Fluke 9936A Operating Manual

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Revision 850701
9936A LogWare III
User’s Guide

Table of Contents

1 Introduction ..............................................................................1
1.6.1 Upgrading from previous versions .................................................................. 5
1.6.2 Stand-Alone Single-User Installation ............................................................... 6
1.6.3 Client/Server Multi-User Installation ................................................................8
1.7.1 Getting Started .............................................................................................. 20
1.8.1 Menus ............................................................................................................ 25
1.10.1 Serial (RS-232) Communications ..................................................................29
1.10.2 Ethernet (TCP/IP) Communications...............................................................31
1.10.3 Wireless Communications .............................................................................33
2 Security Features ...................................................................37
2.2.1 User Names and Passwords ......................................................................... 39
2.2.2 User Groups and Permissions ......................................................................39
2.2.3 Managing User Accounts .............................................................................40
2.2.4 Setting and Changing Account Passwords ..................................................45
2.3.1 Change Password .........................................................................................47
3 LogWare III Options ...............................................................51
9936A LogWare III
4 E-mail Features ......................................................................65
4.2.1 Recipient Settings .........................................................................................71
4.3.1 Group Settings ..............................................................................................74
4.4.1 Envelope Settings .........................................................................................78
4.5.1 Customizing Events ....................................................................................... 83
5 Real-Time Data Logging ........................................................85
5.1.1 Logger ...........................................................................................................88
5.1.2 Session ..........................................................................................................95
5.1.3 Log Session Settings File ..............................................................................96
5.2.1 Select Delayed Start Date/Time ..................................................................100
5.2.2 Select Graph to Print ...................................................................................101
5.2.3 Observation Mode ....................................................................................... 102
6 Remote Monitoring ..............................................................103
7 Downloading Logged Data .................................................. 111
8 Importing Logged Data........................................................ 115
9 Managing Logged Data .......................................................121
9.1.1 View Logged Data Options .........................................................................122
9.1.2 Logged Data ...............................................................................................126
9.1.3 Annotations .................................................................................................128
9.2.1 Export Logged Data Options ......................................................................132
9.2.2 Export Fields ...............................................................................................136
9.3.1 Print Logged Data Options .........................................................................138
9.3.2 Print Fields ................................................................................................... 143
9.3.3 Print Preview ................................................................................................ 144
10 Management Features .........................................................147
10.1.1 Manage Licenses ........................................................................................149
10.2.1 Manage Assets and Locations ....................................................................154
10.3.1 Manage Log Sessions .................................................................................163
10.4.1 Delete Log Sessions Options ......................................................................165
11 Maintenance ........................................................................ 169
12 Technical Support ................................................................ 171
13 Appendix A – License Agreement ......................................173
14 Appendix B – Copyright Notices ........................................175
15 Appendix C – Migrating Data From Previous Versions .....177
Index .............................................................................................181
9936A LogWare III




9936A LogWare III


What is LogWare?


Symbols Used1.1

Table 1 lists the symbols that are used throughout this User Guide and their meanings.

Table 1 User guide symbols

This symbol indicates you must be logged in as an Administrator to perform the task.
This symbol indicates you must be logged in as an Administrator or have the appropriate
permission to perform the task.
This symbol indicates you must be logged in as a Typical user or higher or have the appropriate
permission to perform the task.
This symbol indicates you must be logged in as a Restricted user or higher or have the
appropriate permission to perform the task.
This symbol indicates important information.
This symbol indicates cautions or warnings.
The following conventions are used throughout this User Guide.
Text conventionsTable 2
Temperature scale Italics denote menus, menu options, dialog and window captions, and eld names
on dialogs and windows
File | Print | Report The pipe symbol ‘|’ denotes submenu options
Play .WAV le Bold type denotes selectable options
<unknown format> Angle brackets ‘< >’ denote special markers
What is LogWare?1.3
LogWare is a Windows® application that retrieves, stores, and analyzes data from the
Fluke Corporation, Hart Scientic Division’s (Hart) 1620A “DewK” Thermo-Hygrom-
eter (logger). Hart’s 1620 “DewK” and Fluke’s 5020A Thermo-Hygrometers are also
supported by LogWare.
LogWare can either be setup in a single-user conguration on a stand-alone computer,
or it can be setup on an Ethernet network in a client/server, multi-user conguration
to maximize the use of LogWares features and provide access to LogWare’s data from
remote computers.
9936A LogWare III

License Agreement

LogWare can log data from multiple loggers in real-time via RS-232, Ethernet, and
wireless communications. Real-time data may be logged from one or both of a log-
ger’s sensors. LogWare also allows the data acquired by real-time log sessions to be
remotely monitored from any computer on the network where LogWare is installed. In
addition, LogWare can import data batches from PC cards or download data directly
from the logger’s memory.
All data, whether imported, downloaded, or acquired in real-time, is stored in Log-
Ware’s data server and is easily retrievable using LogWare’s data retrieval features.
Congurable user login accounts and customizable group and permission settings can
ensure appropriate security and integrity of all stored data.
Both real-time and previously logged data may be viewed in customizable graphic and
tabular formats. Graphs can be displayed for both temperature and humidity in user-
selectable time-increments. A variety of critical statistical functions can also be shown
for each set of data, including minimum, maximum, spread, average, and standard
deviation. Alarm settings accompany imported, downloaded or real-time data. Alarm
events can also be triggered from the software while logging data in real-time or re-
motely monitoring a real-time log session.
LogWare allows onscreen viewing of logged data. It also prints reports and exports
data easily to multiple le formats that can be viewed in Excel® or other common
spreadsheet and word processing applications.
LogWare also includes e-mail features to keep you up to date wherever you are. E-
mail messages can be generated for alarm conditions, log session state changes, sensor
calibration due events, user login/logout, and more. E-mail messages can be sent via
SMTP server to any valid e-mail address including cell phones, PDAs, etc.
License Agreement1.4
For information and details regarding the software End User License Agreement
(EULA), refer to Section 13, Appendix A – License Agreement, on page 173.

1.5 Requirements

LogWare is designed to work with the following thermo-hygrometers (loggers):
Hart Model 1620A “DewK” Thermo-Hygrometer
Hart Model 1620 “DewK” Thermo-Hygrometer
Fluke Model 5020A “DewK” Thermo-Hygrometer
LogWare can either be setup in a single-user conguration on a stand-alone computer,
or it can be setup on an Ethernet network in a client/server, multi-user conguration.
Single-User Conguration – Stand-Alone Computer Requirements
The following minimum computer conguration is required to install and use Log-
Ware in a stand-alone, single-user conguration:
Microsoft® Windows® 2000 (SP4), XP (SP2), or Vista operating system
IBM Compatible Pentium® IV 1GHz processor or better
200MB Hard Drive space for installation (2+GB recommended for data
USB port for installation and license application
Multi-User Conguration – Server Computer Requirements
The following minimum server computer conguration is required to install the Log-
Ware server les:
Microsoft® Windows® Server 2003 or Server 2008 operating system
(recommended) or Windows® 2000 (SP4), XP (SP2), or Vista (limited to
maximum of 10 concurrent users)
IBM Compatible Pentium® IV 1GHz processor or better
200MB Hard Drive space for installation (10+GB recommended for data
USB port for installation and license application
Shared folder on
network with Full Control for all LogWare users
Firewall exception for application server port
Multi-User Conguration – Client Computer Requirements
The following minimum client computer conguration is required to install and use
the LogWare client software:
Microsoft® Windows® 2000 (SP4), XP (SP2), or Vista operating system
IBM Compatible Pentium® III 700MHz processor or better
256 MB RAM (512 MB RAM or more recommended)
40MB Hard Drive space
Access to shared folder on server
Communications Requirements
To perform real-time logging or to download data from the logger’s memory, LogWare
supports using any of the following communication protocols:
Serial (RS-232) communications
Ethernet (TCP/IP) communications
Wireless communications (requires additional hardware)
Refer to Section 1.10, Methods of Communication, on page 29, for more informa-
tion on the requirements and details on how to use these communication protocols in
9936A LogWare III
Additional Requirements
In addition to the requirements above, the following items may be required depending
on your system conguration and your intended use of LogWare:
Ethernet network connection for client/server conuration and/or Ethernet
Ethernet patch cable(s) for Ethernet communications
RF modem(s) for wireless communications
RS-232 serial (COM) port(s) and “null modem” cable(s) for serial
Access to a
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server for sending e-mail
USB port for adding licenses

1.6 Installation

LogWare can either be setup in a single-user conguration on a stand-alone computer,
or it can be setup on an Ethernet network in a client/server, multi-user conguration.
Before you begin installing LogWare, decide which conguration you want to use. Be-
low are some general guidelines to use to determine how you should proceed to install
LogWare. After deciding which conguration to use, refer to the appropriate following
section for the instructions to install LogWare.
Note: Before installing LogWare, be sure to read Section 13, Appendix A –
License Agreement, on page 173. Also, refer to Section 1.5, Requirements, on
page 2, to make sure the computer(s) you are going to use meet the minimum
Stand-Alone, Single-User Conguration
You should install LogWare in a stand-alone, single-user conguration if…
You only need to log data in a few locations or processes
You do not need access to Log
Wares data from other computers
You do not have Ethernet network capabilities
You do not plan to expand your system
Client/Server, Multi-User Conguration
You should install LogWare in a client/server, multi-user conguration if…
You need to log data in many locations or processes
Your computer is connected to an Ethernet
You need access to Log
Wares data from multiple computers
You need access to Log
Wares data from remote locations using the internet and
a VPN connection to your network
You want to use a dedicated computer to log all data in real-time, but allow
other to monitor the data in real-time from other computers
You currently only need to use Log
Ware on a single computer, but may decide
to expand in the future
Preparing for Installation
Before beginning the installation process, make sure you follow these prepara-
tory steps on the stand-alone computer or the server computer for a multi-user
backup copies of all existing programs and data before starting the
installation process.
Run a disk-checking program to ensure that the disk has no lost clusters. This
normally involves running a program such as SCANDISK. You may also want
to run a disk defragmentation program. Consult the computer documentation or
a local support person for directions on how to perform these tasks.
Close all running programs except for the operating system itself.
You may also want to shut down and restart the computer. Doing this ensures
that all programs are cleared from memory. Be sure to close any applications
that may have started automatically.
Login to Windows® as an administrator or using an account with
rights. If you do not have administrative rights on the computer, ask your
system administrator for assistance.
Upgrading from previous versions1.6.1
When upgrading LogWare III from a previous version, there are certain issues that you
need to be aware of and take into consideration. The following sections outline these
Upgrading from Version 1.x1.6.1.1
If you are currently running LogWare III version 1.x, upgrading to version 2.x requires
version 1.x to be uninstalled. The client installation process automatically detects and
uninstalls version 1.x for you.
Info: Uninstalling version 1.x does NOT delete the version 1.x database – all
data logged using version 1.x is contained in a database that may be imported
into the version 2.x data storage system using the migration utility. Refer to
Section 15, Appendix C – Migrating Data From Previous Versions, on page 177
for more information.
Upgrading from Version
If you are currently running LogWare III version 2.0, upgrading to version 2.x is very
easy. Simply shut down the LogWare client application and run the installation (on the
server computer if installed in client/server conguration).
9936A LogWare III
Info: For client/server congurations, you do not need to run the installation on
each client computer. A new feature in this release will display a prompt on each
client computer the rst time LogWare is run indicating a new version has been
installed and requesting permission to update local les. Simply click Yes. All
local les are updated and the LogWare client runs.
Stand-Alone Single-User Installation1.6.2
When installing LogWare in a stand-alone, single-user conguration, only one com-
puter is required. Both the “server” les and the “client” les are installed on the same
Before beginning the installation process, make sure your computer meets the mini-
mum requirements. LogWare will not run very efciently, or may not run at all, on
computers that do not meet these requirements. Refer to Section 1.5, Requirements, on
page 2 for more information on minimum requirements.
Note: To successfully install LogWare, you must be logged into Windows® as an
Administrator. If you do not have administrative rights, check with your system
The LogWare installation process now allows the user to select between two installa-
tion options:
Simple Installation
Expert Installation
It is recommended to select the Simple Installation option. Selecting this option allows
the installation to use all default settings and requires minimal user interaction.
For advanced users, the Expert Installation option may be selected. Selecting this
option allows the installation to be customized, including selecting destination paths,
passwords, TCP ports, and other options as applicable.
Installing LogWare – Stand-Alone Computer Installation
To begin the installation process, insert the USB drive into a USB port on the 1.
computer and double-click the CDSetup.exe le located in the root directory.
The installation menu screen should be displayed. Click the icon for LogWare
III to launch the server setup process. If the setup les were downloaded from
the internet, double-click the LW3ServerSetup.exe le to launch the server
setup process.
If the 2. Open File – Security Warning dialog is displayed (XP), click Run. Or if
the User Account Control dialog is displayed (Vista), click Allow.
Welcome – 3. When the Welcome dialog is displayed, click Next > to proceed.
License Agreement –4. Read through the software license agreement. If you
accept the terms, select the I accept the terms of the license agreement option
and click Next > to proceed. You may print a copy of the license agreement by
clicking the Print button.
Select Installation Type –5. Click the Stand-Alone button.
Select Installation Option – 6. Select the option for the type of installation to
perform. It is recommended to select the Simple Installation option. However,
if you need to customize the installation, select the Expert Installation option.
Click Next > to proceed.
Enter Software Serial Number –7. Enter the serial number that was provided
when you purchased LogWare. If you are evaluating LogWare, leave the Serial
box blank. Click Next > to proceed.
For Expert Installation only…
If the a. Insufcient Memory Warning message is displayed, this computer may
not have enough memory to allow LogWare to run efciently in a stand-
alone conguration. If you want to continue and install LogWare anyway,
click Yes. Otherwise, click No to abort the process.
Important Installation Notes –b. Read the installation notes that are
displayed for important information regarding known installation issues, then
click Next > to proceed.
Enter PostgreSQL Database Information – c. Enter the password to use for
the PostgreSQL service account and default database user account in the
Password box. It is recommended to use the default password. The password
must meet system password complexity requirements. Also, enter the
installation path for the PostgreSQL database les. It is recommended to use
the default path. Click Next > to proceed.
Enter MET/BASE G2 Application Server Information –d. Enter the TCP
port that the application server should use to provide client access to the
data. It is recommended to use the default port unless that port is already in
use on this computer. A warning message will be displayed if the selected
port is already in use. Also, enter the installation path for the MET/BASE G2
Application Server les. It is recommended to use the default path. Click
Next > to proceed.
Installation Ready –8. Setup is now ready to begin installing the software. Click
Install to proceed.
Setup will begin copying les to the server computer. The PostgreSQL database 9.
les and MET/BASE G2 Application Server les are silently installed on
the computer. Status and progress dialogs are displayed as each of these
components are being installed.
The Log10. Ware III client application les are also silently installed. If a previous
version of LogWare III is detected on this computer, the previous version is
automatically uninstalled (version 1.x) or updated (v2.x).
9936A LogWare III
Note: Uninstalling LogWare III version 1.x will not delete the database contain-
ing logged data. When the installation process is complete, data logged by the
previous version may be migrated into the new data storage system. Refer to
Section 15, Appendix C – Migrating Data From Previous Versions, on page 177
for more information.
To Do List –11. When the installation process is complete, if there are any
remaining steps that need to be manually performed, or if any problems were
detected during the installation process, they are displayed in the To Do list.
You may print this list by clicking the Print button. Click Next > to proceed. If
there are no issues, this dialog is not displayed.
InstallShield Wizard Complete –12. The computer may need to be restarted
before you may begin using LogWare. Select the Yes, I want to restart my
computer now option and click Finish to restart the computer.
Note: When restarting the computer, it is recommended that you login to
Windows® as an Administrator once more to allow the installation to complete.
You may login to Windows® normally on subsequent logins.
The installation process sets up a couple of services on the computer. These services
are congured to start automatically when the computer is booted and MUST be run-
ning in order for LogWare to run. It may take between 1 and 5 minutes for the services
to complete the startup process and allow LogWare clients to connect.
Client/Server Multi-User Installation1.6.3
When installing LogWare in a client/server, multi-user conguration, one computer is
required to act as the server and one or more computers are required to act as the cli-
ents. The computer being used as the server may also be used as a client. The “server”
les are installed on the server computer. These les consist mainly of the database
and application server les, as well as the client installation les. The “client” les
may then be installed on other computers by running the client installation from the
server computer. The client les are also always installed on the server computer.
Before beginning the installation process, make sure your computer meets the mini-
mum requirements. LogWare will not run very efciently, or may not run at all, on
computers that do not meet these requirements. Refer to Section 1.5, Requirements, on
page 2 for more information on minimum requirements.
Note: To successfully install LogWare, you must be logged into Windows® as an
Administrator. If you do not have administrative rights, check with your system
The LogWare installation process now allows the user to select between two installa-
tion options:
Simple Installation
Expert Installation
It is recommended to select the Simple Installation option. Selecting this option allows
the installation to use all default settings and requires minimal user interaction.
For advanced users, the Expert Installation option may be selected. Selecting this
option allows the installation to be customized, including selecting destination paths,
passwords, TCP ports, and other options as applicable.
All computers in a client/server conguration must be on the same network. All client
computers must be able to see and have access to the server computer. If your network
supports using Virtual Private Network (VPN) software, you may be able to install and
run LogWare from client computers over the internet. Consult your system or network
administrator for more information and assistance.
Note: Installing LogWare on a network may require you to enable le sharing
and congure rewall settings on the server computer. If you have never per-
formed these operations, are not familiar with how to do this, or if you are unfa-
miliar with these terms, you may want to consult your system or network admin-
istrator before beginning the installation process.
The LogWare III Server installation process attempts to automatically congure all
necessary settings on the server computer to allow client computers to connect and use
LogWare, including setting up a shared folder on the network, granting all users full
control to the shared folder and conguring the Windows® Firewall with an excep-
tion for a TCP port. If the installation fails to congure any of these settings, or if you
are using 3rd party rewall software, a To Do list is generated and displayed when the
installation process is complete. Review this list carefully as you may be required to
congure some or all of these settings manually before using LogWare. Refer to Sec-
tion, Sharing a Folder, on page 13 and Section, Server Firewall Con-
guration and File Sharing, on page 15 for more details on how to manually congure
these settings on the server computer.
Installing LogWare – Server Computer Installation
To begin the installation process, insert the USB drive into a USB port on the 1.
server computer and double-click the CDSetup.exe le located in the root
directory. The installation menu screen should be displayed. Click the icon
for LogWare III to launch the server setup process. If the setup les were
downloaded from the internet, double-click the LW3ServerSetup.exe le to
launch the server setup process.
If the 2. Open File – Security Warning dialog is displayed (XP), click Run. Or if
the User Account Control dialog is displayed (Vista), click Allow.
Welcome – 3. When the Welcome dialog is displayed, click Next > to proceed.
License Agreement –4. Read through the software license agreement. If you
accept the terms, select the I accept the terms of the license agreement option
and click Next > to proceed. You may print a copy of the license agreement by
clicking the Print button.
Select Installation Type –5. Click the Client/Server button.
9936A LogWare III
Select Installation Option –6. Select the option for the type of installation to
perform. It is recommended to select the Simple Installation option. However,
if you need to customize the installation, select the Expert Installation option.
Click Next > to proceed.
Enter Software Serial Number –7. Enter the serial number that was provided
when you purchased LogWare. If you are evaluating LogWare, leave the Serial
box blank. Click Next > to proceed.
For Expert Installation only…
If the a. Insufcient Memory Warning message is displayed, this computer may
not have enough memory to allow LogWare to run efciently in a stand-
alone conguration. If you want to continue and install LogWare anyway,
click Yes. Otherwise, click No to abort the process.
If the b. User Limit Warning message is displayed (Windows® 2000/XP/Vista
only), acknowledge that you understand that there is a limit of 10 concurrent
client connections to the server. Click Yes to proceed. Otherwise, click No to
abort the process.
Important Installation Notes –c. Read the installation notes that are
displayed for important information regarding known installation issues, then
click Next > to proceed.
Enter Network Share Name –d. Enter the name to use for the network share.
This is the name of the folder that client computers must connect to on the
server computer to install and run the LogWare client application. Click
Next > to proceed. It is recommended to use the default share name.
Enter PostgreSQL Database Information –e. Enter the password to use for
the PostgreSQL service account and default database user account in the
Password box. It is recommended to use the default password. The password
must meet system password complexity requirements. Also, enter the
installation path for the PostgreSQL database les. It is recommended to use
the default path. Click Next > to proceed.
Enter MET/BASE G2 Application Server Information –f. Enter the TCP
port that the application server should use to provide client access to the
data. It is recommended to use the default port unless that port is already in
use on this computer. A warning message will be displayed if the selected
port is already in use. Also, enter the installation path for the MET/BASE
G2 Application Server les. It is recommended to use the default path. Click
Next > to proceed.
Installation Ready –8. Setup is now ready to begin installing the software. Click
Install to proceed.
Setup will begin copying les to the server computer. The PostgreSQL database 9.
les and MET/BASE G2 Application Server les are silently installed on
the computer. Status and progress dialogs are displayed as each of these
components are being installed.
The Log10. Ware III client application les are also silently installed on the server
computer. If a previous version of LogWare III is detected on this computer, the
previous version is automatically uninstalled (version 1.x) or updated (version
Note: Uninstalling LogWare III version 1.x will not delete the database contain-
ing logged data. When the installation process is complete, data logged by the
previous version may be migrated into the new data storage system. Refer to
Section 15, Appendix C – Migrating Data From Previous Versions, on page 177
for more information.
To Do List –11. When the installation process is complete, if there are any
remaining steps that need to be manually performed on the server computer, or
if any problems were detected during the installation process, they are displayed
in the To Do list. You may print this list by clicking the Print button. Click
Next > to proceed. If there are no issues, this dialog is not displayed.
InstallShield Wizard Complete –12. The computer may need to be restarted
before you may begin using LogWare on the server computer. Select the
Yes, I want to restart my computer now option and click Finish to restart the
Note: When restarting the computer, it is recommended that you login to
Windows® as an Administrator once more to allow the installation to complete.
You may login to Windows® normally on subsequent logins.
The installation process sets up a couple of services on the server computer. These
services are congured to start automatically when the server computer is booted and
MUST be running in order for LogWare to run. It may take between 1 and 5 minutes
for the services to complete the startup process and allow LogWare clients to connect.
Note: Setup attempts to share a folder on the network, congure an exception in
the Windows® rewall, and setup local le sharing settings automatically, de-
pending on the operating system being used. If setup was unable to successfully
congure any of these settings, or if the server computer does not use the built-in
Windows® rewall, you may need to congure some of these items manually.
Any items such as these should be included in the To Do list that is displayed at
the end of the installation process. Make sure all of these items are addressed
before proceeding to install the LogWare III client on other computers. Refer to
Section, Sharing a Folder, on page 13 and Section, Server
Firewall Conguration and File Sharing, on page 15 for more information.
Installing LogWare – Client Computer Installation
To launch the Log1. Ware III Client Setup on other client computers, click the
Start button on the Windows® Taskbar and select Run. In the Open eld,
enter \\<SERVERNAME>\<ShareName>\ClientSetup\Setup.exe where
<SERVERNAME> is the name of the server computer recorded above, and
<ShareName> is the name of the share on the server where the LogWare les
9936A LogWare III
are installed. The default share name is LogWareIII. Click OK to launch the
client setup.
If the 2. Open File – Security Warning dialog is displayed (XP), click Run. Or if
the User Account Control dialog is displayed (Vista), click Allow.
Welcome –3. When the Welcome dialog is displayed, click Next > to proceed.
If a previous version of Log4. Ware III (version 1.x) is already installed on this
computer, a prompt is displayed to uninstall the previous version. Click Yes
to uninstall the previous version before proceeding. The previous version is
uninstalled automatically. Otherwise, click No to abort the process.
Note: Uninstalling LogWare III version 1.x will not delete the database contain-
ing logged data. When the installation process is complete, data logged by the
previous version may be migrated into the new data storage system. Refer to
Section 15, Appendix C – Migrating Data From Previous Versions, on page 177
for more information.
If the 5. Insufcient Memory Warning message is displayed, this computer may
not have enough memory to allow LogWare to run efciently as a client in
the client/server conguration. If you want to continue and install LogWare
anyway, click Yes. Otherwise, click No to abort the process.
License Agreement –6. Read through the software license agreement. If you
accept the terms, select the I accept the terms of the license agreement option
and click Next > to proceed. You may print a copy of the license agreement by
clicking the Print button.
Optional Dialogs – These dialogs are only displayed if setup is unable to deter-
mine the correct settings to use.
Enter Software Serial Number –a. Enter the serial number that was provided
when you purchased LogWare. If you are evaluating LogWare, leave the
Serial box blank. Click Next > to proceed.
LogWare III Server Information –b. Enter the name of the computer being
used as the LogWare III Server in the Server box. Enter the TCP port on the
server that the MET/BASE G2 Application Server is congured to use in the
Port box. The default TCP port is 8080. Enter the name of the share on the
server computer where the LogWare III les are located in the Share box.
The default share name is LogWareIII. Click Next > to proceed.
Installation Ready –7. Setup is now ready to begin installing the software. Click
Install to proceed.
Setup will begin copying client les to the computer and setup the application 8.
InstallShield Wizard Complete – 9. The computer may need to be restarted
before you may begin using LogWare. Select the Yes, I want to restart my
computer now option and click Finish to restart the computer.
Note: When restarting the computer, login to Windows® as an Administrator to
allow the installation to complete. You may login to Windows® normally on sub-
sequent logins. Sharing a Folder
The LogWare III Server installation process attempts to automatically congure all
necessary settings on the server computer to allow client computers to connect and use
LogWare, including setting up a shared folder on the network and granting all users
full control to the shared folder. If the installation fails to do this for any reason, this
section gives an example of how to manually congure these settings on the server
The basic process of sharing a folder on a Windows® XP computer running on a Mi-
crosoft network is outlined below. This process may differ on other types of networks
and on other operating systems. Completing this process may require administrative
permissions. Consult your system or network administrator for assistance.
Sharing a Folder on the Network
On the computer that contains the folder to share (server computer), open 1.
Windows® Explorer and locate the folder.
Right-click on the folder to display the popup menu, and select the 2. Properties
option. This folder’s Properties dialog is displayed.
Click the 3. Sharing tab.
Select the 4. Share As or Share this folder option and enter a Share name, such as
LogWare III.
9936A LogWare III

Figure 1 Shared folder properties dialog - Sharing tab

Click the 5. Permissions button to display the Permissions for <folder> dialog.
Select the 6. Everyone group in the Group or user names list and check the Full
Control checkbox in the Permissions for Everyone list. If the Everyone group
does not exist, click the Add button to create it rst.

Figure 2 Permissions dialog for shared folder

Click OK to close the 7. Permissions for <folder> dialog. Click OK to close the
Properties dialog. Server Firewall Conguration and File Sharing
The LogWare III Server installation process attempts to automatically congure all
necessary settings on the server computer to allow client computers to connect and
use LogWare, including conguring the Windows® Firewall with an exception for a
TCP port. If the installation fails to do this for any reason or if you are using 3rd party
rewall software, this section gives an example of how to manually congure these
settings on the server computer.
When conguring LogWare to be used in a client/server, multi-user conguration, all
client computers must be able to communicate with the server computer. If the server
computer is running rewall software, the rewall software must be congured to al-
low LogWare client computers to connect to it by adding an exception for a TCP port.
The client/server installation process attempts to automatically create an exception in
9936A LogWare III
the Windows® rewall on the server computer. However, under certain circumstances
it may fail.
Note: Improperly conguring rewall software can leave your network suscep-
tible to viruses and other attacks from malicious software. Always consult your
system or network administrator before changing rewall and le sharing
The steps below indicate how to congure the default Windows® XP rewall to allow
LogWare client computers to connect to the LogWare server computer. The process of
conguring rewall software will differ from one rewall software package to another
as well as one operating system to another. Consult your rewall software’s documen-
tation for details on adding exceptions for a TCP port.
To congure the Windows® XP rewall settings on LogWare’s server computer…
On the server computer, open the 1. Control Panel window by clicking the Start
button and selecting the Control Panel option, or the Control Panel option in
the Settings menu, depending on your Start menu conguration.
In the 2. Control Panel window, click the Security Center icon and select Windows
Firewall (if in Category View) or double-click the Windows Firewall icon (if in
Classic View) to display the Windows Firewall dialog.
Select the 3. Exceptions tab and click the Add Port button. The Add a Port dialog
is displayed.

Figure 3 Add a Port dialog

In the 4. Port number eld, enter 8080 (default) or the TCP port that was entered
during the server installation. Select the TCP option and click OK to close the
dialog. This should appear as an entry in the Programs and Services list now.
The checkbox in front of the entry should be checked.

Figure 4 Windows Firewall dialog - Exceptions tab

Click 5. OK to close the Windows Firewall dialog.
The Windows® XP rewall is now congured to allow LogWare client computers to
connect to it.
File sharing must also be enabled on the server computer to allow other client com-
puters to access the shared client les. The steps below indicate the basic process of
conguring le sharing in Windows® XP for a Microsoft network. The process of
conguring le sharing will differ from one network to another as well as one op-
erating system to another. Consult your operating system’s help les for details on
enabling le sharing.
9936A LogWare III
To enable le sharing on Windows® XP for Microsoft networks on LogWare’s
server computer…
On the server computer, open the 1. Control Panel window by clicking the Start
button and selecting the Control Panel option, or the Control Panel option in
the Settings menu, depending on your Start menu conguration.
In the 2. Control Panel window, click the Network and Internet Connections
icon and select Network Connections (if in Category View) or double-click
the Network Connections icon (if in Classic View) to display the Network
Connections window.
Locate and right-click on the icon for your local area connection and select 3.
Properties from the popup menu to display the Local Area Connection
Properties dialog.
In the 4. This connection uses the following items list, locate the File and Printer
Sharing for Microsoft Networks item. If this item is not checked, check it.
Click OK to close the Local Area Connection Properties dialog.

Figure 5 Local Area Connection Properties dialog

Close the 5. Network Connections window and/or Control Panel window.
File sharing is now enabled. You may be required to restart the computer for the
changes to take effect. If the installation process failed to share the folder on the server
containing the shared client les, you may need to share the folder manually. Refer
to Section, Sharing a Folder, on page 13, for more information on sharing a
If the LogWare client is installed on a Windows® XP computer that is not a member of
a network (stand-alone) or is a member of a workgroup instead of a domain, you must
disable simple le sharing if you want all Windows® users for the computer to be able
to run LogWare.
To disable simple le sharing on Windows® XP computer…
Open 1. Windows® Explorer by right-clicking the Start button and selecting the
Explore option.
Select the 2. Folder Options option in the Tools menu to display the Folder
Options dialog.
Select the 3. View tab. In the Advanced settings list, locate and uncheck the Use
simple le sharing (Recommended) item.
Click 4. OK to close the Folder Options dialog.
9936A LogWare III
Running LogWare

Figure 6 Folder Options-View Tab - Simple File Sharing

This will allow all users of the computer access to LogWare’s shared les.

1.7 Running LogWare

The following information is intended to provide a brief overview on how to get Log-
Ware up and running quickly.
Getting Started1.7.1
Once the LogWare server and client installations are complete, you may run LogWare
and congure it for use. In a multi-user, client/server conguration, each LogWare cli-
ent computer should be congured for use according to the users of that client com-
puter. Some of LogWare’s default settings are system-wide, but most settings are local
to each client.
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