Ite n No.:
Th e fa med B-24 L ibera tor is o ne o f the most rec ogniz able WWII air craft of a ll t ime. Serv ing in every t heate r of
that glo bal confl ict, the B-24 fought to bring its br ave crews hom e th rough uni magin able dang er. With humi lity and
reve rence , Flig htLin eRC and M otion RC are pr oud to intro duce the world ’s first foam ele ctric PNP B-24 Liberator, in
reme mbran ce of the c rews wh o gave th e ultim ate sac rific e and tho se who ca rry on it s memor y.
Th e F light LineR C B -24 i s a pprox imate ly 1/10 scale , w ith a 2000mm win gspan an d 1 230mm leng th. Cons truct ed
from EPO fo am and reinf orced with integr ated alumin um, ca rbon, and plastic structu res, the B-2 4 deli vers the
ulti mate a ll aroun d experi ence for pilot s s eekin g the ultim ate foam PNP bomber replica . A ma gneti c nose sectio n
allo ws owners to swa p betw een two B- 24 var iants , the -D (” Green house ” nose), a nd the -J ( ”Emer son tu rret” nose) .
The Upper Turr et on both variant s and the Nose Turr et on the -J variant can be panne d with an o ption al servo.
Stee rable t iller s are pre -inst alled , inclu ding sp ecial p rovis ions to f it FPV ca meras i nside .
The Fli ghtLi neRC B-24 us es fou r 3530 -860K V brushl ess outr unner mo tors and fo ur 30A ESC s. A q uick
disc onnec t rib bon wire h arnes s con solid ates wirin g int o a centra l cir cuit board in the fuselage. T he re comme nded
pair of 4s 14.8V 2800-4 000mA h lip o bat terie s 2pcs can power the aircraft in exc ess of 110kph/70mph, for 4-10
minu tes base d on a pilot ’s th rottl e management. The out board mo tor pair and inbo ard moto r pair ar e run from
sepa rate fligh t batte ries, allowi ng for power ed la nding s in th e event of one b atter y fai ling. A 7 0mm tall nos e whe el
and 85mm tail main wheel s pro vide stabl e ope ratio n grass runways, and o ption al su spens ion s truts are av ailab le.
Asse mbly is c ompri sed of on ly 12 scr ews and g luing o n exter nal det ails su ch as ant ennas .
1.Th is is not a t oy! Ope rater s hould h ave a cer tain experienc e, begi nners s hould o perat e under t he guid ance of
prof essio nal pla yers.
2.Be fore in stall , pleas e read th rough t he instruction s caref ully an d opera te stri ctly un der ins truct ions.
3.Ca use of wr ong ope ratio n,Fre ewing a nd its vendors will not be he ld resp onsib le for an y losse s.
4.Mo del pla nes’ player s must be o n the age o f 14 year s old.
5.Th is plan e used th e EPO mat erial w ith sur face spray paint , don’ t use chem ical to c lean, o therw ise it wi ll dama ge.
6.You shoul d be care ful to av oid flyi ng in are as such a s public places,high- volta ge-in tensi ve area s,nea r the hig hway,
near t he airp ort or an y other p lace wh ere law s and regulation clearl y prohi bit.
7.You canno t fly in bad w eathe r condi tions s uch as th understorms, snows ....
8.Mo del pla ne’s batt ery, don’t a llowe d to put in e verywhere. Sto rage mu st ensu re that t here is n o inflam mable
and ex plosi ve mate rials i n the rou nd of 2M ra nge.
9.Da maged o r scrap b atter y shoul d be prop erly recycled, it can’t d iscar d to avoi d spont aneou s combu stion
and fir e.
10.I n flying fi eld, th e waste a fter fly ing sho uld be properly handled ,it can ’t be aba ndone d or burn ed.
11.In any c ase, yo u must en sure th at the th rottle is in the low p ositi on and tr ansmi tter sw itch on , then it c an conn ect
the li po-ba ttery i n aircr aft.
12.D o not try t o take pl anes by h and whe n flying o r slow landing process. You must wai t for lan ding st op, the n carry i t.
Pushrod instructions
Control board connection diagram
Battery Size
Center of Gravity
Servo Direction
Motor Specification
X-Mount & Motor shaft
Install power system
Control Direction Test
Dual Rates and Flight Attention
Basic Product Information
Package List
PNP Assembly Instructions
Wire Pull-Through Tool I nst ruction
Install Horizontal Stabilizer/Vertical Stabilizer
Install the Propellers
Install Main Wing
Install Magnetic nose cone
Install Scale Accessories