Focus EQ
The Focus EQ is a single channel parametric equaliser that you can use to equalise
individual vocals and instruments. It accepts line level input (such as from a tape
machine, high output level instruments, or the insert of a channel), instrument level
input (such as from a guitar), and microphone input.
An equaliser is a sophisticated tone control, that boosts or cuts selected frequency
bands, and so alters frequency response. By modifying different frequency bands in
this way, you modify the tone quality of instruments and vocals, which can fix prob-
lems with the original sound, or for example help a track stand out in the mix. For
more details, see the section How to Use Equalisation.
When you are getting to know the unit, part i c u l a rly if you are not familiar with using a
p a ra m et ric equ a l i s e r , use it on a tra ck that you are familiar with (for exa mple, run a
favo u ri te CD th rough the unit). Try all of the controls in turn, and hear how th ey affe c t
the sound. Wo rking with a familiar tra ck makes inte rp retation of the results easier.
There are two separate parts to the Focus EQ: • Preamplifier • Equaliser
Within the equaliser, there are three types of equalisation:
Low and High filters
Low and High Eq
Low Mid Eq and High Mid Eq (parametrics)
Power Connections
There is an IEC mains lead supplied in the package which should have the correct
moulded plug for your country. The wiring colour code used in all Fo c u s ri te products is:
For units shipped to the USA, Canada, Taiwan and Japan
Live - Black Neutral - White Earth - Green
For units shipped to any other country
Live - Brown Neutral - Blue Earth - Green and Yellow
The chassis is connected dire c t ly to the mains safety earth. We do not provide an earth
l i fting switch, since such a switch can allow for a dangerous wiring arra n g e m e n t .
Warning:For safety reasons, it is absolutely IMPERATIVE that the mains safety earth
is connected.
f o c u s e q