Flybox Eclipse Installation And Operating Manual

Installation and operating manual
Document release 3.1, 2/12/2016
For software version: CORE 7.12M
1 - Important notices and warnings ...................................................................... 5
Panel cut-out ….............................................................................................. 8
CON1 connections …...................................................................................... 10
CON2 connections …...................................................................................... 12
CON3 connections …...................................................................................... 14
4 - Sensors and input/output installation .............................................................. 15
CHT sensors ….............................................................................................. 15
EGT sensors ….............................................................................................. 15
Flybox® EGT thermocouples …....................................................................... 15
Oil temperature sensors ….............................................................................. 16
Oil pressure sensors …................................................................................... 16
RPM pickup input …....................................................................................... 16
OAT sensors …............................................................................................... 16
CAT sensors …............................................................................................... 16
Current sensor …........................................................................................... 17
Fuel flow sensor …......................................................................................... 18
Fuel level sensors …....................................................................................... 19
Fuel pressure sensor …................................................................................... 19
Video inputs …............................................................................................... 20
GPS ….......................................................................................................... 20
Altitude serial out for transponder connection ................................................. 20
Separable connectors for thermocouples ........................................................ 21
5.1 - Display cleaning ........................................................................................ 23
5.2 - Panel indicators and commands .................................................................. 23
5.3 - Using the menus ....................................................................................... 24
6 - Instrument configuration .............................................................................. 25
6.1 – System setup menu ............................................................................ 25
6.1.1 – Sensor setup menu ..................................................................... 25
6.1.2 – Gauge setup menu ..................................................................... 26
CHT gauge setup …..................................................................... 26
EGT gauge setup …...................................................................... 27
Oil temperature gauge setup ….................................................... 27
Oil pressure gauge setup …......................................................... 28
CAT gauge setup …...................................................................... 28
OAT gauge setup ….................................................................... 28
RPM gauge setup …................................................................... 28
MAP gauge setup …................................................................... 28
Fuel pressure gauge setup …....................................................... 29
Volt gauge setup …..................................................................... 29
AMP gauge setup ….................................................................... 29
ASI gauge setup …...................................................................... 29
ALT gauge setup …...................................................................... 30
6.1.3 – Fuel computer setup menu .......................................................... 30
6.1.4 – Fuel level setup menu ................................................................. 31
6.1.5 – Filter setup menu ....................................................................... 32
6.1.6 – Video setup menu ….................................................................... 32
6.1.7 – Alarm menu ............................................................................... 33
CHT and EGT alarm setup ........................................................... 33
Oil temperature alarm setup …..................................................... 33
G-meter alarm setup …............................................................... 33
ALT alarm setup …....................................................................... 33
SPEED alarm setup ….................................................................. 33
Warm-up alarm setup ….............................................................. 34
6.1.8 – Configuration menu ..................................................................... 34
6.1.9 – Data Log menu …......................................................................... 34
6.1.10 – About menu .............................................................................. 34
6.1.11 – Firmware upgrade menu ............................................................ 34
6.1.12 – Password menu …...................................................................... 36
7.1 - Magnetic calibration ................................................................................... 36
7.2 – Fuel flow transducer calibration .................................................................. 37
7.3 – Fuel level sensors calibration ...................................................................... 38
7.3.1 – Fuel level sensors checking ............................................................... 39
8 - Using the ECLIPSE IFIS, PFD or EIS ............................................................... 40
8.1 – EIS Section ........................................................................................ 40
Readings section …............................................................................ 41
Battery voltage …....................................................................... 41
Battery current …....................................................................... 41
OAT – Outside air temperature …................................................. 41
CAT – Carburetor/Airbox air temperature ….................................. 41
Fuel pressure ….......................................................................... 41
Status indicator ….............................................................................. 41
Fuel levels section ….......................................................................... 41
Fuel computer section ….................................................................... 41
Fuel flow …................................................................................ 42
Remaining fuel …....................................................................... 42
Burned fuel …............................................................................ 42
Endurance ….............................................................................. 42
Range ….................................................................................... 42
Reserve …................................................................................. 42
8.2 – PFD Section ....................................................................................... 43
Heading/Tracking indicator …...................................................... 43
Turn rate …............................................................................... 44
Air speed …............................................................................... 44
Attitude indicator ….................................................................... 44
G-meter …................................................................................ 44
Slip indicator ….......................................................................... 45
Vertical speed indicator …........................................................... 45
Altimeter …............................................................................... 45
Status indicator …...................................................................... 45
Ground speed …........................................................................ 45
Wind speed & direction …........................................................... 45
8.3 – IFIS Section (for ECLIPSE IFIS only) .................................................... 46
8.4 – Video/Cameras section ....................................................................... 47
8.5 – Datalogger …...................................................................................... 47
Download recordings on a SD card ............................................. 49
Viewing .KML files with Google Earth .......................................... 50
8.6 - Alarms ............................................................................................... 50
8.7 – Error messages .................................................................................. 50
9 - Using the ECLIPSE MFD ................................................................................ 51
Installation …...................................................................................... 51
Use and configuration …....................................................................... 53
10 – Autopilot system …....................................................................................... 54
10.1 – Requirements …................................................................................ 54
10.2 – Autopilot overview …......................................................................... 54
10.3 – Installation ….................................................................................... 54
10.3.1 – Mechanical installation of the servo/s …................................ 54
10.3.2 – Mechanical installation of the ACU control unit ….................... 55
10.3.3 – Electrical wirings of the ACU control unit …............................ 56
10.3.4 – Post-installation checks ….................................................... 58
10.4 – Indicators and commands of the ACU control unit …............................ 59
10.4.1 – Remote disengage button …................................................ 59
10.5 – Autopilot system configuration …....................................................... 59
10.5.0 – Servo/s calibration …........................................................... 60
10.5.1 – Communication checks ….................................................... 61
10.5.2 – Remote button operation check …....................................... 61
10.5.3 – Servo torque check …........................................................ 61
10.6 – Autopilot setup menu ….................................................................... 62
10.6.1 – “Min speed” and “Max speed” parameters setting ….............. 62
10.6.2 – Roll servo setup ….............................................................. 62
10.6.3 – Pitch servo setup ............................................................... 63
10.6.4 – Remote button setup …....................................................... 63
10.7 – Flight based test and configuration ….................................................. 64
10.7.1 – Autopilot setup – Roll axis (flight based) …............................ 65
10.7.2 – Autopilot setup – Pitch axis (flight based) ............................. 66
10.8 – Autopilot operation …........................................................................ 67
10.8.1 – Display indications …........................................................... 67
10.8.2 – How to engage and disengage the autopilot …...................... 67
10.8.3 – Details of operation …......................................................... 68
10.9 – Autopilot related alarms …................................................................. 70
10.10 – Important notices – safety checks …............................................... 70
11 – Technical specifications ................................................................................ 71
12 - Warranty ..................................................................................................... 71
Contacts ..................................................................................................... 72
Revision History ........................................................................................... 72
The symbol used in this manual indicates important information regarding use of this device.
- This device is intended for installation onto non type certified aircraft only, because it has no aviation certification.
Refer to your local aviation authorities to check if this device may be installed in your aircraft.
- This instrument cannot be used under any circumstances to conduct flights in IMC conditions.
- Read entirely this manual before installing the instrument in your aircraft, and follow the installation and operating instructions
described here.
- Keep this manual in the aircraft.
- This document must accompany the instrument in the event of change of ownership.
- The pilot must understand the operation of this instrument prior to flight, and must not allow anyone to use it without
knowing the operation. Don't use this instrument in flight until you are sure of the correct operating of the same.
- When the installation is finished you must do a test, prior to flight, switching on all the possible source of electric noise and
checking the properly operation of this instrument.
- Using this instrument over the maximum allowable ranges can cause malfunction or wrong indications.
- Do not solely rely on this instrument to determine the primary flight and engine informations. Always compare the
informations provided with other primary instruments to recognize eventual malfunction.
- The software of this instrument can be subject to change, update, addition or removal of functions, so also the operating
mode of the instrument can be subject to change. Always refer to the installation and operating manual updated with the software version used in your instrument. To obtain updated software and manuals, please visit
- Responsibility for installation lies entirely with the installer. Responsibility for operations lies entirely with the operator.
Responsibility for any calibration, alarms thresholds and activations, every customizable instruments thresholds or any other settings lies with the person performing these modifications.
- Microel s.r.l. reserves the right to change or improve its products. Information in this document is subject to change
without notice.
If you do not agree with the notices above do not install this instrument in your aircraft, but return the product for a refund.
1.1 Primary actions after installation
WARNING! Do not fly until you have performed at least the actions indicated below:
1- Airspeed bar thresholds setting:
according to the V-speeds of the aircraft on which you installed the instrument, as explained in chapter 6.1.2, section “ASI GAUGE SETUP”. Flying without correctly set this thresholds may be very dangerous because the airspeed bar indicate the colors relative to the various V-speeds incorrectly. The default factory settings are all preset to zero.
2- Tank level sensors
sensors connected to the Eclipse. Without performing calibration and settings no indication will be furnished. It is responsibility of the user to check during the first flights and over time the goodness of the calibration and therefore the instrument indications. The verification can be done in any moment, for example by simply checking the quantity put to fill the tank: if you know that the tank filled contain 40 liters and the Eclipse indicate as remaining quantity 10.0 liter, you know that to fill the tank you must put approximately 30 liters. Of course keeping in mind that in ground the indications will be different that in flight because of the flight's attitude. This problem is present also in the traditional analog gauge indicators, but is more difficult to detect because of the non-numeric indication. Another verification is, in case of low remaining quantity (i.e. 4~5 liters), drain and measure it.
3- Magnetic calibration
procedure that you must perform before you fly. Not only the heading, but also the attitude indicator depends on a correct magnetic calibration. Without it there is no data stored for the magnetic sensors and the attitude indicator, that use this data also, may not work correctly. The magnetic calibration it's a simple procedure that is explained in chapter 7.1.
4- Fuel computer
provided by the fuel computer section you must:
- Verify that the K-factor set in the Eclipse is pertinent to the installed fuel flow transducer (for the Flybox® TFTHP is 416,400).
- Execute the fuel flow transducer calibration as explained in chapter 7.2. Without calibration the fuel computer informations
may be wrong, even if the nominal K-factor is correct for the fuel flow transducer used. After calibration, the K-factor should have been calculated automatically and at best for every single installation. You must still check for some time if the remaining quantity indicated are reliable compared to the refuelling performed. For example, if the instrument indicate a remaining quantity of 35 liters and you know that the tanks capacity is 80 liters, filling the tanks should require approximately 45 liters; in case of much difference redo the calibration. Consider also that, during use, little errors accumulate and if you never fill the tanks you never “reset” all these errors.
: (if connected, for Eclipse EIS or IFIS). It's indispensable to perform the calibration for all the tank level
: (for Eclipse PFD or IFIS). The magnetic calibration after the installation of your Eclipse is an essential
: (if installed, for Eclipse EIS or IFIS). If it's installed the fuel flow transducer, BEFORE rely on informations
(for Eclipse PFD or IFIS). It's essential to set the airspeed thresholds (bar colors)
5- Instruments panel pitch adjust
inclination of the instruments panel regards the longitudinal axis of the aircraft, as explained in chap.6.1.9, “Pitch adjust” parameter.
To fully customize the Eclipse you must perform many other settings, but they can also be made later.
: For the proper operation of the attitude indicator it's necessary to compensate the
2. Dimensions
Panel cut-out
All dimensions are in millimeters.
Notes on installing ECLIPSE
Leave at least two centimeter of free space around the instrument for heatsink. Specially on the upper and lower part of the instruments leave as much space as possible.
During use the instrument become warm so it's necessary to have some air circulation inside the instruments room, to avoid that the temperature increase over the operating limits.
Avoid placing n hot locations (for example near heater vents).
Find a location where the display will always be completely visible.
3. Backpanel instrument connections
MAP CONNECTION: Connect the pipe fitting on the back of the instrument to the manifold pressure lines; the furnished pipe fitting is suitable for pipe with internal diameter of 5 mm.
- Take care to properly executing this connection because an eventual leakage can cause fuel vapour to enter in the cockpit.
- With the MAP1 connected the pressure line must never exceed the pressure of 250kPa/74 In.Hg to avoid damage to the instrument.
- It's recommended to insert a restrictor valve to the pipe so that only little quantity of fuel vapour can exit in case of leakage.
STATIC AND DYNAMIC PRESSURE CONNECTIONS: Connect the pipe fittings on the back of the instrument to the statyc and dynamic pressure lines; the furnished pipe fittings is suitable for pipes with internal diameter of 5 mm.
ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS: On the backpanel of the ECLIPSE there is 3 D-SUB connectors:
25 poles,
receptacle 37 poli, plug 25 poli, plug
- All 3 connectors is supplied with the corresponding connector to be wired (plug 25 poles for CON1, receptacle 37 poles for CON2 and receptacle 25 poles for CON3).
- In the CON3 connector there are all the thermocouple inputs: all wires must be crimped and not soldered, using the furnished crimp contacts and connector.
- All the wires to CON1 e CON2 connectors can be soldered.
- Take care to properly insulate any exposed wire to avoid short circuits.
- The engine must be connected to electrical ground (GND) because many sensors are connected to engine or aicraft
- Do not solder thermocouple wires terminations. If it is necessary to split in separable harnesses the thermocouples
connections you must use proper cables and connectors, available also from Flybox® (see “4.1 - Separable connectors for thermocouples”).
- Insert a 3-Amperes circuit breaker to the power lead (+12V).
- Use aeronautic cable for the wiring.
- WARNING: Voltage peaks on the supply line that exceeds the operating limits can damage the device.
+12V Main supply
GND Main supply
Not used/Reserved
GND for GPS serial input (connect to copper shield of Flybox® GPS cable)
TX signal of external GPS (RS232 level and polarity)
signal for connection with ECLIPSE MFD (connect to pin#7 of MFD)
Not used/Reserved
signal for connection with ACU (see chap. 10.3.3)
+ (positive ) microphone input (currently not used)
Not used/Reserved
Not used/Reserved
Not used/Reserved
Not used/Reserved
+5V for GPS (connect to red wire of Flybox® GPS)
GPS TX (connect to black wire of Flybox® GPS)
Altitude serial out for transponder
GND for altitude serial out (connect to copper shield)
signal for connection with ECLIPSE MFD (connect to pin#20 of MFD)
signal for connection with ACU (see chap. 10.3.3)
- (negative) microphone input (currently not used)
High level audio output
Pin # Description
CON1 connections
25-pin D-sub plug, view from wiring side
CON1 connections
CON1 connections (25-pin D-sub plug, view from wiring side)
The external GPS connection to pin#6 is used for “RESERVE” indication of Fuel Computer and for the NAV function if you have installed also the Flybox® ACU autopilot control unit. To enable the external GPS enter in the menu-->Fuel Computer and set the “Ext. GPS for reserve indication” to “YES”.
+12 V for current sensor
Current sensor signal input
GND for fuel flow sensor
+12V for fuel pressure sensor
Fuel pressure sensor input
LEFT Televel input
MAIN Televel input
Oil temperature sensor input
OAT (outside air temp.) sensor input
Low-level intercom audio out (use shielded wires)
GND for video input #1
+12V for camera #1
Video input #2
GND for video input #3
+12V for camera #3
Open-collector alarm-out (active low) max 400mA / 5W
RPM pickup input
GND for current sensor
+12V for fuel flow sensor
Fuel flow sensor input
GND for fuel pressure sensor
+12V for capacitive fuel level sensor (if used)
RIGHT Televel input
+12V for capacitive fuel level sensor (if used)
Not used/Reserved
Oil pressure sensor input
CAT (carburator air temp.) sensor input
GND for low-level intercom audio out (use shielded wires)
Video input #1
+12V for camera #2
GND for video input #2
Video input #3
Not used/Reserved
Pin # Description
CON2 connections
CON2 connections
CON2 connections (37-pin d-sub receptacle, view from wiring side)
It is not necessary to connect the low-level audio output connections (pin #12 and #30) if you have already connected the high­level audio output (as explained in “CON1 connections”). The low-level output require more accurate wiring because is more susceptible to electric noise (use shielded wire and keep away from source of electric noise like, for example, radio antenna or wirings). For this reason is generally preferable to use the high-level audio output and leave unused the low-level output.
CON3 connections
CHT1 thermocouple - (not used for other sensors type)
CHT2 thermocouple - (not used for other sensors type)
CHT3 thermocouple - (not used for other sensors type)
CHT4 thermocouple - (not used for other sensors type)
CHT5 thermocouple - (not used for other sensors type)
CHT6 thermocouple – OR autopilot remote button
EGT1 thermocouple -
EGT2 thermocouple -
EGT3 thermocouple -
EGT4 thermocouple -
EGT5 thermocouple -
EGT6 thermocouple -
Not used
CHT1 sensor input: Rotax, KTY, PT1000 or thermocouple +
CHT2 sensor input: Rotax, KTY, PT1000 or thermocouple +
CHT3 sensor input: Rotax, KTY, PT1000 or thermocouple +
CHT4 sensor input: Rotax, KTY, PT1000 or thermocouple +
CHT5 sensor input: Rotax, KTY, PT1000 or thermocouple +
CHT6 sensor input: Rotax, KTY, PT1000 or thermocouple +
EGT1 thermocouple +
EGT2 thermocouple +
EGT3 thermocouple +
EGT4 thermocouple +
EGT5 thermocouple +
EGT6 thermocouple +
Pin # Description
25-pin d-sub receptacle,
view from wiring side
25-pin d-sub receptacle,
view from wiring side
4. Sensors and input/output installation
CHT sensors
Up to 6 CHT sensors can be installed; the supported types of sensor are:
- ROTAX 912/914 preinstalled CHT sensors
Rotax install 2 CHT sensors with a single wire each. Connect the first sensor to pin #14 of CON3 connector; connect the second sensor to pin #15.
- J-type thermocouples
Thermocouple probes have a two wires connection: positive wire and negative wire. The positive wire are connected to pins #14 to #19 (CHT1 to CHT6) of CON3 connector, the negative wires are connected to pins #1 to #6. NOTE: Use only thermocouples with insulated wires.
- PT1000 resistive sensors
This two wire resistive sensors must be connected between aircraft ground (GND) and pins #14 to #19 (CHT1 to CHT6) of CON3 connector.
It's not possible to mix different type of CHT sensors (i.e. 2 Rotax + 2 thermocouples).
If less than 6 sensors are installed you must leave unconnected the higher CHT inputs (i.e. for 2 sensors installation connect only CHT1 and CHT2 inputs, for 4 sensors installation connect inputs CHT1-CHT2-CHT3-CHT4).
If you use all 6 inputs with 6 thermocouples, the autopilot remote button can't be connected.
EGT sensors
Up to 6 EGT K-type thermocouples can be installed. Thermocouple type sensors have a two wire connection: positive wire and negative wire. The positive wire is connected to pins #20 to #25 (EGT1 to EGT6) of CON3 connector, the negative wire is connected to pins #7 to #12 of CON3 connector.
Use only thermocouples with insulated wires.
If less than 6 sensors are installed you must leave unconnected the higher EGT inputs (i.e. for 2 sensors installation connect only EGT1 and EGT2 inputs, for 4 sensors installation connect inputs EGT1-EGT2-EGT3-EGT4).
Flybox® EGT thermocouples
Flybox® EGT thermocouples are K-type; positive wire is RED, negative is GREEN.
- Drill a 6 mm diameter hole in the exhaust manifold (at the position indicated by the engine's manufacturer) and weld
the furnished probe coupling.
- Insert the thermocouple (with the nut and the probe retainer) in the probe coupling and position its extremity near the center
of the exhaust manifold
- Fix the thermocouple in this position by blocking the nut. Note that if required the thermocouple can be bended but with a minimum radius of 3 mm.
Probe coupling
Probe retainer
Oil temperature sensors
The supported types of oil temperature sensors are:
- ROTAX preinstalled sensor:
- JABIRU preinstalled sensor:
- PT1000 resistive sensors:
Connect it to pin #10 of CON2 connector.
Connect it to pin #10 of CON2 connector.
Connect it between ground and pin #10 of CON2 connector.
Oil pressure sensors
The supported types of oil pressure sensors are:
- ROTAX 4-20mA:
- Flybox® P/N 602000:
- ROTAX resistive sensors:
installed on 912/914 engines produced after 2008/05.
compatible with the Rotax 4-20mA sensors.
installed on 912/914 engines produced before 2008/05.
- JABIRU oil pressure sensors.
RPM pickup input
Standard RPM input support Rotax 912/914 pickup and other similar types of tachometer transducer. Connect the transducer output to pin #19 of CON2 connector.
Outside air temperature sensor
The supported types of OAT sensors are:
- PT1000 resistive sensors:
Flybox® OAT sensor:
Connect one wire to pin #11 of CON2 connector and the other wire to aircraft ground.
Flybox® OAT sensor is a PT1000 and can be fixed with a 5 mm countersunk screw. For optimal outside temperature indication it must not be installed in direct sunlight locations or near heat sources.
Airbox/carburetor air temperature sensor
The supported types of CAT sensors are:
- PT1000 resistive sensors:
Flybox® CAT sensor:
Connect one wire to pin #29 of CON2 connector and the other wire to aircraft ground.
Flybox® CAT sensor is a PT1000 with a M10x1 thread.
Current sensor
The current sensor supplied by Flybox® is able to measure current between -50 and +50 Amperes. It must not be installed between battery and starter circuit because of the high current flowing into this path. The current sensor can be installed in one of the three locations as shown in the simplified electrical diagram below:
Position 1: in this position the current sensor measure current flow into or out of your battery (indicator show both positive and negative currents). Position 2: in this position the current sensor measure only the current that the alternator supply to both battery and aicraft loads. Position 3: in this position the current sensor measure the current flowing into the aircraft loads.
- Electrical connections:
+12V Supply
(connect to pin #1 of
CON2 connector)
GND (connect to pin #20 of CON2 connector)
To obtain maximum accuracy in the current indicator it's possible to perform current sensor calibration in this way:
1 -
Connect only the 3 wire from current sensor to the ECLIPSE and leave disconnected the 2 battery cable inputs (that is,
(connect to pin #2 of
Signal out
CON2 connector)
“A+” and “A-” in figure above).
2 -
Now it's required to turn-on th ECLIPSE so temporarily connect together the two cable “A+” and “A-”.
3 -
Turn-on th ECLIPSE and read the numeric value for the current indicator:
if it's zero there is no need to calibrate the current sensor.
if it's different from zero and is positive (in the green area) report that numeric value in the “AMP offset” parameter in System setup-->Sensor menu.
if it's different from zero and is negative (in the yellow area) report that numeric value, but with negative sign, in the “AMP offset” parameter in System setup-->Sensor menu.
4 -
Turn-off the ECLIPSE and restore the harness, reconnecting the two cables “A+” and “A-” to the current sensor.
Fuel flow sensor
The TFTHP flowmeter is developed to measure low range
(3.6~120 l/hour)
of fuel flow with high resolution output. It has high chemical resistance and it is suitable for aggressive liquids. The case can be opened for periodic monitoring and eventual replacement of the tube.
Recommendation of installation and use:
- Check flow direction (arrow on sensor).
- Never clean the sensor with compressed air.
- Install a filter in the fuel line before the sensor.
- Oil the fittings before mounting the tubes.
- The tubes before and after the sensor should be straight for at least 5 cm.
- Connection of fuel flow are suitable for 6 mm tubes.
- Use only spring band clamps of the type depicted here, with the appropriate diameter,
in order to avoid deformation of the plastic fittings.
- Protect the sensor from high temperature with a firesleeve material.
- Check for leakage after system start.
- Inspect the fuel sensor every year or every 100 hours of aircraft use for leakage and aging. To inspect and clean the sensor, open it, remove the sensor tube from the fuel system and look inside the two
fittings to check for material integrity, aging and deformation. In case of any anomaly of the sensor tube, it must be replaced. Verify that the sensor tube is clean and without any obstruction. If necessary clean with a flow of fuel in the opposite direction.
- The fuel flow transducer must be installed before the carburetor and after the eventual return line (Vapor lock).
- Don't fix it mechanically to the airplane structure to avoid vibrations damage.
- Mount the transducer lower than the carburetor, or no more higher than 10 cm every 30.
Electrical connections:
RED WIRE: +12V (connect to pin 21 of CON2 connector) BLACK WIRE: GND (connect to pin 3 of CON2 connector) WHITE WIRE: signal (connect to pin 22 of CON2 connector)
IMPORTANT: After completing the installation verify that the engine is working properly at every RPM speed; verify also that at full RPM the fuel pressure after the fuel flow transducer never drop below the minimum pressure indicated in your engine's manual.
- Typical example installation of the fuel flow transducer -
Fuel level sensors
- ECLIPSE has 3 fuel level inputs that can be connected to both resistive sensors (with max resistance of 300 ohm) and
capacitive sensors (with output voltage from 0~5 Volt).
- Resistive sensors can be of two types, both supported by ECLIPSE: resistive sensors that increase resistance as you
add fuel and resistive sensors that decrease resistance as you add fuel.
- It's also possible to install a mixed type of sensors (i.e. 2 resistive + 2 capacitive).
- All fuel level sensors connected to ECLIPSE must not be connected to any other instrument. Disconnect any
previously used instrument.
Refer to fuel level sensors manual for the detailed electrical and mechanical installation.
- Make sure that the fuel level sensors are mounted so that all the fuel in the tank can be measured. If the fuel sensor
cannot measure completely the fuel in the tank the ECLIPSE will display inaccurate readings. For example (pic.1) if a fuel sensor cannot measure the lowest part of the tank that contains 7 liters, ECLIPSE will display “0” (zero) for fuel level of 7 liters and below. Another example (pic.2) is if a tank can holds 40 liters of fuel but at 25 liters the fuel is at the top of the sensor, the maximum that ECLIPSE will display is 25 liters.
Not measurable
Not measurable
Fuel pressure sensor
The fuel pressure transducer+fitting is supplied by Flybox®; the electrical connections are:
- white wire (signal out) to pin #5 of CON2 connector
- green wire (GND) to pin #23 of CON2 connector
- brown wire (+12V Supply) to pin #4 of CON2 connector
The pressure range accepted is from 0 to 4 bar.
an improper wiring can cause damage to the fuel pressure transducer.
- Screw tight the transducer to the fitting; no other seal material is required because the sealing is ensured by the green fuel­resistant gasket of the transducer.
- To check that no screw out occur you must mark with a permanent pencil the transducer and fitting:
Video inputs
- Up to 3 color or b/w cameras can be connected to the ECLIPSE. Video signal must be PAL composite video (CVBS).
- Use shielded cable to connect the cameras to the ECLIPSE.
- GPS system is based on signal satellite reception: for this reason the GPS receiver must be installed on the high section of the
aircraft, in a location free from metallic or other shielding material like carbon fiber. For example it can be installed above the instruments panel, near the windshield.
- GPS receiver is not water-resistant so it must be installed on the inside of the aircraft.
- Do not place it near transmitting antennas.
- A wrong placement of the GPS receiver can decrease the accuracy of the system.
- The GPS system is operated by United States government that is the solely responsible for its accuracy and
ECLIPSE connector as follows:
- RED WIRE to pin# 16
- BLACK WIRE to pin #17
- COPPER SHIELD to pin #5
Altitude serial out for transponder connection
If you use a transponder with serial input for receiving the altitude data, it can be connected to the Eclipse by following this steps:
- Ensure there is a shared ground between the Eclipse and the transponder.
- Wire a serial transmit line, using shielded cable, from the Eclipse (pin#18 of CON1 connector) to the respective receive
connection on the transponder. The serial out of the Eclipse is RS232 type, refer to the transponder manual for its installation and configuration.
To have the altitude data there must be a
The Eclipse does not require any configuration, the altitude data is transmitted once per second with the followig protocol:
Baud Rate Message formatting Example
9600 bps ALT,space,five altitude digits,carriage return ALT 05200[CR]
Flybox® GPS receiver is supplied with a 3-poles shielded cable, connect it to
The message contains the current pressure altitude, in feet, with a fixed reference to 1013.25mB (29.92 inches mercury). The resolution is 10 ft.
Separable connectors for thermocouples
Wires' color are referred to Flybox® supplied thermocouples, other thermocouples may have different colors coding. In
case of wrong wiring the temperature indication will not be correct.
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