FLIR Si124 Specifications

Industrial Acoustic Imaging Camera
FLIR Si124
The FLIR Si124 is an easy-to-use, stand-alone system for locating pressurized leaks in compressed-air systems. This lightweight, one-handed solution is designed to help maintenance, manufacturing, and engineering professionals identify leaks up to 10 times faster than with traditional methods. Built with 124 microphones, the Si124 produces a precise acoustic image that visually displays ultrasonic information, even in loud industrial environments. The acoustic image is transposed in real time on top of a digital camera picture, which allows the user to accurately pinpoint the source of the sound. Equipped with the FLIR Acoustic Camera Viewer cloud service, this smart tool automatically saves images to the cloud after they’re captured. Users can then access stored les and separate sound sources for deeper analysis and classication of problems. Through a regular maintenance routine, the FLIR Si124 can help facilities save money on utility bills and delay the expense
of installing new compressors.
Detect compressed air leaks up to 10 times faster with sound imaging vs. traditional methods
• Quickly locate leaks and automatically upload, analyze, and classify problems to improve the reliability in production lines
• Locate leaks precisely, even in loud industrial environments, thanks to high-resolution acoustic images and 124 built-in microphones
• Instantly view the leak rate onscreen in real time (l/min or CFM)
ww w.
Minimize excess costs that result from compressed-air leaks
• Delay the expense of installing new or additional compressors by maintaining existing ones
• Ensure proper air pressure to pneumatic equipment to save on energy costs
• Quantif y leak size to understand how much energy was lost and the amount of money saved by discovering the problem
• Optimize staff time, as minimal training is required to use Si124
Classif y problem severity instantly with this convenient, smart tool
• Validate problems in real time
• Upload, store, and backup data; create reports; and conduct deep analysis using F LIR Acoustic Camera Viewer cloud analytics
• Operate the lightweight camera with one hand, and easily review images on-screen even in bright, outdoor conditions
Acoustic specications
Acoustic measurement 124 low-n oise MEMS micro phones, re al-time sound v isualization
Sensitivity, accuracy <0 dB
Dynamic range >120 d B
Bandwidth 2 kHz to 3 1 kHz, adjust able range
Distance From 0 .3 m (1.0 f t) up to 100 m (328 f t)
Leak r ate In ty pical indust rial environm ent:
User interface
Display Size: 5 in, 8 00 × 480
Input device Resistive touchscreen
Power On indicator Red LE D
Video i mage resolut ion 1640 × 1234
Video f rame rate 25 fps
Acous tic image fr ame rate 30 fps
Zoom 2x digital zoom
Communication and data s torage
Wirele ss data tra nsfer Wi-F i 2.4 GHz and 5 GH z IEEE 802.11.b/g/n /ac wireless L AN
Storage, internal 32 GB SD card, n on-remov able
Storage, external 8 GB USB ma ss storage, p rovided wi th device
Power supply
Nominal input volt age 12 V
External bat tery Li FePO 12 V 7 Ah, 84 W h
Batter y charger Input : 100-240 V ~ 50/60 Hz 1.5 A
Inter nal batte ry (only for camer a backup use)
• >0.0 32 l/min @ 3 bar f rom 3 m (9.8 ft)
• >0.0 5 l/min @ 3 bar fro m 10 m (32 .8 ft)
Abso lute minimum det ection in quie t environmen t: 0.016 l/min @ 1.2 ba r from 0.3 m (1.0 ft)
Color : 24 bit RGB Brigh tness: 100 0 cd/m2 (adjust able)
Max inp ut: 15 V 2 A
Usage : 7 h (depends on amb ient conditions) Charg e time: 4 to 6 h
Max ou tput: 13.8 V, 4.0 A
Li-Ion 6 Wh
Operating and storage
Reco mmended -10°C to 5 0°C (14°F to 122° F)
temperature range
Operating and storage
Reco mmended 0 to 9 0%
Physical data
Camer a size 27 3 × 170 × 125 mm (10.7 × 6.7 × 4.9 in)
Camera weight C amera: 98 0 g (2.2 lb)
Bat tery size 90 × 145 × 6 5 mm (3.5 × 5.7 × 2.6 in)
Batter y weight 9 85 g (2.2 lb)
Total weigh t, incl. all
2.9 kg (6. 4 lb)
Bat tery cord l ength 0.9 m (3 .0 ft), ext ended 2 m (6.6 f t)
Specications are subject to change wit hout notice. For the most up-to -date specs, go to ww w.
FLIR Systems, Inc. 27700 SW Parkway Ave. Wilsonville, OR 97070 USA PH: +1 866. 477.3687
FLIR Systems Brasil Av. Antonio Bardella, 320 Sorocaba, SP 180 85 -852 Brasil PH: +55 15 32 38 8070
FLIR Systems, Inc. 9 Townsend West Nashua, NH 030 63 USA PH: +1 866. 477.3687
FLIR Systems, Ltd. 3430 South Service Road, Suite 10 3 Burlington, ON L7N 3J5 Canada PH: +1 800.613.0507
Equipme nt described herein is subject to US ex port regulat ions and may re quire a license prior to export. Diversi on contrary to US law is p rohibited . Imager y for illustration purp oses only. Sp ecic ations are subject to change w ithout not ice. ©20 20 FLIR S ystems, Inc . All rights reserved. Rev. 02/20