FLY F41S User Manual

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in this User’s Manual, we assume no liability for errors or omissions or statements of any kind in this User’s Manual, whether such errors or
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other cause. The contents of this User’s Manual are subject to change
without notice.
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NNoottee:: SSppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnss aanndd iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn iinn tthhiiss UUsseer
ss MMaannuuaall aarree ffuurrnniisshheedd ffoorr iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn oonnllyy aanndd aarree ssuubbjjeecctt ttoo cchhaannggee wwiitthhoouutt pprriioorr nnoottiiccee.. TThheessee sshhoouulldd nnoott bbee ccoonnssttrruueedd aass aa ccoommmmiittmmeenntt oorr aa cceerrttiiffiiccaattee ooff tteecchhnnoollooggyy.. FFLLYY mmoobbiillee pphhoonneess aassssuummeess nnoo rreessppoonnssiibbiilliittyy ffoorr aannyy eerrrroorrss oorr oommiissssiioonnss tthhaatt mmaayy aappppeeaarr iinn tthhiiss mmaannuuaall.
1 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 1 2 Phone Layout 4 3 Getting Started 5
3.1 Insert SIM card ................................................................................................... 5
3.2 Insert Memory card.......................................................................................... 5
3.3 Unlock the phone .............................................................................................. 6
4 Placing and Receiving Calls 7
4.1 Make a Call........................................................................................................... 7
4.2 Make a Video Call ............................................................................................ 7
4.3 End a call ............................................................................................................... 7
4.4 Disable Phone Calls........................................................................................ 7
4.5 Using the Touch Screen ............................................................................... 8
4.6 Using the Phone’s Buttons.......................................................................... 9
4.7 Open and Close the Launcher ................................................................. 9
5 The Home Screen 10
5.1 Customize Home Screen .......................................................................... 10
5.1.1Add Widgets and icons to home screen................................................. 11
5.1.2Rearrange or Remove Widgets and Icons on Home Screen ........ 11
6 Working With Menus 12
6.1 Options Menus ................................................................................................ 12
6.2 Menu Icons ........................................................................................................ 12
7 Managing Notifications 13
7.1 Open the Notifications Panel .................................................................. 13
7.1.1Respond to Notifications ............................................................................... 14
7.1.2Close Notifications Panel .............................................................................. 14
7.2 Toolkits ................................................................................................................. 14
8 Messaging 14 9 Multimedia 15
9.1 Camera ................................................................................................................ 15
9.2 Gallery .................................................................................................................. 16
9.3 Music ..................................................................................................................... 16
9.4 FM Radio ............................................................................................................ 17
10 Manage Accounts 17
10.1Why Use a Google Account ................................................................... 17
11 Connect to Networks and Devices 17
11.1Connect to the Internet .............................................................................. 17
11.1.1Connect to Internet via your Phone ....................................................... 18
11.2Access Internet via Wi-Fi.......................................................................... 18
11.3Pair With Bluetooth Devices ................................................................... 18
11.4Install Secure Certificate from SD Card .......................................... 19
12 Applications 19 13 Troubleshooting 19
PPhhoonnee LLaayyoouutt
Back key
Proximity Sensor
Volume keys
Front Camera
Audio Jack
LCD Screen
Power On/ Off button
Menu key
USB Jack
Home key
GGeettttiinngg SSttaarrtteedd
3.1 Insert SIM card
The F41s is a Dual SIM mobile phone which supports 3G SIM on slot number 1.
To insert SIM card(s):
1. Switch off the mobile phone and remove the rear cover and battery.
2. Insert the SIM card correctly in the card slot(s) (See figure below).
3. Finally insert the battery and replace the rear cover of the mobile phone.
3.2 Insert Memory card
1. Power off the mobile phone, and then remove the rear cover and battery.
2. Insert the memory card into the slot.
3. Finally insert the battery and the rear cover of the mobile phone.
3.3 Unlock the phone
You may need to provide PIN, Password, or draw a pattern to unlock your phone. To unlock the screen:
1. Press the power key to wake up the phone.
2. Hold and drag the unlock icon to unlock.
You may be required to unlock your phone based on the unlock method in settings.
To set the unlock method:
1. On the main menu, touch Settings > Security > Screen lock.
3. Choose the type of locking as desired. You can set your screen lock on the basis of pattern, PIN, Password or none.
PPllaacciinngg aanndd RReecceeiivviinngg CCaallllss
You can dial a phone number or touch a number in your contacts. You can also place from the Call log or contacts.
4.1 Make a Call
Tap the icon on main menu or the home screen to dial the
desired number.
Tap on any of the Phone, Call Logs, Contacts tabs to make a
To dial an international number, touch and hold the 0 key to
enter the Plus (+) symbol, and then enter the international country prefix, followed by the phone number.
Tap on the contact to dial the number. Press the Volume Up/ Down keys on the right side to adjust
the call volume.
4.2 Make a Video Call
You need to have a 3G enabled SIM card to make a video call. Please contact your service provider for the same.
Tap the icon on main menu or the home screen to dial the
desired number.
Tap on the Video Call option in the dialer to make the video
4.3 End a call
During a call, touch the icon to end call.
4.4 Disable Phone Calls
Some locations may require you to turn off your mobile, Wi-Fi,
and Bluetooth wireless connections.
Press and hold the Power button and then choose Airplane
Drag notification panel down then touch the Airplane mode.
4.5 Using the Touch Screen
You can use the touch screen in the following ways:
Touch: Acts on items on the screen, such as application and
settings icons, to type letters and symbols using the onscreen keyboard, or to press onscreen buttons.
Touch and hold: Touch and hold an item on the screen until
an action occurs.
Drag: Touch and hold an item and move your finger on the
screen until you reach the target position.
Swipe or slide: Quickly slide your finger across the surface of
the screen, (without dragging an item). For example, slide the screen up or down to scroll a list.
Double-tap: Tap quickly twice on a webpage, map, or other
screen to zoom. For example, double-tap a section of a webpage in Browser to zoom that section to fit the width of the screen. You can also double-tap to control the Camera zoom, in Maps, and in other applications.
Pinch: In some applications (Such as Maps, Browser, and
Gallery) you can zoom in and out by placing two fingers on the screen at once and pinching them together (to zoom out) or spreading them apart (to zoom in).
Rotate the screen: On most screens, the orientation of the
screen changes as you rotate it. You can turn this feature (Auto Rotation) on and off.
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