E170(E950E) Service Menu
Version number: V1.0
Draft Hu Zhenhua
Auditing Liu Changling
Authorize Tang Yin
Date 2010-5-11
Longcheer Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
1 Overview E170.........................................................................................................................1
1.1 About E170 Phone..............................................................................................................1
1.2 Distribution of the mainboard components.........................................................................2
2 RF.............................................................................................................................................3
2.1 RF Overview.......................................................................................................................3
2.2 Transmit..............................................................................................................................3
2.3 Receive................................................................................................................................3
2.4 Common RF Malfunction...................................................................................................4
3 Baseband................................................................................................................................15
3.1 Baseband Overview ..........................................................................................................15
3.2 Logic.................................................................................................................................15
3.3 Power management...........................................................................................................15
3.4 Audio Frequency...............................................................................................................16
3.5 Bluetooth circuit................................................................................................................17
3.6 Baseband common malfunction........................................................................................17
4 Reference for maintenance...................................................................................................21
4.1 No Signal ..........................................................................................................................21
4.2 Phone does not “power on”...............................................................................................21
4.3 LCD trouble ......................................................................................................................21
4.4 Sound trouble....................................................................................................................21
4.5 Keyboard malfunction.......................................................................................................21
4.6 Camera with flowery/blank screen....................................................................................21
5 Tools........................................................................................................................................22
5.1 LCT downloading Operation Manual...............................................................................22
5.2 LCT Repair tools Operation Manual.................................................................................22
5.3 LCT Unlock Operation Manual........................................................................................22
5.4 LCT write SN Operation Manual......................................................................................22
5.5 LCT Calibration Operation Manual..................................................................................22
5.6 LCT Testing Operation Manual ........................................................................................22
5.7 LCT Function testing Operation Manual..........................................................................22
5.8 Detailed maintenance program .........................................................................................22
E170 Service menu
1 Overview E170
1.1 About E170 Phone
E170 mainboard is based on the MTK platform designed to support 3-band which
supporting the FM and Bluetooth calls and transmission, and analog TV, the mainboard
system consists of the base-band( CPUMT6235+MCPK5D1G12DCA) and the RF
E170 Service menu
1.2 Distribution of the mainboard components
E170 Service menu
2 RF
2.1 RF Overview
RF part mainly consists of transceiver MT6140 (adopts program of near-zero IF receiver,
supporting the EGSM / DCS and 26M VCTCXO as the clock input, integrated clock buffer,
LO VCO and TX VCO and regulator , only need for external connections of VBAT / AVDD),
P ARPF89007 (it supports EGSM / DCS / PCS and integrated automatic power control and
transceiver switch).
Baseband Chip
GSM RF and BB interface diagram
Transceiver (MT6140) with the RF modulation and demodulation functions contains IF
frequency synthesizer and VCO RF, which is part of the core component of the RF. PA has
a major role in amplification of modulation signal, and it must be controllable and the
speed should meet the GSM agreement.
2.2 Transmit
TX is composed of the modulation loop, power amplifier and antenna switch. PLL is
mainly in the internal MT6140, I / Q signal first enters into the MT6140, after entering the
PLL the signal is modulated to RF, and then it out puts from the chip to PA, converts into
electromagnetic energy through antenna by the antenna switch after enlarged.
This part adopts voltage control to achieve and its role is to amplify the signal power in
accordance with the requirements. It is divided to two different power levels through
VRAMP signal. The transmit signal of GSM is 5 to 19, power is from 3.2MW to 2W while
DCS is 0 ~ 15, power from 1MW ~ 1W. PA is time-sharing work controlled by TX-EN chip,
the output power of PA is controlled by VRAMP (APC) through the voltage. PA is
intermittent work, by the BS to achieve the choice of frequency bands.
2.3 Receive
Antenna RX - MT6140 (RX_VCO mixer) - band-pass - Amplification - filter - Amplification RX_VCO mixer - CPU
E170 Service menu
2.4 Common RF Malfunction
2.4.1 Detection and Maintenance Flow Chart of MS Transmit
(No transmit) Connect PC and cell
hone with maintenance of line, use the
Repair software making mobile phone
access to transmit state.
Check antenna switch
or matching network
pin of Transceiver,
whether there is IQ
gnal input
Check RF signal
output pin, whether
there is any RF
APC, are they OK?
Check CPU
Check Transceiver,
whether there is any
RF output signal?
Replace PA
Check CPU
2.4.2 The maintenance process of Transmit malfunction
Use the Repair software making mobile phone access to transmit state. Choose 62CH in
GSM band, POWER Level for 5, DCS for 700CH, POWER Level for 0. Then, first observe
whether the current rises, and use the spectrum analyzer and oscilloscope to observe the
signal given in the above-mentioned flow chart, the specific signal waveforms shown as
E170 Service menu
IQ signal waveforms of transceiver in transmit state:
3.10 IQ
RF interface spectrum analyzer is as follows:
GSM transmit signal
E170 Service menu
DCS transmit signal
PA-EN waveforms of PA in transmit state: