Flexcharge USA
Now you can have full control of lights, pumps, cameras, etc. with the accuracy of a Quartz clock.
Perfect for signs, yard lights, etc. The light can be turned ON and OFF at specific times of day and many
times a day if needed. When used in conjunction with the Flexcharge NC12L12 or Night Watchman
Dusk to Dawn controls, you can delay the evening turn ON until it is dark but still have an exact turn OFF
time. This will automatically compensate for changing sunset times. An internal replaceable Lithium
battery will retain your programming in the event of a system power failure. The basic system is capable
of controlling loads up to 16 amps at 12 volts and can easily drive an external relay to load capacities up
to 100 amps.
Follow the wiring diagram to connect the wires to your 12 volt system. The timer must operate from 12
volts AC or DC but the switch will control any voltage up to 250V. The BAT+ and BAT- terminals must
be connected to a 12 volt source to switch the load ON and OFF. You must supply power to the
Common ( C ) terminal for the load to obtain power. This can be any voltage up to 250 volts to meet
your load requirements. For example if your load is to operate from the same power source as the timer
clock, connect the ( C ) terminal to the battery positive terminal.
Set the clock to your local time and the day of the week.
1) Press and hold
2) Set the day of the Week by pressing the DAY key until the correct day appears.
3) Set the HOUR by pressing the HOUR key until proper hour appears. (24 hour time)
4) Set MINUTE by pressing the MIN key until the proper minute appears
When the time and day is set, release the CLOCK key
PROGRAMMING: It is not necessary to use all 8 event pairs but you will need to set both one ON time
and one OFF time for each event.
1) Pressing the TIMER key will enter the Program mode. Pressing the TIMER key will scroll
through the events. Stop on the event you want to set. There are 8 events and an ON and OFF time for
each event. Only set the events you need. All others can remain blank.
2) Press DAY key to select the day or group of days. Press the HOUR key to set the hour and the
MIN key to set the minute. To clear the event, press the DAY key then press and hold the TIMER key
until the setting clears. Always set an OFF time for each ON time. It is possible to have one OFF event
for several ON events. For example, if you have a light that comes on at different times each day but is to
be OFF at the same time every day. One OFF event is all that is needed as long as it covers all of the ON
When the programming is complete, press the CLOCK key.
The MANUAL key will select ON, AUTO, and OFF. For Automatic operation it must be set to AUTO.
You can manually turn the load ON and OFF by selecting ON or OFF. Watch the ___ cursor along the
bottom edge of the display window and stop it over the function you want.
All programming and time can be reset to New settings by pushing the RESET button with a pencil or
pen. Use caution, all programming will be lost when this button is pushed
Units manufactured after 10/01/00. After several years the battery may need replacement, contact the manufacture or your
dealer for further instructions.
7 Day, 8 Event Pairs, 16 Amp Resistive, 8 Amp Inductive, 12 Volt
the CLOCK button.