FLIR T420 Specifications

FLIR T420 & T440
High Performance Infrared Camera with On-board Visual Camera, Touch Screen, Wi-Fi Connectivity, & Interchangeable Lens, plus MSX® Image Enhancement & Auto Orientation
Superior Thermal Imaging – Sharp thermal resolution at 76,800 pixels for solid accuracy from farther away.
MSX® Enhancement – Multi-Spectral Dynamic Imaging adds visible spectrum definition to IR images in real time for excellent thermal detail to help you instantly recognize the problem locations.
Advanced Optics – The widest array of lens options to fit the view and spot size you need for your application.
Compass – Adds camera pointing direction to every image for additional location documentation.
Wi-Fi Connectivity – Send images and data to smart phones and tablets (ie. iPhone®, iPad®, iPod touch®, or Android™) to share images and critical information quickly using FLIR Tools Mobile app.
Accurate Temperature Measurements – Accuracy calibrated within +/– 2°C or +/– 2% of reading.
Temperature Range – measuring up to 1202°F (650°C) when targeting high temperature electrical and mechanical equipment (T440 model).
Scalable P-i-P – Overlay thermal images onto visible light photos as an alternative reference.
METERLiNK® – Wirelessly transmit vital diagnostic data from clamp and moisture meters directly to the camera for annotating thermal images to further support findings.
Annotation – Add voice comments via Bluetooth headset and text notes from the touchscreen keypad; New! T440 has image sketch feature to add circles and pointers on IR/Visual stored images.
Auto Orientation – Automatically orients onscreen temperature measurement data whether in portrait or landscape view.
Includes – SD Memory Card, 100-260V AC adaptor/charger, two Li-Ion rechargeable batteries, 2-bay battery charger, power supply (with multi-plugs), FLIR Tools software, USB cable, video cable, sun shield, Bluetooth® headset, lens cap, neckstrap, and hard case.
Built -in 3.1MP Digi tal Camera, LED
Lamp, La ser Po int er, Fine Focus
Adjus t, and Auto f ocus & Image
Capt ure But ton. 120° Rotat ing Lens w ith 8X Cont inuo us Zoom
Wireless METERLiNK
Communication via Bluetoot h
Wi-Fi Connectivity
Original IR Image on t he Lef t and wit h MSX™ Enhancement on th e Righ t image
Auto Orientation
Keeps On-Screen
Data Upright
Util it y Mark et — Ut ili ties worl dwi de use infr ared came ras t o loca te pr oblems or t o det ect h ot spots a nd ot her pr oblems befo re they tu rn into costl y fai lures and pr oduction down tim e or dangero us ele ctr ical fires.
Elec tri cal/Me chani cal — Scan br eake rs, bus duct s, motor s, belt s, and o ther indus tr ial co mponents for a no n-cont act view of overheating equipment.
Imaging Specifications
Temperature range -4°F to 1202°F (-20°C to 650°C) -4°F to 2192°F (-20°C to 1200°C)
Zoom 4X Continuous 8X Continuous
LCD Image Sketch Draw on stor ed images right on touchscr een
Multi-Spectral Dynamic Imaging (MSX) IR image with enhanced detail present ation IR image with enhanced detail present ation
Measurement Presets 7 presets: center spot; ho t spot (box max); cold
Profile Measurement Analysis Shows a li ve graph of t emperatures acr oss a
Frame rate 60Hz
Field of view/minimum focus dis tance/FOV Match 25° x 19° / 1.31ft (0.4m) / Field of View Match where Digital Image FOV adapt s to t he IR lens
Focus Manual/Automatic
Thermal sensit ivit y (N.E.T.D) <0.045°C at 30°C
Detect or type - F ocal p lane array (FPA) uncoo led mi crobolometer 320 x 240 pixels
Spectral range 7.5 to 13µm
Compass Adds camera pointing direc tion to each image
Display Built -in touch-s creen 3.5" color LCD
Image modes Thermal/Visual/P-i-P (Resizable and movable)/MSX and Thumbnail Gallery
Image storage 1000 radiomet ric JPEG images (SD card memory)
Image annotation Voice (60 sec); text comments, Sketch, image markers on IR
Periodic image storage 7 seconds to 24 hours (IR) and 14 seconds t o 24 hours(IR and visual)
Lens 25° (optional 6°, 15°, 45°, 90°, Close up 100µm, 50µm lenses available)
Video lamp Brigh t LED lamp
Laser pointer classification/type Class 2/Semiconduc tor AlGalnP Diode Laser: 1mW/635nm (red)
Set-up controls Mode selector, color palett es, configur e info to be shown in image, local adapt ation of units,
Measurement modes 5 Spot met ers, 5 Box areas, Iso therm, Auto hot/cold spot, Delta T
Measurement correction Reflec ted ambient temper ature & emissivi ty corr ection
Video recording in-camera and video streaming Non-radiometric IR-video recording (MPEG-4 to memory card), Radiometric IR-video streaming
Instant Report Creat e a Thermographic Inspection repor t dir ectly in the camera
Batter y type/operating time Li-lon/ >4 hours, Display shows bat tery status
Charging system In camera AC adapter/2 bay charging system
Shock/Vibration 25G, IEC 60068-2-29 / 2G, IEC 60068-2-6
Dimensions/Weight 4.2x7.9x4.9" (106x201x125mm)/1.94lbs (0.88kg), including battery
2-5-10 Warranty When the camera is registered wit hin 60 days: 2 years on Parts/Labor for the Camer a;
Ordering Information
6210 3 -1101 ....................................... FLIR T420 Thermal Imaging InfraRed Camera (320x240)
6210 3 -13 0 1 ....................................... FLIR T440 Thermal Imaging Inf raRed Camera (320x240)
1196398 ............................................Li-Ion Rechargeable Battery
1910 4 9 0 ........................................... Cigarette Lighter Adapter Kit, 12VDC (1.2m cable)
T1976 5 0 ............................................ 2-Bay Batter y Charger including Power Supply (mul ti plugs)
T198495 ............................................ Camera Pouch Case
T198583 ............................................ FLIR Tools+ (Scr atchcard) 2 Users
33 0 0149 ........................................... ITC Level I Cer tificat ion Training per a tt endee
FLIR T4 20 FLIR T4 40
spot (box min); 3 spots; hot spot - spot (box max + spot + delta); hot spot - t emperature (box max + ref temp + delta); no measurement s
language, date and time formats, and image gallery
(Full dynamic to PC using USB or Wi-Fi), and Non-radiomet ric IR-video s treaming (MPEG-4 using Wi-Fi and uncompressed colorized video using USB)
5 years of Coverage on Ba tteries; 10 years of Protection on the IR Det ector
6 presets: center spot; ho t spot (box max); cold spot (box min); no measurement s; user preset 1; user preset 2
line profile on the image
10-Year Detec tor
5-Year Batter y
2-Year Part s & Labor
FLIR Systems, Inc. PH: +1 866.477.3687
Equipment d escr ibed here in may r equi re US Go ver nmen t aut horization f or ex por t pur pose s. Div ersion contr ary t o US law is pro hibi ted. Imager y used for illus tr ation pur pose s only. Speci ficat ions are su bjec t to ch ange w ith out notice. ©2014 FLIR Sy st ems, Inc. All ri ght s res erv ed. 3242 (Rev. 02/14)
Corporate Headquarters
FLIR Systems, Inc. PH: +1 866.477.3687
FLIR Systems, Ltd. PH: +1 80 0.613.0507
FLIR Systems Brasil Av. Antonio Bardella PH: +55 15 3238 8070 NASDAQ: FLIR