Model 956A-201-S1
Universal Digital Ratemeter Simulator
March 2005
Manual No. 956A-201-S1-1 Rev. 1
©2003, 2005 Fluke Corporation, All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.
All product names are trademarks of their respective companies
Operators Manual

Fluke Biomedical
Radiation Management Services
6045 Cochran Road
Cleveland, Ohio 44139

Table of Contents
Section 1: General Information................................................................................... 1-1
1.1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 1-1
1.2 Equipment Overview.................................................................................... 1-1
1.3 Universal Digital Ratemeter Simulator 956A-201-S1 ................................... 1-1
1.4 Rack Chassis 948B-1-5 ............................................................................... 1-2
1.5 Action Pak S14283A101 .............................................................................. 1-2
1.6 Recommended Spare Parts......................................................................... 1-2
Section 2: Receiving Inspection and Storage ........................................................... 2-1
2.1 Receiving Inspection.................................................................................... 2-1
2.2 Storage ........................................................................................................ 2-1
Section 3: Installation.................................................................................................. 3-1
3.1 Installation.................................................................................................... 3-1
3.2 Start-up........................................................................................................ 3-2
3.3 Shutdown..................................................................................................... 3-2
Section 4: Operation.................................................................................................... 4-1
4.1 Operation ..................................................................................................... 4-1
Section 5: Maintenance and Calibration .................................................................... 5-1
5.1 Maintenance ................................................................................................ 5-1
5.2 Calibration – Simulator Display.................................................................... 5-1
Appendix A: Applicable Drawings and Bill of Materials ...............................................A-1
A.1 Drawings...................................................................................................... A-1
A.2 Bill of Material .............................................................................................. A-1
Appendix B: Modification Procedure and Data............................................................. B-1
B.1 Modification Procedure and Data................................................................. B-1
Appendix C: Test Procedure - Factory...........................................................................C-1
C.1 Test Procedure - Factory ............................................................................. C-1
Appendix D: Standard Manuals ......................................................................................D-1
D.1 Standard Manuals........................................................................................ D-1
Appendix E: Vendor Data................................................................................................ E-1
E.1 Vendor Data................................................................................................. E-1

General Information
Section 1
General Information
1.1 Introduction
The equipment described in this manual is designed for use at the Simulator Facility of Rochester Gas
and Electric’s Ginna Nuclear Power Station. The simulator equipment provided mimics the redundant
Control Room Air Intake Monitors identified as channels R45 and R46. These channels provide a
continuous display of gamma radiation dose rate in the intake duct. The displayed units are mR/h.
The equipment comprising the simulator channels is listed below:
• Model 956A-201-S1, Universal Digital Ratemeter Simulator
• Model 948B-1-5 Rack Chassis, dual bay
• Model S14283A101, Action Pak, 4010 series
The 956A-201-S1 and 948B-1-5 are designed by Fluke Biomedical, Radiation Management Services. The
S14283A101 is designed by Action Instruments.
1.2 Equipment Overview
This section is a brief overview of each piece of equipment utilized for each of the two simulator channels.
A description of the equipment is contained in the following paragraphs. For further information on
individual pieces of equipment, refer to the Standard Manual located in Appendix D.
1.3 Universal Digital Ratemeter Simulator 956A-201-S1
The model 956A-201-S1 is voltage or current driven device used to simulator the display and alarm
function of the 956A-201 Ratemeter. The display range is five decades over a range of 1.0E-2 to 1.0E5
mR/h. The R45 and R46 monitors operate over a range of 1.0E-2 to 1.0E3 mR/h. Standard features
include a floating decimal point display in mR/h, R/h or kR/h, a multicolor bargraph indicating channel
status and dose rate, front panel pushbuttons for alarm setpoint display, alarm acknowledgement, check
source and AC power. Unpower (dry) 5A relay contacts are provide for Fail, Warn and High radiation
alarms. A powered contact is provided by the Check Source relay. All relays except Check Source are
operated in the normally energized or “fail safe” mode.
The 956A-201-S1 is configured to operate with a 0-10 VDC input processed through the installed model
942-200-75 Analog Input Option circuit board. The 0 –10 VDC input voltage provides 255 steps over the
selected range.

Model 956A-201-S1
Operators Manual
1.4 Rack Chassis 948B-1-5
The 948B-1-5 Rack Chassis is a two channel, 19” width chassis provided with front and rear attachment
points for standard EIA mounting. The physical dimensions of the 948B-1-5 are provided in Appendix A.
1.5 Action Pak S14283A101
The S14283A101 is a factory configured signal converter/isolator powered by 120 VAC. The device
installs in a standard surface mount octal relay socket (provided) and converts a bipolar –10 to +10 VDC
input signal to a 0-10 VDC output. The S14283A101 is the interface between the Simulator’s computer
driven output and the 956A-201-S1 UDR Simulator input.
1.6 Recommended Spare Parts
Part Number Description Qty.
92-7027-1A Fuse, 2A, 3AG 5

Receiving Inspection and Storage
Receiving Inspection
Section 2
Receiving Inspection and Storage
2.1 Receiving Inspection
Upon receipt of the unit:
1. Inspect the carton(s) and contents for damage. If damage is evident, file a claim with the carrier
and notify Fluke Biomedical, Radiation Management Services at 440.248.9300.
2. Check that all items on the packing slip are present and in good condition. If any items are missing
or damaged, contact Fluke Biomedical at 440.248.9300.
2.2 Storage
Instruments storage must comply with Level B storage requirements as outlined in ANSI N45.2.2 (1972)
Section 6.1.2(.2). The storage area shall comply with ANSI N45.2.2 (1972) Section 6.2 Storage Area,
Paragraphs 6.2.1 through 6.2.5. Housekeeping shall conform to ANSI N45.2.3 (1972).
Level B components shall be stored within a fire resistant, tear resistant, weather tight enclosure, in a
well-ventilated building or equivalent.
Instruments storage must comply with the following:
1. Inspection and examination of items in storage must be in accordance with ANSI N45.2.2 (1972)
Section 6.4.1.
2. Requirements for proper storage must be documented and written procedures or instructions must
be established.
3. In the event of fire, post-fire evaluation must be in accordance with ANSI N45.2.2 (1972), Section
4. Removal of items from storage must be in accordance with ANSI N45.2.2 (1972), Sections 6.5 and