cause the vehicle to slide sideways out of control or rollover. Remember, your safety and the safety of others should be your primary concern.
2007 Four Wheel Drive (4wd) Supplement USA (fus)
Driving On Roadways
Emergency maneuvers
In an emergency situation where a sudden sharp turn must be made, remember to avoid “over-driving” your vehicle, i.e., turn the steering wheel only as rapidly and as far as required to avoid the emergency. Avoid abrupt steering, acceleration or braking which could increase the risk of loss of vehicle control or vehicle rollover. Instead, smooth variations of the accelerator and/or brake pedal pressure should be utilized if changes in vehicle speed are called for. Use all available road surface to return the vehicle to a safe direction of travel.
In the event of an emergency stop, avoid skidding the tires and do not attempt any sharp steering wheel movements.
If the vehicle goes from one type of road surface to another (i.e., from concrete to gravel), there will be a change in the way the vehicle responds in steering, acceleration or braking. Again, avoid abrupt steering or braking inputs.
Snow and ice
Your 4WD or AWD vehicle will have advantages over two-wheel drive vehicles in snow and on ice by providing increased driving traction. However, if you suddenly change speed or direction, you may lose traction and in turn, control as is the case with all vehicles. 4WD and AWD vehicles can slide on slippery roads just like any other vehicle. Should the rear end of the vehicle start to slide while cornering on snowy or icy roads, turn the steering wheel in the direction of the slide until you regain control. Avoid sudden braking as well. Although a 4WD or AWD vehicle may accelerate better than a two-wheel drive vehicle in snow and ice, it won’t stop any faster, because as in two-wheel drive vehicles, braking occurs at all four wheels. Do not become overconfident in the ability of 4WD and AWD vehicles to compensate for aggressive driving maneuvers in poor road conditions.
Make sure you allow sufficient distance between you and other vehicles for stopping. In emergency stopping situations, avoid locking the wheels.
For vehicles without anti-lock brakes, use a “squeeze” technique: push on the brake pedal with a steadily increasing force which allows the wheels to brake yet continue to roll so that you may steer in the direction you want to travel. If you lock the wheels, release the brake pedal and repeat the squeeze technique.
2007 Four Wheel Drive (4wd) Supplement USA (fus)
Driving On Roadways
For vehicles with anti-lock brakes, apply and hold the brake firmly. Do not “pump” the brakes. During hard stopping or stopping on slippery surfaces, you may feel or hear a pulsing or vibration in the brake pedal. Do not be alarmed because this is your anti-lock brake system working. See your “Owner’s Guide” for additional information on the operation of the anti-lock brake system.
Before leaving the driver’s seat, make sure that the gearshift is engaged in P (Park) with an automatic transmission or either 1 (First) or R (Reverse) with a manual transmission. Set the parking brake fully, shut off the ignition and remove the key.
Some 4WD vehicles include a Neutral mode. When the transfer case is in the N (Neutral) position, the engine and transmission are disconnected from the rest of the driveline. Therefore, the vehicle is free to roll even if the automatic transmission is in P (Park) or the manual transmission is in gear.
Do not leave the vehicle unattended with the transfer case in N
(Neutral) position. Always set the parking brake fully and turn off the ignition when leaving the vehicle. If you do not follow these precautions your vehicle may move unexpectedly and injure someone.
2007 Four Wheel Drive (4wd) Supplement USA (fus)
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