Flylight Airsports Skyranger Swift Operator's Manual

Skyranger Swift Operators Manual
G_______ Serial No.: BMAA/HB/_ _ _
Approving Authority
British Microlight Aircraft Association
The Bullring, Deddington, Banbury Oxon, OX15 0TT, United Kingdom
by delegation from the United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority
Flylight Airsports Ltd, Sywell Aerodrome, Sywell Northants NN6 0BT
This manual is approved for use with Skyranger Swift aircraft issued with a United Kingdom
type accepted (amateur-built) Permit to Fly. It must remain with the aircraft, and not be
amended or altered without authority from the manufacturer in conjunction with the BMAA
or UK CAA.
All pilots should read this manual before flying as pilot in command of the aircraft to which
it refers.
Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)
Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................... 5
2. Description of the Aircraft .......................................................................................... 6
3. Limitations ................................................................................................................. 8
4. Flying the Skyranger Swift ........................................................................................ 10
5. Performance ............................................................................................................. 21
6. Emergencies ............................................................................................................. 23
7. Rigging and De-rigging ............................................................................................ 25
8. Weight and Balance .................................................................................................. 26
9. Maintenance ............................................................................................................. 27
9.7 Check A .................................................................................................................... 30
9.8 Routine maintenance worksheet ............................................................................... 32
10. Repairs ..................................................................................................................... 40
11. Trim and tuning ....................................................................................................... 42
12. Vital Statistics ........................................................................................................... 44
Annex A The BMAA Airworthiness Approval Note recommending issue of a
permit to fly
Annex B Engine Manual
Annex C Weight and balance report for this aircraft (form BMAA/AW/028).
Annex D Minor modifications fitted to this aircraft (MinMods)
Annex E Major modifications fitted to this aircraft (MAANs)
Annex F Instructions and Manuals for other devices fitted to this aircraft
Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)
Changes incorporated
Issue 3
Revision of maintenance requirements and worksheet. Addition of trim and tuning section. Description of fuel system, many other small corrections / changes.
Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)
1. Introduction
1.1 The Skyranger Swift is a three-axis aeroplane, it was certified in the United Kingdom to the requirements of British Civil Airworthiness Requirements (BCAR) Section S.
1.2 This manual is not intended to teach you to fly the aircraft, or to build it. Learning to fly should be accomplished under the supervision of a flying instructor experienced on the type. A separate build manual exists to instruct you in building the Skyranger Swift from a kit.
1.3 What this manual will do, is provide the information which a qualified pilot requires to safely fly this aircraft (although a conversion by an instructor, CRI, Coach, familiar with the type is strongly recommended), and to carry out routine maintenance and minor repairs. Manuals exist for this aircraft for use overseas which also include guidance on fitting modifications. All modifications to a British Skyranger Swift must be approved by the British Microlight Aircraft Association.
1.4 The license required to fly the Skyranger Swift in the UK are either a EASA PPL / LAPL, UK PPL (A) with SEP or Microlight ratings, UK NPPL with microlight rating or NPPL SSEA with differences training for microlight aircraft. Pilots with licenses and experience confined to heavier GA aircraft must carry out differences training to fly the Skyranger Swift. Pilots with microlight ratings trained for Flexwing aircraft should carry out differences training for 3 Axis control systems before attempting to fly the Skyranger Swift.
1.5 This aircraft must be operated using airframe and engine log books. Entries must be made in the logbooks in ink and within 7 days.
Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)
2. Description of the Aircraft
2.1 Ancestry
The Skyranger was conceived by Philippe Prevot in 1991. The first 200 examples were manufactured under licence by Synairgie between 1994 and 1998. The manufacture of the Skyranger was moved to Aeros in the Ukraine in 1998, incorporating many developments in the design. An updated shorter wing model – The Skyranger Swift then followed, updated again in 2014 (known as ‘Swift2’) to incorporate several features / options with the Skyranger Nynja. This manual is for all Swift versions.
2.2 Construction
The Skyranger Swift is predominately constructed of pin-jointed straight aluminium tubes with wings and tail covered with pre-sewn polyester or optional laminate fabric. The fuselage is covered in non structural glassfibre panels.
2.3 Flying Controls
2.3.1 Pitch control is by fore-aft movement of the control stick, with movement transmitted to a conventional elevator through cables.
2.3.2 Pitch trimming is by a hand-operated lever mounted in the central console between the seats, with movement transmitted through a cable to a trim-tab on the starboard elevator, reacted with springs.
2.3.3 Roll control is by sideward movement of the control stick, with movement transmitted through cables to part-span, differential­movement ailerons.
2.3.4 Yaw control is by dual-control foot pedals, with movement to the rudder transmitted through cables.
2.3.5 Braking is by hand lever operated hydraulic disc brakes.
2.3.6 The undercarriage is of tricycle arrangement, with nose wheel steering mechanically linked to the dual-control rudder pedals.
2.3.7 Flaps are lowered in two stages by lifting a hand-operated lever located between the seats whilst gripping an integral latching lever.
Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)
2.4 Fuel system
2.4.1 The standard fuel system consists of two polyethelene tanks linked together with a balance pipe. As such they work as one single tank for fuel management purposes.
2.4.2 Fuel is drawn from a single outlet through a single fuel tap which isolates all supply.
2.4.3 Fuel is pumped by an engine driven mechanical fuel pump, and an (optional) electrical back-up fuel pump. An anti vapour-lock restricted return allows fuel flow back from the engine compartment to the fuel tanks.
2.4.4 The tank outlet has a strainer, and an additional fuel filter is used in the supply line.
Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)
3. Limitations
min sink
Best climb angle
Best glide angle
approach speed
best climb rate
3.1 Introduction
This section includes the basic operating limitations for the Skyranger Swift. The full limitations are contained in Homebuilt Aircraft Data Sheet (HADS) HM4, which is used by the Inspector at Annual Permit renewal to ensure, amongst other things, that the correct limitations are placarded in the cockpit.
3.2 Units
When noting limitations, it is important to ensure that the limitations which you are using use the same units and calibrations as the instruments in the cockpit. The limitations shown below use knots CAS (Calibrated Airspeed); your aircraft may have an instrument in mph, and in any case will read IAS (Indicated Airspeed). The difference between IAS and CAS is basically the accuracy of your Pitot-static system. The IAS limits for your aircraft were determined when the aircraft was test flown, and are shown in Annex A to this manual. There will also be a placard in the cockpit, however space is allowed below for you to insert the IAS limitations and calibration details for your aircraft.
IAS Calibration Card for Skyranger Swift G-_______.
Unless all errors are less than 2 knots, a copy of this calibration card must be displayed in the cockpit near to the ASI.
Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)
3.3 Operational Limitations
Skyranger Swift
Never exceed speed, Vne
111 kn CAS [ IAS]
Manoeuvring speed, Va
74 kn CAS [ IAS]
Flap limiting speed, Vfe
70 kn CAS [ IAS]
Door open limit speed
72 kn CAS [ IAS]
Speed for best rate of climb Vy
57kn CAS [ IAS]
Speed for best climb angle Vx
48 kn CAS [ IAS]
3.3.1 The Skyranger Swift must only be flown in day VMC conditions
3.3.2 The Skyranger Swift is certified to a "permit to fly" standard. This prohibits commercial operation.
3.3.3 UK Skyranger Swifts are approved to a UK standard, this means that permission is required from the host country to fly it overseas. However a reciprocal agreement for homebuilt aircraft means that no permission is required for flights to other ECAC (European Civil Aviation Conference) member states.
3.3.4 The minimum instrumentation required will depend on the engine fitted. Details for each is specified in the type Homebuilt Aircraft Data Sheet (HADS) HM4. Latest issues of which are available on the BMAA website.
3.3.5 It is recommended that the Skyranger Swift is not flown where a crosswind component above 15 knots is predicted.
3.3.6 Do not fly above 10,000ft standard pressure altitude without the use of personal oxygen.
3.3.7 Do not fly if any ice is present on the airframe. Performance, stability and handling will all be degraded with dangerous consequences. Do not fly the aircraft into known icing conditions.
3.4 Flight Limitations and key performance speeds
3.4.2 Maximum Bank angles are 60° either way.
3.4.3 Maximum Pitch attitudes are 450 nose up and down from the horizontal.
Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)
3.4.4 Normal acceleration limits are +4g / -2g.
3.4.5 At least 55kg (121lb / 8 stone 9lb) must be in the cockpit for flight, no more than 120kg (264lb / 18stone 12lb) may be carried in each seat.
3.4.6 Maximum Take-off weight: 450kg – or 472.5Kg if fitted with an airframe mounted total recovery parachute system.
3.4.7 Aerobatics and deliberate spinning are prohibited.
3.5 Engine Limitations
The limitations for the engine are contained in Annex B, they are also placarded in the cockpit.
4. Flying the Skyranger Swift
4.1 Pre-Flight Inspection
Pre flight inspection – Check A, is detailed in the maintenance section.
4.2 Starting
4.2.1 Before starting the engine ensure that the max takeoff weight will not be exceeded (from fuel/weight placard).
4.2.2 The BMAA standard manual pre-start checks [STAIP] are recommended. The actual starting procedures for a particular engine are contained in Annex B to this manual. The STAIP checks are :-
Security aircraft, crew, equipment, secure, brakes ON.
Throttles full and free, and closed, choke set as required.
Area all around and behind aircraft clear.
Ignition mags ON.
Prop Shout ‘clear prop’, pause then start the engine.
Once the engine is running set the recommended warm up RPM and slowly remove the choke.
4.3 Taxiing
4.3.1 Before Taxiing ensure that the engine has run for at least 2 minutes from cold. Do not use high RPM until the engine has reached its minimum flight operating temps.
Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)
4.3.2 Taxy at no more than a brisk walking pace, somewhat less if the surface is rough. Steering is effected through the rudder pedals which are linked directly to the nosewheel. The turning circle normally is around 20 feet in diameter (at the aircraft centreline).
4.3.3 Relatively light weight aircraft like the Skyranger Swift can be blown over in winds over 25knots. It is imperative that when taxiing in strong winds that the correct control placements are used. When the wind is from the forward quarters hold the stick into wind and the elevator neutral. When the wind is from the rear quarters the stick should be positioned away from the wind and the elevator held down.
4.3.4 Taxy checks
When taxiing check:
Brakes functioning Compass moving when aircraft turned Slip ball moving when aircraft turned Engine temps warming, no limits exceeded
Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)
4.4 Pre take-off checks (vital actions)
Prior to take-off, it is recommended that the following pre takeoff check is used. This check is a derivation of the mnemonic CHIFTWA as used in many BMAA schools.
C - Controls
Position into wind - Check controls for full and free movement Check visually that the controls are moving in the correct sense
H - Harness and Hatches
Check harnesses and hatches (doors) are secure, no loose objects
I – Instruments and engine
Check flight instruments are set and serviceable Check engine instruments are serviceable, minimum operating temps Check choke is OFF Set 3000 RPM and check each ignition in turn – max RPM drop 150 Check for smooth idle around 1500-1700 RPM Increase power to max brakes will hold for at least 10 seconds Check engine indications normal. Reset RPM to 2000
F – Fuel and Flaps
Check fuel tap is ON Check contents sufficient for flight Cycle flaps and check symmetrical operation, detent operation Set flap as required
T - Trim
Check trim set for takeoff (mid position)
W – Wind (and eventualities)
Check wind speed and direction / crosswind component Consider emergency actions – abort point EFATO options etc
A – All clear
Confirm all clear on approach R/T call if required and line up on runway
Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)
4.5 Normal takeoff
4.5.1 For a non performance takeoff, into wind, flaps can either be left in
the fully up –CR (cruise) position, or with the first stage – TO (takeoff) position.
4.5.2 When lined up and rolling straight smoothly apply full power. Keep
straight with rudder, ailerons neutral and with the elevator slightly up to reduce the weight on the nosewheel.
4.5.3 When the airspeed rises to 45 knots CAS [ IAS] rotate and lift off
and adopt a shallow climb attitude. Allow the airspeed to rise to 60 knots CAS [ IAS] and adopt a climbing attitude to hold this airspeed.
4.5.4 When above 200 feet AGL the airspeed can be reduced to 57 knots
CAS [ IAS] if a greater climb rate is required, and the flaps selected to CR. The power can also be reduced a little for noise abatement if required. When the flaps are retracted there will be a slight tendency for the aircraft to pitch up, which will require a gentle push on the stick to maintain a constant airspeed. Therefore after the flap change re trimming may be required.
4.5.5 When in the climb, due to the excellent climb rate, the nose is high
and may obscure forwards view. Therefore it is recommended to periodically weave or lower the nose to clear the blind spot. For prolonged ascents a cruise climb at reduced power setting and slightly higher airspeed is recommended and will increase forwards field of view.
4.6 Short takeoff
4.6.1 For a short takeoff select first stage, (TO), flap. Start from as close to the beginning of the field as possible. Hold on the brakes as power is increased to full. When power is full or if the aircraft starts to ‘creep’ forwards, release the brakes. Elevator position should be neutral (smooth surfaces only) or slightly up.
4.6.2 When the airspeed rises to 40 – 45 knots CAS [ IAS] rotate and lift off. When airborne allow the aircraft to accelerate to 48 knots CAS [ IAS] for best obstacle clearance. Be aware that at this speed prompt action will be needed to lower the nose and obtain glide speed in the event of power loss.
Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)
4.6.3 When clear of obstacles allow the aircraft to accelerate to 57 knots CAS [ IAS], and at 200 feet AGL select CR flap.
4.6.4 It is important to always pick an abort point before attempting to take off from a short field. If the aircraft approaches the abort point before lifting, the takeoff should be aborted by fully closing the throttle and braking firmly.
4.7 Soft field takeoff
4.7.1 Select first stage (TO) flap. Avoid stopping the aircraft whilst entering the runway and roll into the takeoff run. Hold full up elevator until the nosewheel lifts and then try to balance the aircraft in the rotated attitude whilst speed is increased. This will help reduce rolling resistance and keep overall drag to a minimum.
4.7.2 Allow the aircraft to lift off at around 40 knots CAS[ IAS] , and then carefully allow the aircraft to accelerate to 57 knots CAS [ IAS] in ground effect before adopting the climbing attitude. At 200 feet AGL select CR flap.
4.7.2 It is important to always pick an abort point before attempting to take off from a soft field. If the aircraft approaches the abort point before lifting, the takeoff should be aborted by fully closing the throttle and braking firmly.
4.8 Crosswind takeoff
4.8.1 The maximum demonstrated takeoff crosswind is a component of 15knots. Pilots are advised to avoid crosswind components of greater than 10 knots until very experienced on type.
4.8.2 Select O (CR) flap. Start the takeoff roll with the stick held fully into wind and the elevator neutral. Pressure may be required on the rudder pedals to steer straight.
4.8.3 Allow the aircraft to accelerate. The amount of aileron can be reduced if there is a tendency to lift the downwind wheel. Keep the elevator neutral until the speed reaches 50-55knots CAS[ IAS], then cleanly rotate and lift off.
4.8.4 As the aircraft lifts off, adopt a shallow climb attitude. Gently yaw the aircraft into wind to set up the required drift angle, and centralise the ailerons and balance ball.
Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)
4.9 Normal landing
4.9.1 Generally the Skyranger Swift should be landed from an approach speed of about 52knots CAS [ IAS], although in turbulent conditions handling can be improved by increasing this by 5-10 knots. Full flap (LD) position is the standard landing setting. As flap is selected a gentle pull on the stick will be required to maintain constant airspeed. Therefore re trimming will be required.
4.9.2 Maintain the approach speed until roundout, which should be initiated around 15-20 ft ,and then hold-off initially 2-3 ft above the runway and allow to settle gently when the speed decays. Aim to land on the main wheels with the nose wheel well off the ground.
4.9.3 Pilots transitioning from more traditional lower performance microlight aircraft should be aware that if the airspeed is allowed to increase on the approach then the aircraft may exhibit considerable float during
the hold off period and this may cause a tendency to ‘balloon’ and will
cause more runway than expected to be used.
4.10 Short field landing
4.10.1 Select full flap (LD) position, and set up a powered approach at around 45 – 50 knots CAS[ IAS]. Use power adjustments to control the flight path and rate of descent whilst accurately maintaining airspeed with elevator. If tall obstacles are present on the approach, then transition into a glide approach once clear past them. Take care however to maintain airspeed during this phase. 50 knots CAS [ IAS] is recommended as the minimum for a full glide approach at max takeoff weight and full flap.
4.10.2 When round out height is reached close the throttle fully and round out. Perform a brief hold off and land. Brakes can be used to shorten the landing roll if required. Take care not to brake too sharply on rough or soft surfaces. Braking efficiency is at its greatest if the elevator is applied fully up after touchdown once below flying speed.
4.10.3 Accurate airspeed control is the key to short field performance and pilots new to the Skyranger Swift must practice until this is achieved, to be able to land in the published distance.
Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)
4.11 Soft field landing
4.11.1 Fly the approach as in 4.10 above.
4.11.2 Fully hold off and try to touch down gently, and as slow as possible. During the ground roll avoid braking and progressively apply full up elevator to keep the nose wheel up for as long as possible. Continue to hold up elevator when the nose wheel is on the ground.
4.12 Cross wind landing
4.12.1 The Skyranger Swift has a maximum demonstrated crosswind component of 15 knots. Cross wind components above 10 knots should not be attempted other than by experienced pilots fully familiar with the type.
4.12.2 Either O (CR) or first stage (TO) flap can be selected. Fly a powered approach at a little higher airspeed than normal – around 55 – 60 knots CAS[ IAS]. Initially crab the approach to remain in balance and on centreline.
4.12.3 During the final stages of the approach lower the into wind wing a little and apply rudder pressure as required to align the fuselage with the runway. Round out and hold off like this, and touchdown into wind wheel first. Try to land after a short hold off without allowing the airspeed to decay too much. This will assist in maintaining good control response.
4.12.4 As with all crosswind landings the aircraft must still be accurately ‘flown’ whilst on the ground. Initially the aircraft will touchdown on the upwind main wheel first. Progressive aileron deflection should applied into wind as the speed decays during the ground roll to keep the aircraft on one wheel and gently lower the downwind wheel as airspeed reduces and aileron authority diminishes. The aircraft will need to be accurately steered straight down the runway with rudder during this process. The nose gear should be held off initially and gently lowered before rudder authority reduces too far and aerodynamic directional control is lost. As the nose wheel touches down rudder will have to be straightened to avoid a steering snatch due to the rudder deflection applied against the crosswind.
4.12.5 When the nose wheel is down, aileron will still need to be applied against the crosswind and neutral or light forwards elevator pressure
Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)
should be applied to ensure adequate steerage from the nose wheel and to avoid yawing into wind.
4.13 Cruise
The Skyranger Swift has a large range of cruise speed. At the higher values fuel consumption will be correspondingly higher. Cruise is set up in the normal way by selecting the required attitude and power and trimming off any residual pitch forces.
4.14 Turning
4.14.1 Turning is accomplished in the standard manner. In common with many light aircraft the Skyranger Swift requires some rudder co­ordination to maintain balance when rolling into and out of a turn.
4.14.2 As with any other aircraft, the stall speed will increase with bank angle. The stalling speed at 600 bank with no flap will rise to 52 knots CAS[ IAS], at 450Kg takeoff weight.
4.15 Flight in Turbulence
The Skyranger Swift has powerful controls and handles turbulence well. However in strong turbulence, do not fly above the manoeuvre speed of 74 knots CAS [ IAS]
4.16 Stalling
During test flying of the UK prototype the following stalling speeds were recorded:
VS1 – Stalling speed at max takeoff weight, forward CG and flaps up: 37kn CAS
VSO – Stalling speed at max takeoff weight, forward CG, full flap:
33.5kn CAS
These speeds should represent the worse case in normal service. Lower takeoff weights and more rearward CG will lower the stalling speed – but not by much! Pilots should also remember that stalling speed increases during turns and manoeuvres. Any ice on the aircraft will also increase stalling speeds – never takeoff with ice present on the aircraft.
Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)
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