This instruction manual includes installation, operation and maintenance information for the figure 330A 3-piece
400CWP, clamp end sanitary ball valve.
To avoid personal injury to your self, fellow workers, or damage to property from release of process fluid, before
a. Shut off all operating lines to the valve site
b. Isolate the valve site completely from the process
c. Release process pressure
d. Drain the process fluid from the valve site
1. Remove the protective rubber caps from the clamp ends and clean or flush the valve.
2. Before installing the valve, inspect the valve body port and associated equipment for any damage that may
have occurred and for any foreign matter that may have collected in shipping or storage. Make certain the
body interior is clean.
3. Before installing the valve, inspect the pipe line and mating clamp end, making sure the pipe is free of foreign
material and the ends are clean and have no burrs or pits that could cause leakage.
4. Cycle the valve a couple of times before installation. The valves are tested to MSS SP-110 and while they
have cavity filled seats, there may still be water within the valve. This can be removed by partially opening
the valve, exposing the interior to the through port of the ball. Allow the water to drain out and dry as needed.
5. Ensure that piping is aligned properly so there is no tension applied to the valve when installed. Use pipe
hangers or other supports as necessary to properly align piping.
6. Before installing the valve, seal rings should be applied to the clamp ends per ISO 2852. Failure to apply
proper seal rings can result in leakage and damage.
7. Align the valve clamp end to the pipe clamp end and secure with a quick clamp.
8. Clean/flush the pipeline and leak test the system prior to using.
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Supplemental: The standard figure 330A is supplied with clamp ends so traditional 3-piece ball valve installation
by disassembly is not required. In the event that other end connections are supplied, the following steps are
supplied for reference.
A. For Threaded End Valve:
o Use applicable sealant (e.g. - PTFE tape, high temperature pipe seal, etc.) to seal threaded ends on the
o If required for installation (i.e. – The pipe can not be rotated), remove the body bolts and end caps.
Secure the seats and body seals with tape so they are not lost.
o To prevent distortion or damage to the valve, do not apply torque through the valve. When tightening
the valve, always use a wrench on the end nearest the pipe being tightened. It is preferred that the pipe
be screwed into the valve, holding the valve stationary at the end being connected. Do not use the
handle to tighten the assembly as damage to the valve may occur.
o If the valve was disassembled for installation, reinstall the body assembly and reinsert the body bolts.
SLIGHTLY tighten all bolts, making sure the body and end caps are parallel to prevent distortion of the
end caps during the final tightening phase. Using the torque values in Table 1, tighten the body bolts
evenly. Check the valve for proper operation. The valve should stroke smoothly and evenly with no
binding (Higher seating and unseating torque is normal).
B. For Socket Weld End Valve:
o With the valve in the open position and pipe fully inserted into the socket weld ends, tack-weld the valve
to the pipe in four equidistant points on both end caps.
o Remove all but one of the body bolts and loosen the remaining one so that the valve body assembly can
swing out of the way.
o Secure the seats and body seals with tape so they are not lost. It is recommended to temporarily cover
the body assembly during welding to protect the soft seats and seals from damage.
o Finish welding both end caps onto the pipe.
o After all components have cooled, clean all valve surfaces.
o Swing the body back to the original position and reinsert the body bolts.
o SLIGHTLY tighten all bolts, making sure the body and end caps are parallel to prevent distortion of the
end caps during the final tightening phase.
o Using the torque values in Table 1, tighten the body bolts evenly.
C. Check the valve for proper operation. The valve should stroke smoothly and evenly with no binding (Higher
seating and unseating torque is normal).
Bolt Size
1/4-20 UNC / M6 70 7.9
5/16-18 UNC / M8 100 11.3
3/8-16 UNC / n/a 160 18.1
7/16-14 UNC / M10 280 31.7
1/2-13 UNC / M12 400 45.3
5/8-11 UNC / M16 800 90.5
3/4-10 UNC / M20 1400 158.4
7/8-9 UNC / M22 2250 254.6
1-8 UNC / M24 3250 367.7
1-1/8-8 UNC / M28 4000 452.6
Table 1
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In-Lbs NM