FMS P47 Operating Manual

Read the ENTIRE instr ucti on man ual to b ecom e fam ilia r with t he fea ture s of th e prod uct WARNING: operating. Failure to operat e the pro duct cor rectl y can res ult in dam age to th e produc t, pers onal before property and cause serious i njury. This is a sophisticated hob by pro duct an d NOT a toy. I t must be o pera ted wit h cauti on and c ommon s ense and enquires some basic mechanical ability. Fa ilure to oper ate this Pro duct in a safe an d responsi ble manner could result in injur y or da mage t o the p rodu ct or ot her p rope rty. Th is pro duc t is not i nten ded f or use b y children without direct ad ult sup ervis ion. This manual contains ins truct ions fo r safe ty, oper atio n and mai nten ance. I t is ess entia l to rea d and fol low all the instructions a nd war ning s in man ual, prior to ass embl y, setu p or use , in ord er to o perat e cor rectl y and avoid damage or seriou s injur y.
Safety Precautions an d Warnin gs
As the user of this produc t, you a re sol ely re spon sibl e for op erat ing in a m anne r that d oes no t enda nger yourself and others or r esul t in dam age to t he pro duct o r the pr oper ty of ot hers . This m odel i s cont roll ed by a radio signal subjec t to int erfe renc e from m any so urce s outs ide yo ur con trol .Th is int erfe renc e can cause momentary loss o f cont rol so it is adv isab le to al ways kee p a safe d ista nce in all d irec tion s
around your model, as this marg in wil l help a void c olli sion s or inj ury. Age Recommendation: Not fo r child ren und er 14 years. This is not a toy.
• Never operate your model wit h low tra nsmit ter batteries.
from cars, traffic or people .Always operate your model in a n open ar ea away
• Avoid operating your model in t he stre et wher e injur y or dama ge can oc cur.
• Never operate the model in the s treet o r in populated areas for any reas on.
• Carefully follo w the d ire cti ons a nd wa rnin gs fo r thi s and any o ptio nal s upp ort e qui pmen t (ch arg ers,
rechargeable battery pac ks, etc .) you us e.
• Keep all chemicals, small pa rts and a nythi ng electrical out of the reach of c hildr en.
• Moisture causes damage to el ectro nics. Av oid wat er expo sure to a ll equi pment n ot spec ifica lly des igned
• Never lick or place any portio n of your m odel in y our mou th as it co uld cau se seri ous inj ury or ev en deat h.
and protected for this purpo se.
step3step2 step3
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17 00 MM P 47
FMS Kind ly Remin der
Thank you for your great attention and support to our company. If there is any problem regarding the plane, or any suggestion on our products, such as manual, package, color scheme, even structure, please feel free to contact us at
Thecontro l horns i nstal latio n
Glue the bomb rack
1. Lay the in stored access ories o ut.
Every control surface s has its o wn special labeled acces sory pl astic b ag.
2. Take the elevator access ory bag o ut. It has been labeled eleva tor.
4. Make sure the control su rface h orns ar e facing into the right dir ectio n befor e installing for the desi red mos t refle ction without any binding.
5. Always make sure that th e screw s are grabbing into the back pl ates of t he control horns. It is very i mport ant tha t these parts are holding t ight.
3. Install the elevator c ontro l surfa ce horns on the bottom of the el evato r surface with the screws p rovid ed in the small plastic bag. The side of the stabilize r that co ntain s the plastic washer face s up, mak e sure to install the control ho rns on th e opposite side.
6. Verify the completed el evato r horns installation. : Do not discard the extra screws,Note it will be preserved for th e futur e model building.
7. Repeat the step 3.4&5 fo r the ail erons control horn installa tion.
8. Repeat the step 3.4&5 fo r the fla ps control horn installa tion.
2. Put the Z-bend end of the linkage into the desired servo control horn hole. It is a tight fit and should allow the linkage to move just slightly within the hole to avoid binding up.
1. Make sure implement the in st ored rubber securing tube on the co ntrol r od.
3. Snap the clevis into the s urfac e contr ol horn.
4. Secure the horns with th e tube, m ake sure do not slide the tube to t he horn side too much, or it will bin ding wi th the horn. Just make sure it’s secur ing eno ugh.
1. Pre ready appropriat e amoun t of glue for the next step model bui lding .
2. Take the preserved eleva tor acc essor y bag and secure the horizo ntal st abili zer with two machine screws . Make sure the top side of the s tabil izer face up.(Screw: PM3.0 *50 3PC S)
3. Fix the dorsal foam fin to the fuselage slot. we recommended only apply glue on the underside of the fin.
4. Make sure align the slot on the horizontal stabilizer with the fuselage tail slot.
5. Install the vertical stabiliz er, Apply glue to the place where the vertical stabi lizer fitting together with the horizo ntal stabilizer and fuselage assemb ly. Use a brush or spackle to thoroughly cover the notch with a thin layer of glue. We recommend to apply glue to the fuselage and elevator as well for a bet ter bond. Let dry off for at least 5 minutes.
Note: Do not apply glue on th e rudde r side foam hinge and fusel age tai l slot.
6. Insert the vertical st abili zer int o the assembly slightly.
7. Make sure the rudder sid e foam hi nge has inserted into the slo t in the pr ocess of stabilizer mountin g. To protect the foam hinge fro m any damage or twisting we rec ommen ded you to clean the fuselage t ail slo t first for the smoothly hinge in serti ng.
8. Make sure there is no gap in b etwee n the rudder and the stabil izer.
9. Install the rudder control horn t he same with the elevator control horn, ma ke sure the horn be installed in proper dire ction.
10. Apply a thin coat of glue on the elevator underside foam hinge it will great help ful for the hinge durability. Do not apply excessive glue in this area which might prevent the surface from moving freely.
1. Make sure to install the o il tank r acks on their designated side s.
2. Rack mounted the wrong w ay roun d. Note that the rear part of th e rack ar e asymmetrical and the ra ck will n ot fit into the notch if you try to mo unt it as shown in the picture.
3. This is how the plate should be mounted.
4. Remove the rack and glue them back into
2. Plug the leads from the main wing to the Multiple Connector Part 1 with the yellow signal at the channel label side. This step has been factory completed, you may repeat it when you do the main wing maintenance or repair.
3. There are two glass fibe r tubes i n different lengths for th e main w ing connection. The short one on the leadin g edge si de the long one on the trailin g edge si de.
1. Fit the wing filler into p lace fi rst. There are two fillers in th e kit, on e for each side. Make sure to install the fi llers o n their designated sides.
4. Insert the tubes into the mai n wing sockets till the white mark im pleme nt in factory. Do not push them farther than th ey will go with little resistance . That would push the wing tubes i nto the foam of the wing and prevent the m from fully inserting into the opp osite w ing half .
5. Remove the wing tube, apply a thin co at of glue to the fiberglass wing tube fr om the end to the first white mark. Let dry off for at least 5 minutes. Then insert it into place, it will help t he tubes grab into the socket more firm .
7. Mount the main wing with t he tube s to the fuselage slot. Make sure the wing tubes st raigh t through the holes in bott om of the w ing mount notch.
6. Rise the canopy by holdi ng the ri bbon on the rear of the canopy.
8. Guide the two aileron se rvo cab les through the holes in the bo ttom of t he wing mount notch, and gen tly pul l the aileron servo cables fr om insi de of the canopy simultaneous ly to avo id any tangling of the servo cab les.
9. Mount the other wing panel to the tubes, make sure put the tubes into the sockets first, then push the wing into place slightly.
10. Two wing panels will per fectl y fit int o the notch with no gap revea l betwe en the main wing root and the fu selag e.
11. Secure the main wing fro m the can opy hatch using the four prov ided sc rews. Two extra pieces of the are sp ares. (Screw: 6.0*80 4PCS)
1. Fit the gun set into place t he firs t, it wil l fitted perfectly into p lace or y ou have t o fit another one with the ye llow ba nd aligning.
2. Remove the gun set and glu e it back into place.
3. Glue the air speed indic ator on to the port side pre-notched s lot.
4. Glue the air speed indic ator in to the pre-notched slot in the d orsal f in.
Hook on the linkage r od
Install th stabil izer
Mount the main wing t o the fus elage
Install the small p art
1. Take the propeller back plate out, the one with a
hex hole in center. Place the in stored nuts into the peripheral pre-notched nuts hole on back of the plate.
2. Then fit the blade in place with the letter side face up, use the shorter screw in stored with the spinner to secure the blade in the blade tip side screw hole.
4. After the installation of t he blad e make s ure there is no gap between the bac k prope ller holder plate and the propel ler roo t, if not, you will have to check to make su re ther e is nothing come to obstruct the f ully in stal latio n of the blade, and then tighten t he scre w properly again. Do the rest 3 pieces blade the sam e.
5. Place the front propelle r holde r plate i nto place as show.
3. Make sure holding the nut into pl ace whe n we tighten the screw. It will help a lot when you doing the sc rew installation and save you extr a time. (Screws: PM3*20 4PCS)
The propeller bla de asse mbly
FMS User Manual of 6A U BEC
Note: We recommend use the jumper cap to connect the two middle pins in four for your safty flying.
Specification Of 6A UBEC:
1. Switch Mode
2. Output:5.0V/6A ,5.5V/6A or 6.0V/6A switchable(Changeable with a Silver jumper)
3. Input:6V-25V (2-6S Lipo, 5-18S NiMH/NiCd)
4. Output Current:Continuous Current 6A, Burst Current 10A
5. Size:45.0mm*23.0mm*10.0mm(Length*Width*Height)
6. Weight:18.0g
1. Adopting the USA CPU and decreasing the electromagnetic interference, to be sure that receiver works well.
2. The working status of UBEC is shown by an indicator (LED). When UBEC works, the Silver LED lights.
3. Battery polarity reversal protection (If the connection is wrong, the UBEC can not work.)
How to Use the UBEC, please carefully look at the connections as follows :
1. Connecting UBEC with ESC OPTO, you just parallelly connect the input connector of UBEC with the battery pack, and plug the output connector of the UBEC into one of spare channels of the receiver.
2. Using ESC SBEC, you must remove the red wire of the signal wires of ESC SBEC to receiver before connecting wit h the UBEC.(t he connectio n with ESC SBEC is same as connection with the ESC OPTO )
Note: Because of the weather and ground , please conn ect the UBEC a t
least in a distance 5cm far away from the receiver to avoi d the electromagnetic interference.
Battery Pack
Brushless ESC
Remove the Red Wire
Battery Pack
Brushless ESC
Extra propeller nosie or extra Vibration.
Reduced flight time or aircraft underpower ed.
Control surface does not move, or is slow to respond to control inputs.
Control reversed.
Motor loses power. Motor power pulses then motorloses power.
LED on receiver flashes slowly.
Damaged spinner, prope ller. motor or motor mount. Loose propeller and spi nner parts. Propellor installed b ackwa rds.
Flight battery charge i s low. Propeller installed b ackwa rd. Flight battery damage d.
Control surface, cont rol hor n, linkage or servo damage , Wire damaged or connection s loose .
Channels need be revers ed in the transmitter.
Damage to motor, or batter y. Lose of power to aircraft . ESC uses default soft Low Voltage Cutoff(LVC).
Power lose to receiver.
Aircraft will not respond to the throttle but responds to other controls.
ESC is not armed. Throttle channel is rev ersed .
Lower throttle stick and throttle trim to lowest settings. Reverse throttle channel on transmitter.
Replaced damaged part s. Tighten parts for propel ler adapter, propeller and s pinne r.
Remove and install prop eller correctly.Complete ly rech arge Flight battery. Remove and install propeller correctly. Replace flight bat tery and obey flight battery instructions.
Replace or repair damag ed parts and adjust contro ls. Do a check of connections f or loose wiring.
Do the Control Directio n Test and adjust controls for aircraft and transm itter.
Do a check of batteries, transmitter, receive r, ESC, motor and wiring for dama ge (replace as needed). Land aircraft immedia tely an d Recharge flight batte ry.
Check connection from E SC to receiver. Check servos for damage . Check linkages for bind ing.
Possible Cause Solution
Battery Selectio n and Ins talla tion.
1. We recommend the 22.2V 3 300mA h 25C Li- Po batt ery.
2. If using another batte ry, the ba ttery mu st be at le ast a 22 .2V 330 0mAh 25 C batte ry.
3. Your battery s houl d be a ppr oxi mate ly t he sa me ca pac ity , dim ensi on a nd wi ght a s the
22.2V 3300mAh 25C Li-Po battery to fit in the fu selage wit hout chan ging the cent er of gravit y a large amount.
Trouble shooting
If you are not already a memb er of the AM A, plea se join , The AMA is th e gover ning bo dy of model aviation and mem bersh ip prov ided li abili ty insu rance c overa ge, pro tects modelers’ rights and int erest s and is re quire d to fly at m ost R/C s ites.
Academy of Model Aeronau tics
5151 East Memorial Driv e Muncie, IN 47302-9252 Ph.(800)435-9262 Fax(765)741-0057
Or via the Internet at: htt p//ww w.mode lairc raft. org
A model aircraft is a non-hu man-c arryi ng airc raft ca pable o f susta ined A. GENE RAL:
flight in the atmospher e. It may n ot exce ed limi tatio ns of thi s code an d is inte nded exclusively for sport , recre ation a nd/or c ompet ition . All model flights must be co nduct ed in acc ordan ce with t his saf ety cod e and any additional rules spec ific to t he flyi ng site .
1. Model aircraft will no t be flow n: (a) In a careless or reckle ss mann er. (b) At a location where mode l aircr aft act iviti es are pr ohibi ted.
2. Model aircraft pilot s will: (a) Yield the right of way to al l man car rying a ircra ft. (b) See and avoid all aircr aft and a s potte r must be u sed whe n appro priat e. (AMA Document #540-D-S ee and Avo id Guid ance. ) (c) Not fly higher than app roxim ately 4 00 feet abo ve gro und level wit hin three (3) mile s of an airport, without no tifyi ng the ai rport o perat or. (d) Not interfere with op erati ons and t raffi c pattern s at any air port, hel iport o r seapla ne base except where there i s a mixed u se agre ement . (e) Ensure the aircraft i s ident ified w ith the n ame and a ddres s or AMA numb er of the owner on the inside or af fixed t o the out side of t he mode l aircr aft. (This does not apply to mod el airc raft fl own ind oors) . ( f ) Not operate aircraft wi th meta l-bla de prop eller s or with g aseou s boost s excep t for helicopters operate d under t he prov ision s of AMA Docu ment #5 55. (g ) Not operate model airc raft wh ile und er the in fluen ce of alc ohol or w hile us ing any drug which could advers ely aff ect the p ilot’s a bilit y to safe ly cont rol the m odel. (h ) Not operate model airc raft ca rryin g pyrot echni c devic es whic h explo de or bur n, or any device which prope ls a proj ectil e or drop s any obj ect tha t creat es a haza rd to persons or property.
Academy of Model Aero nauti cs Nati onal Mo del Airc raft Sa fety Co de
Effective Januar y 1, 2011
Free Flight fuses or devi ces tha t burn pr oduci ng smok e and are s ecure ly atta ched to the model aircraft duri ng flig ht.
Officially designat ed AMA Air Sho w Teams (AST ) are aut horiz ed to use d evice s and practices as defined wi thin th e Team AMA Prog ram Doc ument ( AMA Docu ment #7 18).
3. Model aircraft will no t be flow n in AMA sanc tione d event s, air sh ows or mo del demonstrations unle ss: (a) The aircraft, contr ol syst em and pi lot ski lls hav e succe ssful ly demo nstra ted all maneuvers intended or a ntici pated p rior to t he spec ific ev ent. (b) An inexperienced pil ot is ass isted b y an expe rienc ed pilo t.
4. When and where require d by rule , helme ts must b e prope rly wor n and fas tened . They must be OSHA, DOT, ANSI, SNE LL or NOC SAE app roved o r compl y with comparable standard s. B. RADIO CONTROL (RC)
1. All pilots shall avoid fl ying di rectl y over un prote cted pe ople, v essel s, vehi cles or structures and shall av oid end anger ment of l ife and p roper ty of oth ers.
2. A successful radio equip ment gr ound- range c heck in a ccord ance wi th manu factu rer’ s recommendations wil l be comp leted b efore t he firs t fligh t of a new or r epair ed mode l aircraft.
3. RC model aircraft must u se the ra dio-c ontro l frequ encie s curre ntly al lowed b y the Federal Communicati ons Com missi on (FCC ). Only i ndivi duals p roper ly lice nsed by the FCC are authorized to o perat e equip ment on Am ateur B and fre quenc ies.
4. RC model aircraft will n ot oper ate wit hin thr ee (3) mi les of an y pre-e xisti ng flyi ng site without a frequency-m anage ment ag reeme nt (AMA Do cumen ts #922 -Testin g for RF Interference; #923- F reque ncy Man ageme nt Agree ment)
5. With the exception of ev ents fl own und er offi cial AMA Co mpeti tion Re gulat ions, excluding takeoff and l andin g, no pow ered mo del may b e flown o utdoo rs clos er than 25 feet to any individual , excep t for the p ilot an d the pil ot's he lper( s) loca ted at th e flight line.
6. Under no circumstanc es may a pi lot or ot her per son tou ch a mode l aircr aft in fl ight while it is still under pow er, exce pt to div ert it fr om stri king an i ndivi dual. This does not apply to mode l aircr aft flo wn indo ors.
7. RC night flying requir es a ligh ting sy stem pr ovidi ng the pi lot wit h a clear v iew of th e model’s attitude and or ienta tion at a ll time s.
8. The pilot of a RC model airc raft sh all: (a) Maintain control du ring th e entir e fligh t, main taini ng visu al cont act wit hout enhancement other tha n by corr ectiv e lense s presc ribed f or the pi lot. (b) Fly using the assista nce of a ca mera or F irst- Perso n View (F PV) onl y in acco rdanc e with the procedures out lined i n AMA Docum ent #55 0. C. FREE FLIGHT
1. Must be at least 100 feet do wnwin d of spec tator s and aut omobi le park ing whe n the model aircraft is launc hed.
2. Launch area must be clea r of all in divid uals ex cept me chani cs, off icial s, and ot her fli ers.
3. An effective device wil l be used t o extin guish a ny fuse o n the mod el airc raft af ter the fuse has completed its fu nctio n.
1. ver with your transmitter Bind your recei the first, please refer to your Transmitter Manual and read it throug hly for t he safety operation. Do not install the propel ler ass embly t o the motor shaft while tes ting th e contr ol surface to make sure the motor doe s not start unexpectedly an d cause p erson al injury..
Make sure all the control sticks in neutr al positions (flight control, rudde r, elevator s and ailerons) or to low positio ns(th rottl e, throttle trim) . Fully charge the batter y befor e armin g the ESC.
All of the servo have been fa ctory s et in neutral position . Thread the clevis on the li nkage s rod of the ailerons to make the co ntrol s urfac e align with the trailing e dge of th e win tip .
: Please secure the clevi s again , Note
when the adjusting proc ess com plete d.
2. Adjust the flaps’ flight p ositi on, mak e sure the up position alig n with th e trailing edge of the wing f iller.
3. Adjust the rear landin g gear di recti on by trim the rudder channe l. Make sure the wheel align w ith the fuselage centerline .
4. Adjust the rudder neutr al posi tion by back and forth the linkag e rod in th e control connector, mak e sure to l ock the control rod by tighte n the hex h ead screw There will be no rudde r trim us edNote: in this step. It will keep the uniform of d irect ion of the tail wheel and rudder.
5. Adjust the elevator by b ack and f orth the linkage rods of the ele vator i n canopy hatch.
The two pieces elevators Note : split
must be keep in the same alti tude.
6. Cycle the landing gear s evera l times , make sure the landing gea r perfo rm well in every cycle and the t hree po int gears move the same direc tions .
7. Test the motor make sure it is responsive to the throttle input and rotate the clock wise from the tail view, or you have to reset the throttle.
Landing Gear
6. Diagram for the receive r conne ction . The recommended voltage i nput fo r the receiver is 4.8V-6V.
5. Diagram for the sequence r conne ction .
Ch5 B
Ch5 B
Ch5 C
4. CH5.B for the rear landi ng gear r etrac t.
2. Multiple Connector P art 2
1. Multiple Connector P art 1
3. Plug the Part 1 to the part 2 pr operl y as
the picture show.
Two ribbon cables from the wing panel.
Control surface t estin g and set ting
Install the prope ller
1. Disarm the ESC first, th en turn o ff the
2. Keyed the propeller asse mbly to t he moto r shaft, make sure fit the assem bly int o the hex stage on the shaft, it will help t o hold th e assembly in fixed positio n when th e engin e contact.
The suggested throws fo r the FMS P 47 are as f ollow s: High rate Low rate Elevator - 40mm/1.6in u p an down 2 4mm/0 .9in up a nd down
Rudder - 25mm/0.98in le ft and ri ght 21m m/0.8 in left a nd righ t Ailerons - 28mm/1.1in u p and dow n 17mm/ 0.7in u p and dow n
Flap - Mid 22mm/0.9in Full 45mm/1.8in
Main speci fica tion and spar e par ts
SH101-Silver Fusela ge SH102-Silver Main win g set (2 PC S) SH103-Silver Rudder SH104-Silver Elevat or SH105 Cowl SH106-Silver Spinne r ( 2 Hub hal ves and a s pinne r) SH107-Silver Canopy ( One PC pl astic c anopy ) SH108-Silver Canopy ( One PC fo am cano py with out the s cale pl astic c ontro l desk) SH109-Silver Bomb (2 PC S) SH201 Brushless motor ( 5060- KV300 ) SH202 ESC (85A ESC with 5A SBEC & 6 A UBEC) SH203 9g Servo SH204 25g Metal servo SH205 E-Retract (One PC f or main l andin g gear) SH206 E-Retract (One PC f or rear l andin g gear) SH207-Silver Main lan ding ge ar set (A pa ir with c hock ab sorpt ion fun ction ) SH208-Silver E-Retr act sys tem (Fo r main la nding g ear, with two retracts and mai n landi ng gear i nstal led) SH209-Silver E-Retr act sys tem (Fo r rear la nding g ear, with one retract and rear l andin g gear in stall ed) SH301 Propeller (4 PCS bl ades) SH302 Linkage rod (All of t he cont rol sur face li nkage s with cl evis an d secur ing tub e pre installed) SH303 Motor mount SH304-Silver Sticke rs (A piec e of inta ct stic ker she et) SH305-Silver Main lan ding ge ar door ( A pair of ma in land ing gea r inner f airin g door with the installation b ase) SH306-Silver Rear lan ding ge ar door ( Rear la nding g ear box w ith two p cs door h alves ) SH307 Screws set SH308 Motor board SH309 Motor shaft SH310 Plastic scale coc kpit ( A set of p lasti c cockp it dash board ) SH311 Multiple connect or part 1 ( From th e wing pa nels) SH312 Multiple connec tor par t 2 (For pl uggin g to rece iver)
Spare part list for silver scheme
7. Attach the receiver to t he cock pit hat ch
using the hook and loop str aps. The minimum distance be tween t he UBEC and receiver is 50mm / 2in.
8. Try to fix the leads from the r ear par ts of the fuselage to avoid ta nglin g with the servo arms.
9. Tuck the extra wire mess in to the pi t in the hatch for a neatly look ing of th e canopy hatch.
10. Battery hatch in front of the canopy hatch. Do not arm the ESC if the instruction Note: manual do not required you perform it.
The wire connecti on
Range Check Your Radio Sy stem
After final assembly, range check the radio sy stem with the F MS P47. Refer
transmitter instruction manual for range test information .
12. Find a safe and ope n area .
2.Charge fl ight battery
3.Read this instruction manual thoroug hly .
4.Fully assemble model
5.Install the flight battery in the aircraft (onc e it has been full y charged )
6.Bind aircraft to your transmitter
7.Make sure linkages move freely
9.Perform the Control Direction Test with the transmitter.
10.Adjust light controls and trans mitter.
11. Perform a radio system Range Check.
1. Remove and inspect cont ents.
8. Make sure the rubber ring has been p roper ly slid e on the cl evis.
First Flight Prepar ation
Take off and landing tips
Please read the follo wing in struc tions a nd full y under stand i t.
3. Children under the a ge of 12 shoul d have a n adul t guid e. Neve r reco mmen d for th e chil dren under the age of 14.
4. Never leave the charge r in wet co nditi ons.
5. The P47 is made f rom PA an d pol yth ene w hic h are t ind er. Wh en it m eet s the h eat , transfigurat ion c an ea sil y hap pen, so yo u mus t kee p it aw ay fr om he at.
6. Do not attempt to catch th e while flying, please do not touc h the pro pelle r.P47
7. Never leave this syst em una ttend ed aro und chi ldren w ith ba ttery i n the un it, as in jury m ay be caused due to childre n's tu rning o n the tr ansmi tter o r the pla ne.
8. During the preparati on for th e fligh t, plea se reme mber to t urn on th e trans mitte r befor e connecting the batter y pack.
9. Close the throttle on the transmitter before connecting battery otherwise the motor may operate.
1. Do not fly in strong wind or bad weather.
2. Never fly the model in crowded areas, where there are lots of peop le, automobl ies on the road or power lines overhead . Also do not to fly around the airport. Plea se make yoursel f enough room for the flying and operating, as the plane can trave l at high speed. Reme mber you are responsible for the safety of others.
1. Take off using full power, as so on as you h ave tak en off re tract t he land ing gea r.
2. Use the flaps to give a stee per lan ding ap proac h, incr ease th rottl e sligh tly to of fset th e increased drag.
3. Ensure that you set a time r and lan d with pl enty of b atter y power i n reser ve.
4. It's difficult to land ing the p lane pe rfect f rom the s peedy f lying s tate wh en the fl aps kee p in the contour.
5. Never exceed 3 minutes t o fly wit h the max imum po wer oth ers.
6. Never exceed the limit ed flyi ng weig ht.
Flying Tips
Note: 1. All spare parts w ithou t decal s.
2. The Item# without co lor mar king co uld be ap plied u niver sally f or both color scheme.
SH101-Green Fuselag e SH102-Green Main wing s et (2 PCS ) SH103-Green Rudder SH104-Green Elevato r SH106-Green Spinner ( 2 H ub halv es and a sp inner ) SH107-Green Canopy (O ne PC pla stic ca nopy) SH108-Green Canopy (O ne PC foa m canop y witho ut the sc ale pla stic co ntrol d esk) SH109-Green Bomb (2 PCS ) SH207-Green Main land ing gea r set (A pai r with ch ock abs orpti on func tion SH208-Green E-Retra ct syst em (For m ain lan ding ge ar, with t wo retr acts an d main landing gear installe d) SH209-Green E-Retra ct syst em (For r ear lan ding ge ar, with o ne retr act and r ear landing gear installe d) SH304-Green Sticker s (A piece o f intac t stick er shee t) SH305-Green Main land ing gea r door (A pa ir of mai n landi ng gear i nner fa iring d oor with the installation b ase) SH306-Green Rear land ing gea r door (R ear lan ding ge ar box wi th two pc s door ha lves)
Spare part list for green scheme
spare par ts
: 1700mm /66.9in : 1520mm /59.8 in : 4300g /151.6 oz : 90mm : 22.2V 3300mAh-4000m Ah Li-P o Batte ry : 85A : 5060-KV300 : 53.1dm
: 80.9g/dm
: 6 Channel, 9 Servos And 1 Brushless ESC
Wingspan Length Weight CG Position Battery ESC Motor Wing Area Wing Load RC System
Center Of Gravity(C.G.)
Center of Gravity
When balance your model , adjus t the mot or batt ery as ne cessa ry so the m odel is l evel or slightly nose down. This the correct balanc e point f or your m odel. After the first flights , The CG po sitio n can be ad juste d for you r perso nal pre feren ce.
1. The recommended Cent er of Gra vity( CG) loc ation f or your m odel is ( )90mm/3.5in back from the leading edg e of the to p main wi ng as sho wn with t he batt ery pac k insta lled. Mark the location of the CG o n top of th e wing.
2. When balancing your mo del, su pport t he plan e inver ted at th e marks m ade on th e top of the main wing with your fi ngers o r a comme rcial ly avai lable b alanc ing sta nd. Thi s is the correct balance poi nt for yo ur mode l, Make s ure the m odel is a ssemb led and r eady for flight before balan cing. Note: Always balance the p lane wi th the re tract s down.
Control throw setting
1. Turn on the transmitter a nd rece iver of y our mod el.
check the movement of the r udder u sing th e trans mitte r. When the stick is moved rig ht, the r udder s hould a lso mov e right . Rever se the di recti on of the servo at the transmi tter if n ecess ary.
2. Check the movement of th e eleva tor wit h the rad io syst em. Moving the elevator sti ck towa rd the bo ttom of t he tran smitt er make s the air plane elevator move up.
3. Check the movement of th e ailer ons wit h the rad io syst em, mov ing the a ilero n stick r ight makes the right aileron m ove up an d left ai leron m ove dow n.
4. Use a ruler to adjust the th row of th e eleva tor, ail eron an d rudde r. Adjust the position of the p ushro d at the co ntrol h orn and t he tran smitt er to ach ieve th e following measureme nts whe n movin g the sti cks to th e end poi nt. Note: Always disassemb le the pr opell er set wh en bind ing the t ransm itter a nd test ing the control surface.
Main speci fica tion
6. Hang on the bombs, two bom bs are th e
same, you can take any one of t hem to hang on a rack.
Test the propeller: Drag th e tail of t he plan e while t est the p ropel ler, mak e sure th ere are no people or any other cr eatur e in the pr opell er touc hable r ange.
3. Take the washer and thread it to th e motor shaft, it will help to prevent t he prop elle r holder from the nut scrape.
4. Secure the propeller by ti ghten t he nut us e the wrench, do not over tighte n, but ma ke sure it’s tight enough.
5. Install the spinner and tig hten b y hand fi rmly.
Install the prope ller
Thecontro l horns i nstal latio n
Install th stabil izer Install th stabil izer
Mount the main wing t o the fus elage Mount the main wing t o the fus elage
6. Then implement the nuts in to the in side tr ack
of the back plate. Tighten the screws on the front p late.
8. Verify the status of the prope ller i nstal latio n completed.
7. After the four screws’ tight ening c omple te, make sure there is no gap betwe en this t wo propeller holder plate. (Screw: PM3*25 4PCS)
The propeller bla de asse mbly
The wire connecti on
Spare Parts List for SHlver Scheme
SH102-Silver SH103-Si lver
SH104-Silver SH-105 SH106-Silver
SH107-Silver SH108-Si lver
SH208-Silver SH 209-S ilver
SH-301 SH-30 2
SH304-Silver SH305-Si lver
Spare Parts List for Silver Scheme
Control surface t estin g and set ting
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