High pressure liquids and gases are potentially hazardous. Energy stored in these
liquids and gases can be released unexpectedly and with extreme force. High
pressure systems should be assembled and operated only by personnel who have
been instructed in proper safety practices.
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resulting from the use of the inform ation in this manual or products described in it. Mention of any product or brand does not
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Fluke Calibration, FCAL, DH, DHI, PG7000, PG7607, P G7102, PG7202, PG7302, PG7601, COMPASS, CalTool are tradem arks,
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Swagelok is a regis t ered trademark of the Swagelok Company
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1.2.1 General Specifications ............................................................................................................................ 2
4.3.1 Mass of the Cylinder .............................................................................................................................. 12
4.4 Disassembly of Piston Retaining Assembly ...................................................................................... 12
This manual is designed to be used in conjunction with the PG7000 Piston Gauges Operation and
Maintenance Manual, to operate a PG7607 Piston Gauge.
PG7607 is identical in conception and featur es to a PG7601 piston gauge. PG7607 differs only in the pistoncylinder mounting post and the piston-cylinder module as PG7607 is designed to exploit a unique 50 mm
diameter piston-cylinder. This manual covers the aspects of PG7607 that are different from PG7601.
To operate a PG7607, us e the PG 7000 Piston G auges O per ation and Maintenance Manual and f ollow the
instructions and informat ion applying to PG7601. Refer to this manual for details on the piston-cylinder
mounting post and piston-cylinder module.
In PG7607, the CYLINDER rather than the PISTON floats and is rotated. When
using the PG7000 M anual to operate PG 7607, references to the PISTON of PG7601
apply to the CYLINDER of PG7607.
Manual Conventions
“Caution” is used in throughout the manual to identify conditions or actions that
could cause harm to the PG7607 or to the devices that are connected to it.
“Warning” is used in throughout the manual to identify actions that could pose a
hazard to the user of the PG7607.
“Note” is used throughout the manual to identify operating and applications advice
and additional explanations.
[ ] Indicates direct function keys (e.g., [RANGE]).
< > Indicates molbox1+ screen displays (e.g., <1yes>).
PG7607 is a special model in the PG7000 line of piston gauges. PG7607 is identical to PG7601 except
for its piston-cylinder and mounting post.
PG7607 was designed to exploit a unique 50 mm diam eter piston-cylinder. With this piston-cylinder, the
piston is mounted in a fixed position in the mounting post and the cylinder floats and is rotated.
A controlled clearance pressure can be introduced into the mounting post allowing the piston diameter and
thus the gap between the piston and cylinder to be varied.
PG7607 is available on a limited basis and, generally, is only offered for use in national measurem ent
institutes or other laboratories performing fundamental research in pressure metrology.
This manual is intended to be used as a supplement to the PG7000 Manual.
PG7607 is identical to PG7601 except for it s pist on-cylinder and mounting post. To
operate a PG7607, use a PG7000 Operation and Maint enance M anual and apply the
information on PG7601 referring to this manual for piston-cylinder and mounting
post information. Also keep in mind that in PG7607, the CYLINDER, rather than the
PISTON, floats and is rotated. References to the PG7601 PISTON in the PG7000
Manual apply to the CYLINDER of PG7607.