ACFoAm®-III InsulAtIon
Data Sheet
Closed-cell polyisocyanurate (polyiso) foam core integrally bonded to inorganic coated glass facers. ACFoam®-III is offered in a variety of thicknesses,
providing long-term thermal resistance (LTTR) values from 5.6 to 23.6. Available in 4ft x 4ft (1220mm x 1220mm) and 4ft x 8ft (1220mm x 2440mm)
panels. Manufactured in accordance with ASTM C1289, Type II, Class 2, Grade 2 (20 psi) or Grade 3 (25 psi) and CAN/ULC-S704 Type 2, Class 3
or Type 3, Class 3.
When using ACFoam®-III in adhered systems, field testing has confirmed significantly more efficient use of solvent-based adhesives than with organic
faced insulations. Adhesive application rates vary by manufacturer. Check adhesive manufacturer’s recommendation for application rates. Manufactured
using CFC-, HCFC- and HFC-free foam blowing technology with zero ozone depletion potential (ODP) and virtually no (negligible) global warming
potential (GWP). Recognized by the GREENGUARD Environmental Institute as resistant or highly resistant to mold grow th based on independent
testing using GREENGUARD Test Method GGTM.P040 (ASTM D6329) for microbial resistance. ACFoam®-III contains between 6.2% and 10.9%
recycled materials by weight.
Manufactured and tested for use in new and re-roofing applications. ACFoam®-III is used in built-up (BUR), modified bitumen, metal, ballasted singleply, mechanically attached single-ply and adhered single-ply roofing systems. These roofing systems depend on proper installation for successful
performance. Refer to FM Approvals® RoofNav and UL Online Certifications Directory for additional application details.
ACFoam®-III shall be kept dry before, during and after installation. This product will burn if exposed to an ignition source of sufficient heat and intensity.
Do not apply flame directly to ACFoam®-III insulation. Refer to PIMA Technical Bulletin 109: Storage and Handling Recommendations for Polyiso Roof
Insulation. An offset or staggered multi-layer application of ACFoam® is strongly recommended when the total insulation thickness exceeds
2.7" (Atlas Technical Bulletin: TB- 5). Typical field fastening requirements can be obtained from membrane system manufacturer or FM Global
Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets 1-29.
Prior to installation, Atlas Roofing Corporation recommends that you consult your local building codes, contract documents, professional engineer, FM
Global, Miami-Dade County and membrane manufacturer for additional installation guidelines as well as design enhancements.
Dimensional Stability AST M D2126 < 2%
Compressive Strength ASTM D1621
Water Absorption ASTM C209 & D2842 < 1.5%, < 3.5%
Water Vapor Transmission ASTM E96 < 4.0 perm (228.8ng/(Pa•s•m
Product Density ASTM D1622 Nominal 2.0 pcf (32.04 kg/m
Flame Spread ASTM E84 (10 min.)
Smoke Development ASTM E84 (10 min.)
Tensile Strength ASTM D16 23 > 730 psf (35 kPa)
Service Temperature - -100° to + 250°F
Numerical ratings are not intended to reflect performance under actual fire conditions. Flame spread index of ≤ 75
and smoke development ≤ 450 meet code requirements for foam plastic roof insulation. Codes exempt foam plastic
insulation when used in FM 4450 or UL 1256. Physical properties listed above are presented as typical average
values as determined by accepted ASTM test methods and are subject to normal manufacturing variation.
20 psi (140 kPa) or
25 psi (172 kPa)
50 -170
LTTR (long term thermal resistance) values were determined in accordance with CAN/ULC-S770-09. Test samples
were third-party selected and tested by an accredited material testing laboratory. The LTTR results were reviewed by
FM Global and certified by the PIMA Quality Mark Program.
RSI is the metric expression of R-value (m2 • K/W).
*Multi-layer application is strongly recommended when the total insulation thickness exceeds 2.7"
in mm in mm
1.0 25.4 0.99 2.625 66.68
1.5 3 8.1 1.49 4.375 111.13
2.0 50.8 2.01 4.375 111.13
2.5 63.5 2.53 4.375 111.13
*3.0 76.2 3.06 4.375 111.1 3
*3.5 88.9 3.61 4.375 111.13
*4. 0 101.6 4.16 4.375 111.13
• ASTM C1289, Type II, Class 2, Grade 2 (20 psi) or Grade 3 (25 psi)
• CAN/ULC-S704, Type 2, Class 3 or Type 3, Class 3
• CCMC No. 12464-L
• UL Certified for Canada – Insulated Roof Deck Assemblies Construction
No. C38 and 52, Meet CAN/ULC-S126, CAN/ULC-S101 and CAN/ULC-S107
• UL Standard 1256 Classification – Construction No. 120, 123 & 292
• UL Standard 790 (ASTM E108) Roofing Systems Classification
• UL Standard 263 (ASTM E119) Fire Resistance Classification
Other than the aforementioned representations and descriptions, Atlas Roofing Corporation (hereafter, “Seller”) makes no other representations or warranties as to the insulation sold herein. The Seller disclaims all other warranties,
express or implied, including the warranty of merchantability and the warranty of fitness for a particular purpose. Seller does, however, have a limited warranty as to the LTTR-Value of the insulation, the terms of which are available
upon request from the Seller. Seller shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential damages including but not limited to the cost of installation, removal, repair or replacement of this product. Buyer’s remedies shall be limited
exclusively to, at Seller’s option, the repayment of the purchase price or resupply of product manufactured by Atlas in a quantity equal to that of the nonconforming product. Atlas distributors, agents, salespersons or other independent
representatives have no authority to waive or alter the above limitation of liability and remedies.
© Copyr ight 2014, At las Roofin g Corpora tion 01/14 ATL-132264- 00
• UL Standard 1897 Uplift Resistance
• FM Standard 4450/4470 Approved
Refer to FM Approvals
RoofNav for Specific System Details
• IBC Chapter 26 & NBC Sections on Foam Insulation
• California State Insulation Quality Standards and Title 25 Foam
Flammability Criteria (License #TC 1231)
• Miami-Dade County Approved
• State of Florida Product Approval (FL6796)
(7 70 ) 952-1442 • ATL AS RO OFING CORPORATION • 2000 RIVEREDGE PARKWAY, SUITE 80 0 • ATLANTA, GA • 30328 •