Flying Machines FM250 VAMPIRE Flight Manual FLYING MACHINES s.r.o.
FM-250 Vampire
Flight Manual
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1. General
2. Limitations
3. Normal Procedures
4. Emergency Procedures
5. Performance
6. Airplane Handling, Service & Maintenance Information
7. Service life of an airplane and maintenance cycles
8. Repairs
9. Rotax 912 / 912S engine maintenance
6 12 18 24 28 29 32 37 39
1. General
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Description
1.2.1 Airframe
1.2.2. Fuel system
1.2.3 Engine
1.2.4 Propeller
1.2.5 Landing gear
1.2.6 Controls Movement of flight controls
1.2.7 Equipment
1.2.8 Technical drawing
1.2.9. Detecting the position of the center of gravity, permitted limits Weighing the airplane for the headmost position of the center of gravity Weighing the airplane for the backmost position of the center of gravity
2. Limitations
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Airspeed indicator markings
2.3 Operating speeds
2.4 Weight and load factors
2.4.1 Maximum and minimum weights
2.4.2 Load factors, flight envelope
2.5 Engine operating limitations
2.6 Fuel and lubricant oil
2.6.1 Fuel supply
2.6.2 Consumption of fuel
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2.7 Crew
2.7.1 Minimum and maximum weight of the crew
2.7.2 Pilot’s qualification
2.7.3 Pilot’s place in the plane, age of the crew, using the seat belts
2.8 Maximum flight altitude
2.9 Meteorological restrictions
2.10 Carriage of goods restrictions
2.11 Type of traffic
2.12 Restriction of maneuvers
2.12.1 Allowed turns
2.13 Other restrictions
3. Normal Procedures
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Preflight inspection
3.3 Checklists and stages of flight
3.3.1 Before starting the engine Engine run up
3.3.2 Before take off
3.3.3 After take off
3.3.4 Climb
3.3.5 Cruise
3.3.6 Descent
3.3.7 Downwind
3.3.8 Base
3.3.9 Final
3.3.10 Landing
3.3.11 Shut down
3.4 After flight inspection
3.5 Flying with a crosswind component
3.6 Flight in turbulent air
4. Emergency Procedures
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Engine failure
4.2.1 Engine failure during take off
4.2.2 Engine failure after take off
4.2.3 Engine failure during flight
4.2.3 Airstart
4.3 Fire, fume and smoke
4.3.1 Engine fire on the ground
4.3.2 Engine fire during take off
4.3.3 Engine fire in flight
4.3.4 Cabin fire
4.4 Vibrations
4.5 Precautionary landing
4.6 Landing gear and tire failure
4.6.1 Main landing gear failure
4.6.2 Nose landing gear failure
4.6.3 Tire failure
4.7 Using the ballistic recovery system – BRS (parachute)
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5. Performance
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Speed
5.3 Rate of climb and loss of height during stall
5.4 Take off and landing distance
5.5 Flying range
5.6 Gliding ratio
5.7 Cruise
5.8 Fuel consumption
6. Airplane Handling, Service & Maintenance Information
6.1 Anchoring an airplane
6.2 Manipulation with an airplane
6.3 Rigging and de-rigging
6.3.1 De-rigging
6.3.2 Rigging
6.4 Washing and cleaning of an airplane
6.5 Filling the fuel
6.6 Placards and their locations
6.7 Stepping up on an airplane
7. Service life of an airplane and maintenance cycles
7.1 Service life of an airplane
7.2 Maintenance
7.2.1 Lubrication
7.2.2 Disassembly of the nose wheel
7.2.3 Disassembly of the main wheel
7.2.4 Tire repairs
7.2.5 Electrical installation Electrical installation inspection
7.2.6 Spark plugs
7.2.7 Special tools
7.2.8 Minor repairs
7.2.9 Changing the fuel filter in the engine area
7.2.10 Propeller maintenance
7.2.11 Jacking points on an airplane
7.3 Introductory inspection
7.4 Periodic inspection after every 50 hours
7.5 Periodic inspection after every 100 hours
7.6 Periodic inspection after every 200 hours
7.7 Periodic inspection after every 300 hours
7.8 Placards and their locations
8. Repairs
8.1 Replacement of screws
8.2 Repairs of rivet joints
8.3 Controls repairs
8.4 Airframe repairs
8.5 Fuel system repairs
8.6 Engine repairs
8.7 Electrical system and electrical appliances repairs
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9. Rotax 912 / 912S engine maintenance
9.1. Oil change
9.2 Spark plugs
9.3 Fuel
9.4 Liquid coolant
9.5 Service life and engine inspections
9.6 Service life of rubber parts of engine
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This manual uses the following expressions to emphasize particular information:
Indicates an obstruction which, if not followed, may cause serious injury or even death.
Indicates an obstruction which, if not followed, may cause severe damage to an airplane or its components.
Indicates additional information which may be required
1. General
1.1 Introduction
This flight manual describes performance and flight characteristics of FM-250 Vampire and contains necessary information and instructions for pilots. Every pilot of FM-250 Vampire must read this flight manual thoroughly before the first flight as a pilot in command. It will not teach you to fly or build the airplane but it provides important information to fly the airplane safely. It must remain in the aircraft during all flights.
OPERATIONS AUTHORIZED FM-250 Vampire is certified as an ultralight aircraft and is equipped for day VFR operations. The airplane must be operated in accordance with all rules valid for UL aircraft. If there is
any information in this document, which contradicts such rules, it is to be disregarded. MANEUVERS - ULL CATEGORY FM-250 Vampire is certified in the UL (Ultralight) category. The UL category is applicable to
ultralight airplanes intended for non-aerobatic operations. These include any maneuvers incidental to normal flying and turns in which the angle of bank is not more than 60° and pitch attitude nose up or down not more than 30° from horizontal.
Operation of this airplane is at your own risk.
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1.2 Description
1.2.1 Airframe
FM-250 Vampire is an all composite ultralight low wing airplane with two seats. The fuselage has sandwich composite construction, with oval cross section shaped to achieve the propitious proportion considering rigidity, weight and aerodynamic drag. The landing gear consists of two main wheels and a nose wheel. The main wheels are equipped with hydraulic disk brakes. The nose wheel is steerable. The brakes are hand-operated from both seats using a lever on the center console. The lever can be locked in the full back position; therefore it can be used as a parking brake. The wheels can be equipped with fairings. The cockpit is arranged with side by side seating. It is covered with large, clear or tinted forward-hinged canopy, which provides an exceptional view. The canopy is held open using a gas strut and it has two locks on both sides of the canopy. The cockpit is equipped with ventilation and heating.
FM-250 Vampire has full dual controls consisting of two control sticks, rudder pedals, trim­tab lever, throttle, landing flaps and brake levers.
The wing has cantilever all composite construction with one main and one rear auxiliary spar, which holds ailerons and split landing flaps. The main spars of both wings are joined by two bolts and rear auxiliary spars are connected to the fuselage by two screws, all fitted in bearings. The entire empennage is also all composite construction. The right elevator contains trim-tab.
1.2.2. Fuel system
The fuel system consists of an integrated composite fuel tank in the right wing with fuel level sender, fuel lines, fuel valve, filter, fuel screen in the tank, drain valve and mechanical fuel pump. This applies for the engines Rotax 912 and 912S series. Fuel tank is equipped with a fuel cap located on the top of the right wing.
1.2.3 Engine
Aircraft is powered by Rotax 912 UL or 912 ULS engine, which ensures the airplane’s excellent dynamic and flying characteristics. Engines Rotax 912 UL and 912 ULS are four­stroke four-cylinder opposed type engines with liquid-cooled cylinder heads and air-cooled cylinders. The engine has an integrated reduction gear and two carburetors. More information about the engine is enclosed in the engine manual.
WARNING None of the above mentioned engines are certified for aviation use. Even though a maximum attention is paid during their production, engine failure can occur at any
time. Pilot of the airplane is solely responsible for the consequences.
The obligation of the pilot is to be able to glide and land safely to preselected area in
the case of engine failure.
1.2.4 Propeller
It is possible to use non-adjustable, ground adjustable, in flight adjustable or constant speed propellers. The description of the propeller is provided with your airplane and is included in the instructions for assembly and maintenance of the propeller.
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1.2.5 Landing gear
Landing gear consists of two main composite legs and a welded front leg. The tricycle gear configuration, steerable nose wheel and hydraulic brakes all combine make the aircraft easy to handle on the ground.
1.2.6 Controls
Controls are made of AlCu4PbMg and AlCuMg1 aluminum alloys. All controls are fitted in bearings. Movement of flight controls
Pitch control is effected by fore-aft movement of the control stick. Its movement is transmitted to elevator using rods. Pitch trimming is effected by lever installed between the seats right to the throttle. Its movement is transmitted to trim-tab using cables. Roll control is effected by sideward movement of the control stick. Its movement is transmitted to ailerons using rods. Yaw control is effected by rudder pedals. Their movement is transmited to the rudder using cables. Braking is effected by foot operated brakes located on the rudder pedals. Landings flaps are actuated by a lever installed between the seats behind the throttle and pitch trim. The most forward position of the lever corresponds to the flaps up position, the most rearward position of the lever corresponds to the flaps full down position. Throttle lever is located between the seats left to the pitch trim. The most forward position of the lever corresponds to full power of the engine, the most rearward position of the lever corresponds to idle setting of the engine.
1.2.7 Equipment
FM-250 Vampire can be equipped with a wide variety of the instruments ranging from basic instruments for monitoring flight and engine parameters to the "glass cockpit” incorporating the latest EFIS’s and MFD’s. The instruments in this airplane contain:
EFIS DYNON D-10A Digital Engine Monitoring System fuel level indicator transceiver Becker
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1.2.8 Technical drawing
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Basic dimensions of FM-250 Vampire
length height span wing area fuel capacity tire pressure
6,26 m
2.16 m
7.8 m
10.05 m
68 l
1.8 kPa
1.2.9 Detecting the position of the center of gravity, permitted limits
Keeping the center of gravity in its limits is a must for the stability and manageability of the airplane. That’s why it is necessary for every airplane operator/user to know how to diagnose the center gravity position of the airplane for actual occupancy. Flying outside of the permitted CG limits at either extreme is potentionally dangerous and should not be attempted in any circumstance. When calculating the center of gravity it is necessary to know the length of the central aerodynamic chord. Calculated center of gravity must be inside the range given by the producer.
Mean aerodynamic chord (MAC) of the wing 1312 mm Allowed range of the center of gravity in % MAC 22 - 32 %
The actual CG must always be within permitted limits. When detecting the center of gravity and making subsequent calculations, let the airplane stand in flying position at three weighing-machines and proceed following these instructions: Weighing the airplane for the headmost position of the center of gravity
- pilot’s seat is occupied with a pilot with the lowest allowed weight
- there can not be any load in the plane, the fuel tank must be empty
- at the scales read the weight Gm under the main wheels; it is the total weight under both main wheels Gml+Gmr
- at the scales read the weight Gn under the nose wheel
- total weight of the airplane Gtotal is equal to the sum of Gm+Gn
- measure the distance from the axle of the main undercarriage to the axle of the front wheel Lb in millimeters
- measure the distance from the leading edge of the wing (using plummet) to the axle of the main undercarriage La in millimeters
- calculate the distance of the center of gravity from the axle of main undercarriage Lt by the formula: Lt = Gn x Lb / Gtotal
- calculate the distance of the center of gravity from the leading edge of the wing Xt by the formula: Xt = La - Lt
-calculate the headmost position of the center of gravity in percents by the formula X% = Xt x 100 / MAC Weighing the airplane for the backmost position of the center of gravity
Both seats must be occupied with maximum weight of the crew, fuel tank must be full and the useful load must be of maximum allowed value The procedure of measuring and weighing is the same as detecting the headmost position of the center of gravity.
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Gn = Gml = Gmr = Gtotal =
La = Lb =
kg kg kg
706 mm
1518 mm
Center of Gravity
Lt = Gn x Lb / Gtotal Xt = La - Lt X% = Xt x 100 / MAC
Lt = ..... x 1518 / ..... = ....
Xt = 706 – .... = ....
X% = .... x 100 / 1312 = ....%
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2. Limitations
2.1 Introduction
This chapter contains operational limitations and parameters of the airplane and engine.
2.2 Airspeed indicator markings
The airspeed indicator is color coded to emphasize important airspeed limitations.
Green Arc: Normal Operating Range 78km/h – 240 km/h
The green arc shows the normal operating range of the airplane. The speed at the bottom of the green arc, abbreviated Vs, is the stall speed with the flaps and landing gear retracted, power at idle, and the airplane at maximum gross weight. The top of the green arc shows the high end of the normal operating range, the maximum structural cruising speed, abbreviated Vno.
Yellow Arc: Caution Range 240 km/h – 270 km/h
The yellow arc represents the caution range—speeds appropriate only in smooth air. The top of the yellow arc coincides with
Vne, the never-exceed speed of the airplane.
White Arc: Flap Operating Range 65 km/h – 120 km/h
The white arc shows the range of speeds in which it's safe to extend full flaps. The upper limit of the white arc is called Vfe, maximum flap extended speed. Extending the flaps at higher speeds could cause their structural damage. The lower limit of the white arc, abbreviated Vso, is the stalling speed or minimum steady flight speed at maximum gross weight with the flaps and landing gear in the landing position.
Red Line: Never-Exceed Speed 270 km/h
A red line near the top of the airspeed range marks Vne. Exceeding this speed even in smooth air could damage the airplane structure.
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2.3 Operating speeds
Vs Vso
Never exceed speed
Maximum cruising speed
Maximum speed in turbulence
Maximum maneuvering speed
Maximum flap extended speed
Stall speed / clean Stall speed / landing
78 65
Do not exceed this speed in any circumstance!
This speed can be exceeded only in smooth air, use max. 1/3 of full deflections of the controls.
Maximum speed for the flights in turbulence and wind gusts
Do not use full deflections of flight controls, the airplane could be overstressed.
Do not exceed this speed with the flaps extended
Minimum speed with the flaps retracted Minimum speed with the flaps full extended
* Indicated Air Speed
2.4 Weight and load factors
2.4.1 Maximum and minimum weights
Maximum take off weight Maximum landing weight Maximum weight of the fuel Maximum load of one seat Maximum weight of load behind the seats Minimum weight of the crew
450 kg 450 kg
49 kg
100 kg
8 kg
70 kg
2.4.2 Load factors, flight envelope
Load factors express the load of the airplane while operating with inertial and aerodynamic forces in respect to its total allowed maximum weight. Airplane FM-250 Vampire is certified for maximum take off weight 450 kg. The regulation UL 2 also demands the following load factors.
N1 +4.0 N2 +4.0 N3 -1.5 N4 -2.0
N1, N2, N3, N4 ............. load factors by the diagram V-a (flight envelope)
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