IR Camera, Optics and Software for
• Entry Level R&D
• Industrial Labs
• Education
• PCB and Circuit-Board Analysis
No one can afford costly product recalls and do-overs caused by inadequate temperature
measurement devices. So FLIR developed an innovative alternative that you can’t afford
to pass up.
Throw out the rat’s nest of thermocouples, the painstaking IR thermometer guns, and all the questionable results that go with them. Know exactly
where to measure, trust your ndings every time, and become far more productive with the FLIR Bench Top Test Thermal Kits.
Thermocouples are limited to a best guess of where the right measurement points might be and often create undesirable heat sinks that alter a
target’s thermal properties. A spot pyrometer isn’t very effective either. Like a thermocouple, it only measures one point at a time. Worse, it merely
senses the average temperature of an area, and the farther away from the object, the greater the discrepancy.
But with the thermal imaging camera in a FLIR Bench Top Test Thermal Kit, you can detect thousands of measurement points in
each thermal image and get reliable data in seconds. Together with the kit’s lens choices and advanced IR analysis software for use in Industrial and
R&D labs, FLIR now offers the most dependable thermal imaging solution to help paint the complete picture and get it right the rst time.
Thermal images making
the difference
Eliminat e risky guesswork with instant non-contact
readings that deliver up to 3 27,680 repeatable, accurate
temperature measurements in each thermogr aphic image.
Spot-on Detection
FLIR’s high accuracy of up to ±2% (or ± 2°C) of reading
with down to <0.030°C sensitivity lets you see the ne
thermal variations necessary for critical documentation.
Optics Options
View an entire printed cir cuit board from a distance
or zoom in to a 50 µm spot size wit h additional close
focus lens. (valid for T430sc model).
Portable & Easy-to-Operate
Compact at les s than 1 kg for E40 and T430sc, and less t han
300 gram for A35 and A6 5 models, t he camera takes up little
bench space and can be easily moved t o other test stations.
On-Camera Measurement Analysis
Spot and area measurement tools ar e built into the touchscreen
of both the T430 sc and E4 0 camera’s providing quick temperature
analysis on live thermal imagery or recorded snapshots.
Movie Recording & Data Logging
Stream to a PC via USB from an E40 or T430sc, or over Gigabit
Ether net from an A35, A65 to display, record, and further
analyse images. Chart time vs. temperature for spot and area
measurements with the kit’s real-time IR analysis software