Flowmeter SVTU-11B Operating Manual

Water meter SVTU-11B
SMP.407251.010 РЭ
(Part 1)
September 2010
1. Operating manual SMP407251.010 OM part 1.
2. Operating manual SMP.407251.010 OM part 2. Verification methodology.
Table of contents
1 Preface ....................................................................................................................... 6
2 Assignment................................................................................................................. 6
3 Technical specifications ............................................................................................. 6
4 Package contents ...................................................................................................... 12
5 Meter’s structure and functioning ............................................................................. 15
6 Marking and sealing ................................................................................................. 18
7 Packing and marking ................................................................................................ 18
8 Safety precautions .................................................................................................... 19
9 Installation ................................................................................................................ 20
9.1 Unpacking and degreasing............................................................................. 20
9.2 Installation requirements ............................................................................... 20
9.3 Requirements to FS installation and arrangement .......................................... 21
9.4 Installation of meter componentry ................................................................. 22
10 Setting-up Procedures ............................................................................................... 32
11 The operating procedure ........................................................................................... 35
12 Servicing .................................................................................................................. 38
13 Typical faultinesses and methods of their elimination .............................................. 42
14 Storing ...................................................................................................................... 45
15 Transportation .......................................................................................................... 45
16 Guarantee of manufacturer ....................................................................................... 45
Appendix А Meter designation...................................................................................... 47
Appendix B Schematic circuits for meter installations .................................................. 48
Appendix C Overall and connecting dimensions of calculator ...................................... 49
Appendix D Menu of control of the meter .................................................................... 50
Appendix E Examples of reports, creating by “Sempal DM” software .......................... 58
Appendix F Schematic of device cable ......................................................................... 60
Appendix K The scheme of pressure sensor mounting .................................................. 63
Appendix L Overall and connecting dimensions for FS ............................................... 64
Appendix M How to set hydraulic zero ......................................................................... 67
Abbreviation list
OM – operating manual. FS – flow measurement section with ultrasonic flow sensors FlS. RТD – resistive temperature detector. RTD–T – platinum resistive temperature detector manufactured by SEMPAL Co. NSC RТD – nominal static characteristic of RТD. FlS – flow sensor. TS – temperature sensor. PT – pressure transducer. DN – nominal diameter. РN – nominal overpressure. PC – personal computer. RDU – data reader. Х – digit on the device display.
Information for customers
SVTU-11B water meters (hereinafter referred to as meters) are complex measuring de­vices, which should undergo the starting-up and adjustment works by qualified personnel during commissioning.
Manufacturer's guarantees (48 months since shipment) extend on the meters which were put into operation by the specialized enterprises having corresponding credentials from company-manufacturer. More detailed information is resulted in section 16 ‘Manufacturer’s Guarantee’.
A recalibration interval is no more than 4 years.
The Quality System of SEMPAL is certificated under ISO 9001:2000.
If you have any questions about purchase, maintenance, operation and service of me­ters, contact us or our authorized regional representatives.
“SEMPAL Co LТD” contacts:
3 Kulibina Street, Kyiv, 03062 Ukraine
Phone/fax: (+38044) 239-2197, (+38044) 239-2198.
1 Preface
This operating manual (hereinafter referred to as OM) contains the following informa­tion: the assignment, field of application, performance capability and completeness, a prin­ciple of operation and a design, the method of installation and commissioning, the method of operation and maintenance service of meters.
While meters are in exploitation, it is necessary to be strictly guided by present OM.
Constantly working at functional enhancement, improvement of performance capability and increase of meter reliability, manufacturing company SEMPAL Co LTD reserves the right to itself to change the meter design without claiming it in present OM.
2 Assignment
2.1 Water meters SVTU-11B are intended for measurement of the water volume and
Meters also measure the volume, mass, temperature and overpressure of the water or fluids with solid particles of no more than 200 µm and residue mass of no more than 500 mg/l (hereinafter referred to as a water).
2.2 Meters are applied for metering (including fiscal metering) of water volume accord-
ing to acting rules for the control of supply and consumption of water on industrial objects and objects of municipal services. Functional features of meters’ configurations are given in
3 Technical specifications
3.1 Water meters can have next configurations:
1 – 1-channel water meter;
3 – 2-channel water meter (two independent water meters);
3.2 Meters depending on their permissible error limits while measuring volume and
mass of the water are released in the following modifications: М1 and М2.
3.3 Meters of all modifications in accordance with environmental conditions meet class
С of EN 1434 1. The meters can work under the following conditions:
atmospheric pressure can vary from 84.0 up to 106.7 kPa;
relative air humidity is up to 95 %.
3.4 Meters meet the requirements of EN 1434.
3.5 The meter consists of the following functional units:
flow measurement sections with ultrasonic flow sensors (FS);
resistive temperature detectors (RТD);
SVTU-11B calculator.
Highest possible number of measurement channels depending on meter’s configuration is given in the table 3.1 Table 3.1 Channel
Number of channels
flow measurement channel
Temperature measurement channel
3 Pressure measurement channel
Distinctive functional features of meter configurations and basic functional units are represented in the table 3.2 (meters’ configurations in details are given in the appendix B). Table 3.2
Distinctive structural and functional features
1 3 1
Number of FS
1 2
2 Number of RТD
1 2
Additionally the meter can have one or two overpressure transducers (further under the text - pressure transducers or PT), which are used for transformation of the water overpres­sure in a proportional electric signal with current from 4 up to 20 mA.
Metrological performance of pressure transducers PT fits to the individual order.
3.6 Meters indicate the results of measurements in SI unit system.
3.7 Measured results are displayed on 2-sectional LCD.
The first section has 8-bit 7-segment indicator with special symbols. The measuring da­ta are always displayed in this section.
The second section has one row (on the top of the indicator) for displaying text infor­mation. This section is switched on only during operation with keyboard.
The calculator indicates the following quantities:
volume (mass) of the water, m3 (ton);
volumetric flow rate of the water, m3/h;
water temperature, С;
overpressure of the water, МPа;
work time and non-work time, hour;
current time (hours, minutes, seconds) and date.
3.8 The calculator provides storage of such archive data as measured values of volume
(mass) of the water, work time and non-work time and also average measured temperatures:
per hour - during 70 preceding days (hourly archive); per day - within 1 preceding year (daily archive). All stored information and measurable parameters can be read by standard interface
3.9 The number of display digits:
for volume (mass) of the water is 8;
for volumetric (mass) flow rate of the water is 5;
for water temperature is 5;
for overpressure of the water is 3;
for work time, non-work time, and current time is 7.
3.10 The minimum bit value of digital display while indicating:
volume (mass) of the water can vary from 10-7 up to 1 m3 (from 10-7 up to 1 ton);
volumetric (mass) flow rate of the water can vary from 0.001 up to 0.1 m3/h (from
0.001 up to 0.1 ton/h);
water temperature is 0.01 °C;
overpressure of the water is 0.01 МPа;
work time and non-work time can vary from 10-5 tо 1 hour;
current time is 1 sec.
3.11 Meters provide measurements of volume (mass) of the water in ranges of volume-
tric flow rates resulted in the table 3.3.
The table contains values of the lower limit of the flow rate (qi), permanent flow rate (qp) and the upper limit of the flow rate (qs).
Table 3.3
Flow measurement
section FS
Measurement range of the water, m3/hour
qp q
FS-20 0.05 5 6.5 FS-32 0.22 22 30 FS-50 0.7 70 90 FS-65 1.2 120 160 FS-80 1.8 180 230
FS-100 2.8 280 360
4.5 450 580
6.5 650 850
The lowest measurable volumetric flow rate is equal to 0.5·qi. If the flow rate is lower than qi flow rate measurement error is not standardized.
3.12 The temperature of the water can vary in a range from 0 up to 150 °С.
The measurement range of secondary (not for mass calculation) temperatures can vary from -49 °С to 150 °С.
Number of channels for temperature measurement can vary from 1 tо 3 in accordance with the order.
3.13 The maximal pressure measured by the meter is 4 МPа.
The range of the electric signals from pressure transducer varies from 4 up to 20 mA.
3.14 Meters have output signal for data communication by standard interface RS-232C.
3.15 Meters’ power supply is realized by built-in lithium battery of 3.6V. Battery life-
cycle is 5-6 years. Battery replacement can be done directly on-site without meter shutdown.
WARNING! Meter is delivered with switched off battery.
While delivering by air transport the battery should be switched off and removed from the meter.
3.16 Nominal diameters (DN), overall dimensions and weight of FS, аnd also length and
weight of RТD depending on their type are shown in tables 3.4, 3.5 and on Figure 3.1.
The notice
1 It is possible to increase the total length of FS due to the length of straight sec-
tions before and after places for installation of ultrasonic flow sensors.
2 DN is the designation of nominal bore, which numerical value is approximately
equal to internal diameter of attached pipe sections.
3.17 For configurations 1 and 3 in modification М1 water meter meets accuracy class 1,
in modification М2 water meter meets to accuracy class 2 in accordance with EN 1434.
Permissible error limits for configurations 1 and 3 while measuring water volume:
± (1+0.01qp/q ) % for accuracy class 1;
± (2+0.02 qp/q) % for accuracy class 2;
where q is measured flow rate value, m3/h.
3.18 Limits of permissible absolute error for water meters while measuring water tem-
perature are ±(0.2+0.002Θ) °С where Θ is numerical value of temperature.
3.19 Limits of pressure measurement error:
− ± 0.5 % when PT from meter’s set are used;
when customer's PT are used,
where δ
is permissible error limit of customer's PT.
Specific coefficients of PT curve are entered into calculator’s memory.
3.20 The calculator has two passive pulse outputs. Pulse outputs meet to class OD in ac-
cordance with EN 1434.
Maximum switched voltage should be no more than 10 V while switched current is no more than 10 mА.
Maximum pulse-repetition frequency is 100 Hz while pulse duration is 4 ms ± 0.5 ms.
3.21 Pulse settings (set by user) are from 1 to 9999999 pulse/unit. Where «unit» is unit of
measure for transformed physical quantity. The user can select from the following physical quantities: volume (pulse/m3), mass (pulse/ton).
3.22 Limits of absolute meter error while measuring the work time and non-work time
are ± 1 minute per 24 hours.
3.23 Measurement information about water volume, work time and non-work time is
stored in nonvolatile meter’s memory within 8 years with power off.
3.24 The maximal water overpressure inside flow measurement section is 1.6 МPа
(16 kgf/cm2).
3.25 Time for meter commissioning after battery installation is no more than 10 minutes
(battery is switched off in delivery set).
3.26 Protection class of calculator enclosure is IP 65.
3.27 Calculator mass is no more than 750 gram.
3.28 Calculator overall dimensions don’t exceed 170×110×35 mm, and with device con-
nector and wall mounting accessories – 250×110×60 mm (see Appendix С).
3.29 Nominal diameters (DN), overall dimensions, and FS weight, as well as length and
weight of RTD depending on their type are shown in tables 3.7, 3.8 and in figures 3.1, 9.9.
3.30 Mean error-free work time for meters is not less than 50 000 hours, for calculators –
100 000 hours.
3.31 Total average meter life cycle is not less than 12 years.
Table 3.4 Types, dimensions and weight of RTD-T
RTD types
Length in mm, no more than
Weight, kg,
no more than
L 4 58 86 0.06 2 80 108 0.08 3 150 178 0.1 5 310 346 0.25 6 360 396 0.3
The notice. Select the type depending on DN according to instructions mentioned in tables 9.2, 9.3
and in figures 9.8, 9.9, 9.10
Mounting dimensions for RTD of types 2, 3, 4 are given in Figure 3.1.
Figure 3.1
(1 pcs.)
for sealing
Screw with a hole
(screw location
is undefined)
Hexahedron s=17 mm
Plug УЗНЦ 05-7
Table 3.5 Overall and connecting dimensions, FS weight (for drawings see Appendix L)
Nominal di­ameter, mm
Nominal overall and connecting dimensions of FS,
Weight, kg, not
more than (no fasts)
H D d d1 For FS
For flanges
РУ-20 20
270 Pipe
. G1”
- - - 2.3 2.7*
РУ-32 32
180 M48x2
79 ∅32 - - - 1.8 2.6*
РУ-50 50
∅122 -
6 4.8 2.2
РУ-65 65
∅144 -
∅124 5.8 2.9
РУ-80 80
∅155 -
∅135 6.9 3.2
100 100 230
8 7.8 4.1
125 125 265
10.6 5.2
150 150 315
∅212 ∅13
20.0 7.7 *
Weight of straight sections with screws
** Nominal bores D are multiple of 1mm
4 Package contents
4.1 The meter package contents is represented in the table 4.1.
Table 4.1
Name and
reference designation
Marking Number Additional information
SVTU-11B, including:
SMP.407251.010 1 pcs.
Configuration and com­pleteness in accordance with the order (see items 1…8)
1 SVТU-11B Calculator
with battery
SMP.408843.012 1 pcs. While in delivery the bat-
tery is switched off
2 Flow measurement section
(FS) with screws for flow sen­sors fixing (no screws in com­plete set for FS-20 … FS-150)
Marking for FS-20 to FS -150 included – see Table 4.2
See ad­ditional
Number, configuration and dimension-type in accordance with the order (see Appendixes A and tables 4.2, 4.3)
3 Ultrasonic flow sensor
(FlS) with fluoroplastic seal ring (FlS for FS-20 aren’t deli­vered separately. Flow mea­surement section FS-20 is deli­vered together with FlS)
SMP.407151.009 (for FS-32…80);
SMP.407151.011-01 ( for FS-100);
See ad­ditional
Number of FlS for one FS is defined by number of places for their instal­lation in accordance with the order (see table 4.2)
4 Resistive temperature de-
tector RTD-T
SMP.405212.003 - 01 (02, 03)
See ad­ditional
Number and configura­tion (type) in accordance with the order
5 Overpressure sensors (PS)
See ad­ditional
Number, type and com­pleteness according to the order. Complete set can include elements indi­cated in Appendix K
6 Connection cable (device
SMP.685694.029 1 pcs. Number of communica-
tion lines and their length according to the order (see Appendixes A)
7 SVТU-11B. Water meter
Operating Manual
SМP.407251.010 РЭ 1 pcs.
8 Packaging (set)
SМP.323248.002 1 set
9 Modem
Type is selected in coor­dination with the custom­er
In coordination with the
customer while ordering the МDМ unit
10 Data Reader
Special order
11 Adapter module МС-1
Special order
Name and
reference designation
Marking Number Additional information
12 Protection enclosure
SMP.301538.006 Special order
13 SVTU-11B. Operating ma-
nual. Part 2 «Verification me­thodology»
SМP. 407251.010 РЭ2 1 pcs. Special order
14 Reserve belongings
SМP.305653.001 Completeness and num-
ber is ordered
1 FS is delivered with flanges and fasteners see table 4.3. 2 FS can be delivered with straight pipe sections (length is up to 25 internal diameters
of the pipeline). The specified sections can be welded to flanges if necessary. While or­dering straight pipe sections all necessary materials for installation (for example, elec­trodes for welding, paint, sealing materials, etc.) can be delivered additionally
3 Reserve belongings can include elements listed in the table 4.1, table 4.3, enclosure
of the SVТU-11B calculator, a board of the SVТU-11B calculator as it was ordered.
4 Data Reader can be delivered as a pocket PC, laptop or as a dedicated device RDU-
02. Model of pocket PC or laptop is selected by customer.
Designation and basic parameters of FS in complete set are indicated in the table 4.2. (For outline drawing of FS see Appendix L)
Table 4.2
DN, mm
Marking on FS Number of places
for flow sensors
Nominal bore Nominal
Single beam flow measurement section
FS -20
20 DN 20
PN 16
FS -20
FS -32
32 DN 32
FS -32
FS -50
DN 50
FS -50
FS -65
DN 65
FS -65
FS -80
DN 80
FS -80
FS -100
DN 100
FS -100
DN 125
FS -125
DN 150
FS -150
Another componentry included in delivery set in accordance with the obligatory or ad-
ditional order are listed in the table 4.3.
4.2 Meter’s configuration, FS type, connecting cables, number of communications
channels and their length are specified while ordering. The format of meter’s marking is giv­en in Appendix A.
Description of design features for FS and also drawings, mounting dimensions are re-
sulted in Appendix K.
Identification of FS standard size is provided by marking of nominal diameter DN on
FS body.
Thus numerical value in FS reference designation meets to a numerical value in a de-
signation of a nominal diameter DN (see table 4.2).
Marking “DN 32” put on the flow measurement section with reference designation
FS-32. Next element of marking “РN 16” means that this flow measurement section is in- tended for use in heat- or water-supply systems with overpressure 1.6 МPа (16 kgf/сm2);
Table 4.3 Componentry included in delivery set
# Name Marking Assignment Number
Set of delivery
Pipe nipple
Connection of FS
20 with
straight pipe section
2 pcs. for
1 FS
Pipe nipple
Connection of FS
32р with
straight pipe section
Sleeve nut
Mounting of FS
-20 +
Sleeve nut
Mounting of FS
-32 +
01, 013
013-05 (in accordance with DN of FS)
Mounting of FS
03 … 004
(in accordance with DN of FS)
Mounting of FS
-100 +
Gasket (paronite)
Sealing of flanges FS
2 pcs. for
1 FS
Gasket (paronite)
Sealing of flanges FS
-32 + 9
Gasket (paronite)
Sealing of flanges
RTD pocket
=58mm, type 4)
Protection of the RТD from
hydraulic impacts
1 pcs. for
RTD pocket
=80mm, type 2)
-01 + 12
RTD pocket
=150mm, type 3)
+ 13
Sealing ring (fluoropla
Sealing of RТD for types 2,
3, 4
Sealing ring (fluoropla
Sealing of RTD bush for
types 2, 3, 4
1 pcs. for
1 sleeve
Bush (for angle
Installation of RТD for types 2, 3, 4 without bush
1 pcs. for
Bush (for angle
+ 17
Bush (for angle
+ 18
Bush (for angle
Installation of RТD bush for types 2, 3, 4
1 pcs. for
1 sleeve
Bush (for angle
-01 + 20
Bush (for angle
-01 + 21
Connecting pipe (G 1/2" x
For installation of pressure
1 pcs. for
1 PS
Gasket (paronite or flu
For PS
+ 23
Gasket (paronite or flu
For threaded
+ 24
Gаsket SMP
Sealing of device
1 pcs. +
AB 1000WLV Set:
- crampon n/a Mounting of the Calculator
2 pcs.
+ -
2 pcs. + -
washer «star»
2 pcs. + -
screw М4 (hex)
2 pcs. +
Fixings: (thread diameter d and bolt length L fit to holes in flanges and total
26 -
screw М3x10
Mounting of device conne
pcs. +
27 -
3 4
pcs. +
Bolts А. (dxL).88.35.019
In acco
dance with
total number
of holes in FS flanges
(see table
Nuts А. (d). 9.35.019
5 Meter’s structure and functioning
5.1 The principle of flow measurement of water volume is ultrasonic time-of-flight. The
time for the sound to travel between a transmitter and a receiver is measured. The time dif­ference is proportional to the average fluid velocity and flow rate correspondingly. The inte­grated momentary flow rate values give the information about water volume which has passed through FS. The mass is calculated as a function of volume and density of the flow depending on its temperature.
5.2 Water temperature is measured by platinum resistive temperature detectors installed
in appropriate pipes.
5.3 Flow rate measuring process is continuous. Flow rate measurement is occurred a
few times per second and obtained data are stored. Reading of stored data is occurred 1 time per second to calculate the quantity of water.
Measurement cycle for temperature and pressure is one time in 10 sec. Every measurement cycle lasts for 1 sec and includes measurement of water parame-
ters, as well as self-diagnostics of the meter.
5.4 Water meters are delivered in following configurations (see Appendix B):
1 – 1-channel water meter;
3 – 2-channel water meter;
Schemes for sensors connection in different configurations are represented in Appen-
dix B.
5.5 Calculation and storage of average temperature values the meter carries out as
arithmetic mean for set period of time (hour or day).
5.6 The meter carries out flow measurement in the range from 0.5qi (q
) till qs
(see table 3.2).
For all types of FS measurement errors are provided in a range [qi (q
); qs], but in sub-
ranges [0.5.qi (q
); qi (q
)[ the mentioned measurement errors are not standardized, how-
ever device working capacity is kept, and water mass storing and calculation are carried out.
While measuring instantaneous flow rate values .q < 0.5 qi (q
) the device indicates
zero flow and mass storing m=q ρ isn’t carried out.
5.7 Measurement of water overpressure is carried out by calculator while measuring the
current of electric signal from the pressure transducer. Overpressure values Рop (MPa), measured and displayed by the calculator, and current Iin (mA) on an input of pressure mea­suring channel (on the calculator input) are connected by a following ratio:
where P1 and P2 are pressure values in two points of pressure transducer characteristic
(for example, minimal and maximum pressure);
and I2 are correspondingly currents on the PT outputs in the above specified
is value of measured current on the output of PT.
5.8 While measuring time parameters the meter carries out measurement of following
quantities: time of correct work (running or work time), time of incorrect work (time of er­rors), power on time, power off time (non-work or idle time), and also displays current date/time (taking into account daylight saving).
Time of correct work (running time Тrun or work time) – device operating time
(power on, no error messages). Time of correct work on 1-st and 2-nd channels is displayed on the water meter indicator in a mode «Indication of additional parameters» (see item
11.2.2, table 11.3 of this Manual, and also Appendix D).
Time of incorrect work (time of errors Terr) – device operating time (power on,
there are error messages). Тerr values are presented in printouts of stored data archives and error archives.
Power on time Тpower – total time when the device power supply voltage is on. It is
indicated on the meter display in a mode “Indication of additional parameters” and also is presented in a daily archive printout.
Power off time (idle time Тidle or non-work time) – total time when the device pow-
er supply voltage is off. It is displayed on the meter indicator in a mode « Indication of ad-
ditional parameters», and also included in daily report.
Current date/time – current time (taking into account daylight saving). It is indicated
on the meter display in a mode “Indication of additional parameters”. Automatic switch to daylight saving time mode can be on/off.
Measurement, indication and registration of above-listed parameters are carried out in
hours. In figure 5.1 the timing sheet is represented. It explains how time of correct work Тrun and time of non-working condition Тnw for accounting period Тacc are resulted. Dur­ing Тrun authentic measurement of all parameters was made, during Тnw there is no regis­tration of any parameter or there is no power supply voltage (battery disconnected).
Figure 5.1
5.9 To connect to external devices RS-232C is applied. RxD, TxD, DTR, RTS lines are
5.10 Meters have a few separate modules which connected between themselves. They
are calculator, temperature sensors, flow measurement section with ultrasonic flow sensors, pressure transducers.
5.10.1 The calculator housing has four control buttons, the digital display, slot for con-
necting cable.
Water meter control buttons are described in chapter 11 and Appendix D.
5.10.2 Meter’s digital display has two sections. The first one contains a 8-bit 7-
segment indicator and specific symbols. In this section the measuring data and units are dis­played. The second section is a row for displaying text information. It is arranged in the up­per part of indicator. This section is enabled if the user needs to see additional information and complete some kind of actions in device menu.
The basic working mode of the meter is displaying measuring data from main menu. At
this time the second section is switched off.
5.10.3 FS is a spool piece with flanges and bushes for mounting ultrasonic flow sen-
sors. FS sizes (linear and angular) have rigid tolerances to achieve required measuring accu­racy and stability in operation. Sizes are resulted in the table 4.2, and also in the Appendix L.
5.10.4 RТD are installed in pipelines in special thermometer pockets or bushes (in ac-
cordance with the order) on the flow and return pipes of heat exchange system.
5.10.5 The length of connecting cables is determined according to a lay-out of meter
components and can be within the limits:
from 2 to 10 m (max 30 m) for ultrasonic flow sensors,
from 2 to 10 m (max 30 m) for temperature sensors,
from 2 to 10 m (max 30 m) for pressure sensors,
from 2 to 30 m (max 50 m) for RS-232 interface.
Extending cable length up values in squares possible only by additional agreement.
6 Marking and sealing
6.1 Meter marking on the calculator contains the following data:
name and reference designation of water meters;
trade mark of the manufacturer;
accuracy class (meter’s modifications М1 or М2);
environmental class;
serial number;
date of manufacture (two last digits of a year, printed before serial number).
On the indicating device of water meters:
flow rate limit values.
On the flow measurement section:
nominal bore;
flow direction arrow;
maximum operating pressure.
Serial numbers of RТD and FS are put on their bodies.
6.2 FS marking contains nominal diameter DN and maximal operational overpressure
value РN.
6.3 Meter components are sealed up to prevent a non-authorized access to adjustment
of meter’s readings.
6.4 The calculator is sealed up by two mastic seals. Seals are put on fixing screws on
lateral covers. For mastic fixing sealing cups are provided under screw heads.
For realization of additional sealing by means of a lead seal, the screws with holes in heads on lateral covers are stipulated. On customer’s demand the replacement of these screws by additional sealing cups is possible.
Marking of connecting cables are put on labels located near corresponding connectors.
7 Packing and marking
7.1 Marking of transport container has specific instructions "CAUTIOUSLY FRA-
7.2 Meter components are packed into the boxes in accordance with drawings of manu-
In coordination with the customer FS delivery without transport container or in custom­er’s container is possible.
8 Safety precautions
8.1 Meter’s design meets to safety precautions in accordance with State Standard
GOST 12.2.003.
8.2 If meter runs together with equipment of 220V power supply, then safety require-
ments for work with electrical installations (voltage up to 1000V) should be considered.
9 Installation
9.1 Unpacking and degreasing
Unpacking and degreasing of meters are carried out after their being indoors within 2 hours, while ambient temperature varies from 10 up to 30 С and relative humidity is no more than 80 %.
To make unpacking, please follow the instructions:
open packing boxes;
take a package with the calculator and operational documentation;
check up completeness of meters in accordance with the order;
take meter components from packing boxes, make an external survey and be con-
vinced that there is no mechanical damages, coating infringements and isolation of connect­ing cables.
Battery installation into calculator should be done as follows:
unscrew four screws, which fix a cover of battery module;
connect a battery to a calculator board in accordance with the figure 12.1;
carefully put a battery into a module, battery cable should be located right inside a
close a cover of module and tighten it up by screws.
Wait for appearance of a notice “battery” on the indicator.
Set current time. Procedure to set time is described in Appendix D.
9.2 Installation requirements
9.2.1 Installation of meter components is carried out in accordance with chosen con-
figuration, necessity of application of the additional equipment, and also parameters of water consumption object.
Schematic circuits for meter installation depending on its configuration are given in Appendix B.
9.2.2 Climatic conditions in a room, where meter components are installed should be
as follows:
1) In a place for FS and RТD installation:
ambient temperature can vary from −40 °C up to +70 °C;
ambient humidity is up to 95 %, while temperature is 35 °С;
2) In a place for calculator installation:
ambient temperature can vary from 5 °C up to 55 C;
ambient humidity is up to 93 % while temperature is 25 °С.
Climatic conditions in a place for installation of the additional equipment should meet the conditions specified in the operational documentation for this equipment
9.2.3 Protection of places for FS and RTD installation from direct ingress of mois-
ture, dirt, oils and aggressive liquids should be provided.
The content of acid and alkali fume in air of premises, where meter components are in­stalled, should be within the limits of sanitary rules.
For outdoor FS installation it is recommended to provide protection (canopy) against direct ingress of atmospheric precipitates on ultrasonic flow sensors.
FS installation in places with possible short-term water flooding is allowed while ob­serving following protection measures for FS and entrance cables:
the lining of cables should be made in protective waterproof pipes, which are resis-
tant to influence of an environment (including the increased temperature);
area for connection of protective pipes to ultrasonic flow sensors or RTD should be
protected from water influence by means of tight clutch, profile sealants or other ways rec­ommended by the manufacturer of protective pipes
9.3 Requirements to FS installation and arrangement
FS should be installed into a pipeline.
FS installation place should be as much as possible moved away from sources of vibra­tions, jolting, electromagnetic interferences (electromotors, pumps, compressors, etc.). No electric voltage relative to a protective contour of grounding in the place, where FS should be installed
The distance between flow measurement section and an installation place for the calcu­lator should be minimal and not exceed 10 m. It is possible to increase the distance up to 30 m by agreement with the manufacturer.
In all cases it is necessary to provide full filling of flow measurement section with wa­ter otherwise meters stop functioning, and malfunction (see chapter 13 of OM) would be di­agnosed.
Flow measurement sections can be installed in vertical position, however submission of the water thus should be carried out in a direction bottom-top for providing FS with water filling.
Water meter operation in special conditions (incomplete filling of FS with the water or polluted water) determines its location as resulted in figure 9.1. In this case complete water filling of FS is guaranteed. The most polluted pipeline section appears in a place below FS
Drain valve
Figure 9.1
To remove water from the bottom part of the pipeline (see figure 9.1), it is possible to provide the drain valve.
Please follow the requirements resulted below while installing FS:
the pipeline section chosen for FS installation, should be located in horizontal plane
(a deviation from a horizontal within the limits of ± 20 °).
bushes for flow sensors are also arranged in horizontal plane with a deviation from a
horizontal line no more than ± 20 °.
Minimal straight pipe distances downstream of flow disturbances in accordance with specified meter accuracy should be not less than mentioned in the Table 9.1:
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