FlaktWoods ECONOVENT – PUM Technical Handbook

Rotary heat exchanger
Technical Handbook
Fläkt Woods 3099 US 03.02 2 Specifications are subject to alteration without notice
Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,4
Design – Description – Accessories
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5,6
The process in the psychrometric chart
. . . . . . . . . . . . .7,8,9
Rotor selection
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
Selection of heat exchanger type and size
. . . . . . . . . . . . .11
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Design chart
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Project design advice
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14,15,16,17
Control Systems
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17,18,19
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20,21
Dimensions and weights
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22,23
Ordering key
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24,25
Sample specification
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26,27
Fläkt Woods 3099 US 03.02 3 Specifications are subject to alteration without notice
The ECONOVENT unit is a regenerative heat exchanger comprising a rotor which transfers heat and moisture from the exhaust air to the supply air as it rotates.
The supply air flows through one half of the heat exchanger, and the exhaust air flows in counterflow through the other half. Supply air and exhaust air thus flow alternately through small passages in the rotor in opposite directions.
Most important benefits: Reduced heat demand which, in turn, reduces the size and thus also the investment cost for the boiler station or the connection charge for tariff-linked heat, such as electric power and heat from the district heating system. In addition, the sizes and thus the investment costs for air heaters, pipes and pumps are reduced.
Reduced heat energy demand, which reduces the
operating costs, i.e. the oil consumption or the con-
umption charge for electrical energy or heat from the
district heating system.
Reduced energy consumption for humidification
(hygroscopic rotors) of the air, since moisture is also
Reduced cooling power demand (hygroscopic rotors) which reduces the size and thus also the investment cost for the refrigeration system (compressor, cooling tower, etc.), air coolers, pumps and pipes.
Reduced energy consumption for refrigeration (hygroscopic rotors).
General reduction in environmental pollutants.
ECONOVENT is a complete product range of rotary heat exchangers for air handling systems in various types of environments and plants. ECONOVENT is available with six different materials for the rotor, and the right material can therefore always be specified to suit most environments.
2000 3000 4000 5000 10 000 20 000 30 000 50 000
Air flow, m
Air flow, m
100 000 150 000
0.4 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 10 20 30 40 500.30.2
Air flow, CFM
500 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 10 000 20 000 30 000 50 000 100 000
Air velocity 400 FTM
Air velocity 900 FTM
Fläkt Woods 3099 US 03.02 4 Specifications are subject to alteration without notice
The heat exchanger consists of a casing, a rotor of hygro­scopic or non-hygroscopic type, and a rotor drive unit. Adjustable seals are fitted between the casing and the rotor on both sides, in order to minimize the leakage of air. The heat exchanger can be ordered either with or without purging sector. The purging sector is adjustable and prevents the carry­over of exhaust air to the supply air. Casing for sizes 060–240 The casing is of single-skin design and is made as one unit. An inspection panel (2 panels for size 190 and larg­er sizes) is located on the end wall or front (optional) of the casing as shown in Fig. 1. The drive motor and speed controller (for a variable speed unit) are fitted and tested at the factory. Note that a split casing as shown in Fig. 2 is available for size 150 and larger sizes.
Casing for sizes 265–500
The casing is of single-skin design and is delivered split, as shown in Fig. 3. Size 265 and 290 units can also be ordered assembled at the factory. Inspection panels are located on the front or on the end wall (optional) of the heat exchanger as shown in Fig. 3. The drive motor is installed on the inside of the inspection panel. Access panels are provided on the front of the casing for installa­tion of the rotor sector.
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Inspection panel
Inspection panel, optional
Inspection panel standard
Inspection panel, optional
Fig. 3.
The ECONOVENT PUM(A-F) Heat exchanger is deliv­ered as shown in Table 1.
Standard. 1) A composite rotor (PUMF) is always sectorized.
One factory-assembled unit Split casing
Split casing ( 2 units) Size One-piece Sectorized Sectorized Sectorized bbb rotor
rotor rotor rotor 060 080 095 110
120 135 150 170
190 200 215 240
265 290 320 350
380 420 460 500
Delivery form in split version.
Fläkt Woods 3099 US 03.02 5 Specifications are subject to alteration without notice
Design - Description - Accessories
Drive system
The drive system consists of an electric motor (constant speed or variable speed) with reduction gear, driving the rotor by means of a jointed V-belt. The V-belt is kept automatically tensioned by the spring-mounted motor bracket.
Temperature limit
The heat exchanger is suitable for use at temperatures up to +165°F. The temperature in the motor compartment must not exceed +100°F. If the supply or exhaust air temperature exceeds +100°F, see further under Temperature limit on page 19.
Materials and finish
Frame Sizes 060–240: galvanized sheet metal
Sizes 265–500: rotor support steel beams
primed with anti-corrosion
paint. Cover panels, inspection panels and purging sector: gal­vanized sheet metal. Hub (one-piece rotor): aluminum Hub (sectorized rotor): steel, primed with anti-
corrosion paint.
Rotor material
ALUMINUM ROTORS (A, C and E rotors) are non­hygroscopic, i.e. they recover only sensible heat, as long as condensation does not occur.
ALUMINUM ROTORS (B and D rotors) are hygro­scopic and recover both sensible heat and latent heat (on changing moisture content).
COMPOSITE ROTORS (F) rotors are hygroscopic, i.e. they recover both sensible heat and latent heat. The com­posite material is incombustible and contains no metals, which means that the material cannot corrode. The material is treated with silica gel-based substances.
Material Property
Max temperature -
rotor designation
range, °F
A Aluminum Non-hygroscopic 165
B Aluminum Hygroscopic 165
C Edge-reinforced aluminum Non-hygroscopic 165
D Edge-reinforced aluminum Hygroscopic 165
E Epoxy-coated aluminum Non-hygroscopic 165
Composite Hygroscopic 165
Heating and cooling energy recovery in air handling systems
- without moisture transfer. Heating and cooling energy recovery in air handling systems
- with moisture transfer.
Heating and cooling energy recovery in air handling systems
- without moisture transfer in a corrosive environment.
Heating and cooling energy recovery in air handling systems
- with moisture transfer in a corrosive environment.
Heating and cooling energy recovery in air handling systems
- without moisture transfer in corrosive environment.
Heating and cooling energy recovery in air handling systems
- with moisture transfer in corrosive, city, marine and coastal environments.
1) Available for a max. temp. of 275°F. Get in touch with Munters International Inc.
Fläkt Woods 3099 US 03.02 6 Specifications are subject to alteration without notice
Design - Description - Accessories
Accessories PUMZ-17 Duct connection frames
Slip joint connection, made of galvanized sheet metal and fitted to the heat exchanger at the factory.
PUMZ-20 Speed detector
Used for continuous monitoring of the rotor speed, with automatic alarm if the rotor should stop when heat recov­ery is needed. An alarm relay and sensor unit are needed for a constant­speed exchanger. Only the sensor unit is needed for a variable-speed exchanger.
PUMZ-21 Differential thermostat
In cooling energy recovery, used for switching the heat exchanger to maximum speed when the outdoor temper­ature is higher than the exhaust air temperature. Two sen­sors are included for fitting in the outdoor air and exhaust air ducts upstream of the heat exchanger.
PUMZ-27 Cleaning equipment
For automatic purging of the air passages in the rotor. With compressed air nozzle which is moved by means of a pneumatically actuated cylinder in a radial direction along the face of the rotor. Nozzle, cylinder and control unit are included. For assistance in selecting the variant and locating the equipment, please get in touch with Munters International Inc. representative.
PUMZ-28 Condensate tray
For collecting and disposal of the condensate from the rotor.
Fläkt Woods 3099 US 03.02 7 Specifications are subject to alteration without notice
The process in the psychrometric chart
-20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Dry Bulb Temperature°F
Humidity Ratio
100 110 120
Chart 1
Non-hygroscopic rotors - type A, C and E
In type A, C and E NON-HYGROSCOPIC rotors, only sensible heat exchange takes place as long as there is no condensation in the rotor. As soon as condensation occurs, the condensate will evaporate in the supply air. The graphic presentation of the process in the psychro­metric chart when condensation takes place varies with the operating conditions and can therefore not be speci­fied generally.
Outdoor air summer
Exhaust air summer
Exhaust air winter
Outdoor air winter
Fläkt Woods 3099 US 03.02 8 Specifications are subject to alteration without notice
The Process in the psychrometric chart
-20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Dry Bulb Temperature°F
Humidity Ratio
100 110 120
Chart 2
Hygroscopic rotors - type B, D and F
In type B, D and F HYGROSCOPIC ROTORS, the moisture and temperature efficiencies at full speed are equal. As a result, the process in the psychrometric chart runs along the interconnecting line between the inlet conditions for the supply and exhaust air
Outdoor air summer
Exhaust air summer
Exhaust air winter
Outdoor air winter
Fläkt Woods 3099 US 03.02 9 Specifications are subject to alteration without notice
The Process in the psychrometric chart
Summer operation
Charts 1 and 2 show summer conditions in which the out­door air is warmer and more humid than the exhaust air. The hygroscopic rotor (Chart 2) lowers both the moisture content and the temperature to the vicinity of the exhaust air conditions, and gives an enthalpy efficiency of 75%. The nonhygroscopic exchanger (Chart 1) lowers the temperature by the same amount, but does not change the moisture con­tent. In this case the supply air enthalpy efficiency will be only about 25%. The example illustrates the significance of the high moisture efficiency of the hygroscopic rotor, above all in humid, warm climates.
Winter operation
Charts 1 and 2 show a winter case with moderately low outdoor temperatures. No condensation takes place in the nonhygroscopic rotor, (Chart 1) which therefore does not contribute to the moisture content of the supply air. On the other hand, the hygroscopic rotor (Chart 2) raises the moisture content of the supply air by almost 11 Gr/lb of air, which usually offers welcome humidification of the supply air. The nonhygroscopic rotor can operate without risk of freezing even when condensation takes place at temperatures below 32°F.
Frosting - Defrosting
Rotor temperatures below 32°F need not necessarily cause frosting in the rotor. Moisture transfer then takes place by the moisture, which has been deposited as frost on the rotor surface, being evaporated on the supply air side. For frosting to occur, there must also be excess water in the rotor. This will take place if the supply air is not capable of absorbing the moisture that has condensed out of the exhaust air.
The frosting process, which causes an increase in pressure drop across the rotor, normally takes many hours. The frosting problem is therefore often relieved by the out­door temperature varying over a 24 hour period, or because the heat exchanger is in operation during only part of the 24-hour period.
Frosting limit
Frosting will occur if excess water should occur, at the same time as the supply air inlet temperature is below 14ºF. This temperature applies with relatively good accu­racy at different airflow rates, full speed and typical exhaust air temperatures occurring in comfort ventilation systems.
Excess water will occur in the hygroscopic rotor as soon as the interconnecting line between the inlet conditions for the two air streams intersects the saturation line in the psychometric chart (see Chart 3).
In the case of a nonhygroscopic rotor, excess water will form when the interconnecting line between the supply air condition and the exhaust air dewpoint plus approxi­mately 7ºF, as shown in Chart 4, intersects the saturation line in the psychometric chart.
Frosting time
As an example, it will take about 8 hours for the pressure drop to increase by 50% if the saturation curve is inter­sected as shown in Chart 3, and about 4 hours if the sat­uration curve is intersected as shown in Chart 4. Note that the frosting time will be as above if the temper­ature and moisture conditions are constant throughout the frosting time. But since the temperature often varies, the frosting time may be appreciably longer. As a result of factors such as operating time and supply air temperature variations, experience shows that a minor intersection of the saturation curve is permissible without significant frosting occurring, even if the design outdoor tempera­ture is below 14°F.
Defrosting - avoidance of frosting
Frosting can be totally avoided by preheating the outdoor air to a temperature so that the line connecting indoor and outdoor conditions in the psychometric chart falls below the saturation line. Heating to 14ºF is normally adequate. The rotor can be defrosted, normally within 5–10 minutes, in several ways. – By reducing the rotor speed to around 0.5 r/min (see
example 5 page 22).
– By preheating the incoming outdoor air to around
– By bypassing a sufficient amount of supply air across
the rotor so that the outlet temperature on the exhaust air side will be at least around 41°F. As an example, the supply air flow rate would have to be reduced to around half for defrosting to take place at the normal exhaust air temperature, at a 75% temperature efficiency and an outdoor temperature of about –4°F.
All three methods can be used for a variable speed rotor drive, while the last two can be used with constant speed drive.around half for defrosting to take place at the nor­mal exhaust air temperature, around 75% temperature efficiency and an outdoor temperature of about –4°F. All three methods can be used for a variable-speed rotor, while the last two can be used at constant speed.
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