The power of t hermal cameras i n all-weat her enclosures
The best ther mal securit y cameras in the busi ness
FLIR’s powerfu l SR-Ser ies ther mal securi ty cameras comp liment and com plete y our securi ty camera net work. They turn night into day,
allowing yo u to see intr uders invisible to the na ked eye.
• Creates video images from heat, n ight and day, in good we ather and bad
• Available lenses: 19mm (36° F
OV), 35mm (20° FOV), 50mm (14° FOV) & 100mm (7° FOV)
• Digital Detail Enhance ment (DDE) for op timal image quali ty
• NTSC composit e video- output is co mpatible with all thi rd-party accessori es
• Exter nal V ideo-Anal ytics co mpatible
• Pelco D, RS-232 & RS-422 capability on c ertain models
• Network ready – fully-c ompatible with th ird-part y video encod ers
• Monitorin g dimly lit or unlit entri es and exit s
• Indoor and outdoor pa
rking lot s and struct ures
• Warehouses, waterfronts, larg e open areas
• Residential propertie s and gated communit ies
• Anywhe re you need to see a t night
SR-19 SR-35 SR-50 SR-100
Thermal secu rity came ras let you see t hreats you never knew wer e there – day and ni ght, in good wea ther and bad
Thermal se es heat
Thermal secu rity came ras make pictu res from heat en ergy that is inv isible to the naked eye. Every thing in the color image below is giving
off heat – e ven the ice cubes she is holding in he r left hand, and the circle s he traced on t he wall with her right.
See day and nigh t
energy pa sses throug h many obscur ants including smoke, dust , modest f oliage and light f og. The thermal camera can see this
person cle arly thr ough the fog, but t he standar d visible light color camer a cannot.
You won’t believe wh at you haven’ t been seei ng
Today’s Security Prof essional must detect and counter the thr eats array ed against their valuable assets and person nel – thermal securit y
cameras ar e the most ef fective tool f or
that job. Pro viding max imum image contrast, ther mal cameras are the tec hnology of choi ce for
military s ecurity forces, made a ffordable for toda y’s civilian security commun ity by FLIR.
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