version 1.02
written by Ben Supper
© 2013 Focusrite Audio Engineering Ltd

About T
About This
About TAbout T
his MMMManual
his his
controller change message on MIDI channel 1, for example, is
signified by the status byte B0h (176).
Launchpad S communicates using MIDI over USB in both
directions. This is the only interface that the device supports. By
describing the MIDI communication format, this manual contains
all the information you need to be able to write software that is
customised for Launchpad S.
In terms of communication, Launchpad S is largely similar to the
original Launchpad, and is compatible with any software that
already supports Launchpad. See the Original Launchpad
Compatibility Notes on page 2 for a summary of how the units
This is not an exhaustive document. Certain extra controller
change and System Exclusive messages are used to signal
between different pieces of software, for authentication, and for
remote firmware upgrade. These are beyond the scope of this
document. However, it is worth knowing that they exist in case
you encounter them while you are playing with Launchpad S.
Number systems and MIDI
Number systems and MIDI conventions
Number systems and MIDI Number systems and MIDI
There are three common ways of expressing MIDI data. All are
given in this manual. The first, where appropriate, is a plain
English description of the MIDI message. When we describe a
musical note, middle C is deemed to be ‘C 3’. MIDI channel 1 is
considered the lowest-numbered MIDI channel. Controller
numbers begin at zero.
Throughout this manual, MIDI messages are also expressed in
plain data, with decimal and hexadecimal equivalents. The
hexadecimal number will always be given with a lower-case ‘h’ at
the end, and the decimal equivalent given in brackets. A
In all circumstances unless described otherwise, Launchpad
transmits and responds only to messages on MIDI channel 1.
For Max
Max users
For For
For the benefit of those who use Cycling 74’s Max software to
process and manipulate MIDI data, a series of tutorial patches are
available. These demonstrate many of Launchpad’s features and
capabilities within the Max environment, and can be downloaded
from novationmusic.com.
Max is a world of its own, and this manual does not specifically
instruct on the use of Launchpad inside its environment. Where
particular tutorials are useful, though, they will be introduced.
The demonstration patches are designed to select the original
Launchpad automatically, but the correct device will need
choosing in the relevant drop-down boxes where Launchpad S is
Original Launchpad
We made every effort to ensure that Launchpad S will work with
all the software released for the original Launchpad. What
follows is a description of the differences that are already known.
Launchpad S is a class-compliant MIDI device, while Launchpad is
not. This means that no additional drivers are needed to get
started with Launchpad S. However, the standard class drivers on
Windows do not allow different programs to use the same MIDI
device simultaneously. To allow Launchpad S to be shared
Launchpad Compatibility Notes
Launchpad Launchpad
Compatibility Notes
Compatibility NotesCompatibility Notes

between programs, you will still need to install the Novation USB
Launchpad S has a bootloader mode, in which certain settings
can be changed and saved by the user. These can alter its
maximum current consumption and USB identity. If you are a
Linux developer, you might want to be aware that the USB PID of
Launchpad S can fall in a range between 20h and 2Fh.
The MIDI communication speed of Launchpad S is approximately
forty times that of the original Launchpad. Many of its more
advanced MIDI features were tricks to reduce MIDI traffic.
Programmers could apply these in succession until their software
worked smoothly and responsively. When writing for Launchpad
S, heavy MIDI traffic can be exchanged seamlessly and these tricks
are no longer necessary. However, if your new software generates
particularly large amounts of MIDI data, please be aware that
users of the original Launchpad will obtain a less satisfactory user
Further differences occur because Launchpad S uses more
efficient LEDs with better wavelength separation, and it drives
these in a new way. If your colour vision is good, you may observe
four or five distinct colours that could be used at maximum
brightness to signify different settings. This was not the case on
the original Launchpad, where the colour space was more modest
and not so easily traversed. One ramification of the new colour
space is that certain colours that appeared as yellow on the
original Launchpad can now appear as yellow-green.
If backwards compatibility is desired, assume that only red,
amber, and green are discernible.
We have imitated this command’s effect by turning it into the
brightness command (page 6), but we cannot match it exactly.
Those features that are exclusive to Launchpad S are assigned
their own section at the end of this manual. Otherwise, they may
be applied either to the old or the new device.
Quick Start
Quick Start
Quick StartQuick Start
The central grid of 64 buttons on Launchpad sends note data on
MIDI channel 1. A note-on message of maximum velocity is
delivered when the button is pressed, and a message of velocity
zero when released. Sending the same data back to Launchpad
will light or extinguish the LED behind the button.
Different note velocities produce different colours. A velocity of
0Fh (15) will light a button red; 3Ch (60) will light it green; 3Fh
(63) will light it amber.
Most Launchpad communication is hardly more complicated than
Max patch
patch: LP_2_MIDI_in_Cellblock.maxpat
This patch introduces the default layout of Launchpad, decomposing the location
of a pressed button into its respective row and column, and displaying its
incoming velocity on an 8×8 grid.
: LP_2_MIDI_in_Cellblock.maxpat
: LP_2_MIDI_in_Cellblock.maxpat: LP_2_MIDI_in_Cellblock.maxpat
If your software uses the original Launchpad’s ‘set duty cycle’
feature, you might perceive visual differences in the way that
Launchpad S interprets this command compared with Launchpad.

Host » Launchpad: Channel 1: controller 0 set to 0.
B0h, 00h, 00h (176, 0, 0).
All LEDs are turned off. Launchpad’s settings revert to their
power-on values.
Turn on all LEDs
Turn on all LEDs
Turn on all LEDsTurn on all LEDs
Host » Launchpad: Channel 1: controller 0 set to 125-127.
B0h, 00h, 7D-7Fh (176, 0, 125-127).
This command behaves like the Reset instruction above, except
that the LEDs are lit amber. 7Dh (125) is the lowest intensity; 7Fh
(127) is the highest.
Change the button layout
Change the button layout
Change the button layoutChange the button layout
Launchpad CCCConfiguration
Launchpad Launchpad
onfiguration MMMMessages
onfiguration onfiguration
Layout 2 is the drum rack layout. This is ideal for situations where
Launchpad must launch samples or deal with musical MIDI. Six
continuous octaves are available in this mode, and they are laid
out in a regular pattern.
Figures 1–3 (starting on page 7) illustrate the button locations
and MIDI note numbers in each mapping mode.
Max patch: LP_6_DrumRackNoteLayout.maxpat
patch: LP_6_DrumRackNoteLayout.maxpat
patch: LP_6_DrumRackNoteLayout.maxpatpatch: LP_6_DrumRackNoteLayout.maxpat
The button layout mode — either drum rack or X-Y [normal] — can be chosen
from the drop-down box at the top-right of the patch. Choosing a new layout will
immediately change Launchpad’s button mode. The MIDI note of the most
recently-pressed button is shown on the displayed piano, and the note can be
played via another connected MIDI device.
Host » Launchpad: Channel 1: controller 0 set to 1 or 2.
B0h, 00h, 01-02h (176, 0, 1-2).
Launchpad has two mapping modes that determine the MIDI
note that corresponds to each button.
Layout 1 is the X-Y layout. This is best for writing software that
uses Launchpad S as a free grid, as it is easy to navigate around
the grid in any direction simply by adding or subtracting.