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Publication Identication No.: iR3-en-1
Release Version: AA
Release Date: October 2018
Language: en-JR_MS
intelliRock technical support: Visit or call (866) 276-8369, 9am - 5pm, EST
Table of Contents
Table of Contents 3
intelliRock® III Solution Overview 5
What’s new in intelliRock III 8
intelliRock Applications 8
Maturity 8
intelliRock Reader Setup 14
Starting an intelliRock Logger 14
Reviewing Logger Data 14
Downloading Logger Data to the Reader 15
Transferring Data from a Reader to the intelliRock
Cloud 15
Using the Thermal Camera 15
Using the intelliRock III Reader 16
intelliRock III Reader Setup 16
Setting the Time and Date 17
Choosing Language Support 18
Establishing Bluetooth Connectivity 18
Reader Battery Life 19
Starting and Using Loggers 20
Starting an intelliRock Logger 20
Resetting a Logger 24
Reviewing Logger Data 24
Downloading Logger Data to the Reader 26
Entering Logger Data Notes 27
Viewing Graphs of Logger Data 28
Using the Thermal Camera 30
intelliRock III PC Software 33
Installing the intelliRock PC software 33
Connecting the intelliRock III Reader to the PC
Connecting via Micro USB 34
Connecting via Bluetooth 35
Click on bold section to jump to that page.
Transferring Logger Data to the PC 35
Transferring Calibrations to the Reader 36
Configuring 900 MHz Radio Connectivity for Remote Boxes 37
Using the intelliRock III Cloud Software 41
Logging in to The intelliRock Cloud 41
Administering and Managing Users 42
Creating or Managing Projects in the Cloud 43
Reviewing Project Data 45
Synchronizing Graph Data Based on Logger
Start Time 46
Setting Alerts 47
Viewing and Editing Alerts 48
Sharing Report Data 50
Calibrations 50
Viewing and Managing Existing Calibrations
Entering New Calibrations 52
Managing Cloud Settings and Remote Boxes
Viewing Thermal Images 54
Accessing the intelliRock Cloud from a Smartphone 55
Using the intelliRock Wireless Remote 57
Connecting Loggers to the Wireless Remote Box
Changing the Wireless Remote Box Name 58
Locating the Wireless Remote Box on the Site
Activating the Wireless Remote Box 60
Setting the Automatic Data Transfer Interval
Using 900 MHz Radio Connectivity for Remote
Boxes 60
Manually “Pushing” Data to the Cloud 61
Wireless Remote Box Battery Life 61
Placing Loggers in a Structure 62
Troubleshooting and Support 63
Warranty 64
Appendix 65
intelliRock® III– Operating Instructions Guide
intelliRock technical support: Visit or call (866) 276-8369, 9am - 5pm, EST
intelliRock® III Solution Overview
The intelliRock® III is the leading solution for concrete maturity and temperature profiling. The
system was first launched in 2000 and is now in its third generation of release. The intelliRock
III system is easier to use and has expanded capabilities compared to previous intelliRock generations. The system takes the guesswork out of concrete decision-making, allowing users to
report and review concrete data from anywhere using the intelliRock cloud software.
This guide provides operating instructions for the intelliRock III system, which consists of these
major components:
1. The intelliRock Reader: a handheld device for starting/stopping loggers, viewing numeric and graphical concrete data in the field, and transferring collected logger data to the
intelliRock PC software.
Figure 1.1: The intelliRock III Reader
intelliRock® III– Operating Instructions Guide
2. Loggers: self-contained sensors that house a precision temperature measurement
system, microprocessor, memory, and a battery. Loggers are placed in concrete structures as they are poured and once a logger is started, it collects data about concrete
temperature or maturity for up to 180 days. There are two types of intelliRock III loggers:
temperature only, or maturity and temperature.
Figure 1.2: An intelliRock III Maturity Logger.
3. The intelliRock Cloud Software: a cloud-based repository of concrete temperature and
strength data, accessible from anywhere via mobile devices. The intelliRock Cloud allows users to securely store, display and share data from individual loggers, as well as
mix data and calibration curves. Using the cloud, users can generate graphic reports at
various levels of detail to aid concrete decision-making.
Figure 1.3: The intelliRock III Cloud Software home screen.
4. The intelliRock 8-Channel Wireless Remote: this optional accessory is a rugged, remote
connectivity device that supports connection of up to eight loggers. It transmits logger
data through either a 4G LTE cellular connection to the intelliRock cloud software, or via
a 900 MHz radio to a PC running the intelliRock PC software, where it is then uploaded
to the cloud. 900 MHz radio connectivity requires the optional base station.
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Note: European users will have 3G wireless connectivity, with 4G planned in the future.
900 MHz connectivity is not available in the European market.
Figure 1.4: The intelliRock III Wireless Remote.
5. The intelliRock PC Uploader software: Microsoft Windows software used for transferring
logger data from the hand-held reader to a PC, and then from the PC to the intelliRock
Cloud Software. The PC software is also used to configure 900 MHz radio connectivity
to the intelliRock wireless remote device.
Figure 1.5: intelliRock PC Software home screen
intelliRock® III– Operating Instructions Guide
What’s new in intelliRock III
Users that are familiar with previous generations of intelliRock will find many new features and
functions in intelliRock III:
• Logger standardization. The system uses two types of loggers. Maturity loggers that
support either the Nurse-Saul or Arrhenius methods, and temperature-only loggers.
Both types will log data at one-minute intervals for up to 180 days. Available logger cable
lengths are 4, 8, 15, 30, 50, or 100 feet.
• PSI data. When maturity loggers are in use and a mix’s calibration curve has been uploaded to the reader, the intelliRock III system will now display strength in either PSI or
MPa in addition to the temperature and maturity.
• Cloud software. The new intelliRock cloud software serves as the central repository for
concrete data collected from loggers for all jobs. Instead of transferring data from intelliRock readers through a PC and creating a .CSV file, the data now goes into the cloud
which provides enhanced reporting and visualization capabilities.
• Enhanced graphs. Graphs on the reader have improved view options, range selection
that allow you to view temperature and strength data overlayed. Slider controls in the
cloud software ensure that differentials are accurate when comparing data from multiple loggers, and max/min indicators.
• Full keyboard. The intelliRock III reader now features a full, alphabetic keyboard that
speeds up data entry.
• Reader display. The system now features a color screen with better resolution than the
intelliRock II system.
• Bluetooth support. A Bluetooth connection is now supported for transferring data between the reader and a PC.
• Remote cellular connectivity. The intelliRock wireless remote now supports automatic
transfer of logger data to the cloud via 4G LTE cellular connectivity in the U.S. or 3G in
some international locations. The wireless remote can optionally support 900 MHz radio
• PC Uploader Software. In addition to facilitating data transfer from the reader to the
PC, the Uploader now allows calibration curve data to be downloaded into the reader for
instant strength conversions.
• Micro-USB charging port. The reader now includes a micro-USB port that serves as the
PC interface and charges the battery.
• Thermal camera. A thermal camera is built-in to the intelliRock reader to enable capturing of thermal images of concrete structures to visually detect temperature differences.
intelliRock Applications
The intelliRock III system has two applications in concrete construction: estimation of in-place
concrete strength using the maturity method, or in-place concrete temperature profiling.
The intelliRock III system estimates in-place concrete strength using the maturity method as
defined by the ASTM C1074 standard. The standard describes two methods for calculating
concrete maturity:
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• The Nurse-Saul method which assumes that concrete strength development is a linear
function of hydration temperature.
• The Arrhenius method, which assumes that an exponential relationship exists between
compressive strength and hydration temperature.
The intelliRock III system supports both maturity methods. The project engineer should make
the decision about which method to use.
Temperature Profiling
Documenting the temperature profiles and gradients of in-place concrete is another application of the intelliRock III system. The thermal data captured by intelliRock temperature loggers
is uninterruptible and unalterable, providing proof of the thermal integrity of a placement. Concrete temperature profiling with intelliRock is ideal for cold-weather pours, mass pours, curing
tanks, and moist rooms.
intelliRock Reader Overview
Figure 1.6 identifies key aspects of the intelliRock III reader.
Figure 1.6: Key aspects of the intelliRock III reader.
intelliRock® III– Operating Instructions Guide
The reader connects to a PC for logger data transfer and battery recharging using the microUSB port on the bottom of the reader, shown in Figure 1.7.
Figure 1.7: The micro-USB port location on the bottom of the intelliRock reader.
To connect a logger to the intelliRock III reader, use the terminals located on the top of the
reader, as shown in Figure 1.8.
Figure 1.8: The terminals for connecting a logger to the intelliRock reader.
Refer to the “Starting and Using Loggers” section of this guide for instructions on connecting,
starting and using intelliRock loggers.
IntelliRock Logger Overview
The intelliRock III system uses maturity and temperature loggers as shown in Figure 1.9.
Figure 1.9: An intelliRock III logger.
Available cable lengths for both types of loggers are 4, 8, 15, 30, 50, or 100 feet.
intelliRock technical support: Visit or call (866) 276-8369, 9am - 5pm, EST
Under the direction of the project engineer, loggers are secured in place within a structure
before it is poured. They are arranged so that the resin-encased sensor is within the concrete
placement and the logger wires are exposed, outside of the placement where they are accessible for connecting to the intelliRock III reader or wireless remote. A subsequent section of this
guide provides best practices for securing loggers within a structure.
Decoding Logger Part Numbers
The logger part number distinguishes one type of logger from another. While loggers for the
intelliRock III system are now standardized to log at one-minute intervals for up to 180 days, the
part number format for loggers remains consistent from previous generation intelliRock systems. Figure 1.10 shows how to interpret logger part numbers.
Figure 1.10: Interpreting intelliRock logger part number formats.
Logger Types
The part number prefix for maturity loggers is MAT. Two maturity methods are supported by
the intelliRock III system: the Nurse-Saul and Arrhenius method. Always consult with the project engineer to determine which method to use. The method is selectable using the reader
during logger startup, which a later section of this guide will cover.
The part number prefix for temperature loggers is TPL. Temperature loggers will record data
and display readings in °C or °F as specified during logger setup.
Both types of loggers provide assurance of data integrity. After 60 minutes, intelliRock loggers
will record data in uninterruptible mode, and in a format that is unalterable.
intelliRock® III– Operating Instructions Guide
Reviewing Logger Data
Use the intelliRock III reader to review individual logger data in the field. An easier way to review
logger data is through the intelliRock cloud software. Logger data is uploaded to the cloud by
• Transferring logger data from the reader to the PC software, where it will automatically
upload to the intelliRock cloud software.
• Alternatively, if loggers are connected to the optional intelliRock wireless remote using
cellular connectivity, logger data will automatically upload to the cloud.
The sections of this guide, “Using the intelliRock III Reader”, “Using the intelliRock Cloud Software”, and “Using the intelliRock Wireless Remote” provide further detail on transferring and
reviewing logger data.
Cloud Software Overview
New for the intelliRock III solution, the cloud software serves as the central storage repository
for all logger data, as well as the providing tools for reviewing data and generating reports. Past
intelliRock generations transferred logger data to a PC, where data was provided for review and
in a .CSV file, requiring spreadsheet software to do data analysis. Now logger data is transferred and securely stored in the intelliRock cloud. With intelliRock concrete data now stored in
the cloud, it is accessible from anywhere using a smartphone or through any internet connected computing device with a browser.
In addition to storing all logger data, the intelliRock cloud software provides these functions for
intelliRock III system users:
• Projects: set up, manage, and review projects on which intelliRock III is logging data.
• Calibrations: upload mix calibration data for projects where you will use maturity.
• Users: administer user access to the intelliRock cloud software.
• Settings: set default temperature scale, upload company or project logos, and manage
remote boxes.
• Thermal: view thermal images captured by the intelliRock III thermal camera.
Reference the “Using the intelliRock Cloud Software” section of this guide for complete details
on using the intelliRock cloud.
Wireless Remote Overview
The intelliRock wireless system allows you to connect up to eight of either type of intelliRock
III loggers to the wireless remote box. The wireless remote enables data transfer directly from
placements to the cloud. The wireless remote eliminates the need to visit the placement with
an intelliRock III reader to collect logger data.
Wireless remote connectivity using 900 MHz radio is also supported. As with earlier intelliRock
generations, 900 MHz radio connectivity requires the use of an optional, PC-connected base
intelliRock technical support: Visit or call (866) 276-8369, 9am - 5pm, EST
station. When 900 MHz connectivity is in use, logger data is first transferred to the PC software, and from there goes to the intelliRock cloud.
Reference the “Using the intelliRock Wireless Remote” section of this guide for complete details on using the intelliRock wireless remote.
intelliRock® III– Operating Instructions Guide
intelliRock III Quick Reference
This quick reference section overviews the key operational aspects of the intelliRock III system.
For full details, refer to the related section of this guide.
intelliRock Reader Setup
1. Power on the intelliRock reader
2. Select the “Setup” (F5) menu option
3. Use the function keys to access and complete reader setup options:
• F1: set display for either PSI or MPa
• F2: set the time and date
• F3: toggle the clock display between 12 and 24-hour mode
• F4: set temperature scales
• F5: access secondary menus
Starting an intelliRock Logger
1. Connect the logger to the intelliRock reader by attaching the logger wires to the terminals on the reader.
2. Power the reader on, or if it is already on, wait for it to establish connection with the logger. For a new logger, the “Run Status” will display “Not Running”.
3. Select the “Logger” (F1) menu option, then the “Start” (F1) menu option.
4. Use the function keys to step through the logger setup screens, making the desired entries for Job Name, Datum, Maturity Method, and Logger Location.
5. After completing logger setup, select the “Save” (F1) menu option to start the logger. The
logger display screen will indicate a “Run Status” of “Running” during the first 60 minutes after logger startup, or “Running Locked” after 60 minutes has elapsed.
Reviewing Logger Data
1. Power the reader on.
2. Connect the logger you wish to review to the reader.
3. After a few seconds, the logger data display screen will appear. If the “psi” display is
zero, it typically means that no calibration mix has yet been associated with the logger.
Consult with the project engineer to know which calibration mix to select to view psi data
for any logger.
4. To associate a calibration mix with the logger, from the logger data display screen select
the “Mix” (F2) menu option. Note: calibration mix curves are uploaded to the reader via
the intelliRock Uploader software.
5. To view a graph of the logger data, select the “Logger” (F1) menu option.
6. The message “Data ready to be read” will appear on the screen. From this screen, select
the “Read” (F4) menu option.
7. A progress bar will appear on the screen, followed by a message, “Logger download
complete” indicating a successful data transfer to the reader.
8. Select the “Graph” (F4) menu option to see a graph of the logger’s data.
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Downloading Logger Data to the Reader
1. Power the reader on.
2. Connect the logger whose data you wish to transfer to the reader.
3. When the logger data display screen appears, select the “Logger” (F1) menu option.
4. The message “Data ready to be read” will appear on the screen. From this screen, select
the “Read” (F4) menu option.
5. A progress bar will appear on the screen, followed by a message, “Logger download
complete” indicating a successful data transfer to the reader.
6. Disconnect the logger and repeat the process for all loggers whose data you wish to
Transferring Data from a Reader to the intelliRock Cloud
1. After downloading logger data to the reader, connect the reader to the PC that is running the intelliRock PC software. Ensure that the reader is powered on.
• If using micro-USB (faster), connect the micro-USB end of the cable to the port on the
bottom of the reader. Connect the USB end of the cable to an available USB port on the
• If connecting via Bluetooth (slower; Windows 10 only), make sure that the reader is
paired with the PC.
2. In the PC software, click the “Reader” pull down list and select the reader:
• For micro-USB connected readers, the COM port to which the reader is connected will
appear in this list.
• For Bluetooth connected readers, the reader serial number will appear in this list
• If Bluetooth is active and the reader is connected via micro-USB, both the serial number
and COM port will appear in the list.
3. After establishing communication between the reader and the PC, click the “Read and
Upload Logger Data” button. The information window will display the status of the logger
data transfer.
4. After logger data transfer completes, the data will automatically upload to the intelliRock
cloud software if the PC is connected to the internet.
Using the Thermal Camera
1. Turn the reader on and press the FLIR logo button on the keyboard to activate the thermal camera.
2. After the FLIR logo splash screen displays, a live thermal image will appear on screen.
3. Aim the camera at whatever you wish to take a thermal image of, and press the camera
icon button to record the image.
4. Thermal images will upload to the PC and then to the cloud when data transfer is initiated.
intelliRock® III– Operating Instructions Guide
Using the intelliRock III Reader
To use the intelliRock III reader, press and hold the power button for about three seconds. The
reader should power on and display the splash screen shown in Figure 3.1.
Figure 3.1: The intelliRock III reader splash screen.
After powering up, the reader will display a screen similar to the one shown in Figure 3.2.
Figure 3.2: Initial display after reader power-up.
The reader display is organized into distinct display areas:
• The top line of the reader screen will display the time, date and battery status.
• The second line of the screen shows the status of any connected logger and its serial number. If no logger is connected to the reader, the display will read “No Logger” as
shown in Figure 3.2.
• The center and largest part of the screen is the main display area. In Figure 3.2, the display area is blank.
• The bottom line of the screen displays the menu options, selectable using the function
keys on the keyboard. In Figure 3.2, the only available menu option is “Setup.”
intelliRock III Reader Setup
The first time the reader is powered on, you will need to select the Setup (F5) menu option to
enter default settings. The screen shown in Figure 3.3 will appear.
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Figure 3.3: intelliRock III setup screen.
The setup screen displays the model number, firmware number and ID number of the reader.
The function keys allow setting or changing the settings shown on the bottom line of the display:
• F1: toggle between pressure unit settings, either PSI or MPa
• F2: set the time and date
• F3: toggle the clock display between 12 and 24-hour mode
• F4: toggle between temperature scales
• F5: selecting the “More” menu option will advance to a screen that displays a directory
of logger data files stored on the reader.
These intelliRock reader settings are persistent and are retained through turning the reader off
and on.
Setting the Time and Date
To set the time and date on the intelliRock III reader:
1. Power the unit on and enter the Setup menu as shown in Figure 3.3
2. Press F2 to set the time and date, as shown in Figure 3.4.
Figure 3.4: Setting time and date on the intelliRock III reader.
3. The information highlighted in red is in “edit” mode.
4. Press F3 to increase or F4 to decrease the field that is highlighted in red.
intelliRock® III– Operating Instructions Guide
5. Move between fields on the screen by pressing F1 (left) or F2 (right).
6. After changing the settings, press the “Menu” (F5) option to return to the home screen.
Choosing Language Support
After specifying the time, date, pressure units and temperature scale, the setup menu will allow
the user to toggle between supported languages, as shown in Figure 3.5.
Figure 3.5: Reader home screen after setup.
Use the F1 and F2 to toggle between English and Spanish, the languages currently supported
by the reader.
Establishing Bluetooth Connectivity
The intelliRock III reader supports Bluetooth connectivity to a PC to transfer logger data
from the reader to the PC software, or to transfer mix calibration curves to the reader. To
establish Bluetooth connectivity:
1. Ensure that Bluetooth is enabled on the PC and that the intelliRock PC software is running on that PC (a later section of this guide provides details on using the intelliRock PC
2. From the reader home screen as shown in Figure 3.5, select the Bluetooth menu option
(F4). The screen will display a Bluetooth pairing code as shown in Figure 3.6.
Figure 3.6: A Bluetooth pairing code.
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3. The reader will generate a new pairing code each time F4 is pressed. Should the initial
pairing attempt fail, press F4 as often as necessary to generate new pairing codes.
Once the reader is successfully paired with a PC using Bluetooth, under normal operations, the
pairing is persistent. However, should the Bluetooth connection fail, simply follow the procedure described in this section to re-establish it.
Select the “Menu” (F5) option to return to the home screen.
Reader Battery Life
Under normal conditions, a fully-charged reader should have enough power for one to two
months of usage. The thermal camera feature, however, consumes substantially more power
and will drain the battery noticeably faster.
The next section of this guide will describe how to use the intelliRock reader to start loggers
and then review the data they collect.
intelliRock® III– Operating Instructions Guide
Starting and Using Loggers
Starting an intelliRock Logger
To setup and start a logger, connect the wires from the logger you wish to start to the terminals
shown in Figure 1.8 at the top of the intelliRock reader. It does not matter which color wire goes
to which color terminal. Figure 4.1 shows the reader connected to a logger.
Figure 4.1: The intelliRock III reader connected to a logger.
When the logger is successfully connected to the reader, the screen may briefly display the
message “Testing” then “Good Link” before displaying the logger setup screen shown in Figure
Figure 4.2: intelliRock startup screen for a new logger.
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If the logger status on the screen does not indicate “Logger Connected” within a few seconds
of connecting the logger to the reader, disconnect the wires and reconnect them until a good
connection is made.
To setup and start the connected logger, select the “Logger” (F1) menu option, which will cause
the logger start screen as shown in Figure 4.3 to appear.
Figure 4.3: Logger start screen.
To start the connected logger, select the “Start” (F1) menu option, which will open the first of
the logger setup screens, shown in Figure 4.4.
Figure 4.4: Logger setup screen.
From the first logger setup screen shown in Figure 4.4, first select or specify the name of the
job associated with the logger you are starting. Keys F1 through F4 will display the last four
job names used, if any were specified. For each job name that already stored in the intelliRock
reader, the datum temperature and method for each job is also shown.
Select any of the existing jobs by pressing the associated function key. Or, press F5 to specify
a new job name, datum temperature, and method. These parameters should always be determined by the project engineer.
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