Flex Orange Power Cleaner User Manual

Product Data Sheet


Flex Orange Power is an all natural citrus extract solvent degreaser deodorizer which is designed for a multitude of industrial and institutional cleaning, degreasing and deodorizing applications.
Micro-micellular technology is used to blend Dextro-limonene and other premium citrus extracts with mixed ionic emulsifiers to yield a product with the highest theoretical cleaning ability and maximum emulsification properties.
All biodegradable formula
Contains all natural citrus extracts
Non corrosive and safe for all metal surfaces
Strong, clean, citrus odor


The strength of a petroleum product in an environmentally safe formula.
Contains no hazardous ingredients as defined by OSHA regulations.
May be used on any type of ferrous or non-ferrous metals including aluminum, copper, and brass.
Used for parts washing, grease trap cleaning, sewer plant cleaning and deodorizing, dissolving tar and many other applications.
Cleans without petroleum odors and leaves a pleasant citrus scent.
USES Tar & Asphalt Removal: To emulsify tar, asphalt, bitumen and asphalt-based plastic cement,
apply Flex Orange Power undiluted to the soiled surface by spraying, mopping or pouring. Allow to stand 2-4 minutes for deep penetration, agitate if necessary. Rinse with water preferably under pressure.
Remove Stains from Concrete: Remove oil stains from concrete. Pour Flex Orange Power directly on stain. Allow 3-5 minutes to dissolve stain, rinse off.
Sticker Removal: Pour Flex Orange Power on cloth and apply to area being cleaned. Rub until adhesive is removed.
Flex Membrane International Corp. 2670 Leiscz’s Bridge Road, Suite 400, Leesport, PA 19533
Tel: (610) 916-9500 Fax: (610) 916-9501 www.FlexRoofingSystems.com