Ages 12 to Adult
4-8 Players
Best Comparison Wins, Worst Comparison Spins!
Starting the Game
1. Choose a player to be the rst judge.
Dark Side
Modern Family
of the Moon
2. The judge deals ve cards, face
down, to each player (including him
or herself) then sets the deck to the
side to form a draw pile.
3. Players may look at their cards and
should arrange them so the same colors are lined up.
Tea Party
Lady Gaga
Best Comparison Wins!
5. The player whose Red Apple card was selected as being most
like the Green Apple card is the winner of the round and
receives the Green Apple card.
6. To keep score, players should keep the Green Apple cards
they have won on the table in front of them until the end of
the game.
9. The judge picks up the Red Apple cards played during the round and
discards them into the box.
10. The role of judge passes to the player who won the round.
11. Each player draws cards from the draw pile until everyone has ve cards in
his or her hand again (except for any players who received the “Lose a Card”
penalty from the Sour Apple spinner – they only get four cards).
12. Play continues following steps 1-11 until someone wins.
Winning the Game
SOUR APPLES to APPLES™ brings a tart twist to the classic party game!
It’s as easy as comparing “apples to apples.” Select the Red Apple card
from your hand that you think is best described by a Green Apple card
played by the judge. If the judge picks your card as the best match, you
score a point…but, if the judge picks your card as the worst match, you
have to spin the Sour Apple to determine your fate – will it be bitter or
What’s in the Box
• 360 Red/Green Apple Cards
• Sour Apple Spinner
• Quick Play Rules
Setting Up
1. Set the Sour Apple spinner to the side.
2. Open the card packs and thoroughly shue the cards.
Playing the Game
1. The judge looks at the Green Apple side of his or her cards, chooses
one to play and places it face up on the table, reading the word out
2. Each player (except the judge) looks at the Red Apple side of his or
her cards, picks the one that he or she thinks is most like the Green
Apple card played by the judge and places it face down on the table.
Quick Pick Option:
For a faster game, players must choose their Red Apple cards as quickly
as possible. The last Red Apple card placed on the table is returned to
that player’s hand and will not be judged during that round. If you
snooze, you lose!
3. The judge mixes up the Red Apple cards so no one knows who played
which card.
4. The judge turns over each Red Apple card, reads it out loud then picks
two of them – the Red Apple card that he or she thinks is MOST like
the word on the Green Apple card and the Red Apple card that he or
she thinks is LEAST like it. Once the judge has chosen the winning
and losing cards, the decision is nal.
Worst Comparison Spins!
7. The player whose Red Apple card was selected as being least
like the word on the Green Apple card must spin the Sour
Apple to see what fate has in store for them!
8. Push down on the top of the Sour Apple spinner to spin it.
Whatever symbol stops in the window determines what
happens next:
Can’t Talk Next Turn
The next time you play a Red Apple card, you can’t
speak when the other players “lobby” to persuade the
judge to choose a card!
Play Red Before Green
The next time you play a Red Apple card, you have to
play it before the judge plays his or her Green Apple
Pass the Sour Apple
Lucky break! You get to pass the Sour Apple spinner to
any other player – except the player who just won this
round – and they have to spin it!
The rst player to score 5 points wins the game!
For a longer game, play to 7 or 10 points.
Want to Play Again?
Shue all cards played in the previous game and place them at the bottom of
the deck. Pass the deck to the next judge and you’re ready to play again!
Occasionally shue the cards – constantly mixing them will allow you to make
new combinations.
The Cards
are dual-sided for double-duty!
When you’re trying to make a
match, play the Red Apple side of
your cards, and when it’s your turn
to be the judge, ip your cards
around and play the Green Apple
Lady Gaga
When it’s your turn
to play a match
Lady Gaga
When it’s your turn
to be judge
Playing Tips:
• It’s OK to play a Red Apple card even if it isn’t a perfect t. Some judges will
pick the funniest or most interesting Red Apple card.
• Lobbying and “table talk” are encouraged! Players can try to convince the
judge to pick any of the Red Apple cards on the table.
• Red Apple cards that begin with “My” should be read from the judge’s point
of view. For example: when the judge reads “My Co-Workers,” it means the
judge’s co-workers.
Double Play
The next time you play a Red Apple card, you get to
play two Red Apple cards instead of one!
Lose a Card
You must immediately discard 1 card from your hand,
and for the rest of the game you only play with 4 cards.
If you spin this symbol again later in the game, it has no
eect – you can’t have less than 4 cards in your hand at
the start of a round.
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Original Concept and Prototype: Matthew Kirby
PART CODE: T8151-0920
TOY YEAR: 2011
PKG. SIZE: 9.5” x 9.5”
PKG. SPEC.: Instruction VER.: 1st Run
NOTES TO PRINTER: Proofs accurate for process color only. All spot colors must follow PMS Color
Formula Guide or color swatch specified.
SOFTWARE: Illustrator CS3
CS DATE: 02/24/11