Fluke Corporation, Hart Scientific Division (Hart) warrants this product to be free
from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service for a pe
riod as stated in our current product catalog from the date of shipment. This war
ranty extends only to the original purchaser and shall not apply to any product
which, in Hart’s sole opinion, has been subject to misuse, alteration, abuse or abnor
mal conditions of operation or handling.
Software is warranted to operate in accordance with its programmed instructions on
appropriate Hart products. It is not warranted to be error free.
Hart’s obligation under this warranty is limited to repair or replacement of a product
which is returned to Hart within the warranty period and is determined, upon exam
ination by Hart, to be defective. If Hart determines that the defect or malfunction
has been caused by misuse, alteration, abuse or abnormal conditions or operation or
handling, Hart will repair the product and bill the purchaser for the reasonable cost
of repair.
To exercise this warranty, the purchaser must forward the product after calling or
writing Hart for authorization. Hart assumes NO risk for in-transit damage.
For service or assistance, please contact the manufacturer.
Rev. 592201
Microsoft, MS-DOS, Windows, Window for Workgroups, and Windows 95, 98,
ME, NT, 2000, and XP are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft
Fluke Corporation
Hart Scientific Division
799 E. Utah Valley Drive American Fork, UT 84003-9775 USA
Phone: +1.801.763.1600
Telefax: +1.801.763.1010
Email: support@hartscientific.com
Hart’s 9934 LogWare is a real-time data logging, storage and analysis software
program designed specifically for use with Hart Scientific digital thermometers.
LogWare automates the logging of data from a single channel or input.
LogWare is designed to work with the following Hart Scientific digital
1502 Thermometer Readout (2 styles)
1502A Thermometer Readout
1503 Thermometer Readout
1504 Thermometer Readout
1521 Handheld Thermometer Readout
• 1522 LLL Handheld Thermometer Readout and Datalogger
1.2License Agreement
For information and details regarding the software End User License Agreement (EULA), refer to the online help file’s License Agreement topic
LogWare provides an easy-to-use Windows® interface to log, store and analyze
data from Hart Scientific digital thermometers. LogWa re also provides a
method to download readings that are stored in the memory of thermometers
that support this feature, such as the model 1522 LLL Handheld Datalogger.
After being logged or downloaded, the readings are written to a file that can be
opened by LogWare , spreadsheet or other analysis software.
LogWare ’s data logging features include:
Quick and easy configuration
Ability to save and open setup configuration files
Selectable sample interval from 1 second to 24 hours
Selectable delayed start time/date for off-hours logging
Selectable end log options (allows a log session to stop automatically af
ter a specified time or a specified number of readings)
Logs readings to ASCII text files that can then be opened, graphed and
Graphs readings as they are being logged
Maintains statistical data for logged readings
9934 LogWare
User’s Guide
Ability to set High and Low alarms
Can play .WAV file or launch any other software package when an alarm
trips (such as Pager software)
Many user-customizable graph settings including alarm, statistical and
trend lines
LogWare ’s data analysis features include:
Can open both real-time log files and downloaded files
Spreadsheet-style grid to view all readings
Graph that displays up to 32,767 readings at a time
Graph zooming capability
Statistical lines and calculations
Printing graph and readings
Can have multiple windows open simultaneously
LogWare also provides utilities which allow access to the following thermometer features (as applicable):
• Change INFO-CON or probe-specific parameters (conversion type and
coefficients, calibration dates, excitation current, etc.)
Version 1.3
A list of new features and enhancements in this software follows:
Branding/Logo change – The logos and graphics displayed in LogWa re
have been updated.
Also, various features have been added to the software to aid in troubleshooting
issues related to downloading logged data
LogWare supports the Hart Scientific digital thermometer models as listed be
low. The communication and computer requirements are also listed.
1.4.1Thermometer readout requirements
LogWare is designed to work with the following Hart Scientific digital ther
mometer readouts:
1502 Thermometer Readout (2 styles)
1502A Thermometer Readout
1503 Thermometer Readout
1504 Thermometer Readout
1521 Handheld Thermometer Readout
1522 Handheld Thermometer Readout and Datalogger
1.4.2Communications requirements
The instrument being used with LogWare must be connected to a COM
(RS-232 serial) port on a computer using a “null modem” cable. (A “null mo
dem” cable is a cable that effectively replaces two modems. Refer to the ther
mometer’s User Guide for more information on the cable or contact hart
Scientific Customer Service to purchase a “null modem” cable.) The baud rate
can be set from 300 baud to 9600 baud depending on the instrument. However,
the instrument and computer baud rates must match.
1.4.3Computer hardware requirements
The following minimum computer configuration is required to use LogWare .
• IBM Compatible 486 PC or better with 8MB RAM (Pentium® class pro-
cessor with 16MB RAM or more recommended)
• VGA monitor or better
• CD-ROM drive for installation
• 1 – RS-232 (COM) port)
Minimum of about 8MB of disk space (for installation) - The program re
quires additional disk space to store the data as it is acquired.
1 Introduction
1.4.4Computer software requirements
Note: To use LogWare, Windows® login accounts must be granted full ac
cess to the folder to which the software is installed and all subfolders. If
the folder has read-only access, errors will occur when LogWare attempts
to access its configuration files.
LogWare requires one of the following operating systems
Windows® 95/98
Windows® NT with SP4/2000/XP
Note: LogWare has only been tested on Windows® NT with Service Pack
4 installed.
9934 LogWare
User’s Guide
Note: Before installing LogWare, be sure to read the License Agreement
and Warranty.
A backup should always be made of your hard disk drive and registry before in
stalling any software, and all running applications should be closed.
Note: To successfully install LogWare, you must be logged into Windows
as an Administrator.
Installing LogWare
1.Insert the LogWa re CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive. The Setup pro
gram should run automatically.
2.Follow the on-screen instructions to install LogWare .
3.When prompted, enter the product serial number. The serial number is
provided on a sticker typically located on the CD pouch on the inside
back cover of the LogWare User’s Guide.
4.After all files have been installed, a program group is created with icons
for the software, the Help file, the README.TXT file, and an icon to
uninstall the software. The installation process is complete.
5.The README.TXT file can be displayed by checking the appropriate
check box before the setup program finishes. Read this file for important
information that was not available when the User Guide was printed.
Uninstalling LogWare
To uninstall the software, use the Windows® Add/Remove Programs icon in
the Control Panel. Follow the instructions given. The program files that were
installed to your system are removed. Any files that were created or saved by
users will not be removed from the system. These files, along with the folders
that these files are in, must be manually deleted using Windows® Explorer to
remove them from your system.
1.6Regional settings
LogWare recognizes and uses the regional settings such as the date, time and
number formats as set in the Windows® Control Panel’s Regional Settings or
Regional Options icon.
1.7Running Log
The following sections describe how to get LogWare up and running quickly.
1.7.1Getting started
The following information is intended to provide a brief overview on how to
get LogWare up and running quickly. For more detailed information, please re
fer to the following sections:
Section 1.8, LogWa re Main Display
Section 4, Datalog Menu
To use this software:
1.Click the Start button, then locate and click the icon created by the setup
2.The software will start with the Log Session Settings dialog displayed on
top of the main display (see Section 4.1). If the Log Session Settings dia
log is not displayed when the software starts, select the Setup option
from the Datalog menu.
Note: In order to make the Log Session Settings dialog appear when the
software starts, check the “Show Log Session Settings dialog on start-up”
check box on the General tab of the Defaults dialog.
To start a log session, fill in the information on the Log Session Settings dialog.
The following information must be entered before a log session can start:
1 Introduction
Running LogWare
• Select the Model of the thermometer to use. Enter the Serial Number and
select the Readings Scale from the available choices.
• Select the COM port to which the thermometer is connected and choose
the baud rate.
Power up the thermometer and make sure it is connected to the specified
COM port. Click the Test Communication button to make sure LogWa re
can communicate with the thermometer.
Choose the log interval (time between readings)
Choose the appropriate end log option and set the other end log settings
as required.
To set a delayed start date/time, click the Delayed Start button and choose
the appropriate date and time for the log session to begin. Otherwise, the
log session will begin when the Start button is clicked.
Select the trace color, enter the output filename and set the statistics op
tions as desired.
To configure alarms, click the Alarm Settings button and set the appropri
ate alarm settings as desired.
These settings can be saved to a configuration file by clicking the Save As but
ton. If this configuration should be opened every time the software runs, click
the Set as Default button.
9934 LogWare
User’s Guide
After entering this information, click the Start button to start the log session.
The main display (Figure 1) consists of the menu bar, toolbar, a workspace area
and a status bar.
main display
Figure 1 9934 LogWare main display
The menu bar allows access to the various features of the software. A general
description of the options in each menu is given below:
File – Open and save configuration files, change default settings, printing
options, exit the software
Datalog – Setup, Start, Stop and Close real-time log sessions
Download – Download logged readings from a thermometer and view log
View – View alarm log and reading history during real-time log session
and open previously logged data files
1 Introduction
Graph – Change graph settings, zoom in and out, and print the current
Tools – Synchronize thermometer date/time, configure various thermome
ter and INFO-CON/probe settings
Window – Rearrange and switch between open windows
Help – Display help topics and About dialog
The toolbar allows quick access to the most common menu functions. The
toolbar is divided into sections that correspond to related functions. Toolbar
sections may be rearranged as desired by clicking on the vertical bar on the left
side of the section and dragging it to the desired location.
The status bar indicates the function that the software is currently performing
as well as the current system date and time.
Figure 2 LogWare toolbar
1.9.1File toolbar
Note: The date and time displayed are based on the computer’s clock set
tings and can be modified through the Windows® Control Panel. The date
and time formats used can be changed by selecting the Regional Settings
icon in the Control Panel.
The toolbar (Figure 2) provides quick access to many of the most common
functions of the software. The toolbar is divided into sections that correspond
to related menu options. Toolbar sections may be rearranged as desired by
clicking on the vertical bar on the left side of the section and dragging it to the
desired location.
The following toolbars are available:
Figure 3 File toolbar
New – Create a new real-time log session configuration
Open – Open a real-time log session configuration file
Save As – Save the current real-time log session settings to a configuration file
9934 LogWare
User’s Guide
1.9.2Datalog toolbar
1.9.3Graph toolbar
Figure 4 Datalog toolbar
Setup – Setup a real-time log session
Start – Start a real-time log session
Stop – Stop a real-time log session
Close – Close a real-time log session
Mute all alarms – Mute/Unmute all real-time log session alarms
Restore (zoom out) – Zoom out to view entire graph
1.9.4Tools toolbar
Figure 6 Tools toolbar
Synchronize date/time – Synchronize thermometer’s date/time with computer
Write labels – Change the labels associated with datalogging
INFO-CON/probe settings – Change settings associated with the INFO-CON
connector or probe
Thermometer settings – Change settings associated with the thermometer
1.9.5Help toolbar
Figure 7 Help toolbar
Help – Open the help file
1 Introduction
2How to...
Using an I/R dongle with LogWare
2 How to...
This section contains some “How to…” step-by-step instructions and other in
formation on how to use LogWa re to perform certain tasks. The following top
ics are included:
Using an I/R dongle with LogWa re (see Section 2.1).
Opening a configuration file automatically on start-up (see Section 2.2).
Starting a real-time log session unattended (Delayed Start) (see Section
Stopping a real-time log session automatically (see Section 2.4).
Downloading logged data from the memory of a thermometer (see Sec
tion 2.5).
Viewing remaining memory for logging data (see Section 2.6).
Changing thermometer and/or INFO-CON/probe settings (see Section
• Saving thermometer and/or INFO-CON/probe settings to a configuration
file (see Section 2.8).
• Synchronizing the thermometer’s clock to the computer (see Section 2.9).
• Importing logged data into a spreadsheet (see Section 2.10).
2.1Using an I/R dongle with Log
Some Hart Scientific thermometer readouts, such as the 1522, have a built-in
I/R port that can be used to communicate with a computer. I/R ports have many
advantages over standard RS-232 ports which include increased data transfer
rate, greater flexibility and ease of use.
Hart thermometer readoutss with an I/R port use a proprietary protocol for
communication. Because of this proprietary protocol, LogWa re is not able to
use I/R ports that are built into a computer. Instead, LogWar e requires the use
of an I/R dongle (Figure 8) which can be connected to a standard RS-232 port.
No special software or drivers are required to use the dongle. All necessary
9934 LogWare
User’s Guide
communication protocols and drivers are built into LogWa re . To purchase an
I/R dongle (model 2374), contact technical support.
Figure 8 Model 2374 Infrared Dongle
LogWare provides support for communicating over an I/R port with these thermometers. However, the support is limited to the following features:
• Downloading logged data from memory
• Checking log status
Writing labels associated with logged data
LogWar e does not support using the I/R port for real-time log sessions.
To use an I/R dongle with LogWar e, follow these steps.
1.Locate a 9-pin or 25-pin COM (RS-232) port on the computer. Connect
the I/R dongle to the port. If the COM port is a 25-pin port, use a 9-25
pin adapter to connect the dongle.
2.In the Download menu, select either the Download Logged Data option
or the Log Status option. Or, in the Tools menu, select the Write labels
option. The Select Model dialog is displayed (see Section 8.5).
3.Select the thermometer model to use. Then select the COM port to which
the I/R dongle is connected.
Note: In the COM port drop down list, ports with the symbolrep
resent built-in I/R ports and cannot be used!!
Opening a configuration file automatically on start-up
4.Next, check the Use I/R Dongle check box. When this box is checked,
the Baud Rate setting is ignored since the thermometers are fixed at
115,200 baud when using the I/R port.
5.To ensure the computer can communicate with the thermometer using
the I/R port, place the I/R window of the thermometer in close proximity
to the I/R dongle and make sure the path between the two is not ob
structed (see the thermometer’s User Guide for details on the proximity
requirements). Click the Test Communication button. If LogWa re suc
ceeds in communicating with the thermometer a success message is dis
played. Otherwise, a failure message is displayed. In case of failure,
check the following:
The dongle is connected to the selected COM port
The thermometer is powered up and operating
The dongle is in range of the I/R port on the thermometer
The path between the thermometer and dongle is not obstructed
Shut the thermometer’s power off, then back on again
When communication succeeds, click the OK button to proceed to the appropriate dialog.
2 How to...
2.2Opening a configuration file automatically on
LogWare was designed to be flexible with the thermometers that it can use and
the features it supports. However, most users of LogWar e will probably always
use the same thermometer, scale, communication settings, log interval and
channel and alarm settings to do all or most of their logging.
For this reason, LogWar e allows real-time log session settings to be saved to a
configuration file. Opening the configuration file restores the settings eliminat
ing the need to manually enter most of the information for a new log session.
Configuration files save the following information about a real-time log
Thermometer model, serial number and readings scale
Communications COM port and baud rate
Log interval and End Log settings
Channel trace color and filename
Alarm and statistics settings
The delayed start date and time information is not saved in the configuration
file. For more information on configuration files, please read Configuration
9934 LogWare
User’s Guide
In addition to allowing configuration files to be saved and opened, LogWa re
also allows one configuration file to be opened automatically every time
LogWare runs. This configuration file can be specified in one of two ways:
From the Defaults dialog (see Section 3.4.1)
From the Log Session Settings dialog (see Section 4.1)
Opening configuration file automatically using the Defaults dialog:
Select the Defaults option from the File menu (see Section 3.4.1).
Select the General tab.
Check the Show Log Session Settings dialog on start-up check box.
Check the Load default configuration file automatically check box.
Click the “…” (Browse) button to select the configuration file to open or
type the path and filename in the Default configuration file box.
Click the OK button to save the changes.
Note: The real-time log session settings must already be saved to a config-
uration file in order to accomplish these steps.
Opening configuration file automatically using the Log Session Settings
• Select the Setup option from the Datalog menu (see Section 4.1).
• Fill in all of the information on this dialog.
• Click the Alarm Settings button and fill in the desired alarm settings.
• Click the Set as Default button.
A prompt is displayed to save the settings to a configuration file. Enter the
filename for this configuration file (use a descriptive name).
A prompt is displayed to confirm setting this configuration as the default
configuration file. Click Yes.
Click the Close button to close the dialog.
Test this feature to make sure it works properly by closing LogWa re and run
ning it again. The Log Session Settings dialog should be displayed with all of
the configuration information filled in. If the configuration file is not being
loaded, check the Defaults dialog as explained above.
To disable opening the configuration file on start-up, uncheck the Load default
configuration file automatically check box on the Defaults dialog.
Starting a real-time log session unattended (delayed start)
2.3Starting a real-time log session unattended
(delayed start)
2 How to...
The main purpose of LogWare is to log data in real-time. Many times, the tech
nician is present when a log session starts. However, sometimes it is necessary
or desirable to start a real-time log session at off-hours when the technician is
LogWare has a feature called the Delayed Start which allows a real-time log
session to start at a predefined date and time. By default, a real-time log session
starts immediately when the Start button on the Log Session Settings dialog is
Setting the delayed start date and time for a real-time log session:
Select the Setup option from the Datalog menu to display the Log Session
Settings dialog (see Section 4.1).
Fill in the Thermometer settings and Communication settings informa
• Set the Log interval and choose the appropriate End Log settings.
• Click the Delayed Start button to display the Delayed Start Date/Time di-
• Choose the date and time that the real-time log session should start. The
start date and time are with respect to the computer’s clock settings. Make
sure the computer’s clock is accurate. Click the OK button to accept the
selected date and time.
Note: To cause the real-time log session to start immediately when click-
ing the Start button after having set a delayed start date and time, click the
Reset button.
Fill in the Channels information to complete the setup process.
Click the Start button on the Log Session Settings dialog.
LogWa re displays a message indicating the date and time the real-time log
session will start.
To cancel the delayed start, click the Cancel button at any time.
After a real-time log session ends, the delayed start time is reset so that the next
real-time log session will start immediately when the Start button on the Log
Session Settings dialog is clicked or when the Start option in the Datalog menu
is selected. To set a new delayed start time for the next real-time log session,
follow the steps above.
9934 LogWare
User’s Guide
2.4Stopping a real-time log session automatically
Note: Every effort has been made to make the real-time log session take
its first reading at the selected date and time. However, due to the large
variation in the speed at which different computers operate, the first read
ing may be one or more seconds later than the selected time (commonly
known as “latency”). To compensate for this, try a few tests to determine
the approximate latency in the computer being used and then adjust the
start time accordingly by reducing the start time by the difference between
the selected start time and the actual time of the first reading.
The main purpose of LogWare is to log data in real-time. Many times, the tech
nician is present when a log session needs to be stopped. However, sometimes
it is necessary or desirable to stop a real-time log session when the technician is
busy with another task, or at off-hours when the technician is out.
The End Log feature of LogWare provides three methods for stopping a
real-time log session:
• Manually, by the technician
• Automatically, after a specific number of readings
• Automatically, after a specific period of time
The first method, Manually, by the technician, is the default End Log setting.
Stopping the real-time session automatically:
• Select the Setup option from the Datalog menu to display the Log Session
Settings dialog (see Section 4.1).
Fill in the Thermometer settings and Communication settings informa
Set the Log interval.
If needed, select the appropriate delayed start date and time.
Using the End Log drop down list, select the method to use to stop the
real-time log session:
By user – Log session stops when the Stop option in the Datalog menu is
After specified # of readings – Log session stops automatically when number
of readings specified have been logged
After specified time – Log session stops automatically after the specified time
has elapsed
Specify the End Log criteria by selecting either the number of readings or
the elapsed time
Fill in the Channels information to complete the setup process.
2.5Downloading logged data from the memory of a
Downloading logged data from the memory of a
Click the Start button on the Log Session Settings dialog to start the
real-time log session.
2 How to...
Some thermometers that are supported by LogWare allow readings to be logged
to the memory of the thermometer. LogWa re provides a feature to download the
logged readings from the memory of the thermometer and save them to a text
file (or files) on the computer.
Currently, only the Model 1522 LLL Handheld Datalogger has this capability.
Downloading readings from the memory of a thermometer to a text file (or
files) on the computer:
Select Download Logged Data from the Download menu (see Section
• The Select Model dialog is displayed (see Section 8.5). Select the ther-
mometer model from which the readings are to be downloaded. Also, select the COM port to which the thermometer is connected and the baud
rate to use. If using the I/R port, check the Use I/R Dongle check box.
Note: The 1522 LLL Handheld Datalogger has an I/R port which can be
used to download readings. Using the I/R port requires an I/R dongle to
be connected to a COM port on the computer. For more information,
please read Section 2.1 Using an I/R dongle with LogWare.
Make sure LogWare can communicate with the thermometer by clicking
the Test Communication button.
Click the OK button when communication is successful.
The Download dialog is displayed. This dialog is specific to the options
and features of the selected thermometer model.
Select the appropriate download options and click the Download button to
download the readings.
Click the Close button to close the Download dialog when finished.
2.6Viewing remaining memory for logging data
Some thermometers that are supported by LogWare allow readings to be logged
to the memory of the thermometer. LogWa re provides a feature that indicates
how much of the thermometer’s memory is already used.
Currently, only the Model 1522 LLL Handheld Datalogger has this capability.
Viewing the status of the thermometer’s log(s):
9934 LogWare
User’s Guide
Select Log Status from the Download menu (see Section 5.2).
The Select Model dialog is displayed (see Section 8.5). Select the ther
mometer model from which the readings are to be downloaded. Also, se
lect the COM port to which the thermometer is connected and the baud
rate to use. If using the I/R port, check the Use I/R Dongle check box.
Note: The 1522 LLL Handheld Datalogger has an I/R port which can be
used to download readings. Using the I/R port requires an I/R dongle to
be connected to a COM port on the computer. For more information,
please read Section 2.1 Using an I/R dongle with LogWare.
Make sure LogWare can communicate with the thermometer by clicking
the Test Communication button.
Click the OK button when communication is successful.
The Log Status dialog is displayed indicating how much of the thermome
ter’s memory is already used. This dialog is specific to the features of the
selected thermometer model.
• Click the Close button to close the Log Status dialog when finished.
LogWare provides a feature which allows many of the thermometer and
INFO-CON/probe settings to be read in, viewed, modified and written back out
to the thermometer. These settings include:
Thermometer calibration and recalibration dates
Thermometer calibration constants
Probe serial number
Probe wires
Probe calibration and recalibration dates
Probe conversion type and calibration coefficients
Viewing, modifying and writing the new settings to the thermometer:
Select Thermometer Settings from the Tools menu (see Section 8.4).
The Select Model dialog is displayed (see Section 8.5). Select the ther
mometer model from which the settings are to be read in. Also, select the
COM port to which the thermometer is connected and the baud rate to
Make sure LogWare can communicate with the thermometer by clicking
the Test Communication button.
Click the OK button when communication is successful.
All thermometer and INFO-CON/probe settings are then read in and dis
played in the Thermometer Settings dialog.
2 How to...
Note: The controls for settings which do not apply to the selected ther
mometer are disabled.
Any of the settings can be modified at this time. All passcode protected
settings are indicated in RED. These settings can be modified freely but
will not be written back to the thermometer without the correct passcode
being entered when prompted.
To view or modify the INFO-CON/probe settings, select the appropriate
channel from the Channels list and click the Channel Settings button to
display the Channel Settings dialog.
• All thermometer and INFO-CON/probe settings can be saved to a configuration file by clicking the Save As button. To read in a configuration file
containing thermometer and INFO-CON/probe settings, click the Open
button. Thermometer configuration files have a .THM extension.
Note: Thermometer configuration files are specific to each thermometer
model. LogWare does not allow a thermometer configuration file for a
1502 to be opened when working with a 1521, etc. Therefore, when saving
thermometer configuration files, include the thermometer model number
in the filename so that the contents of the file are known.
To write any changes that have been made back out to the thermometer,
click the OK button. If any of the passcode protected settings were
changed, the Enter Passcode dialog is displayed (see Section 8.6). The
correct passcode MUST be entered in order for the new settings to be
properly written to the thermometer.
Note: LogWare cannot verify that the correct passcode was entered except
on the model 1522 LLL Handheld Datalogger. If an incorrect passcode
was entered, LogWare continues and attempts to write the new settings,
however the thermometer will not accept the new settings.
To close the Thermometer Settings dialog without writing the settings
back out to the thermometer, click the Cancel button.
9934 LogWare
User’s Guide
2.8Saving thermometer and/or INFO-CON/probe
settings to a configuration file
LogWare provides a feature which allows many of the INFO-CON/probe set
tings to be read in, viewed, modified and written back out to the thermometer.
These settings include:
Probe serial number
Probe wires
Probe calibration and recalibration dates
Probe conversion type and calibration coefficients
Viewing, modifying and writing the new settings to the thermometer:
Select INFO-CON/Probe Settings from the Tools menu (see Section 8.3).
The Select Model dialog is displayed (see Section 8.5). Select the ther
mometer model from which the settings are to be read in. Also, select the
COM port to which the thermometer is connected and the baud rate to
• Make sure LogWare can communicate with the thermometer by clicking
the Test Communication button.
• Click the OK button when communication is successful.
• All INFO-CON/probe settings are then read in and displayed in the Chan-
nel Settings dialog.
Note: The controls for settings which do not apply to the selected ther-
mometer are disabled.
Any of the settings can be modified at this time. All passcode protected
settings are indicated in RED. These settings can be modified freely but
will not be written back to the thermometer without the correct passcode
being entered when prompted.
All INFO-CON/probe settings can be saved to a channel configuration
file by clicking the Save As button. To read in a channel configuration file
containing INFO-CON/probe settings, click the Open button. Channel
configuration files have a .CHN extension.
Note: Channel configuration files are specific to each thermometer model.
LogWare does not allow a channel configuration file for a 1502 to be
opened when working with a 1521, etc. Therefore, when saving channel
configuration files, include the thermometer model number in the filename
so that the contents of the file are known.
Synchronizing the thermometer’s clock to the computer
To write any changes that have been made back out to the thermometer,
click the OK button. If any of the passcode protected settings were
changed, the Enter Passcode dialog is displayed (see Section 8.6). The
correct passcode MUST be entered in order for the new settings to be
properly written to the thermometer.
Note: LogWare cannot verify that the correct passcode was entered except
on the model 1522 LLL Handheld Datalogger. If an incorrect passcode
was entered, LogWare continues and attempts to write the new settings,
however the thermometer will not accept the new settings.
To close the Channel Settings dialog without writing the settings back out
to the thermometer, click the Cancel button.
2 How to...
2.9Synchronizing the thermometer’s clock to the
Most of the thermometers supported by LogWare have an internal clock.
LogWare provides a feature to synchronize the thermometer’s clock with the
clock on the computer.
Note: LogWare itself does not use the clock on the thermometer at all. All
dates and times associated with readings logged by LogWare use the current date and time according to the computer’s clock.
Before synchronizing the thermometer’s clock, make sure the computer’s clock
is accurate. Use the Windows® Control Panel to adjust the date and time as
Synchronizing the thermometer’s clock with the computer’s clock:
Select Synchronize Date/Time from the Tools menu.
The Select Model dialog is displayed (see Section 8.5). Select the appro
priate thermometer model. Also, select the COM port to which the ther
mometer is connected and the baud rate to use.
Make sure LogWare can communicate with the thermometer by clicking
the Test Communication button.
Click the OK button when communication is successful.
Note: If the date and/or time setting on the selected thermometer’s clock
is passcode protected, the Enter Passcode dialog is displayed (see Section
8.6). Enter the passcode and click the OK button to continue. If the
passcode is not known, click the Cancel button to abort setting the ther
mometer’s clock.
9934 LogWare
User’s Guide
2.10Importing logged data into a spreadsheet
LogWa re attempts to set the thermometer’s clock to match the clock on
the computer.
Note: LogWare cannot verify that the correct passcode was entered except
on the model 1522 LLL Handheld Datalogger. If an incorrect passcode
was entered, LogWare continues and attempts to write the new settings,
however the thermometer will not accept the new settings.
The data logged by LogWare is saved into ASCII text files referred to as output
files. These files can be opened and graphed by LogWar e by selecting the Open
Previously Logged Data File option from the View menu.
However, these files may also be imported into spreadsheet software such as
Microsoft® Excel for graphing or analysis.
Importing an output file into Excel:
Note: This example uses Microsoft® Excel 2002. These steps may not ap-
ply if using a different version of Excel or another spreadsheet software
• In Excel, select the Open option from the File menu to display the Open
• In the Files of type box at the bottom of the open dialog, select the Text
Files option.
Navigate to the folder where the output file is located. Select the output
file to open and click the Open button.
Importing logged data into a spreadsheet
The Text Import Wizard – Step 1 of 3 dialog appears, Figure 9.
Figure 9 Text Import Wizard – Step 1 of 3 dialog
2 How to...
• Make sure the Original data type option is set to Delimited. If the thermometer and probe information is not needed, set the Start import at row
option to row 8 or the first row containing the logged readings. Set the
File Origin option to Windows (ANSI) and click the Next > button.
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