Flanders NESHAP 319, Precisionaire NESHAP 319 Specification Sheet

2 and 3 Stage Compliant System
Flanders-Precisionaire offers several choices for NESHAP filtration systems. These systems comply with EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Test Method 319 as it applies to the National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP). Reference 63 Fed. Reg. 59 (March 27, 1998) and 40 C.F.R. 9, 63.
The EPA Test Method 319 is a testing protocol in which potassium chloride and oleic acid are substi­tuted for chromate paint. These chemical sub­stances attempt to simulate dry and wet overspray characteristics of the chromate paint. This testing protocol verifies that an air filtration system has met minimum efficiency requirements, under laboratory conditions, utilizing potassium chloride and oleic acid.
If a spraybooth existed before 1999, its filtration sys­tem must comply with the two stage standards, and if it was built after 1999, it must comply with the three stage standards. Tables 1 and 2 show the required compliance efficiency levels by micron size. Recent legislation has shown that two or three stages are not necessary as long as the final stage has been certified to comply with the minimum effi­ciency levels outlined in the table above..
Method 319: Determination of Filtration
Efficiency for Paint Overspray Arrestors
Quote: “For a paint arrestor system or subsystem which has been tested by this method, adding addi­tional filtration devices to the system or subsystem shall be assumed to result in an efficiency of at least that of the original system without the requirement for additional testing. (For example, if the final stage of a three-stage paint arrestor system has been test­ed by itself, then the addition of the other two stages shall be assumed to maintain, as a minimum, the fil­tration efficiency provided by the final stage alone.”
Flanders Precisionaire’s final stage options have been tested and comply with NESHAP regulations. This allows a large range of interchangeable prod­ucts for the earlier stages
Flanders Precisionaire 2-Stage System
Stage 1 Varies Stage 2 325T 2-Pocket cube
Flanders Precisionaire 2-Stage System
Stage 1 Varies Stage 2 Varies Stage 3 319A 95% Bags
Two-Stage System Existing Before 1999
Minimum NESHAP efficiency ratings by particle size
Oleic Acid (Liquid) Postassium Chloride (Dry)
Efficiency Particle Size Efficiency Particle Size
>90% >5.7µm >90% >8.1µm >50% >4.1µm >50% >5.0µm >10% >2.2 µm >10% >2.6 µm
Two-Stage System Existing Before 1999
Minimum NESHAP efficiency ratings by particle size
Oleic Acid (Liquid) Postassium Chloride (Dry)
Efficiency Particle Size Efficiency Particle Size
>95% >2.00µm >95% >2.50 µm >80% >1.00µm >85% >1.10 µm >65% >0.42 µm >75% >0.70 µm
Recommended Change-Out Procedures
1. When the entire system is installed, obtain a static pressure reading for the clean system
2. Change out the first stage when the static pressure rises a1.0 w.g. above the initial resistance.
3. Repeat this procedure until the static pressure remains at 1.0 w.g. even with a clean first stage installed. At that time, replace the first and second stage. If a three-stage system is used, continue replacing stage 1 and 2 until the third stage maintains a 1.0 w.g. reading with both clean first and sec­ond stages installed, then replace the entire system.
Initial pressure for a system can be estimated for an airflow velocity of 150 FPM by totalling the initial pressure drop for each stage. This data is available in the technical performance data in this catalog.
Item No. Item Model Description Qty/Cs
DP PA1438 FP319A395S2415 12x24x15 PAK FP319A 95% 3Stage 4 DP PA1439 FP319A695S0015 20x20x15 PAK FP319A 95% 3Stage 4
DP PA1440 FP319A695S4415 24x24x15 PAK FP319A 95% 3Stage 4
Stage 1 FP3 332 331Y 330G PA100 Options PA 200 PA 300 PA 400 PA500 PA600
PS 125 225T Panel 325T Panel 425 Panel ST55 Panel
Stage 2 Cube 2325T Cube Filter (2-Pocket 325T Series Cube) Mandatory
2-Stage System Options
All products listed are located within this catalog.
Flanders Precisionaire Products
Stage 1 FP3 332 331Y 330G PA100 Media Pad PA 200 PA 300 PA 400 PA500 PA600 Options PS 125
Stage 2 225T Panel 325T Panel 425T Panel ST55 Panel Options 225T Cubes 325T Cubes 425T Cubes Any Stage 1 Option
Stage 3 319A 95% Bags Mandatory
3-Stage System Options
All products listed are located within this catalog.
Flanders Precisionaire Products
2 and 3 Stage Compliant System
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