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Telephone: (408) 364-8300
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Email: info@flowpoint.com
Software License Agreement and Warranties
License Agreement
This product contains certain Software (computer programs, firmware and media) the use of which are subject to
this license agreement. If you do not agree with all the terms, you must return this product, all manuals and
documentation, and proof of payments, to the place you obtained them for a full refund within 30 days of first
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License and Term
FlowPoint and any applicable sublicensors grant to you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the
FlowPoint software programs and related documentation in this package (collectively referred to as the
“Software”) on one licensed router. If the FlowPoint product that you acquired is an upgrade, then the terms and
conditions of this agreement apply equally to the upgraded product. Any attempted sublicense, assignment,
rental, sale or other transfer of the Software or the rights or obligations of this Agreement without the prior
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terminate without notice to you if you fail to comply with its terms. This Agreement will be covered by the laws
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The Software and documentation are copyrighted. You may make copies of the Software only for backup and
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Software and the media on which it is stored and the associated documentation are retained by FlowPoint and/or
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U.S. Government End Users. The [Licensed Product] is a “commercial item,” as that term is defined at 48 C.F.R.
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FlowPoint or its distributors or resellers will repair or replace free of charge any defective recording medium on
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Software Limitations
FlowPoint does not warrant that the Software will be free from error or will meet your specific requirements.
You assume complete responsibility for decisions made or actions taken based on information obtained using the
Software. Any statements made concerning the utility of the Software are not to be construed as unexpressed or
implied warranties.
Post Warranty Services
Contact FlowPoint for information regarding post-warranty hardware and software services.
About This Book
The FlowPoint Router User’s Guide: Command Line Interface contains information on the syntax and
use of the Command Line Interface. It provides the steps and basic information needed to configure
the FlowPoint Router software, Release 2.0.4, and troubleshoot problems using the Command Line
Interface. Configuration of network connections, bridging, routing, and security features are
described. The book also provides more detailed information about the system’s bridging, routing,
addressing, and security operation.
This book is intended for small and home office users, remote office users, and other networking
professionals who are installing and maintaining bridged and routed networks.
How This Book is Organized
This user’s guide is intended to help you configure and manage the FlowPoint Router using the
Command Line Interface. The guide assumes that you have read the information about the FlowPoint
Router, installed the hardware using the Getting Started Guide, and reviewed the planning section in
that manual. The guide is divided into seven parts:
Describes the features of the Command Line Interface
·Advanced Topics
Contains additional information on topics such as interoperability, routing and bridging
operation, PAP/CHAP security negotiation, bandwidth management, protocol conformance,
and the file system.
·Planning for Router Configuration
Provides information unique to configuration using the Command Line Interface including
tables for collecting required information
·Configuring FlowPoint Router Software
Describes how to configure the FlowPoint Router using the Command Line Interface
·Command Line Interface Reference
Describes the syntax of each command and the results when the command is entered.
·Managing the Router
Describes SNMP management capabilities, TELNET support and how to upgrade the system
software, backup and restore configuration files, and recover FLASH memory
Describes problem symptoms and provides suggestions for locating the source of errors. A
list of time-stamped system messages is provided.
FlowPoint 100/128 User Guide, P/N 222-00165-01
Contains an overview of the FlowPoint 100 Router’s software and hardware features and details
on hardware installation and software configuration using the Windows-based Configuration
FlowPoint 200 Getting Started Guide, P/N 222-14000
Contains an overview of the FlowPoint 200 Router’s software and hardware features and details
on hardware installation and software configuration using the Windows-based Configuration
Typographic Conventions
The following figure summarizes the conventions used in this guide:
ItemType FaceExample
Words defined in glossary,
book titles, figure captions,
command reference
ItalicsRefer to Installing the Hardware
system name name
Keywords in command
Example: save isdn
reference instructions
Examples showing you
what to type and what is
Mono-spaced fontEnter the following command:
remote setMaxLine 2 rm1
displayed on the terminal.
File namesUpper caseCopy file CFGMGR.EXE
Manual Boot Mode130
Booting from the Network131
Other Manual Boot Options132
Software Kernel Upgrades133
Booting and Upgrading from the LAN133
Upgrading from the ISDN Line134
Backup and Restore Configuration Files135
FLASH Memory Recovery Procedures136
Chapter 6. Troubleshooting Software Problems137
Problems and Recommendations137
1. Login password is invalid137
2. IP routing problems137
3. ISDN problems138
4. Bridging problems140
5. IPX routing problems141
6. No dial tone141
7. Remote router won’t dial142
8. Cannot receive analog calls142
9. Funny dial tone142
10. Cannot access router via Telnet142
11. Cannot download software142
How to Obtain Technical Support143
System Messages144
Time-Stamped Messages145
ISDN Q.931 Cause Values150
History Log152
Appendix A. Network Information Worksheets153
Basic and advanced configuration of the FlowPoint Router 100 software, Release 2.0.4, can be
performed using two methods:
• The Command Line Interface (described in this document)
• The Microsoft® Windows™-based Configuration Manager (featuring an easy-to-use, point-and-
click GUI interface).
However, this document concerns itself solely with the Command Line Interface method and covers
the following basic configuration topics:
• Setting of names, passwords, telephone numbers, and link parameters
• Management of bandwidth
• Configuration of specific details within a protocol, such as IP or IPX addresses and IP protocol
• Activation of basic bridging and routing protocols
• Enabling of the Internet firewall filter with IP routing
The Command Line Interface also provides the following advanced features:
• Manage the router’s file system
• Set bridging filters
• Configure ISDN subaddressing
• Configure analog services
• Issue online status commands
• Monitor error messages
• Set RIP options
How to access the Command Line Interface
You can access the Command Line Interface from:
• A terminal session running under Windows
• The terminal window from the Configuration Manager
• An ASCII terminal
• A TELNET session (for remote access)
NOTE 1: To use the Command Line Interface, the PC or ASCII terminal is connected to the Console
port. This connection and the required communications settings are described in Step 1 under
Installing the FlowPoint Router in the Getting Started Guide.
NOTE 2: To access the terminal window from within the Configuration Manager, click on Tools and
Terminal Window. The menu selection Commands provides shortcuts to most of the commands
described in this manual. These shortcuts will substantially reduce the amount of typing.
1 Throughout this manual, the FlowPoint Router is also called the router.
Chapter 1. Advanced Topics
This chapter provides information on advanced topics useful to network administrators. Refer to the
appropriate FlowPoint Getting Started Guide for a general overview of the FlowPoint Router basic
The FlowPoint Router uses industry-wide standards to ensure compatibility with routers and
equipment from other vendors. To interoperate, the router supports standard protocols on the physical
level, data link level, frame type or encapsulation method and network level. For two systems to
communicate directly, they must use the same protocol at each level and negotiate options within the
The physical protocol level includes hardware and electrical signaling characteristics. This support is
provided by the FlowPoint Router Ethernet, ISDN BRI, and RS232 asynchronous modem hardware
interfaces (depending on the router model).
The data link protocol level defines the transmission of data packets between two systems over the
LAN or WAN physical link. The FlowPoint Router supports 802.3 Media Access Control layer for
CSMA/CD Ethernet and ISDN Q.921 LAPD for ISDN.
The frame type or encapsulation method defines a way to run multiple network-level protocols over a
single LAN or WAN link. The router supports synchronous Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) for WANs
and 802.2 for LANs.
The network protocol provides a way to route user data from source to destination over different LAN
and WAN links. Routing relies on routing address tables to determine the best path for each packet to
The routing tables can be seeded; i.e., addresses for remote destinations are placed in the table along
with path details and the associated costs (path latency).
The routing tables are also built dynamically; i.e., the location of remote stations, hosts and networks
are updated from broadcast packet information.
Routing helps to increase network capacity by localizing traffic on LAN segments. It also provides
security by isolating traffic on segmented LANs. Routing extends the reach of networks beyond the
limits of each LAN segment.
Numerous network protocols have evolved and within each protocol are associated protocols for
routing, error handling, network management, etc. The following chart displays the networking and
associated protocols supported by the router.
2 FlowPoint’s User’s Guide: Command Line Interface
Network ProtocolAssociated ProtocolDescription
Internet Protocol (IP)
Internet Packet
Exchange (IPX)
* Used only during a network boot
** IPX-RIP is a different protocol from IP-RIP and includes time delays
Routing Information
Protocol (RIP)
Address Resolution
Protocol (ARP)
Reverse Address
Resolution Protocol
Internetwork Control
Message Protocol
Simple Network
Management Protocol
Routing Information
Protocol (RIP)**
Service Advertising
Protocol (SAP)
Protocol used to maintain a map of the network
Maps IP addresses to datalink addresses
Maps data link addresses to IP addresses
Diagnostic and error reporting/recovery
Network Management
Protocol used to maintain a map of the network
Distributes information about service names and
Most of the router’s operation on each protocol level is transparent to you as a user. Some functions
are influenced by configuration parameters and these are described in greater detail in the following
Bridging connects two or more LANs together so that all devices share the same logical LAN segment
and network number. The MAC layer header contains source and destination addresses used to
transfer frames. An address table is dynamically built and updated with the location of devices when
the frames are received. Transparent bridging allows locally connected devices to send frames to all
devices as if they are local.
Bridging allows frames to be sent to all destinations regardless of the network protocols used. It
allows protocols that cannot be routed (such as NETBIOS) to be forwarded and allows optimizing
internetwork capacity by localizing traffic on LAN segments. A bridge extends the physical reach of
networks beyond the limits of each LAN segment. Bridging can increase network security with
The FlowPoint Router bridging support includes the IEEE 802.1D standard for LAN to LAN bridging
and the Spanning Tree Protocol for interoperability with other vendor’s bridge/routers. Bridging is
provided over PPP as well as adjacent LAN ports.
Most of the router’s bridging operation is transparent to you. Some functions are influenced by
configuration parameters and these are described in greater detail in the following sections.
Advanced Topics
Bridging and Routing Operation
The FlowPoint Router can operate as a bridge, as a router, or as both (sometimes called a brouter).
• The router will operate as a router for network protocols that are supported.
• The router will operate as a bridge for protocols that are not supported for routing.
• Routing takes precedence over bridging; i.e., when routing is active, the router uses the packet’s
protocol address information to route the packet.
• If the protocol is not supported, the router will use the MAC address information to forward the
Operation of the FlowPoint Router is influenced by routing and bridging controls and filters set during
router configuration as well as automatic spoofing and filtering performed by the router. For example,
general IP or IPX routing, and routing or bridging from specific remote routers are controls set during
the configuration process. Spoofing and filtering, which minimize the number of packets that flow
across the WAN, are performed automatically by the router. For example, RIP routing packets and
certain NetBEUI packets are spoofed even if only bridging is enabled.
Bridging and Routing Configuration Settings
The FlowPoint Router can be configured to perform general routing and bridging while allowing you
to set specific controls.
One remote router is designated the outbound default bridging destination. All outbound bridging
traffic, with an unknown destination, is sent to the default bridging destination. Bridging from
specific remote routers can be controlled by enabling/disabling bridging from individual remote
Routing is performed to all remote routers entered into the remote router database. All routing can be
enabled/disabled with a system-wide control.
The following charts describe the operational characteristics of the router, based on configuration
IP/IPX Routing ON Bridging To/From Remote Router OFF
Data Packets CarriedIP (TCP, UDP), IPX
Operational CharacteristicsBasic IP, IPX connectivity
Dial-Up Link ImpactIP, IPX data will initiate dial-up and maintain link. IP-RIP, IPX-RIP, SAP,
Watchdog and Serialization packets will not cause dial-up or a link to be
Typical UsageWhen only IP/IPX traffic is to be routed and all other traffic is to be ignored.
The most easily controlled configuration. For IP, used for Internet access.
4 FlowPoint’s User’s Guide: Command Line Interface
IP/IPX Routing ON Bridging To/From Remote Router ON
Data Packets CarriedIP/IPX routed; all other packets bridged
Operational CharacteristicsIP/IPX routing and allows other protocols, such as NetBEUI (that can’t be
routed), to be bridged.
Dial-Up Link Impact*All packets will initiate dial-up and link will be maintained except for IP-RIP
routing packets, ARP packets, IP-RIP, SAP, Watchdog and Serialization
packets, spanning tree and NetBEUI ‘keep alive’ broadcast packets.
Typical UsageWhen only IP/IPX traffic is to be routed but some non-routed protocol is
required. Used for client/server configurations.
* Dial-out only occurs to default bridge destination
IP/IPX Routing OFF Bridging To/From Remote Router ON
Data Packets CarriedAll packets bridged
Operational CharacteristicsAllows protocols, such as NetBEUI (that can’t be routed) to be bridged.
Dial-Up Link Impact *All packets will initiate dial-up and link will be maintained, except for IP-RIP
routing packets, ARP packets to the local subnetwork (including the target
system), IPX-RIP, SAP, Watchdog and Serialization packets, spanning tree
and NetBEUI ‘keep alive’ broadcast packets.
Typical UsagePeer-to-peer bridging and when the remote end supports only bridging.
* Dial-out only occurs to default bridge destination.
Advanced Topics
Point-To-Point Protocol (PPP)
PPP is an industry standard WAN protocol for transporting multi-protocol datagrams over point-topoint connections. PPP defines a set of protocols, such as security and network protocols, that can be
negotiated over the connection. PPP includes the following protocols:
• Link Control Protocol (LCP) to negotiate PPP; i.e., establish, configure and test the data-link
• Network Control Protocols (NCPs), such as:TCP/IP routing Internet Protocol Control Protocol (IPCP)IPX routing Control Protocol (IPXCP)Bridge Control Protocol (BNCP)
• Security Protocols including PAP and CHAP.
A more detailed description of the router’s implementation of some of these protocols follows. A list
of PPP protocol conformance is included in the section Protocol Conformance.
6 FlowPoint’s User’s Guide: Command Line Interface
PAP/CHAP Security Authentication
Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) and Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol under
PPP are supported by the FlowPoint Router.
PAP provides verification of passwords between routers using a 2-way handshake. One router (peer)
sends the system name and password to the other router. Then the other router (known as the
authenticator) checks the peer’s password against the configured remote router’s password and returns
CHAP is more secure than PAP as unencrypted passwords are not sent across the network. CHAP
uses a 3-way handshake. One router (known as the authenticator) challenges the other router (known
as the peer) by generating a random number and sending it along with the system name. The peer
then applies a one-way hash algorithm to the random number and returns this encrypted information
along with the system name. The authenticator then runs the same algorithm and compares the result
with the expected value. This authentication method depends upon a password or secret known only
to both ends.
Security Configuration Settings
The FlowPoint Router has one default system password used to access any remote router. This ‘system
authentication password’ is utilized by remote sites to authenticate the local site. The router also
allows you to assign a unique ‘system override password’ used only when dialing out to a specific
remote router for authentication by that remote site. Each remote router entered in the remote router
Advanced Topics
database has a password used when the remote site attempts to gain access to the local router. This
‘remote authentication password’ is utilized by the router to authenticate the remote site.
Each remote router entered in the remote router database also has a minimum security level, known as
the ‘remote authentication protocol’, that must be negotiated before the remote router gains access to
the local router. In addition, a system-wide control, ‘system authentication protocol’, is available for
overriding the minimum security level in the entire remote router database.
Authentication Process
The authentication process occurs regardless of whether a remote router has dialed in or the local
router is dialing out, and even if the remote end does not request authentication. It is a bi-directional
process, where each end can authenticate the other using the protocol of its choice (provided the other
end supports it).
During link negotiation (LCP), each side of the link negotiates what protocol is to be used for
authentication during the connection. If both the system and the remote router have PAP
authentication, then PAP authentication is negotiated. Otherwise, the FlowPoint Router always
requests CHAP authentication first; if refused, PAP will be negotiated. If the remote end does not
accept either PAP or CHAP, the link is dropped; i.e., the FlowPoint Router does not communicate
without a minimum security level. On the other hand, the router will accept any authentication
scheme required by the remote node, including no authentication at all.
The following diagram illustrates the bi-directional negotiation that occurs between router New York
and router Chicago.
During the authentication phase, each side of the link can request authentication using the method
they negotiated during LCP.
For CHAP, the router issues a CHAP challenge request to the remote side. The challenge includes the
system name and random number. The remote end, using a hash algorithm associated with CHAP,
transforms the name and number into a response value. When the remote end returns the challenge
response, the router can validate the response challenge value using the entry in the remote router
database. If the response is invalid, the call is disconnected. If the other end negotiated CHAP, the
remote end can, similarly, request authentication from the router. The router uses its system name and
secret to respond to CHAP challenge.
8 FlowPoint’s User’s Guide: Command Line Interface
For PAP, when a PAP login request is received from the remote end, the router checks the remote
router PAP security using the remote router database. If the remote router is not in the remote router
database or the remote router password is invalid, the call is disconnected. If the router and password
are valid, the router acknowledges the PAP login request.
If PAP was negotiated by the remote end for the remote-side authentication, the router will issue PAP
login requests only if it knows the identity of the remote end. The identity is known if the call was
initiated from the router or the remote end returned a successful CHAP challenge response. For
security reasons, the router will never identify itself using PAP without first knowing the identity of
the remote router.
If PAP was negotiated by the remote end for the local side of the authentication process and the
minimum security level is CHAP, as configured in the remote router database, the link is dropped for a
security violation.
Advanced Topics
Bandwidth-on-Demand enables bandwidth management of up to two ISDN
B-channels as the traffic load increases or decreases. This feature optimizes the use of dial-up WAN
resources ensuring that a channel is used only when needed and released as soon as it is no longer
The Multi-Link Protocol for PPP (MLP) is used to implement this feature. MLP allows two Bchannels to be bundled together to provide 128KB of data transmission capacity.
Bandwidth-on-Demand Configuration Settings
This feature is controlled by five configuration settings: Maximum and Minimum Links, Bandwidth
Threshold, Fallback Interval2 and Bandwidth Management Direction. These settings are defined for
each remote site.
When traffic is sent or received, one or two channels can be used for the data transmission. The
configuration setting, maximum links, determines whether a maximum of one or two B-channels are
available for remote transmission. Minimum links determines whether one B-channel is permanently
allocated for the remote site connection or a channel is only allocated when needed.
Initially a call is activated on one B-channel. When bandwidth utilization reaches the bandwidth
threshold, the second B-channel is activated (if maximum links has been set to 2). Both channels are
utilized until the bandwidth utilization drops below the threshold after a fallback interval. The
fallback interval, in seconds, ensures that channels are not disconnected if traffic drops off for a small
interval while overall traffic continues to be heavy.
When two channels are utilized and traffic decreases to the point that one channel can be released, the
first channel acquired is released. Releasing this channel rather than the more recently acquired
channel may result in some cost savings since the first interval of ISDN access time tends to be the
most costly.
The technique used to calculate bandwidth utilization is a sliding window or moving average. Traffic
volume is sampled once per second and a moving average is computed by assigning a weight of 20%
to the last sample and a weight of 80% to the last average. After five seconds, no dependency is left
on previous traffic. Using a moving average technique, the bandwidth utilization average does not
drop off or spike upwards steeply if traffic decreases or increases during a few second interval (bursty
traffic, for example). This ensures an efficient management of link resources.
Bandwidth management can be applied to incoming, outgoing or both directions of traffic between the
router and the remote site.
2 This configuration setting is fixed at five seconds.
10 FlowPoint’s User’s Guide: Command Line Interface
Protocol Conformance
Point-to-Point Protocol Standards
The implementation of PPP in the FlowPoint Router conforms to RFCs designed to address
performance, authentication, and multi-protocol encapsulation. The following RFCs are supported:
RFC 1661 PPP
Compression Control Protocol (CCP) Not yet an RFC, March 1994
For compression the STAC® Electronics Stacker LZS™ Compression Protocol is used in a manner
consistent with the February 1996 usage document.
IP Routing
IP routing support, conformant with RFC 791, provides the ability to process TCP/IP frames at the
network layer for routing. IP routing support includes the Routing Interface Protocol (RIP),
conformant with RFC 1058 (RIPv.1).
IPX Routing
IPX routing conforms to the Novell® NetWare™ IPX Router Development Guide, Version 1.10.
Advanced Topics
System Files
The router’s file system is a DOS-compatible file system. The following list describes the contents of
the file system:
•SYSTEM.CNFConfiguration files containing:
DOD Remote Router Database
SYS System Settings: name, message, authentication
method and passwords
ETH Ethernet LAN Configuration settings
POTS POTS Configuration data
•ISDN.DAT ISDN Settings files containing:
switch type
•FILTER.DATBridge filters
•KERNEL.FP1Router system software. (FP1 for the FlowPoint 100, FP5
for the FlowPoint 200)
•ETH.DEFThese two files are used by manufacturing to set default Ethernet address or
ISDN.DEF switch types.
• UK.FACFor POTS routers: used to confiured different ring codes
Any file contained within the system may be retrieved or replaced using the TFTP protocol.
Specifically, configuration files and the operating system upgrades can be updated. Only one copy for
the router software is allowed in the router’s FLASH memory. Refer to Chapter 5. Managing theRouter or the Getting Started Guide for details on software upgrades, booting router software, copying
configuration files and restoring router software to FLASH.
12 FlowPoint’s User’s Guide: Command Line Interface
Advanced Topics
Chapter 2. Planning for Router Configuration
Chapter 3 of the FlowPoint Getting Started Guide describes the configuration process and
terminology, and the information that you need to collect before configuring the router. This chapter
assumes that you have read the planning chapter in the Getting Started Guide, collected the network
information and drawn diagrams of your network. If you are configuring the router using the
Command Line Interface, planning is similar to the process described for the Configuration Manager
with very few exceptions.
The Command Line Interface has some additional features you may wish to use. Also, planning tables
(and worksheets) are included here but they refer to the commands used to configure the features
rather than the Configuration Manager menu selections.
Advanced Command Line Interface Features
Bridging Filtering
You can control the flow of packets across the router using bridging filtering. Bridging filtering lets
you ‘deny’ or ‘allow’ packets to cross the network based on position and hexadecimal content within
the packet. This enables you to restrict or forward messages with a specified address, protocol or data
content. Common uses are to prevent access to remote networks, control unauthorized access to the
local network and limit unnecessary traffic.
For example, it might be necessary to restrict remote access for specific users on the local network. In
this case, bridging filters are defined using the local MAC address for each user to be restricted. Each
bridging filter is specified as a ‘deny’ filter based on the MAC address and position of the address
within the packet. Deny filtering mode is then enabled to initiate bridge filtering. Every packet with
one of the MAC addresses would not be bridged across the router until the deny filtering mode was
Similarly, protocol filtering can be used to prevent a specific protocol from being bridged. In this case,
the protocol id field in a packet is used to deny or allow a packet. You can also restrict, for example,
the bridging of specific broadcast packets.
ISDN Subaddressing
ISDN subaddressing enables ISDN devices connected on an S/T interface to be addressed uniquely by
an address or identifier. Subaddressing information is passed between ISDN peers during call set-up
of ISDN connections and is used to target communications to a specific ISDN device (similar to a
Planning for Router Configuration
multi-point leased line capability). Subaddressing allows you to have one telephone number for the
ISDN equipment and provides an alternative to having a unique telephone number for each ISDN
device. Subaddressing can be used whether one or more devices are connected to an S/T interface.
ISDN Subaddressing Configuration Settings
ISDN subaddressing configuration involves setting a subaddress for the local router and/or
subaddresses for the remote routers. The subaddresses can be user-defined or network service access
points (NSAPs), a format defined by the international standard Q.931.
Each device on an S/T interface ‘sees’ the subaddress with the incoming transmission, but only the
addressed device processes the packet. If a subaddress has been defined for the FlowPoint Router, only
transmissions that have a correct subaddress will be accepted, and a subaddress must be sent. If
subaddressing is not defined and a transmission is received with a subaddress, the call is ignored.
Note that the FlowPoint Router will never clear a call if subaddressing is incorrect; the call will be
Unique System Passwords
As described in the section Security Configuration Settings in Chapter 1. Advanced Topics, you can
specify a unique system override password for a remote router. This ‘system override password’ is
used instead of the general system password only when dialing out to a specific remote router. This
allows you to set a unique CHAP or PAP authentication password for authentication of the local site by
the remote site only when the router dials out to that remote site. A common use would be to set a
password assigned to you by Internet Service Providers. Similarly, the system name of the local router
can be overridden when dialing out to a specific remote (system setoursysname).
Analog Services
The router’s analog services allow for attaching analog telephones, fax machines and/or modem
equipment to the POTS interfaces. This support lets you specify how phone numbers are associated
with the POTS interfaces, whether the POTS interfaces can be used for dialing as well as for
answering and whether voice calls have priority over data calls.
POTS Interfaces and Telephone Numbers
Your ISDN service provider has given you one or more telephone numbers that other locations or
persons can dial to access the router. When you have attached analog devices, you need to associate
these telephone numbers with the POTS interfaces so that an incoming voice call can be assigned to
the correct analog port.
16 FlowPoint’s User’s Guide: Command Line Interface
If you have a North American central office switch and have configured two SPIDS/DNs, the default
configuration is DN1 is associated with POTS interface 1 and DN2 is associated with POTS interface
Otherwise, the default configuration is an incoming call will ring on all available devices attached to
the POTS interfaces. An outgoing call will use any available B-channel.
You may wish to assign telephone numbers to distinct analog devices. You can configure these
numbers into the target router’s system settings and then associate a unique telephone number with
each POTS interface. You also have the option of assigning a telephone number to both POTS
Directory Phone Number 555-1111
Directory Phone Number 555-1112
Analog Service Mode
You can designate a POTS interface to answer incoming calls and /or for dialing out. The default
configuration sets both answer and dial mode for the two POTS interfaces.
Call Preemption
Call preemption allows you to give voice calls priority over data calls. Call preemption means a
voice call (depending on the configuration options) will cause a disconnect of a data call on an ISDN
B-channel. The default configuration is for both incoming and outgoing voice calls to preempt data.
You can specify that incoming and/or outgoing voice calls preempt data calls or that no preemption
occurs unless two data channels are in use to the same destination. A ‘no preemption’ configuration
ensures that a data connection is maintained on at least one channel.
In all cases, a voice call will preempt one data channel if two channels are in use to the same
destination. If preemption is designated for outbound calls and an outbound voice call is initiated
while two data channels are in use to different destinations, the router will randomly select a Bchannel to disconnect the data call. If preemption is designated for inbound calls and an inbound
voice call comes in while two data channels are in use to different destinations, the router will also
randomly select the line to preempt.
Call preemption does not occur on incoming calls unless a person picks up the phone or the analog
equipment answers the call.
An incoming voice call may not always be forwarded from the central office if two B-channels are
already in use for data calls. You must subscribe to a service called ‘Additional Call Offering’ for the
voice call to be forwarded to the router.
CallerID Security
CallerID is an additional security feature on data calls supported by the router. CallerID allows you to
verify phone numbers of the remote routers when calls come in to the local router. This feature is
Planning for Router Configuration
system-wide and you must configure the phone numbers from which a remote router can call. Any
calls from other numbers will be rejected. The allowable phone numbers must be obtained from the
remote locations or your network administrator.
Call Management
The router supports call management features that allow you to control ISDN line usage charges on
data calls.
Dial-Back lets you force the router to reject an incoming call from another router and dial that router
back. You can use this feature to cause ISDN phone charge billing to the local router. Dial-Back can
be enabled, disabled or enabled such that Dial-Backs occur only if called by the remote router first.
When Dial-Back is configured, the local router’s call delay timer setting must allow for disconnect and
dial back; the defaults (30 seconds for the U.S. and 90 seconds for Europe, Japan) or longer should be
acceptable and Caller ID must be enabled.
PPP CallBack
PPP CallBack is a negotiated feature between routers. The local router requests that the remote router
disconnect and call the local router back. If accepted, this feature results in ISDN phone charge
billing to the remote router. You must obtain from your network administrator or the remote location,
details on what the remote end needs for this feature. The router can send a phone number, a phone
number in E164 format, or a name. When CallBack is configured, the remote router’s call delay timer
setting must allow for disconnect and call back.
With PPP CallBack, two phone calls are actually placed; Dial-Back may be cheaper to use.
Data as Voice
The “Data as Voice” feature causes data calls to be sent as voice calls over the ISDN service in the
U.S. and may result in reduced line charges. You can configure a system-wide feature that allows you
to receive data calls as voice calls and you will not be able to use the POTS interface for incoming
voice calls. You can also cause data calls to be sent as voice calls to a specific remote router.
Warning: This feature must be used with care. Both ends of the connection must agree to configure
calls in this manner and the feature may not work depending on the central office service.
18 FlowPoint’s User’s Guide: Command Line Interface
Network Information Tables
The following tables list the items you need to define or obtain to configure the router. This
information was described and illustrated on network information diagrams in the Getting StartedGuide. The unique Command Line Interface features are highlighted in bold text. Worksheets are
provided in Appendix A so that you can enter details about your target router and remote routers. The
worksheets show the commands associated with setting the features.
IMPORTANT NOTE: To configure the targetrouter, you need to fill out one Target Router chart
for the target router and one Remote Router chart for each remote router to be entered into the remote
router database. If you are setting up both ends of the network, you will need a mirror image of the
information listed below for configuring the router on the other end of the ISDN link.
Router Name
Name used to identify this router; sent to other routers during
PAP/CHAP security authentication
ISDN Settings
Dial Authentication
Data as Voice
ISDN Line Numbers
(supplied by the
service provider, if
Type of telco switch
Subaddress (if used)
POTS Phone Numbers
Answer/Dial Mode
Message saved in the router to be read by a system administrator
Force PAP or CHAP authentication protocol
This router’s password used for authentication when the router
dials out to other routers or is challenged
Caller ID on or off
Receive Data as Voice Calls
SPIDs and Directory Numbers for one or two ISDN B-Channels
on this router