FLIR Scout Quick Start Manual

Q uick Sta r t Guide
Power Butt on – The Scout has 3 power modes: On, Off, and Standby.
On – Press the Power button to turn the Scout on. Startup takes
appr oximately 90 seconds, during which there is a fast-fl ashing red LED on
the eyepiece display.
Standby - After the camera is on, pressing the Power but ton again will
put the camera in St andby mode, during which there is a slow-fl ashing red LED on
the eyepiece display.
and hol
d the power but ton for approximately 8 seconds to turn Scout off;
a shutdown timer will be shown on the display.
Capture Butt on* – Capture still images by pressing and releasing the Capture
but ton. Capture video clips by pressing and holding t he Capture butt on. Images and video
are saved to the SD card.
Display Brightness – Adjusts the brightness of the Scout’s eyepiece display.
White/Black Hot /Instalert
– In White Hot mode, hot ter items appear as white or
light grey. In the Black Hot mode, hot ter it ems appear as black or dark grey. In the Instalert
mode, t he hottest objec ts and/or surfaces are highlighted RED wi th varying intensi ty via
four user-selectable levels.
2× Zoom* – When enabled, causes the image to zoom to 2×.
Diopter Contr ols – The diopt er adjustment k nob allows a ±2 diopt er range.
This do cument is c ontr olled t o FLIR Technolog y Leve l EAR 1. The info rmat ion cont ained in th is docu ment is pro prie tar y and/or restr icted and pert ains to a dual use pro duct con trol led for exp ort by the Ex por t Adm inist ration Reg ulat ions (E AR). This docu ment a nd d ata dis ­closed he rein or he rewi th is not t o be repr oduc ed, used, or dis closed in w hole or in pa rt to an yone wi thou t the wr itt en per mission o f FLIR Systems, Inc. Di ver sion co ntr ary to US law is pr ohibi ted. US De par tment of Co mmer ce au thor izat ion is not r equi red p rior to e xpo rt or tran sfer t o for eign pe rson s, part ies, or u ses ot her wise pr ohib ited.
* – Enabled on Pro Models only
Eyepiec e
Lens Cap
Display Brightness
White Hot/ Black Hot / Inst alert
2× Zoom Image/Video
Inst alling the Batt eries and SD Card
The batteries must be inst alled and char ged before using your camera. Install your SD card.
Alwa ys con sult fe dera l, state and l ocal la ws ass ociat ed wi th fi shing, hunt ing and sh ooting sp ort s prio r to the us e of a the rmal o r infr ared view er/camera t o ensur e full c omplianc e wi th ap prop riat e reg ulat ions go verning spor tsm an us e. St ate a nd loc al la ws var y by s ta te and can c hange on reg ular b asis. I t is t he us er/purchas er’s r espon sibilit y t o us e the prod uct in con for mit y wi th sta te la ws a nd re gulations in the s tat e wher e opera ted.
1. Remove the small SD card cover by pinching the tabs towards the center of the camera and lifting the cover off. No tools are required.
2. Install the SD card.
3. Loosen the four captive scr ews securing the battery cover.
4. Remove the battery cover by grasping its front edge, which was exposed by removing the SD card cover.
5. Install the batt eries as shown.
6. Re-install the battery cover, tighten the screws, and sn
ap the SD card cover fi rmly
into place to ensure it is down and sealed.
Grasp SD card cover e dges and pull
Bat tery cover
1. Connect the Hot Shoe to your camera, by aligning the screw with threads, and pins with pads; tight en with the thumb wheel.
2. Ensure that the plug is fully seated in the Hot Shoe.
When charging correctly, the charging indicat or will glow yellow and blink green for one second within about 35 seconds.
The charging indicat or will continue to blink at decreasing intervals until the batteries are fully charged. When fully charged, the charging indicat
or wil
l glow steady green.
The initial charge time is approximately 4 hours.
Char ging the Camera
The batteries in the camera must be fully charged prior to their fi rst use.
Power adapter plug
Char ging indicator
Stead y green