Fisher-Price I1045 Instruction Sheet

MODEL 71045
P/N 82356100 Rev. A
For 1 or 2 players / Ages 8 and up
It’s been called “one of the most addicting games ever,” and now you can join the obsession! Rotate the Tetraminos as they fall, and try to complete a full line of blocks. Play by yourself-or against a friend with their own Radica® Tetris® game. Good luck!
Start - Turns the unit on and starts a new game. Pressing this but-
ton also pauses the game and wakes the game from Sleep or Pause mode.
Left Directional Key - Moves a Tetramino to the left Right Directional Key - Moves a Tetramino to the right Up Directional Key - Turns on or off “Next Tetramino”. Down Directional Key - “Soft drops” the Tetramino. Rotation Button 1 - Rotates Tetramino clockwise Rotation Button 2 - Rotates Tetramino counterclockwise Sound - Toggle between melody/tone and sound off. Reset - Resets the game.
In Tetris® Challenge™, you must arrange a sequence of small shapes, called Tetraminos, into complete lines. As each line is completed, it will disappear from the screen.
Tetraminos fall from the top of the play field to the bottom. Each Tetramino is made up of four blocks, arranged into seven dif-
ferent patterns. A Tetramino will come to rest when it hits the bottom line of the
play field or when another Tetramino blocks it. If you continue to stack Tetraminos without completing a line, the
blocks will eventually rise to the top of the play field and the game will end.
As you advance to each level, the speed at which the Tetraminos drop will increase. Tetris® Challenge™ will automatically advance to the next game level each time the player clears ten lines.
During game play, the total Line Count will appear in the Score/Line Count indicator at the top right hand corner of the screen. When a player completes a line or multiple lines, the Score/Line Count indicator will show the total score, for two sec­onds. It will then return to the total Line Count.
Points are awarded for clearing each completed line of Tetraminos as follows, multiplied by the current level.
Single: 10 points: One line is cleared. Double: 30 points: Two lines are cleared at the same time. Triple: 50 points: Three lines are cleared at the same time. Tetris®: 80 points: Four lines are cleared at the same time.
NOTE: Game starts at level “00”. The point multiply will start by 2 at level “01”.
In the event that a player scores more points than can be dis­played, a “Roll Over” will occur and the score display will restart at zero. ARoll Over is indicated by dashes in front of the score.
The highest score of the game will appear on screen at the end of
the game.
Tetris® Challenge™ has three game modes: Classic Tetris (Game One), Speed Tetris (Game Two) and Ultra Tetris (Game Three). One or two players can play each game mode.
One Player - In Classic Tetris, you will compete for points/lines and continue to play until you “Top Out”. NOTE: “Topping Out” occurs when any cell for the starting position of a new Tetramino is filled.
Two Players - In Two-Player Classic Tetris, the players will com­pete to see which player can play the longest. Players will com­pete until either player “Tops Out.” When this happens, both games will end and the final scores will appear on both screens.
During game play, your opponent’s game status will appear in the Opponent Status Meter at the right of the play field. This status will indicate the location of the highest block in your opponent’s play field.
One Player - In Speed Tetris, your objective is to score as many points/lines as possible within a specific time period.
At start-up, you will select a 2, 3 or 5-minute game by pressing either Rotation Buttons. The time limit you have selected will appear on the screen. You will play until you reach the time goal or until you “Top Out”.
Two Players - In Two Player Speed Tetris, the players compete to score as many points/lines as possible in the selected time limit.
The players will compete until the time limit is exceeded or one player “Tops Out.” When a player “Tops Out,” both games will end. The final scores will be displayed on both game units. The player with the highest score at the end of the game is the winner.
The Opponent Status Meter in Speed Tetris indicates how many more or less lines your opponent has than you. If the status meter is counting from the top, your opponent has the indicated amount more than you. If the Status meter is counting from the bottom, your opponent has the indicated amount less than you.
One Player - In Ultra Tetris, you will attempt to clear a certain num­ber of lines within the shortest period of time.
At start-up, you will select a 25 or 40 line goal by pressing either Rotation Buttons. The number of lines you have selected will appear on the screen.
You will keep playing until you “Top Out” or when you clear the number of lines you have selected.
If you complete more than the Line Goal with the placement of the last Tetramino, you will be awarded all of the points scored, includ­ing points for lines completed over the goal.
Two Players - In Two Player Ultra Tetris, the players will compete to clear a number of lines in the least amount of time. The players will compete until either player completes the goal or either player “Tops Out.” The first player to complete the selected number of lines will win the game.
The Opponent Status Meter in Ultra Tetris indicates how many lines your opponent has left to complete. In a 25 line game, the first mark in the indicator counts as five, with the remaining marks counting as one line remaining. In a 40 line game, each mark counts as two lines remaining.
Press the Start button to begin a new game. You will see the Game Mode screen.
To scroll through the game modes, press the Up and Down Directional Keys. There are three game modes for one player, and three game modes for two players. (Note: Two player games require two players with individual Tetris game units.)
To select a game level, press the Right and Left Directional Keys. There are nine game levels, each increasing in difficulty. The game level icon is located in the top left hand corner of the screen.
When you have selected the desired game mode, game level and number of players, press the Start button to begin your game.
One or two players can play Tetris®. In a two-player game, each player must have their own Tetris® game unit.
When starting a two-player game, each player must have the same game mode selected.
To start the game, one of the players must press the Start button. The Countdown screen will appear. NOTE: Both Tetris® game units must be within communication range in order to start the game. If the game units are not within range, the Countdown will stop and the game will restart at the Select Game Mode screen.
During game play, communication between competing Tetris® game units must be maintained. If communication is broken for an extended period of time, the game units will beep to notify the play­ers to re-establish communication. If communication is not re­established within 30 seconds, the game will end and display the “Game Over” screen.
When a two-player game has been completed, a “Winner” and a “Loser” will be indicated on the screen. Each player’s score will be indicated on their game unit. However, only the winner’s High Score will update the High Score memory of the winner’s unit.
“Garbage” is exchanged between opponents in all two-player games.
When a player completes more than one line with a single Tetramino drop, “Garbage” is added to the bottom row of the oppo­nent’s play field.
As the Tetraminos fall, you will need to rotate them to fit into the lines below.
You can move a Tetramino to the left or to the right as it is falling by pressing the Left and Right Directional Keys.
A Tetramino will come to rest when it hits the bottom line of the play field or when another Tetramino blocks it.
After a Tetramino has come into contact with the blocks beneath it, you can slide it to the left or the right by pressing the Left and
Right Directional Keys.
You must rotate the Tetraminos as they fall and fit them together to create lines.
To “Soft Drop” a Tetramino, press the Down Directional Key. This will accelerate the Tetramino’s drop speed.
To rotate a Tetramino clockwise, press Rotation Button 1 until the Tetramino is in the desired position.
To rotate a Tetramino counter-clockwise, press Rotation Button 2 until the Tetramino is in the desired position.
To accelerate the speed at which a Tetramino falls, press the Down Directional Key. The Tetramino will “Lock Down” immediately upon contact with placed Tetraminos when using “Soft Drop”.
To pause a game during game play, press the Start button. Press this button again to return to the game in progress.
If either player presses the Start button during a two-player game, both games will be paused. The game units will remain in pause mode until both players press the Start button again to return to the game.
A game is over when any cell for the starting position of a new Tetramino is filled. This is called “Topping Out.” The words “Game Over” will scroll across the screen.
At the end of the game, the Score and Line Count Indicator will display the player’s line count, score, high line count, and high score.
After (1) minute of inactivity, Tetris® will go to sleep. To wake the unit press the Start button.
To reset the game, insert a small, blunt object into the small “Reset” hole on the front of the unit and press down gently. This will start a new game and erase all previously stored scores.
This game is powered by three (3) AAAbatteries. The battery compartment is located on the bottom of the game.
Using a screwdriver, loosen the screw until the battery compart-
ment door can be removed.
Insert three (3) AAA batteries (we recommended alkaline) as indi-
cated inside the battery compartment.
Replace the battery compartment door and tighten the screw with
a screwdriver. Do not over-tighten.
•As with all small batteries, the batteries used with this game should be kept away from small children who might still put things in their mouths. If a battery is swallowed, con­sult a physician immediately.
•Be sure you insert the battery correctly and always follow the game and battery manufac­turer’s instructions.
•Do not dispose of batteries in fire, batteries might leak if improperly installed, or explode if recharged, disassembled or heated.
Handle this game carefully.
• Store this game away from dusty or dirty areas.
• Keep this game away from moisture or temperature extremes.
• Do not disassemble this game. If a problem occurs, press the Reset button or remove and replace the batteries to reset the computer, or try new batteries. If problems persist, consult your warranty card for replacement instructions.
• Only batteries of the same or equivalent type as recommended are to be used.
• Do not mix old and new batteries.
• Do not mix alkaline, standard (carbon-zinc) or rechargeable (nick­el-cadmium) batteries.
• Do not use rechargeable batteries.
• Do not attempt to recharge non-rechargeable batteries.
• Remove any exhausted batteries from the game.
• The supply terminals are not to be short-circuited.
• Batteries are to be inserted with the correct polarity.
Keep this package because it contains important infor­mation.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause unde­sired operation.
WARNING: Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable pro­tection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and if not installed and used in accordance with the instruc­tions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful inter­ference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following meas­ures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from
that to which the receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio TV technician for