Ford 1999 Taurus, 1997 Mark VIII Owner's Manual

Table of Contents
Ford’s Commitment to You
At Ford Motor Company, excellence is the continuous commitment to achieve the best result possible. It is dedication to learning what you want, determination to develop the right concept, and execution of that concept with care, precision, and attention to detail. In short, excellence means being the standard by which others are judged.
Our Guiding Principles
Quality comes first. For your satisfaction, the quality of our products and services must be our
Continuous improvement is essential to our success. We must strive for excellence in
everything we do: in our products — in their safety and value — and in our services, our human relations, our competitiveness, and our profitability.
Employee involvement is our way of life. We are a team. We must treat one another with trust and respect.
Dealers and suppliers are our partners. We must maintain mutually beneficial relationships with dealers, suppliers, and our other business
ThingstoKnowAboutUsingThis Guide
Congratulationsonthepurchaseofyournew vehicle.Thisguidehasinformationaboutthe equipmentandtheoptionsforyournewvehicle. Youmaynothaveboughtalloftheoptions availabletoyou.Ifyoudonotknowwhich informationappliestoyourvehicle,talktoyour dealer.
Thisguidedescribesequipmentandgives specificationsforequipmentthatwasineffectwhen thisguidewasapprovedforprinting.Fordmay discontinuemodelsorchangespecificationsor designwithoutanynoticeandwithoutincurring obligation.
WARNINGSremindyoutobeespeciallycarefulin thoseareaswherecarelessnesscancausedamageto yourvehicleorpersonalinjurytoyourself,your passengersorotherpeople.Pleasereadall WARNINGScarefully.
Afteryouhavereadthisguideonce,youwill probablyreturntoitwhenyouhaveaspecific questionorneedadditionalinformation.Tohelp youfindspecificinformationquickly,youcanuse theQuickIndexortheIndex.
TheQuickIndexattheendofthebookprovides apagenumberfollowingeachitemwhichindicates wheredetailedinformationcanbefound.
To use the Index, turn to the back of the book and search in the alphabetical listing for the word that best describes the information you need. If the word you chose is not listed, think of other related words and look them up. We have designed the Index so that you can find information under a technical term.
Canadian Owners — French Version
French Owner Guides can be obtained from your dealer or by writing to Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited, Service Publications, P.O. Box 1580, Station B, Mississauga, Ontario L4Y 4G3.
The Lincoln Commitment
Your Maintenance Schedule and Record Booklet
The Maintenance Schedule booklet lists the services that are most important for keeping your vehicle in good condition. A record log is also provided to help you keep track of all services performed.
About the Warranties
Your vehicle is covered by three types of warranties: Basic Vehicle Warranty, Extended Warranties on certain parts, and Emissions Warranties.
Read your Warranty Information Booklet carefully to find out about your vehicle’s warranties and your basic rights and responsibilities.
Ford Extended Service Plan
More Protection for Your Vehicle
You can get more protection for your new car or light truck by purchasing a Ford Extended Service Plan (Ford ESP). Ford ESP is the only extended service program with the Ford name on it and the only service contract backed by Ford Motor Company.
Ford ESP is an optional service contract, backed and administered by Ford. It provides:
protection against repair costs after your Bumper to Bumper Warranty expires;
You may purchase Ford ESP from any participating Ford Motor Company dealer. There are several Ford ESP plans available in various time-and-mileage combinations. Each plan can be tailored to fit your own driving needs, including reimbursement benefits for towing and rental. (In Hawaii, rules vary. See your dealer for details.)
When you buy Ford ESP, you receive peace-of-mind protection throughout the United States and Canada, provided by a network of more than 5,100 participating Ford Motor Company dealers.
NOTE: Repairs performed outside the United States and Canada are not eligible for ESP coverage.
This information is subject to change. Ask your
Breaking Your Vehicle In
Your new vehicle goes through an adjustment or break-in period during the first 1,000 miles (1,600 km) that you drive it. During the break-in period, you need to pay careful attention to how you drive your vehicle.
Avoid sudden stops. Because your vehicle has new brake linings, you should take these steps:
—Watch traffic carefully so that you can
anticipate when to stop. —Begin braking well in advance. —Apply the brakes gradually.
The break-in period for new brake linings lasts for 100 miles (160 km) of city driving or 1,000 miles (1,600 km) of highway driving.
Use only the type of engine oil that Ford recommends. See Engine oil recommendations
in the Index. Do not use special “break-in” oils.
The instrument panel (dashboard) on your vehicle is divided into several different sections. The illustrations on the following pages show the major parts of the instrument panel that are described in this chapter. Some items shown may not be on all vehicles.
The main controls for the climate control system, clock, and radio are on the instrument panel.
If you have radio transmitting equipment in your vehicle, be aware that it can interfere with your vehicle’s electrical system and may cause the instrumentation and/or convenience products to have temporary, abnormal operation.
NOTE: Any cleaner or polish that increases the gloss (shine) of the upper part of the instrument panel should be avoided. The dull finish in this area is to help protect the driver from undesirable windshield reflection.
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Thewarninglightforthebrakescanshowtwo things—thattheparkingbrakeisnotfully released,orthatthebrakefluidlevelislowinthe mastercylinderreservoir.Ifthefluidlevelislow, thebrakesystemshouldbecheckedbyyourdealer oraqualifiedservicetechnician.
Thislightcomesonwhentheparkingbrakeisset, orifitisnotset,itcomesonbrieflywhenyou turntheignitiontotheSTARTposition.Itnormally goesoffshortlyaftertheenginestartsandthe gearshifterismovedintoagear.Ifthelightstays ontheAuto-Releasesystemmayhavefailedto performasuccessfulrelease,trythemanualparking brakereleaseleverandhavethebrakesystem servicedbyyourdealeroraqualifiedservice technician.
Lowbrakefluidlevelwillturnthelighton. Excessivebrakeliningwearorasystemleakwill causelowbrakefluidlevels.
TheBRAKElightindicatesthatthe brakesmaynotbeworkingproperly. Havethebrakescheckedimmediately.
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Anti-Lock Brake System Warning Light
This light comes on for a few seconds when you turn the ignition key to the START position. It should go off shortly after the engine starts. If it stays on longer than five (5) seconds, it indicates that your anti-lock brake system may not be working properly. Normal braking is not affected unless the BRAKE system warning light also remains on for longer than six (6) seconds. You should have your vehicle serviced immediately by your dealer or qualified service technician to restore the benefits of the anti-lock feature. See Anti-lock brakes in the Index for more information.
Engine Oil Pressure Warning Light
This light indicates the engine’s oil pressure, not the oil level. However, if your engine’s oil level is low, it could affect the oil pressure. The light will come on briefly when you turn your key to the START and ON position. The light should stay off when the engine is running with normal oil pressure. If the light comes on while the engine is running, you have lost oil pressure and continued operation will cause severe engine damage.
If you lose engine oil pressure:
1. Pull off the road as soon as safely possible.
2. Shut off the engine immediately or severe engine damage could result.
3. Check the engine’s oil level, following the
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4. If the level is low, add only as much oil as necessary before you start the engine again. Do not overfill. Do not operate the engine if the light is on, regardless of the oil level. Contact your nearest dealer for further service actions.
For more information about adding oil, see Adding engine oil in the Maintenance and Care chapter.
Traction ControlH Active Light (If equipped)
This light comes on when the Traction ControlH system begins applying and releasing the brakes and adjusting the engine characteristics to limit a wheelspin condition.
It will be lit for a minimum of six seconds or for the duration of the Traction ControlH event.
For more information about Traction Control refer to the Driving chapter.
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Cruise Control Indicator Light
This light comes on when the speed control system is actively maintaining the set speed. It will go off when the brakes are used or if the speed control is turned off.
Charging System Light
This light indicates that your battery is not being charged and that you need to have the electrical system checked.
This light illuminates every time you turn the ignition to the ON or START position (engine off). The light should go off when the engine starts and
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Turn Signal Indicator Lights
When you push the turn signal lever up before making a right turn, the right side arrow on the instrument panel flashes.
When you push the turn signal lever down before making a left turn, the left side arrow on the instrument panel flashes.
Usually, the turn signals turn off automatically after you turn your vehicle. If the turn signal continues to flash after you have made the turn, push the lever back to the OFF position.
If one or both of your turn indicators do not flash or stay on continuously, have them serviced as soon as possible. In the meantime, be sure to use the accepted hand signals.
High Beam Light
This light illuminates when the headlamps are turned to high beam or when you flash the lights.
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Chime for Headlamps On
This chime sounds if the driver or any passenger door is open when the parking lamps or headlamps are on. The chime sounds until you close the door, turn off the lamps or turn the ignition to the ON position.
Redundant Electronic Gearshift Indicator
The instrument cluster is equipped with a redundant set of gearshift indicator lights located in the center of the cluster between the speedometer and the tachometer gauges.
These lights operate with the key in the ON position only and displays the same gear selection as the lights located on the floor console next to the gearshift lever.
The light that is illuminated indicates which position the transmission gearshifter is in.
NOTE: If the shifter is moved very quickly (less than one second) over more than one gear selection (for example from P [PARK] to D [DRIVE]), the lights in between these positions may not get a chance to turn on. Only the last selected gear
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The Instrument Cluster
In addition to warning lights, the instrument cluster has an electronic odometer, a speedometer, tachometer, fuel and coolant temperature gauges.
The odometer tells you the total number of miles (kilometers) your vehicle has been driven.
The speedometer
The speedometer tells you how many miles (kilometers) per hour your vehicle is moving.
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The tachometer
The tachometer displays the approximate engine revolutions per minute (rpm), or how fast the
Engine Coolant Temperature Gauge
This gauge indicates the temperature of the engine coolant, not the coolant level. If the coolant is not at its proper level or mixture, the gauge indication will not be accurate.
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The pointer moves from the C (cold) mark into the NORMAL band as the engine coolant warms up. It is acceptable for the pointer to fluctuate within the NORMAL band under normal driving conditions. Under certain driving conditions such as, heavy stop and go traffic, or driving up hills in hot weather, the pointer may indicate at the top of the NORMAL band.
If, under any circumstances, the pointer moves above the NORMAL band, the engine is overheating and continued operation may cause engine damage.
If your engine overheats:
1. Pull off the road as soon as it is safely possible.
2. Turn off the engine.
3. Let the engine cool. DO NOT REMOVE
4. Check the coolant level following the instructions on checking and adding coolant to your engine, see Engine Coolant in the Index. If you do not follow these instructions, you or others could be injured.
If the coolant continues to overheat, have the coolant system serviced as soon as possible.
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Fuel Gauge
The fuel gauge displays approximately how much fuel you have in the fuel tank.
The fuel gauge indicator may vary slightly while the vehicle is in motion. This is the result of fuel movement within the tank. An accurate reading may be obtained with the vehicle on smooth, level ground.
The Electronic Message Center
The Electronic Message Center (M/C) display, located in the center of the instrument panel, works only when your ignition is in the ON or ACC position. Each time that M/C is powered, the display goes through a self-test by displaying the time and a blank message for two seconds. This self-test is used to stabilize the systems before reporting the status of the systems to you.
The M/C tells you about the condition of your
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Continuous warning reporting of monitored systems
You can select different features for the M/C to display by using the keyboard directly below the M/C display. You will hear a tone when you press one of these controls. However, if the M/C detects a warning from any of the monitored systems then the M/C will display the appropriate warning message.
Operator Selectable Features
These features are controlled by the controls in the keyboard below the M/C display. The following pages describe the operation of the individual controls.
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Vehicle Settings Menu
A press of the VEHICLE SETTINGS control causes the Message Center to display the menu features which affect the vehicle regardless of which driver personality profile is currently selected. Repeated pressing of the VEHICLE SETTINGS control allows quick cycling through the menu features. The displayed feature can be toggled on or off, or reset by pressing the RESET control as specifically noted below. If a vehicle setting is changed, the display stops automatically cycling through the menu options and exits the vehicle settings menu, unless the VEHICLE SETTINGS control is pressed again.
TRACTION CONTROL — This system helps prevent wheel spin to improve tire traction. The reset button will toggle this feature on or off. This feature defaults to the ON state after each key cycle. Note: The Traction Control System is an optional feature, and this menu option will not appear in vehicles without this option.
ENGLISH/METRIC — This menu option allows the Message Center and Automatic Temperature Control readings to be displayed in English or Metric units. The modes can be toggled by using the RESET control.
AUTOLAMP DELAY STATUS — This option displays the current autolamp delay setting. Note: To change the delay setting you must rotate the HEADLAMP CONTROL.
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OIL CHANGE RESET — This option allows you to reset the oil monitoring system to 100% (or your Personalized Oil Reset Percentage) after each oil change. The RESET control must be pressed and held for 5 seconds while the display counts down to trigger an oil change reset. After a successful reset the Message Center will display “OIL LIFE RESET TO 100%.” If you have established a Personalized Oil Reset Percentage, the display will show that percentage instead of 100%. To ensure accurate oil life indicators, perform this reset procedure only after an oil change. For more information on Personalized Oil Reset Percentage see the section below.
Personal Oil Life Percentage:
Your Personalized Oil Reset Percentage allows you to establish a smaller oil change interval than the manufacturer’s recommended interval. To establish your Personalized Oil Reset Percentage perform the following procedure:
1. Press and hold the reset control from the VEHICLE SETTINGS menu OIL CHANGE RESET screen.
2. While holding the reset control as display counts down the seconds to reset press the VEHICLE SETTINGS control. The display will change to “START OIL LIFE AT XXX%” where XXX is the currently selected Personalized Oil Reset Percentage. Release both controls.
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4. Press the VEHICLE SETTINGS control to complete the procedure. A press of any control besides RESET or VEHICLE SETTINGS will abort the procedure and will not establish a new Personalized Oil Reset Percentage.
When your Personalized Oil Reset Percentage has been established, it will be used beginning with the completion of your next OIL CHANGE RESET procedure.
Driver Settings Menu
The DRIVER MENU control allows you to cycle through seven (if equipped with phone) features which you can turn on or off by using the RESET control. These options are saved for each driver personality profile.
AUTO LOCKS — automatically locks all doors when all doors are closed and the vehicle speed is at least 3 mph.
HORN CHIRP — sounds an audible “chirp” when the LOCK button on the Remote Entry Key Fob is pressed.
EASY ENTRY — moves the driver’s seat back two inches and the steering column to the up and forward most position when the key is removed from the ignition. Moves the driver’s seat and steering column to the set position when the driver returns.
REVERSE MIRRORS — when the vehicle is shifted to R (Reverse), the outside mirrors are tilted down for an improved view close to the
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PHONE SCREEN — (if equipped with a factory phone) when a call is placed, information about the call is displayed in the message center.
Fuel Range
A press of the RANGE switch allows you to display approximately how many miles (kilometers) you can drive before you run out of fuel.
To ensure accuracy, turn the ignition OFF when you fill the fuel tank.
NOTE: RANGE is calculated using a “Running Average Fuel Economy” initialized by the factory. This value is not the same as the Average Fuel Economy Display. The Running Average Fuel Economy is based on more than 500 miles
If the “FUEL SENSOR SHORT or OPEN” message is displayed, this means that there is a problem with the fuel indication system or if any “DATA ERROR” message is displayed you should contact your dealer for service as soon as possible.
A second press of the FUEL RANGE control allows you to display the Fuel Remaining. It will display the approximate amount of fuel in the tank in whole numbers (gallons or liters).
If your fuel tank is full or nearly full, the M/C will display “FULL FUEL TANK” message. If your fuel tank is empty or nearly empty, the M/C will display the “EMPTY FUEL TANK” message.
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Fuel Economy
A press of the FUEL ECONOMY control allows you to display one of two features (Average Fuel Economy or Instantaneous Fuel Economy). The first press of the FUEL ECONOMY control will allow you to display your average fuel economy in miles/gallons or liters/100 kilometers. Your M/C computes this figure using the distance traveled and fuel used information. If you want to reset this feature, press the RESET control while the average fuel economy feature is displayed.
A second consecutive press of the FUEL ECONOMY control will allow you to display the instantaneous fuel economy, which is the fuel economy that you get at any particular moment. For example, you can see what your fuel economy is in heavy traffic or
Your vehicle must be moving for the M/C to calculate the instantaneous fuel economy. When your vehicle is not moving, instantaneous fuel economy will be displayed at 0 miles/gallon or 99 kilometers/100 liters. When you are moving, the M/C will display between 0 and 99 miles/gallon or between 1 and 99 kilometers/100 liters.
Trip ODO
A press of TRIP ODO allows you to display one of two trip odometers: Trip A or Trip B. These functions allow you to see how far you have traveled since you last reset.
Trip A and Trip B are completely independent and must be reset individually.
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