Flomec Oval Gear Operation Manual

Industrial Oval Gear Flowmeters with pulse output or electronic display
Operation Manual
Your flow-meter and any associated electronics are precision instruments,
General Information
This manual provides the necessary information for installation of your Oval Gear flowmeter; for information on any integral electronics or accessories fitted to your flowmeter please consult the relevant electronics or accessory manual. Your Oval Gear flowmeter should only be installed by persons familiar with local regulations, particularly those for workplace Health and Safety, or Hazardous Area regulations where relevant.
For best results, please make yourself familiar with the contents of all relevant product manuals prior to installation and commissioning. If further assistance is required please consult the distributor from whom you purchased your flowmeter.
to avoid unnecessary damage please treat them with care.
The WEEE Directive requires that this product be recycled when disposed of within the European Union
The crossed out wheelie bin symbol shown in this manual
signifies that this product should not be disposed of in general waste or landfill.
Please contact the local dealer or national distributor from
whom this product was purchased for information on recycling electronic equipment within your region.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Operating Principle .......................................................................................................5
1.2 Specifications ................................................................................................................6
2. Installation ................................................................................................................. 8
2.1 Mechanical Installation.................................................................................................8
2.1.1 Installation Orientation .................................................................................................8
2.1.2 Piping Construction .......................................................................................................9
2.1.3 Mechanical Support ......................................................................................................9
2.1.4 Filtration / Straining ....................................................................................................10
2.1.5 Pipe Connections .........................................................................................................10
2.2 Electrical Installation ..................................................................................................11
2.2.1 Wiring .........................................................................................................................11
2.2.2 Hall Effect Outputs ......................................................................................................11
2.2.3 Reed Switch Outputs ...................................................................................................12
2.2.4 Quadrature Pulse Outputs ..........................................................................................13
2.3 Making Electrical Connections ....................................................................................13
2.4 Wiring Diagrams .........................................................................................................14
2.4.1 Standard Pulse Output Board .....................................................................................14
2.4.2 Reed Only Pulse Output Board ....................................................................................16
2.4.3 Reed Only Outputs as Simple Apparatus.....................................................................17
2.4.4 Hall Only Output .........................................................................................................18
2.4.5 Quadrature Pulse Output ............................................................................................19
2.5 Meter Calibration Factor (K-Factor, Scale Factor)
2.6 Integral Instruments ...................................................................................................19
2.7 Installations in Hazardous Areas .................................................................................20
2.7.1 ATEX/IECEx Flameproof Flowmeters (Ex db) ...............................................................20
2.7.2 Conforming Standards ................................................................................................21
2.7.3 Temperature Limits for Flameproof Flowmeters ........................................................22
2.7.4 Special Conditions of Use ............................................................................................22
2.7.5 Earthing of Flameproof Flowmeters ...........................................................................23
2.7.6 Intrinsically Safe Flowmeters (EX i) .............................................................................24
2.8 Commissioning ............................................................................................................25
2.9 Fault Finding ...............................................................................................................26
2.10 Troubleshooting Guide ................................................................................................27
3. Maintenance and Repairs......................................................................................... 28
3.1 Parts Identification......................................................................................................29
3.2 Flowmeter Disassembly ..............................................................................................31
3.3 Flowmeter Inspection..................................................................................................31
3.4 Re-assembly of Flowmeter ..........................................................................................32
4. EC Declaration of Conformity ................................................................................... 33
Quick Start Guide
Users installing product in Hazardous Areas must read this entire manual
The ‘quick start’ instructions shown below are intended for users who are experienced in the use of flowmeters and who want to quickly set up their new meter with limited functionality, and start using their product right away. The ‘quick start’ instructions will allow the user to set up their meter without the risk of damage, allowing the use of the product while the complete instructions are read in detail at a later date.
before installing their product. Damage caused to meters by users who have only read the ‘Quick Start Guide’ will not be accepted as a justification for a warranty claim; if you are unsure, read the whole manual before installing your meter.

1. Introduction

The Oval gear meter is a precise positive displacement flowmeter incorporating a pair of oval geared rotors. These meters are capable of measuring the flow of a broad range of clean liquids.
Stainless Steel flowmeters are suited to most liquid products and chemicals; including many water based liquids, acids, bases and salt solutions, and Aluminium meters are suitable for fuels, oils & most non-aggressive lubricating liquids.
Oval Gear flowmeters are available as blind meters with a pulse signal output capable of interfacing to most monitoring and control instrumentation, or the meter can be fitted with instruments such as totalisers, rate totalisers or batch controllers. These instruments also have monitoring and control output options including 4-20mA, scaled pulse, flow-rate alarms and batch control logic (preset metering).

1.1 Operating Principle

Oval Gear flowmeters are positive displacement devices where the passage of liquid causes two oval geared rotors to rotate within a precision measuring chamber. Each rotation of the Oval rotors will transmit 4 identical volumes of liquid from the meter inlet to outlet (as shown in the diagram below); providing electronic pulses via magnetic sensors to a digital instrument.

1.2 Specifications

Model Prefix
Nominal Size
1/8” (4mm)
1/4” (6mm)
3/8” (8mm) 1
Flow range2 (USG/hr)
0.26 ~ 9.5
0.5 ~ 27
4 ~ 145
Flow range2 (L/hr)
1.0 ~ 36
2 ~ 100
15 ~ 550
Accuracy ( liquids ≥ 3cP)
± 1% of reading (± 0.2% with optional RT14)3
Repeatability (liquids ≥ 3cP)
Typically ± 0.03%
Temperature Range
-4oF ~ +250oF (-20oC ~ +120oC)4
Pressure Ratings – PSI (Bar) – threaded meters only
220 (15)
Stainless Steel
495 (34)
Intermediate Pressure SS
1450 (100)
High Pressure Models
5800 (400)
Nominal Output Pulse Resolution – Pulses/USG (Pulses/Litre)
Hall Effect
21200 (2800)
7950 (2100)
2690 (710)
Reed Switch
10600 (2800)
7950 (2100)
1345 (355)
High-Resolution Hall Option
42400 (11200)
15900 (4200) - Minimum Filtration
200 mesh (75 micron)
Model Prefix
Nominal Size
1/2" (15mm)
1” (25mm)
1.5” (40mm)
2” (50mm)
Flow range2 (USG/min)
0.26 ~ 10.6
2.6 ~ 40
4 ~ 66
8 ~ 120
Flow range2 (L/min)
1 ~ 40
10 ~ 150
15 ~ 250
30 ~ 450
Accuracy (liquids≥3cP)
± 0.5% of reading (± 0.2% with optional RT14)
Repeatability (liquids≥3cP)
Temperature Range
-4oF ~ +250oF (-20oC ~ +120oC)
Pressure Ratings – PSI (Bar) – threaded meters only
990 (68)
990 (68)
435 (30)
285 (20)
Intermediate Pressure
Stainless Steel
990 (68)
990 (68)
435 (30)
550 (38)
PPS (Ryton®)
73 (5) - -
Intermediate Pressure
Stainless Steel
High Pressure Stainless
Nominal Output Pulse Resolution – Pulses/USG (Pulses/Litre)
Hall Effect
636 (168)
405 (107)
212 (56)
99 (26)
Reed Switch
318 (84)
102 (27)
53 (14)
25 (6.5)
Quadrature Hall Option
636 (168)
204 (54)
106 (28)
49 (13)
Minimum Filtration
100 mesh (150 micron)

1.2.1 Small Capacity Models

1.2.2 Medium Capacity Models

Typically ± 0.03%
- 2000 (138) - -
1450 (100) 1450 (100) 725 (50) 725 (50)
5800 (400) 5800 (400) 5800 (400) 4350 (300)

1.2.3 Large Capacity Models

Model Prefix
Nominal Size
3” (80mm)
3” (80mm)
4” (100m)
4” (100mm)
Flow range2 (USG/min)
10 ~ 200
13 ~ 260
20 ~ 400
40 ~ 660
Flow range2 (L/min)
35 ~ 750
50 ~ 1000
75 ~ 1500
150 ~ 2500
Accuracy (liquids 3cP)
± 0.5% of reading (± 0.2% with optional RT14)3
Repeatability (liquids 3cP)
Typically ± 0.03%
Temperature Range
-4oF ~ +250oF (-20oC ~ +120oC)4
Pressure Ratings – PSI (Bar) – threaded meters only 5
175 (12)
175 (12)
145 (10)
145 (10)
Stainless Steel
175 (12) - -
Nominal Output Pulse Resolution – Pulses/USG (Pulses/Litre)
Hall Effect
40 (10.65)
22.7 (6.0)
16.6 (4.4)
8.5 (2.24)
Reed Switch
10 (2.65)
5.7 (1.5)
4.15 (1.1)
2.1 (0.56)
Quadrature Hall Option
20 (5.33)
11.4 (3.0)
8.3 (2.2)
4.24 (1.12)
Minimum Filtration
40 mesh (350 micron)6
Standard Pulse Output Board
Output Type
NPN Open Collector
Voltage Range
5 ~ 24V (dc)
Current Draw
20mA Maximum
Switching Current
10mA Maximum
Output Type
Contact Closure
24V (dc) Maximum
50mA Maximum
Long Switch Life
Reed Only Option (Intrinsically Safe Simple Apparatus)
24V (dc) Maximum
16mA Maximum
0.4W Maximum3
1. OM008H meter have a nominal port size of ¼” (6mm)
2. Maximum flow rate must be reduced with increased viscosity, maintain maximum pressure drop across the meter at below 14.5psi (1 Bar)
3. 0.2% accuracy achievable using RT14 with non-linearity correction and multi-point calibration.
4. Temperature range stated for standard pulse output meters; higher and lower temperature rating options are
available. Meters fitted with integral instruments will have a reduced maximum temperature. OM008 meters fitted with PPS rotors are limited to +176
5. Flanged meter pressure rating is in accordance with applicable flange standard, or with threaded meter rating, whichever is lower.
6. Filtration requirements are for soft particles only; hard particles of any size are not acceptable.
F (+80oC).

1.2.4 Electrical Specifications

Hall Effect Output
Reed Switch Output
Reed Switch Output
(per switch)
1. 30V (dc) maximum peak voltage allowed for non-hazardous (safe area) installations
2. Up to 200mA possible with internal current limit bypassed (not recommended, safe area only)
3. Up to 6W possible with internal current limit bypassed (not recommended, safe area only)
Maximums for
5V (dc) @ 10mA

2. Installation

Please note that all flow-meters are calibrated with either Castrol ISO4113
available from the manufacturer or via an internet search.
All flowmeters are inspected and calibrated prior to shipment, and are sent out in perfect condition. Should damage be present on receipt of the product please inspect the delivery packaging for visible mishandling and contact the parcel service / freight forwarder. Maintain any protective plugs/caps until installation.
or Exxsol D130 immediately prior to shipment, residual oil may be present; please take the appropriate precautions for health and safety. An MSDS is

2.1 Mechanical Installation

Before installing your flowmeter, it is recommended that you confirm the meter is suitable for your application conditions such as; fluid compatibility with meter materials, flow rate, pressure, and temperature. Fluid entering the meter must remain a liquid at all times; avoid solidification or gelling of the metered medium. If hydraulic shock or pressure surges of any kind are possible, the system upstream of the meter must be fitted with a surge suppressor or pressure relief valve to protect the meter from damage.

2.1.1 Installation Orientation

The flowmeter MUST be mounted with the rotor shafts in a horizontal plane. Failure to mount your Oval Gear flowmeter in the correct orientation (as shown in the diagrams below) will cause the weight of the rotors to bear down on the thrust bearings. The short term effects of incorrect mounting orientation will be a loss in accuracy, with long term effects ranging from reduced lifespan to fairly rapid catastrophic damage.
Liquid can flow in a horizontal direction, or a vertical direction, but in each case the rotor shafts must be in a horizontal plane. This is achieved by mounting the meter so that the terminal cover, or integral instrument display, is facing in a horizontal direction. For pulse output flowmeters the direction of flow is not important, as the output is non-directional.

2.1.2 Piping Construction

Isolation valve
Isolation valve
By-pass valve
It is preferred to install the flowmeter upstream of a flow control or shut-off valve, as the back pressure provided by the valve will be beneficial to system accuracy; do not operate a flowmeter directly discharging to atmosphere. Piping should be designed so that the flowmeter is full of liquid at all times; this is achieved by designing the inlet and outlet piping for the flowmeter to be lower than all surrounding piping.
For vertical installations the liquid should travel from bottom to top, i.e. it should rise vertically through the flowmeter. This will ensure that the flowmeter remains full of liquid and will stop air entrapment in the meter.
All piping surrounding your flowmeter should be well supported on secure footings, preferably at the point where the piping joins to the flowmeter; unsupported piping will cause severe pipe stress on the flowmeter.
The best piping designs provide a bypass line, as shown in the following diagram, which allows isolation of the flowmeter and strainer from the main process line. The benefits of installing a bypass line are that your system can be purged before start-up, and any maintenance on the flowmeter or strainer can be carried out quickly and economically without interrupting critical processes.

2.1.3 Mechanical Support

All flowmeters of nominal size 3” and 4” must have adequate mechanical support. Failure to adequately support the flowmeter and the connected piping may result in structural damage to the flowmeter housing. It is recommended that a solid structural support be provided at the first flange connection, on both sides of the flowmeter. If possible, the housing of the flowmeter can be directly supported, however piping should still be supported as close as possible to the flowmeter. It is never acceptable to support the flowmeter and use the housing of the flowmeter to support the weight of your piping.

2.1.4 Filtration / Straining

Flange bolts in Aluminium flanges should never be tightened to torque
It is recommended to fit the inlet side of your flowmeter directly to a strainer of appropriate pipe size and mesh size. The minimum mesh size as shown in the specifications section of this manual should be adhered to where ever possible. When metering medium or high viscosity fluids it may be necessary to use a strainer one pipe size larger than the flowmeter nominal size, in order to limit the pressure drop across the strainer basket and maintain strainer efficiency (i.e. a 1.5” strainer on a 1” meter).
In systems where there is potential for hard particles of any size, the filtration levels of the system should be improved so as to eliminate the flow of hard particles through the meter. While soft particles may pass through the rotating meter components without damage (if they are small enough) hard particles are abrasive and will always cause rotor and bearing damage regardless of size.

2.1.5 Pipe Connections

When installing a flowmeter, it is important that no upstream pipe join between the flowmeter and the strainer are sealed using PTFE sealing tape. Lose pieces of PTFE tape are common causes of failure in new meter installations due to the tendency to wrap around the rotating components inside the meter. It is recommended that the sealing of pipe joins should be done with a sealing paste or liquid (such as Loctite® 565 thread
sealant paste).
Flanged connections should be made using gaskets and bolting suitable for the metered liquid and the system pressure; flowmeters fitted with stainless steel flanges may be installed using metallic gaskets and high strength bolting if required. For meters fitted with Aluminium flanges it is only suitable to make pipe connections in accordance with the relevant flange standard requirements for cast iron flanges; gaskets according to ASME B16.5 Annex C gasket group 1a are recommended, and only low strength or intermediate strength bolting may be used. For all flanged pipe connections to flowmeters it is essential that flange faces are well aligned and closely fitting.
values greater than 110ft.lb (150Nm)

2.2 Electrical Installation

Two types of output are available from an Oval Gear flowmeter; NPN Hall Effect and Reed Switch (contact closure). Some meter configurations will have one of these outputs, some will have both; a flowmeter may be installed using any of the available outputs.

2.2.1 Wiring

All wiring of electrical outputs should use high quality instrument cable; twisted pair low capacitance shielded instrument cable (20AWG [0.5mm only high temperature cable where process temperatures exceed 185 drain or screen should be terminated on a DC common or a specifically assigned shield terminal at the readout instrument end only; in order to protect the signal from mutual inductive interference. The cable shield at the meter end of the cable must be isolated
with tape or similar, do not connect the cable shield to ground at the meter.
The cable should not be run in a common conduit, or parallel with, power cables or high inductive load carrying cables; as interference will affect the transmitted pulse signal. Run all instrument cables in their own separate conduit. Where instrument cables must cross high power cables be sure that the cables intersect at 90 degrees in order to limit induced interference.
Do not combine any inductive loads on the same voltage supply as your flowmeter wiring, as these components are commonly sources of high frequency interference that may affect the quality of the output signals. Inductive loads on a common voltage source also have the potential for voltage spikes well in excess of the 24V (dc) limit of the flowmeter electronics.
The maximum wire cross section that can be connected to the terminals of an Oval Gear pulse meter is 16AWG (1.5mm
] minimum) is recommended. Use
F (85oC). The cable

2.2.2 Hall Effect Outputs

The Hall Effect is a solid state 3 wire device which provides an open collector, NPN signal. The output of the Hall Effect must be fitted with a pull-up resistor between the signal output ( ) and the voltage supply. The Hall Effect output provides a square wave pulse signal, which alternates between ground potential and the DC voltage available at the pull­up resistor.
The NPN Hall Effect output is a reliable output type, producing a consistent output irrespective of supply voltage variations, temperature variations, or mechanical shock. The service life of the Hall Effect output is theoretically infinite, so long as it is protected from high energy voltage spikes. Hall Effect outputs are protected against reverse polarity, and against low energy voltage spikes; however, they are not protected against constant over­voltage above the maximum limit of 24V (dc) (±5%).
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