Flyzone FLZA3006 User Manual

Manual Supplement
Refer to this Instruction Manual Supplement for initial assembly of your Calypso ARF. After completing the assembly steps in this supplement, continue with the twenty­page RTF/Rx-R /Tx-R Calypso instruction manual booklet.
In addition to the items listed in the instruction manual for the Rx-R edition, the Calypso ARF also requires the following items:
18A ESC (Electronic Speed Controller) (FLZA6011)
C28-30 1300kV brushless motor (FLZA6012)
Spinner, folding propeller set (FLZA6006)
(4) Calypso micro servos (FLZA6013), or any of the
Futaba® micro servos that have the same case as the S3117 such as the following:
S3117 (FUTM0417)S3157 (FUTM0657)S3156 (FUTM0656)
(2) 18"–24" [460 mm – 610 mm] servo wire extensions
for aileron servos (HCAM2200 for Futaba J)
The ailerons may be mixed electronically through the
mixing in your transmitter, or “hard-wired” together into the same channel with a Y-harness (FUTM4130).
The Calypso may be assembled with just about any kind
of glue including foam-safe or regular CA, but for gluing in the servos something thicker and fl exible is preferred such as Zap Goo or similar (PAAR3200).
A 1.5mm Allen wrench is required for tightening the set
screws in the folding propeller hub (DTXR0288).
Non-permanent threadlocker for all metal-to-metal screws
Assemble the Wings
First, let’s center the aileron servo arms before gluing the servos into the wing…
1. Temporarily connect the aileron servos and ESC to your
receiver and turn on your transmitter. Making sure the trims on your transmitter are centered, connect the battery to the
ESC. If necessary, remove and re-mount the servo arms so
they will be perpendicular as shown. Be certain to replace the servo arm screws.
You may work on both wings simultaneously, or do one
wing at a time.
2. Without using any glue, temporarily fi t the servos into the
pockets in the wing. Hook up the ailerons with the hardware shown.
3. Connect a 18" – 24" [460mm – 610mm] servo extension
to the aileron servo wires and secure the connection with tape,
heat shrink tubing or a dab of glue. Lay the servo wires down inside the channels.
4. If you plan to hook up the optional fl aps, it will be a
little easier to cut the fl ap servo openings in the bottom wing covers and fi t the fl ap servos at this time, so go ahead and do so—but fi rst refer to the illustration at step 13 on page 11 of the Calypso instruction manual for the correct orientation of the fl ap servos and servo arms. If unsure whether or not you will be using fl aps, the servo installation and hookup is easy enough to retrofi t later (as illustrated on page 8 of the instruction manual).
6. Glue the aileron servos (and fl ap servos if installed) into
position—thick or medium CA is suitable, but if ever necessary, the servos will be easier to extract later if something more
fl exible such as Zap Goo or similar is used.
5. Without using any glue, test-fi t the bottom wing cover to
the wing. Make sure the cover lays all the way down fl at into the cavity and make any adjustments necessary.
7. Glue the bottom wing cover into position—thick or medium
CA is okay here, but use care not to allow any glue to leak into
the channel or into the clamp for the joiner tube. If necessary, use tape or weights to hold the cover down until the glue hardens.
8. Glue the spars and optional aileron pushrod covers into
position. Also apply a strip of white or clear tape over the channel for the aileron servo wire.
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